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WHAT IS ISLAM?A MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION: BELIEF IN ABSOLUTE UNIQUENESS OF GOD,WHICH WE CALL ALLAHIslam is Faith and Practice, accepted by the Mind and Heartof an Accountable Person. This person is then referred toas a Believing Muslim. This pamphlet will briefly explain the following:Who are we pledging our Faith to? (Iman)How to do we practice our Faith? (Islam)What is the manner of application of our Faith? (Ihsan)

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Iman, also known as Articles of Faith orCreed, comprise 6 essential Beliefs. A Muslim must Believe in the following:1.) Belief in Allah2.) Belief in His Messengers3.) Belief in His Messages (ie. His Books)4.) Belief in His Angels5.) Belief in The Day of Accountability6.) Belief in His Decree and WillWho are we pledging our Faith to? (Iman)

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How to do we practice our Faith? (Islam)Testification of Faith: Testifying that there is nogod but Allah, and that Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him and his family) is His finalMessenger.Salah: Establishing the 5 prayers each dayZakah: Giving charity to those in need, if you areby the meansFasting: Fast during the Month of Ramadaanduring the dayHajj: Perform a pilgrimage to the sacred House ofAllah (the Ka’bah) during the Month of Dhul Hijja,at least once in a lifetime, if you are by the meansWhat is the manner of application of our Faith? (Ihsan)Ihsan, also known as the Value System, is how aMuslim conducts him/herself when establishingthe above 5 laws and when engaging with all ofAllah’s creation (that is, humans, animals, theplanet):1.) To worship Allah as if you are seeing Him,and if you cannot see Him, realize that Allahsees you.1.)2.)3.)4.)5.)Islam has 5 Practical Laws:

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Who is Allah? And Why is He Worthy of Worship:Allah is One. Without any Partners(Quran: 112,1; Quran: 2, 163) The Quran is the book of Allah – it can be described as the Divine Speech ofAllah, sent to the final Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him and his family), masstransmitted and miraculously unchallenged.“And We have sent down to you the Bookas clarification for all things and asguidance and mercy and good tidings forthe Muslims.”(Quran: 16, 89)

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The Rule of 5:Allah is Eternal with no beginning. (Quran: 57, 3)If Allah had a beginning, wouldn’t it mean thatsomeone brought Allah into existence? Wouldn’tthat make Allah dependent and not independent?Allah is Everlasting with no end. (Quran: 57, 3)If Allah had an end, wouldn’t it mean that someonecan perish Allah out of existence? And wouldn’tthat make Allah not All-Powerful?Allah is not created. (Quran: 1, 2)By definition, the Creator cannot be the creation,otherwise it would be a contradiction of terms.Allah is not similar to the creation. (Quran: 42, 11) If Allah was similar to His creation, wouldn’t itmean that Allah shares certain aspects of Himselfwith His creation, and wouldn’t that give Himpartners? Allah does not resemble any creation inany way.Allah is not subject to change. (Quran: 59, 24)Change requires a cause, and cause supersedeseffect, meaning the cause dictates the effect, so ifAllah changes, who caused Allah to be changedand what can dictate Allah? Nothing can dictateAllah, therefore Allah is not subject to change.1.)2.)3.)4.)5.)

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Sources:1.) The Quran2.) The Hadith of Jibril3.) Al-Aqeedah At-TahhawwiyahFollow the My Madina, My Home, New Muslims Resource Centre Website: (Navigate to the My Madina, My HomeProject Link)Contact Our My Madina, My Home , New Muslims Resource Centre: At the Madina Belgravia Campus, 12 Veld Road, Athlone/Belgravia EstateFor Future Updates: