ConnectHerVolume 1 March 2023
Hi lovely! I am so happy you're here.About six years ago, I started awomen's empowerment group out ofdepression and that began my journeyto build a community of sisterhood forwomen all over the world. I wanted toempower, inspire, and support themin their personal and professionallives. If you've seen our growth and havebeen with us from the beginning, I'mso grateful that you're still here, and Ithink you'll be excited about what's tocome. If you're meeting WEWLA andme for the first time, welcome! Our motto is, “WEWLA, Where YOUnever do life alone.” After years oftrying to do it all by myself, I realized Ineeded help, so I assembled a team oflike-minded women eager to helpmake my vision a reality. With their support, WEWLA has manynew and exciting things coming yourway, including this magazine. There is more to come, so stay tuned. Visit WWW.WEWLA.COM, follow uson social media, and join our email list. We have many events coming up,including a 3-day conference inSeptember. I look forward to seeingyou soon.A NOTE FROM OUR FOUNDER,FRANCINE AYALAWEWLA is a non-profit organizationand transformational community thatcelebrates individuality in all womenknowing that we relate in themes notdetails. We want to grow professionallyand personally by equipping,encouraging, and empowering oneanother through positive growth. Ourfocus is self care, mental health, andpersonal development programs andworkshops to ensure YOU never do lifealone.FrancineWEWLA Connects is a for-profitbusiness that launched in October2022 as a platform for women to(connect), socialize (collab), and buildrelationships (community). We hostmonthly business networkingopportunities in person and online sothat relationships are built,partnerships are formed, andcommunity takes place.
M E E T T H E T E A M !Diana has supported and been a part of WEWLA from inception backin 2017. She has volunteered with Francine Ayala through variousorganizations for the past 12 years and looks forward to supportingwomen through numerous opportunities. She is one of WEWLA'SBoard Members and supports the team in fundraising andsponsorships.Francis became part of WEWLA in 2019 after the first WomenEmpowerment Summit took place. She continues to attendevents and assists the team through social media promotions.She loves the way everyone comes together to support oneanother. DIANA HERRERAFRANCIS THOMPSON-PADILLAKATIE GREENKatie joined WEWLA after attending the Women EmpowermentConference in 2022. She jumped on board with volunteering theday of event and became a Power Partner with WEWLA Connectsfor 2023. She loves being part of the team because of the unity andlove it creates. She assists the team in social media andpromotions. JENNIFER SORIANO-BALUYOTJennifer joined WEWLA as a Power Partner after she attendedseveral of WEWLA Connects networking events. She is currentlyassisting in our expansion department and spearheading WEWLA'Sspiritual team with Francine Ayala. She enjoys the atmosphereWEWLA has to bring and is looking forward to supporting morewomen.
JOIN TODAY!We're more than a networking group. We're acommunity and a sisterhood.
REGISTER TODAY!Want to network with us virtually? Join us every 2nd Thursday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. pstMeet a new empowered speaker every month.pst
Numerous online and in-person events are hosted by WEWLA and WEWLAConnects. We believe that every woman who cultivates businessrelationships in an authentic way also values making personal connectionswith other women so we offer professional and social events.
F E A R L E S S L Y F O C U S E DS U M M I TFrancine AyalaWEWLA Founder, Coach, SpeakerFrancine will share all of the excitingplans for WEWLA. As a mindset coach,she will also discuss how limitingbeliefs might be holding you back fromliving out your purpose in life. She willshare insights into how to becomeyour best self.WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVING AUTHENTICALLYWEWLAConnectsCarolina MarquezCoach, SpeakerYour health is your wealth! After adevastating car accident that killedher husband and severely injured herparents, Carolina struggled with herweight. As a participant on RevengeBody, she lost 30 pounds but thatwas only the beginning of herjourney. Her story will inspire you!
WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVING AUTHENTICALLYWEWLAConnectsG E T T O K N O W O U RS P E A K E R SVeronica CoronaBusiness Consultant, SpeakerVeronica is an award-winningentrepreneur who has been honoredby many organizations.Business Consultant - Assistingbusiness owners with strategicsolutions in operations, customerretention, contracts, and businesspolicies & procedures.She's a Best Selling Author of LatinaEmpowerment Through Leadership acollaboration with 7 other women.Her strive and determination is to helpother women in their ownentrepreneurship journey. Brandy RamettaYoga InstructorOwner, Heart & Soul YogaBrandy uses yoga not just as aphysical practice but also as a sourceof light to strengthen mental healthand raise emotional intelligence.With a personal interest in helpingothers, she uses yoga as a form oftherapy. Certified in both yoga andas a cognitive behavioralpractitioner, Brandy uses hereducation along with her lifeexperience to better serve others. She will guide our audience througha reflective meditation process.
MARCH 31, 2023PASADENA, CADr. Lori Ochoa, Ph.dCoach, Speaker, ProfessorShe will share an inspiring story ofturning her pain into her passion.After her son was born profoundlydeaf, she was having troubleprocessing her anxiety so she had tolearn and apply new strategies. Shewill offer her unique insight fordealing with life's challenges.WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVING AUTHENTICALLYWEWLAConnectsNikki FrustereEvent Planner, ProducerNikki has 15 years of event planningexperience. Nikki will explain whyexperiential marketing can be yourmost powerful marketing tool. Shewill offer insights into how to planand execute a memorableexperience for your professionalevents and personal celebrations.
IN THE SPOTLIGHTMEET CAROLINA MARQUEZAfter a devastating car accident that killed her husband and severely injuredher parents, Carolina was devastated and overwhelmed with grief. However,she knew her beloved Andres would want her to move on and be happy. Shewas determined to be more than just a widow struggling with her weight soshe bravely decided to "get raw" by going on national television. Carolinashared her story and lost 30 pounds while on Khloe Kardashian’s RevengeBody. However, that was only the beginning of her inspiring story that ledher to become the mentor, coach, and motivational speaker she is today.After leaving the show, Carolina set another goal for herself. She wantedJLO abs. Jennifer Lopez’s hustle, determination, and healthy lifestyleinspired her to train hard. She lost a total of 60 pounds and eventually gotthose famous JLO abs. Carolina was thrilled when Jennifer Lopez saw herposts and offered her some encouragement on her Instagram page. Her journey is filled with loss, yet her positivemindset changes people's livesInstagram also played a role in Carolina starting her business. A followerasked her how she stayed so positive considering all the losses she hadsuffered and suggested she start a women's group to help others.
Starting a support group was only naturalfor Carolina who grew up in a family thatalways gave back to their community. At anearly age, she realized helping others fedher soul. She was also inspired by herAbuelita Aurora who worked tirelessly aftercoming to this country. The two were veryclose. Their birthdays were one day apart,and they would always celebrate together.Losing her in 2008 was another devastatingblow for Carolina.Carolina's business, CAM is named after her(Carolina Aurora Marquez) and is a tributeto her beloved Abuelita Aurora whocontinues to inspire her. It also reflects hercore values of caring, accountability, andmentoring. Carolina is dedicated to helpingpeople change their mindset by stayingpositive no matter how bad things get. Shealso teaches others how to build a healthylifestyle rooted in longevity andconsistency, not just a quick fix. She offersone-on-one coaching sessions, sharesmindset exercises, hosts group events, andmost importantly, holds her clientsaccountable.Like most entrepreneurs, Carolina wasn’tsure she would be successful. However,helping just one person at a time was herpriority. She was confident that her valuesof having a positive mindset and believing inherself would help her achieve anything shewanted. She also knew that her experienceas a USC executive offered unique insightand the skills necessary to connect withpeople and handle stressful situations."Carolina’s energy is captivating, her positivemindset is inspiring, and it's clear that she ispassionate about what she does. She says, “Ilove talking to people and hearing theirstories, creating positive change in theirlives, offering hope, and reminding themthat they are worthy."Life and entrepreneurship can bechallenging at times. Carolina knows that ifshe works hard and does it “little by little”she will achieve whatever her heart desires.She has manifested so much already thatshe is confident she will create more. Shesays, “I know I’ll do it. I just need to bepatient. Rejection is protection and I’mloving this journey called life.” Surrendering, being present, and trulyfeeling her emotions took her healing toanother level and are keys to Carolina’ssuccess. Rather than avoid her feelings, sheembraces them. She says, “When God andthe Universe remind me to surrender andlet go of the outcome, life can be so muchbetter.” Learning to live with grief is one thing thatCarolina knows well. She says, “I love itwhen grief comes to visit me! It reminds meto slow down and be present with lifebecause it can all be gone in seconds.” Carolina is blessed with a wonderful familyand has found love again. She is engaged toan amazing man who supports her andhonors her late husband. She knows thatbeing grateful for what she has while stillworking for what she wants is the key to herhappiness, and is a beautiful reminder of thelove she once shared with Andres. You will often hear her say, “I amblessed. I wear my pain likediamonds!”Contact Carolina
Renea Caroline is the founder and proudowner of The BBQ Yard where she hascreated an environment that inspires,encourages, and builds confidence for allthose who come into contact with her andher business.Has BBQ always been a part of your life? Actually no, I had little to no experience inthe kitchen, growing up nobody in my lifeever smoked or bbq’d and now that I thinkabout it, I never did have a culinary passion. "MEAT" RENEA CAROLINENot that I disliked it, but I always did theminimum by following recipes and doingwhat was necessary to have a meal.Growing up you’d find me either playinghockey or shooting hoops with the neighborkids. Definitely not in the kitchen. I alwaysvisioned being a teacher, lawyer, or playingfor the Woman’s Olympic hockey team.So how did you get into BBQ?In 2008 I packed my car with about $800dollars in my pocket and decided it wastime for me to go explore the United Statesof America. Luckily I ended up here inSouthern California where I was called to aposition where I was assisting in a projectthat evolved around firewood, which iswhere I obsessed over everything andanything in regard to firewood, one of themhappened to be cooking wood, which ledme to the art of outdoor cooking. When did you know/feel you had a callingto do what you do?I always knew from a young age that Iwanted to be a teacher. Growing up I alwaysheard, “you’d be a great teacher.” I wasalways the one asking the 500 "why"questions. Understanding the “why” and the“how” has always excited me. But when Iwas younger being a teacher meant being ina classroom and that vision never felt rightin my gut but being a teacher was almostalways there - I just didn’t know exactlywhat that looked like for me. By Renea CarolineOwner, The BBQ YardRemember that YOU ARE ENOUGH and STAY SMOKIN'!
I have a true passion for watching otherswin. I’m the type of person who can be in aroom full of strangers and in a matter ofminutes know everyone's name, what theydo, where I can help support, and wherethey can give support. What has been one of the hardeststruggles you’ve had to overcome to getyou where you are today?Not listening to my gut intuition. Listeningto everyone else, looking for validation, andhaving the victim mentality. Did you ever have that “ah ha” moment?The ah-ha moment of me realizing goingwith my gut intuition EVERY single time isthe only way. Nobody has ever said, “Ishouldn’t have gone with my gut instinct."Another ah ha moment ... getting mybelongs thrown out onto the streets for thelast time. I’ve always had moments of uncertainty andwhen I chose to go with my gut instinct itwas always the right choice. I’ve had good days and not-so-good days. Icontinue to learn lessons. I know if I nevergive up there is no chance of a loss. So withevery fail forward I know I am always onestep closer to the win. When I quit trying Iknow it's game over.What advice do you have for someone whohas a fear of leaving their 9-5 job?Make the decision of what you want thenremove anything and anyone in the waythat is in the direct line of getting you there.Use and provide yourself with the resourcesthat are available in front of you. If there areno direct resources, create it, learn it, andfigure it the F*^# out - with no excuses.Stop being lazy and go fight the fight. Andwhen you fight the fight make sureNOTHING comes between you and that W.Know and believe you are enough... Andalways be that B.I.T.C.H - A female alwaysBeing In Total Control of Herself.
My name is Beth Ann, and I am the ownerand founder of Nomadic Cowgirl, LLC, andrecent #1 best-selling author inEntrepreneurship and Women & Business. Ihelp aspiring and established entrepreneursturn their dreams into reality by building asolid foundation to launch or relaunch theirbusiness. I have assisted numerousmotivated founders turn their fragmentedideas from conception into reality. I havealso helped struggling and exhaustedentrepreneurs shift from survival to successthrough streamlining and automating theirprocesses. Through business name creationand structure, to website development andadvertising, I help my clients solidify theirentire development process. Built-inbusiness coaching led to former clientsreporting they received a thoroughunderstanding of processes and optionsthat lead to well-informed decision-making.They also report patience andunderstanding related to their learningprocess. Whether you are building a legacy business,an empire of passion, or looking to turn aprofit through the sale of your business, Ican help you. I take the time to get to learnwhat you do, how you do it, and what yourgoals are. After that, I move quickly (I don’tlike having items on my to-do list!) andarmor you with support, resources, andtools on your path to success. My services include:Business LaunchBusiness RelaunchWebsitesBusiness CoachingBusiness AuditsMEET BETH ANNBy Beth Ann KaibNomadic CowgirlEveryone asks, why Nomadic Cowgirl? Istarted Nomadic Cowgirl during a verytransformational time in my life. I was on aroad of healing, self-discovery, and startinga fresh new life. Nomadic Cowgirl embodieswho I am. At the time of its creation, I wastraveling across the country in a traveltrailer with my daughter, 2 dogs and a cat.The mission: heal from an abusive marriagewhile rebuilding my self-worth. The Nomadin me was awakened. Being born in WesternNew York, I was raised on a ranch andriding horses at a very young age. As anadult, I utilized horses as my therapypartner during occupational therapysessions. Cowgirl. Finding my roots andfinding my way. If you scan the above QR Code, you willreceive FREE access to my Top Tool TipSheet where I share the top 5 tools I use tostay organized.Best Selling Author and Nomadic Cowgirl
30-45% of individuals who diet developdisordered eating. 25% of those withdisordered eating end up acquiring full-blown eating disorders. These numbers arejarring but are the reality. Yet, you are notalone if you have felt the pressure dietculture puts on you to lose weight to be"healthy" or have a more "sociallyacceptable" body. We live in a world thatidealizes “thinness” though the truth is, thindoes not always equal “healthy” especially ifthe cost is your mental health.Intuitive Eating (I.E.) is an anti-diet,evidence-based approach to finding foodfreedom and developing a healthy bodyimage. In effect, I.E. is linked to greater lifesatisfaction, unconditional self-regard, andpsychological hardiness. Weight loss is atemporary solution to happiness andcontentment. I.E. clears the pathway to anempowering and enlighteningjourney toward discovering the moreessential things in life.INTUITIVE EATING By Ariana Zurita, Resource: Intuitive Eating by Elyse Resch and Evelyn TriboleIntuitive Eating MommaHere are some ways you might start usingIntuitive Eating for your mental health.Question Diets and Diet CultureDoctors, books, society, and social mediatell us to diet and lose weight to be“healthy”. Nevertheless, studies indicatethat dieting is a predictor of weight gain.Your body is not the issue; willpower is notyour demise. Diets are not sustainable. Butpeople will dedicate their life to shrinkingtheir bodies because of diet culture.Unbelievable as it may sound, you can bementally and physically healthy withoutdieting.Eat When You Are HungryDiets advise us to eat less frequently and insmaller amounts. Permit yourself to eatwhen your body tells you that it is hungry.Not eating enough food can causerestriction, which can result in binge eatingand a loss of control. Honor your hunger,eat regularly, and be aware of your body'ssignals. Some signs of hunger includeirritability, a growling stomach,and headaches.Create A New BalanceCategorizing food as “good” or “bad” leadsto shame and guilt. A slice of cake will notmake you “unhealthy”. Criticizing yourselffor eating food you enjoy will harm yourmental health. Focus on behavior ratherthan diets. Engage in fun and stimulatingexercise. Take pleasure when eatingdessert. Wear clothes that comfortably fityour here-and-now body. Be kind toyourself. You are worthy at any size.Embrace Your Body, Heal Your Mind, Break the Diet CycleText National Eating DisorderAssociation, “741741” if you arestruggling with an Eating Disorder.
Do you find yourself in the same routine and old habits? Are you attracting the same energy ofpeople around you? Are you told you’re too emotional or you feel like you are? Do you feel like yourlife is going in circles and there’s no exit strategy?Hey girl! I got you. I’m Francine Ayala, Founder and President of WEWLA. I also know what it feelslike to be stuck, whether it’s relationships, career, finances, etc. I’ve coached women who manage abusiness, have a career, are moms, and try to have a life and keep it all together. Then they have todeal with the emotions that come up or the repeated habits they fall into and feel there’s no endresult. There are courses in our lives where we are programmed with limiting decisions and beliefs. Theactions we make or the actions we don’t take are attributed to how we’ve experienced lifethroughout our younger years. We are all affected and yet, very few of us are aware or understandwho we truly are or take the steps to live our best lives.Can I just say, I know what you’re going through? As a Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)Coach and Speaker, I knew I needed to share this message with my fellow women. I help womenchange their thoughts and behaviors to achieve their desired results. So if you’re fed up with the same processes taking place in your life and you’re ready to love whoyou are and how you get to show up as your best self, let’s chat to see if we’re a good fit. Scan theQR code above and schedule some time with me. I’m always happy to give support and guidancewhenever I can. (NLP) NUERO-LINGUISTICPROGRAMMINGFrancince AyalaNLP Coach, Speaker, Founder of WEWLAHow it can help your life and careerNeuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of principles and techniquesaimed at enhancing self-awareness, increasing confidence, buildingcommunications skills, and motivating positive behavior.It can help:Change your mindset for better habitsShift your perceptionsChange behaviors Heal traumasImprove communication with yourself and othersManage your internal voices and storiesManage stress, anxiety, & depressionWHAT IS NLP?
CONNECT WITH USErica MendozaRecruiter, Resume WriterMend Your Resume, Change Your LifeMention this ad & get 20% offYecenia BaltazarFinancial AdvisorNew York LifeCara NissenMentor & CoachBloom With CaraChronic Illness CoachNikki FrustereProducer, Event PlannerNixx Events
This impacts your well-being just as muchas substances impact someone experiencingaddiction.Once the untreated dysfunctional personcommits to getting professional help orleaves your life for any reason their mentalbounce back is an extensive process.Traditional therapy and detox processesfocus mostly on the person with unhealthybehavior patterns. What often getsoverlooked - and is just as important - isYOUR well-care and mindset after being ina relationship with an untreated person. This is where relational detox is necessaryfor you to move out of survival and backinto a space of wholeness and emotionalhealing. Facilities with medical staff. Irregularbowels. Irritability. These are the things thatcome to mind when thinking about thetraditional detox process - the typicalapproach for those who are struggling withsubstance addictions. However, the focus here is relational detox.Relational detox is the process that you can(should) go through when you've been livingwith someone whose toxic behaviors havealso been influencing your quality of life.When you hear yourself say 'enough' or 'nomore' to staying around people that makeyou feel 'less than' … take the courageousbut necessary step to change yourenvironment. Relational detox empowers you to resetyour nervous system and social life afterliving with people who have controllingissues such as addiction, narcissism,alcoholism, and undiagnosed or untreatedpsychiatric conditions. You deserve to feel safe in the home youlive in. When your personal time and spaceare influenced by dysfunctional behaviorfrom a family member, partner, spouse, orroommate that is untreated, you get stuckin a nervous system hijacking.A R E Y O U R E A D Y F O R AR E L A T I O N A L D E T O X ?By Katie GreenFounder, Hope Reignited ConsultingYou deserve to feel safe.
10 Indicators YOU need a relational detox: You walk on eggshells because you areafraid of their emotional outbursts.1.They dodge accountability and play thevictim.2.They score keep in your relationship orcreate obligations by doing things foryou.3.You are up at night with G.I. upsetsbecause you are stressed overconversations. 4.Your appetite and/or comfortabilityeating is dictated by their mood.5.They go from 1 to 1,000 when you dosomething they do not approve of.6.You know when to bring up certaintopics based on their behavior and/ortime of day.7.Your sleep is highly dependent on howthe day went with them. 8.If you mention their problem, you arethe problem & this launches a hostileargument. 9.You actively hide their behavior toprevent them from experiencing anyconsequences and justify everythingthey do when others point out you arebeing mistreated.10.If this is your current reality, share thesethings with your care team as soon aspossible. Although addressing the impactthis person had on you will be difficult, itwill get easier as you build momentum inyour healing journey. When people in your proximity reactemotionally to your new boundaries, do notget discouraged, they most likely benefitedfrom you not having boundaries before. What is involved in a relational detox? Whena loved one leaves your proximity to go totreatment or leaves your life due to theconsequences of their behavior, you mayexperience a mix of emotions ranging fromgrief to anger. As a disclaimer, your priority needs are:moving to safer housing, and if domesticviolence is involved, filing a police reportand/or a restraining order and seekingmedical care. It is important to understandthe unhealthy behaviors that started in ahostile living environment were self-preservation strategies and there is noroom for self-criticism or shame.Your relationship with food, alcohol,medications, and sleep may have gottencomplicated while in the unsafe housingsituation, and certain behaviors werecreated for survival. The relational detoxrequires getting both your mind and bodyhealthy and receiving treatment foranything your care team or therapists placepriority on. Additionally, you can reignite yourconfidence by receiving one-to-onesupport for relational detox with ourinnovative Control Your Narrative Sessions.These are designed to enable you to resetyour nervous system and recreate yourpersonal life that honors your health, work,and social activities. This is the best way toget your life back on track. Having walkedthis journey myself, I created the ControlYour Narrative Sessions to help myself andmy clients create a life they don't need toescape from. Therapy helps address trauma andimmensely complicated family dynamics.Often traditional therapy provides copingskills to withstand the situation. At HopeReignited Consulting our strategy is to helpyou change the situation and that startswhen you learn how to control yournarrative. It's your time to live a life free fromself-medication and unhealthyescapism. Hope is just around thecorner!
JENNIFER SORIANO-BALUYOTKATIE GREEN REALTOR® DRE Lic #02058171Behavioral Health ConsultantJennifer Soriano Baluyot is alicensed real estate agent at eXpRealty specializing in helpingfamilies buy and sell real estate inGreater Los Angeles and SouthernCalifornia. Recently, Jennifer wasselected to be Ms. Monrovia, aDesignated Local Expert, for herprofessionalism, client reviews andcontributions to the community.Jennifer has two awesome kiddos(16 & 11 yrs). Together, they enjoypracticing karate, going to churchand theme parks. She also enjoysphotography, yoga, weightliftingand the occasional ice bath.Contact Jennifer if you're lookingfor a phenomenal agent who willhelp you accomplish your goals. Katie Green, founder of Hope ReignitedConsulting, teaches self-advocacy toadult daughters of family dysfunction.As a mental health consultant, herbackground includes a BA in humandevelopment & psychology, an MA inforensic psychology, and an addictioncertification. She is a doctoralcandidate earning a PsyD in Psychology.Personally, she’s lived through what sheteaches. Katie has significantmomentum in her recovery fromdisordered eating, recurrentdepression, and PTSD from intimatepartner violence. Upon Autisticdiagnosis in 2018, Katie discovered herpurpose is equipping women to grow intheir confidence to be who they neededwhen they were younger.POWERPARTNERSContact HerContact Her
PARTNERSDEBBRA SWEETMotivational Speaker, NYTBest Selling Author, Award-winning performerInnovative San Diego businessleader, Debbra Sweet, pivotscompanies to profits by overlayingpowerful insights learned duringbrain injury rehabilitation with herdecades strong track record ofbusiness growth goal achievement.She’s Bold. Artistic. Unorthodox.She Challenges the Status Quo. SheWOW’s with substance & sensation. When you need to energize anddeliver results – Debbra works withyou in a way that is designed withintention to create the outcomesyou desire. Contact HerPOWERDIANA HERRERADirector of Lending atPasadena Service FederalCredit UnionDiana Herrera is married to herhusband of 25 years and they havetwo adult children. She is theDirector of Lending at PasadenaService FCU and has been withPSFCU for 15 years, and a total of 27years with credit unions.She really enjoys the credit unionphilosophy of “people helpingpeople”. When she's not working,she loves to hike and be outdoors.She also enjoys spending time withfamily and friends. She got involvedwith WEWLA almost from thebeginning. I love the community weare creating and meeting newstrong, fearlessly focused women. Contact Her
I have a doctoral degree in Psychology withan emphasis in Behavior Analysis. I am acoach, speaker, professor, and leader in thearea of personal development. I am blessedto have all of the behavioral andpsychological training and tools needed tohelp others and manage my personal life. My son was born in 2014. I was thrilled to bea mom and filled with so much love andexcitement at meeting my baby boy.However, I was also overwhelmed withanxiety, fear, and pain because he wasdiagnosed as profoundly deaf as a newborn.I thought I had all of the tools necessary tocope with his diagnosis but I soon realizedthat I didn’t have everything I needed. Myprofessional background, training, andexperience gave me the expertise tosupport his development but I needed toolsto help me cope with my anxiety and painfulemotions which were impacting my familyand overall well-being. This was the catalystthat changed the trajectory of my life andcareer.I turned to what I knew best, the science ofpsychology and behavior to help me processmy emotions. I began studying and applyingAcceptance and Commitment Training(ACT) in my own life and saw firsthand howhelpful it was. I experienced so manybenefits from adopting these strategies thatit inspired me to want to share them withothers.I T U R N E D M Y P A I N I N T OP U R P O S EBy Dr. Lori OchoaFounder, Life By Design, Inc.I am truly grateful for my son and thepivotal life experience that allowed me toturn my pain into purpose. I’m committedto sharing my story and expertise withothers facing similar struggles. Although they might be different, we are allclimbing mountains. I want everyone toknow that there are evidence-based toolsthat can help and that they do not have toclimb alone.
MORE ABOUT DR. LORIDr. Lori Ochoa is the founder and owner ofLife by Design Inc., a company specializingin personal development coaching,mentorship, and training. She received herdoctoral degree in Psychology with anemphasis in Behavior Analysis. Dr. LoriOchoa has been a Board Certified BehaviorAnalyst (BCBA) since 2008 specializing inmaximizing human potential, personaldevelopment, behavior change, andempowerment coaching. Dr. Lori Ochoa is acoach, speaker, and workshop leader in thearea of personal development forindividuals, companies, and organizations.CURRENT POSITIONSIn addition to operating her Life by DesignPersonal Development company, she is alsoan Assistant Professor in the BehaviorAnalysis department at The Chicago Schoolof Professional Psychology, Anaheimcampus. She is also the co-founder ofBloom Behavioral Health, a companyspecializing in providing behavioral therapyto children with developmental disabilitiesin Orange County, CA where she currentlyserves as the Executive Director. PERSONAL INTERESTSShe is a mother of 2 boys and has beenincorporating personal developmentstrategies in her own life to support herwell-being journey. She enjoys spendingtime with her family, hiking, yoga, fitness,golf, and all things related to wellness. Dr.Ochoa enjoys being of service to others infulfillment of her mission to help peoplemaximize their potential and thrive in life.ACCEPTANCE AND COMMITMENT COACHINGDr. Ochoa’s coaching, training, and mentorship program is based on Contextual BehavioralScience. Acceptance and Commitment Coaching is an evidence-based approach that aimsto increase psychological and behavioral flexibility in all areas of life. Dr. Lori Ochoa gives her clients the tools to get unstuck and face life’s challenges. Theylearn to stop avoiding, denying, and struggling with their emotions. Instead, they discovereffective ways to take action and do what matters to them based on their values.HER MISSION Life by Design Inc. is a company specializing in personal development coaching,mentorship, and training utilizing the science of behavior to help people live a rich, full,and meaningful life.
My name is Brandy Rametta and I am theproud owner of Heart & Soul Yoga andWellness. I use yoga not just as a physicalpractice but also as a source of light tostrengthen mental health and raiseemotional intelligence. With a passion, Iteach others to use movement, breath, andcommunity as healing tools. Heart & SoulYoga offers a full-circle wellness experienceby uniquely bridging intentional weeklyyoga sessions, monthly wellness speakers,transparent community conversations,knowledge-based workshops, and socialwellness events.How it all started - Since my firstexperience at a Bikram Yoga class inSilverlake, CA in 2004, I was immediatelydrawn to the way my body and mind shiftedin that very intense and sweaty 90 minutes.Every yoga class after that cracked me opena little bit more and in those challengingclasses, I realized yoga was my medicine. FUELING HER COMMUNITY WITH HEALING ONAND OFF THE MATThe “work-in” that brought a community togetherBy Brandy RamettaOwner, Heart & Soul Yoga in Whittier, CAAt the age of 24, I set out a goal to become ayoga teacher before I turned 40 and had aclear vision to teach this sacred practice asa way to guide healing and bring thecommunity together. Intuitively I knewthen, at 24, that it was not my time tobecome a teacher. Through the years, life got busy, dark attimes, and hard; but every windy roadalways lead me back to my mat. Like manyothers, I had a timeline of pain to track. Istruggled to get out of a verbally abusiverelationship. I did not know how to mournthe loss of my Grandmother. I fell into deeppostpartum depression after having my firstbaby. I had an identity crisis after losing my15-year career in the fashion industry. I heldon tightly to the pain I felt from unresolvedgenerational trauma. I questioned myfoundation and love after seeing my parentsgo through a heartbreaking divorce. I feltdefeated in my efforts to take care of myhealth. While each of these trying chapters lead meback to my mat time and time again, itwasn’t until I had my second child that I putfaith in myself and decided to startrewriting my story. I used my pain as avehicle for healing. I created a plan anddecided to start sharing my healing journeywith my followers. I waited for nothing andstarted exactly where I was. I started yogatraining at 38 years old, while in postpartumdepression. I started teaching yoga at 200lbs. I started teaching in a location where,because of culture, selling yoga wasn’t theeasiest. I started my business 5 months pre-Covid and pushed through.
I did not have anywhere to teach and so Imade my home my studio. Thanks to myyoga practice, nothing was going to stop myjourney this time. I did not have anyone tolead me when I started and so I became myown leader. I did not have a wellnesscommunity and so I built my own. In 2020, I officially started teaching kids.And by 2021, I was not only teaching adultsand kids but inviting monthly wellnessleaders to speak at Heart & Soul to helpgrow our inner-community connections. Bythe end of 2021, I founded The WhittierWalk for Wellness. And in 2022, as morewellness leaders and people started to comefor yoga and our healing circles, weestablished The Women on Wellness Group,Awaken the Divine Feminine EmpowermentBrunch, The Local Wellness Collective, andThe Work IN Workshop. Taking the time to do the hard inner work,not only has helped to heal my big woundsbut it has pushed me to a stronger versionof myself, allowing me to optimistically linkarms with others as we journey together.I am grateful and honored to say I have hadthe opportunity to teach yoga and speak ontopics like generational wellness, healing,yoga & mental health to major groups suchas ActiVision, The Nature Conservancy, TheLions Club, and many more. Because our wellness groups continue togrow, people do not have to start a wellnessand healing journey alone. The growth ofour wellness groups is a testimony of health,hope, and healing. This first-of-its-kind,growing wellness community is focused onbettering themselves one breath at a time. Her Commitment Brandy is committed to representing,positive body image, and diversity withinyoga and wellness, guiding people to self-discovery and building bridges in ourcommunities to foster mental health for all.No matter what age, weight, gender, color,physical, emotional, or mental ailment,every person who comes to Heart & Soul isreminded, that the “work-IN” is the realworkout and to start exactly where they are. Her Mission Brandy is on a mission to diversify yoga +health journeys and to build leadershipwithin wellness for and by POC. She iscommitted to helping redefine self-care bybringing yoga and wellness practices into allhomes, communities, corporations, schools,and more. Her goal is to empower womenand men to break generational cyclesthrough wellness education, healthylifestyle choices, and self-love. Brandy is a mother of a boy, 6 and a girl 4,and has been happily married for almost 9years. She loves hiking, being in mothernature, cooking, and all things wellness. Herpassion for helping others pours over intoher family life and says a significant part ofher reason “why” is for her Mother,husband, and children. Heart & Soul Yoga practices in mothernature, stimulating a deeper connection tothe energy of the universe. A place thatoffers support but also reminds us that all ofour answers are within us if we take thetime to look inward.
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