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Westside Story June July 2024

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Team,Looking back over the financial year that was2023/24, we can be very proud of everything wehave achieved together. The implementation of Gearing up for Growthand the processes and systems we have andcontinue to put in place to prepare us for thenext delivery phase “Rolling into Phase Two” arealready showing improvements. Feature Articles:Complex Cut-overCompleteMech/Elec Upgrade SP0883PAGE 6How to Remove aConcrete WallPenrith Stage 7PAGE 8June/July 2024 - Vol 3W E S T S I D E S T O R YIn this issue:Bi-monthly news, updates and information about the West Region Delivery TeamOur commitment to safety is shown in thereduction of safety incidents . Our environment, quality, stakeholder, andcommunity engagement teams continueto set high benchmarks, reflected in theKPI results.We're making significant strides in ouraccuracy of forecasting.We are showing more significant levels ofconsistency in meeting our milestones. Our ideas and innovations continue to flowand convert into efficiencies and cost-and time-saving outputs. continued page 1. The Rear-View MirrorLooking back over FY 23/24 1-5The Eighth Wonder of the World, Windsor 5Complex Cut-Over CompleteMech/Elec Upgrade SP0883 6Cost and Time Saving: Commissioning Laptops Service Delivery 7In House Expertise and Teamwork, Redbank 8How to remove a Concrete Wall: Penrith Stage 7 9The Future of Service Delivery is in good hands:Apprentices & Graduates 10From Little Things Big Things Grow,North Richmond Urgent Stability Works 11Green and Gold, gold, gold at Nepean 12So long, silt! SP0419 Fairfield 13A Captive Audience- STEM Based Learning Boundary Creek 14Liverpool Dewatering Upgrade: A roof to be proud 15End of Financial YearSPECIAL EDITIONFY 23/24

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We are approaching the halfway mark of thiscontract, and the midway point is always acrucial part of any journey. You're tired! Fatiguecan set in, the finish line might not be visible,your focus can become blurred, and you mightstruggle with a sense of direction. Our directionis 'Volume at Value, delivered safely' and ourfocus must be "Time and Cost". It is a valuable exercise to look back in the rear-view mirror; the back end of last financialyear has shown a consistent improvement trendin our time and cost performance, meaning weare maturing and well on our way to being ahigh-performing team. Remember, we are not just a team, but a familyof approximately 115 different roles. Each roleand the person in that role plays a crucial part inour journey and success. Let's harness thechallenges ahead, back ourselves, support eachother, and prove that in the next step of thisjourney, Rolling into Phase Two, we have what ittakes to prove 'West is Best'! Thank you everyone. Iain and Darren Iain McGregor, Regional Delivery Lead and Darren Jackson, Area Delivery ManagerWESTSIDE STORYThe Rear-view Mirror(FY 23/24)Our Service Delivery team (OperationalMaintenance, Facilities Maintenance, andMajor Periodic Maintenance) has masteredplanning and action during adverse weatherevents. This year, the team has proven yet again thatthey are trusted and reliable experts whoensure critical services are provided safely toour customers.PAGE 1Our safety record continues to improve,meaning we are looking out for our mates.We've made great strides toward a no-harmworking environment and must continue strivingfor zero!Our Environment, Quality and StakeholderEngagement results, showcased later in thisnewsletter, speak for themselves. We lead theway across this Delivery Program; our processesand systems are the benchmark and have beenadopted across other regions. Gearing up for Growth went ‘live’ on 1 December2023. Months of planning and repositioning for“Our Future” means we are well equipped todeliver for “Our Region”. The shift change andthe new structure will bolster us to take on theleap from a $300 million program of work to onethat is $500 million per year. This increase willmean more opportunity and career growth for“Our People”.One of our team's greatest strengths is gettingwork done, but on the flip side, one of ourweaknesses is getting the work done on timeand at cost. Volume at Value! Time and cost will be ourcritical focus area as we move into the nextphase of the model to ensure the WRDTestablishes itself as the high-performing teamthe leadership team knows we can become. Gearing Up forGrowthWeather EventsVolume at ValueLeading the way

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TOTEX is an acronym for Total Expenditure. At a project level, TOTEX looks at not just thecapital spend on a project but how both thecapital and operational spend work togetherthrough the life cycle of the project. Year 3 (22/23) Year 4 (23/24)05101520253035LOOK HOW WE’VE GROWN....ALL WRDT PERSONNEL FROM YEAR 1(2020) TO NOW.Year 1 (20/21) Year 2 (21/22) Year 3 (22/23) Year 4 (23/24)02004006008001000Male FemaleMale83%Female17%Wages SalariedSalaried69%Wages31%WESTSIDE STORY PAGE 2The Rear-view Mirror(FY 23/24)TOTEX also looks at network or site wideopportunities to enhance the performance ofexisting assets and improve their whole of lifevalue. It is a holistic approach to ensure theoptimum solution selected represents valueengineering opportunities and value formoney.12THE NUMBER OF TOTEXIDEAS GREATER THAN $1M APPROVED FY 23/24THE NUMBER OF TOTEXSUBMISSIONS FY 23/24THIS AN INCREASE ONPREVIOUS FY. MEANING OURGREAT IDEAS ARE STILLFLOWING!TOTEX IDEAS YEAR 3: 88 AND YEAR 4: 112TOTEX (PENDING/APPROVED) Our Team TOTEX112YEAR 3 $30.1MYEAR 4 $34.7M BREAKDOWN OFMALE & FEMALE STAFF(AS OF MAY 2024)BREAKDOWN OFWAGES &SALARIED STAFF(AS OF MAY 2024)56480664905

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The overarching safety culture andorganisational maturity across operationalareas at WRDT has improved with teams takingmore ownership of their safety management. This is demonstrated by the increase in leadingindicators i.e the number and quality of safetychecks that are carried out. Our Safety performance in the last financialyear has improved with a reduction in theoverall number of safety related incidents. Moreover this year only four of these incidentswere classified as ‘high’ severity, compared toten in this category last FY 22/23. We have greater transparency of safetylessons and communications through ourWeekly Safety Snapshot and Monthly Toolboxesas well as periodic alerts and targeted safetycampaigns.In FY 23/24 we focused on:Fall prevention.Control the Roll: safe parking and SW ACE.Being safe during the festive break.Back to work 2024 – 12 days of wellness.Sydney Water Summer of Safety.Roll out of Living Safely 2.0.Hands Safety: Hands in the line of fire.Health & SafetyWESTSIDE STORY PAGE 3We have continued to excel in the environmentalspace by maintaining the amazing achievementof zero significant environmental incidents onthe program. The launch of the WRDT Environmental Principlesand associated guide ensures we have a set ofstandards we are proud to commit to. WRDT conceptualized and launched the ENPO(Environmental Potential Incidents) processwhich was later adopted by all regions andSydney Water. Truly leading the way! Environmental Inspections completed this year:146: Delivery Portal Functional Inspectionscompleted 702 Salesforce WRDT EnvironmentalInspections completed. EnvironmentThe Rear-view Mirror(FY 23/24)WRDT conceptualized andlaunched the ENPO(Environmental PotentialIncidents) process which waslater adopted by all regionsand Sydney Water.

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Community & StakeholderOur project teams are set up for success with ahigh level (93%) of Quality Compliance across allprojects achieved by three month and yearlyhealth checks. We’ve had a fourfold increase in the close out ofReport Actions with a whopping 189 QualityReport Actions or RA’s closed in FY23/24. WRDT has the best close out culture.In addition, there has been 70% increase this yearof Quality Salesforce inspections with a total of440 inspections conducted. We have also increased the efficiency of WaterRetic and Critical Water Mains projects byinitiating and convincing Sydney Water to reducethe number of inspection points due torepeatedly successful jobs.WESTSIDE STORYI would like to take this opportunity to give praise fora job well done for one of the Sydney Water staff onthe recent pipeline change major works in my areaof Lethbridge Park. I only know him as Tommy. He worked outside my house with the team, fromNovember 2023 to June 2024.In short, my address wore the brunt of a lot of worknoise. One night I just couldn’t take it anymore. Myhusband was sick, I was sleep deprived, & tired of thework in my driveway & outside my home each night,it was relentless. My husband was in hospital & Iwas tired, & as I drove down the road, the workmenwere in my driveway & I just lost it. Tommy had excellent communication skills, knowinghow to defuse the situation, listened with empathy, &even made sure he followed up on my concerns. Heis such an asset to Sydney Water. I commend him forhis excellent customer service skills & continuedwarm approach to us. Please look after Tommy as he is worthy of a greatposition within Sydney Water, managing other staff& educating team on how to handle people instressful situations.Letter from a resident of Lethbridge Park We received 73 third party compliments andrecorded 47 internal celebrated actions- largelydue to the teams out on the ground, doing thehard years in the community. Thank you! PAGE 4GIVEN THE IMPACT OF OUR WORK ON THECOMMUNITY IT IS REMARKABLE THAT WE RECEIVETHREE TIMES MORE COMPLIMENTS THAN WE DOCOMPLAINTS FROM CUSTOMERS. QualityThe Rear-view Mirror(FY 23/24)We’ve had a fourfoldincrease in the close out ofReport Actions in FY23/24. WRDT has the best closeout culture.We impact an average of 11,150 stakeholders per month.... and how about this for a compliment from acustomer? Congratulations Thomas Arbie, asupervisor on one of our Retic and Critical WaterMain projects. Wow!

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WESTSIDE STORY PAGE 5The Eighth Wonder of theWorld, WindsorAs you can imagine the project took anenormous amount of coordination. Thank youBrett Lewis (pictured), Andre Chissell FacilitiesMaintenance Coordinators, Kaizad IraniRegional Property Asset Manager, PropertyServices, and Peter Tuckey Property AssetManager, Property Services. (both pictured) Customer at theHeart:We have thecustomer at theheart ofeverything we do.We Care:We care for oneanother, theenvironment andthe community.The Rear-view mirror(FY 23/24)LinkedInWE HAVE INCREASED OUR SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE.WE’RE NOT QUITE TRENDING YET! BUT #wearewestWRDT BOOSTED OURLINKEDIN FOLLOWERS IN23/24 BY 1500 OR 82%WE HAVE BEEN‘LIKED’ 4891 TIMESTHIS YEARThe Rotary Club of Windsor presented SydneyWater and the West Region Delivery Team witha Certificate of Appreciation for their assistancein coordinating this mural on a disused pumpingstation, in Howe Park on The Terrace at Windsor. The mural features local landmarks and iconicscenes from the Hawkesbury Region and waspainted by regional artists.

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WESTSIDE STORYComplex CutoverComplete: SPO883 Mech Elec UpgradePAGE 6Thank you Joel El-Melky for this story. Ask around, and you will learn that SP0883,located at Cranebrook in Penrith, is known fortwo things: being big and being old!(not that there is anything wrong with that...)Now, it has another more positive claim to fame.SP0883 is also home to WRDT’s biggest cutoverto date, an achievement that the project teamfor SPO0883 Mechanical Electrical Upgrade canboast. In fact, the whole cutover activity was sowell planned and executed that it will becomethe template for all future cutovers. The team had to conduct many tests and trials(three, in fact) to fine-tune the cutover, whichwas carried out after hours. The SP0883 pumpstation is now officially offline to carry outfurther mechanical and upgrade work. Theestablished FIFM for this project has proven tobe successful, and now it is going to be adoptedby other projects, too.On behalf of the team, Joel El-Melky (ProjectManager) would like to thank the following: Quickway: For excavating/installing thepermanent bypass pipework safely/efficiently,especially with the tight spaces that had to bemanaged and the live services nearby.NPE: For successfully setting up the entire bypasspumps, temporary pipework and all telemetryrequirements in accordance with the client'srequests. Stowe: For doing their part in electricallyconnecting the bypass system. Our very own WRDT Maintenance team: For working through one of the most complexmethods of draining a 70-year-old rising main! GSJ: For the gut-wrenching work inside the drywell, connecting the pipework while the clockwas ticking. There was a lot of pressure to geteverything 100% right, and they had two EWP + acrane being used simultaneously. Even with thecrane breaking down at 3:00am they pulled it offsuccessfully!WRDT and Sydney Water project teams:For working through all the moving parts leadingup to the night, organising all thesafety/enviro/quality/comms arrangements andapprovals and for the seemingly endless workassociated with the FIFM itself. A truedemonstration of a real team effort, One Team:We worktogether withhonesty andintegrity.Make Every Dollar Count: We make everydecision andevery dollarcount.

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WESTSIDE STORYCommissioning Laptops-Service DeliveryPAGE 7these laptops will mean there is less needfor OEM to visit site, a visit that, on average, costs SydneyWater $2,500 per call out in regular hours. Mark DudleyService Delivery ManagerOn 18th July Aaron used the field commissioninglaptop to recover a critical variable speed driveat SP0419 Fairfield; a high flow sewer pumpstation. The team tried but could not get theOEM to the site for repair (the quote was over$2500), but they could send Aaron the as-commissioned drive file via email so he couldutilise the laptop to work his magic to remedythe issue.Make EveryDollar Count: We make everydecision andevery dollarcount.Innovation:We createbetter andsimpler ways ofdoing things.CorrectionIn the June/July edition of Westside Story thefollowing diagram was used to explain pressuresewer systems, of which the West Region hasabout 6700 units. If you need more information about SydneyWater’s pressure sewerage systems, pleasecontact Sydney Water:Leaks and service faults: 13 20 90 (24 hours)Billing and general enquiries: 13 20 92 (business hours)Email: SavingTime- SavingOur Service Delivery team have developedanother cost-saving initiative that will allow usto provide a more efficient service to SydneyWater. Late last year, Aaron Smith (ServiceDelivery Electrical Specialist) developed an ideawithin the Service Delivery team to obtain afield commissioning laptop with fulladministration rights for the Electrical team toincrease the operational maintenancecapability and self-delivery of Sydney Waterequipment setup/commissioning including: 1. Variable speed drives and soft starters fornetwork water/sewer pumps 2. Network sewer pump station emergency PLCs 3. Site level/pressure instrumentation Over the past few months, this laptop and all itcan offer have been so valuable that, underAaron's guidance, the group is now rolling outthree other laptops to electricians across theWest Region to enable broader coverage inregular and after-hours scenarios.This use of the diagram was incorrect. Whatshould have been shown was the diagram below(from the current version of Sydney Water’sPressure Sewerage System Home Owner’s Guide(see below). This diagram correctly represents and explainsmaintenance responsibilities for Sydney Waterowned/WRDT maintained pressure sewerageequipment, rather than privately ownedequipment.REAL TIME EXAMPLE...

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WESTSIDE STORY PAGE 8In house expertise andteamwork, RedbankIt was only 12 months ago that IFC design wascompleted for the Redbank Reservoir andPumping Station project at North Richmond andnow a bunch of blokes in high vis are standing infront of the completed tanks! All jokes aside, when your project has been sosuccessful, and your reservoir tanks look thisgood, you’re forgiven!Pictured above: More blokes in high vis.Left to Right: Paul Smith (Construction Manager-Growth), Iliyas Mohammad (Construction ProjectManager), Steve Hall (General Manager Eastern RegionUtilities- Fulton Hogan & JV Board Member), SteveGasson (Executive General Manager -Abergeldie & JVBoard Member), Brad Pilsworth (Supervisor) and Matt Allen (Senior Site Supervisor). It has been great working our in-house designteam. At one point, we were talking aboutoutsourcing the design & engineering that wouldhave led to cost & time fluctuations. It was a wisedecision by our Construction management team &Design management team to keep this job in-house. All lessons learnt will be applied onupcoming projects and this is truly a greatoutcome for us & Sydney Water”Iliyas MohammadConstruction Project Manager The project hasn't all been free from frustration.The past three months have been challengingdue to schedule changes caused by rain delaysand subcontractor staff shortages due to illness.However, the team's dedication and drive to getthings done is evident as planning permittedthem to open up more work fronts with multiplesubcontractors on site to mitigate future timedelays. June and July have been a hectic couple ofmonths for the team both the reservoir and thepumping station sites celebrated some majormilestones. The elevated steel twin reservoirsare complete, and at full height. each is 17.6m,and the walls of the water pumping station arepartly complete and on schedule to be 100%complete very soon.Stay tuned for further updates. Pictured above: The very proud Design & EngineeringLeads at Redbank Reservoir site. Pictured above: Iliyas Mohammad (Construction Project Manager), Louis Zhao (Project Engineer), Darren Schreiber(Engineering Manager) and Vrushank Naik. (DesignManager-Facilities).One Team:We work togetherwith honesty andintegrity.Make EveryDollar Count: We make everydecision andevery dollarcount.

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WESTSIDE STORYHow to remove aconcrete wall:Penrith Stage 7PAGE 9Pictured: Removal of the concrete panels was carriedour via vertical saw cutting, and a 70T crane was usedto lift each of the panels. Make EveryDollar Count: We make everydecision andevery dollarcount.Innovation:We create betterand simpler waysof doing things.Who can remove a concrete wall 50 metres inlength, 4 metres high and 170mm thick?We can.Who can remove a concrete wall fromunderneath three steel walkways? (without removing the walkways because theycontain electrical cables). We can. Thank you Tim Rimer for this story. Pictured above: A temporary works solution was designedwhere cored holes were used as lifting points andpropping to support the wall during saw cutting.The team would like to give a shout out to all thecontractors involved in the works:First and foremost; the WRDT Blue Collar Teamfor covering all onsite work, Carrickshock PtyLtd, the Coring and Saw cutting Contractor,Shore Hire for temporary works design andsupply and of course, Melrose Cranes.Our Construction Project team at Penrith Stage 7were tasked with removing a concrete wall to allowfor the installation of an aeration grid. Picture agiant concrete Jenga puzzle that has to bedismantled, piece by piece! To add to the challenge, the team planned toremove the concrete segments in sections as largeas possible to reduce time and cost. However, theconcrete sections couldn’t be ‘too’ big because thiswould make transportation by road to the recyclingfacility too tricky. A temporary works solution was designed to usecored holes as lifting points and propping tosupport the wall during saw cutting. Due to theunique nature of the job and limitations such astemporary works and crane access numerousworkshops were held to discuss and determine thebest removal method. In the end all the planning paid off, precise riggingdetails and close coordination between thetemporary works design and lift study resulted inthe successful and safe removal of the concretepanels.