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Town of Weston American Rescue Plan Act Grant Recommendations PRESENTATION TO THE WESTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN/BOARD OF FINANCE May 12, 2022 DRAFT VERSION 1 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION 2  ARPA Overview  Process of determining projects for consideration  Overview of project ideas to date  Gather feedback from stakeholders  Next Steps BOARD OF SELECTMEN & BOARD OF FINANCE PRESENTATION 2 5/10/2022

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 The Town of Weston has been awarded a $3,034,000 grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)  These monies may be used to remediate economic and public health impact of the pandemic, needed investments, water/sewer/infrastructure, and replace lost revenue which may be used for government purposes: • 1st installment of 50% of the funding has already been received • 2nd installment will be received June 2022  Grant will be distributed through the appropriation process.  Deadlines • April 30, 2022 – to elect ARPA funding as “revenue loss” • December 2024 – final appropriation deadline • December 2026 – complete expenditures deadline DRAFT VERSION 3 ARPA OVERVIEW 5/10/2022

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• Formation of ARPA Advisory Group: • First Selectwoman • BOF Chair/Vice Chair • Building Committee Vice Chair • Town Administrator • Finance Director • Begin extensive process to provide full needs assessment • Craft recommendations with short term, long term, high impact options. • Present recommendations to joint BOS and BOF meeting on May 12 • Solicit feedback from board members • Present ARPA funding recommendations at a public hearing on May 26. • Citizens will have opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback • Finalize Plan and Timeline June 2nd. • Special Town Meeting will be held on June 16 and a machine ballot vote will be made on June 18 to approve plan Discover February – April 2022 Deliberate April – May 2022 Discuss May - June 2022 Decide June 2022 DRAFT VERSION 4 ARPA PROCESS 5/10/2022 • Weston is one of the few towns in CT that is affording its citizens the opportunity to vote on this plan.

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DRAFT VERSION 5  The Final Rule made in January 2022, delivers broader flexibility and greater simplicity in the program, responsive to feedback in the comment process.  Recipients have two options for how to determine their amount of revenue loss.  1. Recipients may elect a “standard allowance”of the lesser of the total grant amount or $10 million to spend on government services through the period of performance.  2. Recipients may calculate their actual revenue loss according to the formula articulated in the final rule. Under this option, recipients calculate revenue loss at four distinct points in time, either at the end of each calendar year (e.g., December 31 for years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023) or the end of each fiscal year of the recipient. 5 REVENUE LOSS OVERVIEW The “standard allowance” approach was selected at the joint BOS/BOF meeting on April 14 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION 6  Specific uses are for any government service which can include but not limited to: • maintenance of infrastructure • pay-go spending for building new infrastructure, including roads; • modernization of cybersecurity, including hardware, • software, and protection of critical infrastructure; • health services; environmental remediation; • provision of police, fire, and other public safety services  Weston may NOT use the money to: • pay interest or principal on outstanding debt • replenish the rainy day or other reserve funds • reduce taxes • pay settlements • make pension payments, or • use for non-federal match where barred by regulation or statute 6 ARPA REVENUE LOSS USES & RESTRICTIONS 5/10/2022

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PROJECT CRITERIA & CATEGORIES  Project Categories  Infrastructure  Public Safety  Community Projects | Amenities  Resilience/Emergency Preparedness DRAFT VERSION 7  Project Criteria  Eligible use for ARPA  Can meet timing requirements for being completed  Use for Town projects (school received their own grant separately)  One Time Capital Projects  Not Operating Expenses  Large projects that would otherwise be difficult to fund in normal capital budget  Make a difference in our citizens lives, benefit by accelerating the timing  Support long term Town needs and priorities (POCD) 5/10/2022

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8 DRAFT VERSION 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION  Infrastructure: *Ravenwood Water System Renovation $810K  Infrastructure: *Road Paving $500K  Facilities: Senior Center Bathrooms Renovations (2) $31K  Facilities: Library generator $50K (Matched with 50K from State Library Grant)  Note: Bridges and Sidewalks are funded with Federal $ and not eligible for ARPA;  Septic & Water may be financed with IIJA funds through the State Revolving Fund program.  Municipal Water application sent 3/31/22  Septic Renovation $1.2M – TOW will apply to SRF (20 yr. loan 49% forgivable); timing will be dependent on school renovations. $1,391,000 9 PROJECT IDEAS –Infrastructure / Facilities * Project is on the current 5-Year Capital Plan full or in part 5/10/2022

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PROJECT IDEAS – Public Safety DRAFT VERSION * Project is on the current 5-Year Capital Plan  Police Records Room Construction: $320K  *Rescue 5: $350K (½ costs of new fire truck)  Emergency Services: Create emergency accessway from Wood Hill Road to School Road -$35K $705,000 10 5/10/2022

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PROJECT IDEAS –Community Projects: Amenities DRAFT VERSION  Public/Private Partnership: Allocation to the Weston Town Green: $150K (Offutt will Match/must be by match Deadline)  Public/Private Partnership: Allocation to Lachat Town Farm | Offutt:$100K (Offutt will Match/ must be by match Deadline) – Restricted to FFE  Public/Private Partnership: Allocation to Dog Park Accessway, Parking, & Plantings: $135K (135K match Privately Funded| IN POCD)  TOW: Allocation to Parks & Recreation for *Bisceglie Pond: $115K  TOW: Allocation to Parks & Recreation for Pickleball Courts: $100K $600,000 11 * Project is on the current 5-Year Capital Plan 5/10/2022

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PROJECT IDEAS –Resilience DRAFT VERSION  Tree Work: $120K  Charging Stations: $18K  Composting Station Pilot Program at Transfer Station: $10K  Lachat /Nature Conservancy Public Safety /Wetlands Work: $90K $238,000 12 5/10/2022

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TOTAL COSTS DRAFT VERSION  Total Project Ideas = $2,934,000 | Total Grant = $3,034,000  Infrastructure: Ravenwood Water Project, Road Paving  Facilities: Weston Library Generator, Senior Center Bathrooms Renovations (2)  Public Safety: Police Records Room, Rescue Engine 5, Emergency Access from Wood Hill Road to School Road  Community Projects/Amenities: Town Green, Lachat, Dog Park, Pond, Pickle Ball Courts  Resilience: Tree Work, Charging Stations, Lachat Wetland Maintenance, Compost Station Pilot 13 5/10/2022

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14 DRAFT VERSION 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION 15 Sample Project Timeline DRAFT VERSION 5/10/2022

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NEXT STEPS DRAFT VERSION  Advisory Group Revises Project Recommendations Based on Feedback  Via Everbridge send notice to public to review proposal and advise of public hearing 5/26 and email feedback  BOS Holds Public Hearing - May 26th  Advisory Group Develops Final Proposa l  Next stages of approval process  Advisory Group presents to BOS | BOF to approve plan 6/2; BOS establishes a Special Town Meeting  Special Town Meeting/Machine Ballot Vote June 16th/18th  Project monitoring and reporting to the Treasury and State OPM 16 5/10/2022

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APPENDIX DRAFT VERSION 17 General Project Descriptions & Cost Estimates 5/10/2022

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Infrastructure|Ravenwood Water Project DRAFT VERSION 18 Weston - Ravenwood Water System 2022 Opinions of Cost Water System Solutions & Design, Inc. • 20,000 gallon atmospheric storage tank, delivered to site $125,000 • Remove old hydro tank, install new storage tank - site work $50,000 • All new piping, electrical, mechanical and controls - interior of pump station $100,000 • New remote well control systems for existing wells - 2 sites - 25K each $50,000 • Automatic backup power systems for well sites - 2 sites - 30K each $60,000 • 2 new wells, located, drilled, tested, tied in. - 50k each $100,000 • Emerging contaminants treatment systems, designed and installed $50,000 • Redundant controls, alarms, pumps, motors controls $50,000 • Building repairs, roof, doors, lights, heat $70,000 • Design, Engineering, submittals, permitting $50,000 • Total Opinion of Costs $705,000 • Contingency, 15% $105,750 • Total with contingency, based on May 2022 material and labor costs $810,750 5/10/2022

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Infrastructure| Road Paving DRAFT VERSION 19 Funding FY 22-23 $360K capital +$562.5K BOS FY 23-24 $1M Capital + $750K BOS FY 24-25 $7.8M Lotcip + $750K BOS FY 25-26 $750K BOS DRAFT VERSION as of 5/10/22 5/10/2022

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Facilities|Weston Public Library Generator DRAFT VERSION 20 Preliminary Pricing to come from Cannondale Generators 5/10/2022

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Facilities | Senior Center Bathrooms Renovations(2) 21 DRAFT VERSION as of 5/10/22 5/10/2022 DRAFT VERSION

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Public Safety | Police Records Room DRAFT VERSION 22 5/10/2022

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Public Safety | Police Records Room DRAFT VERSION 23 The proposed Records Room project in the Town Hall basement would convert an existing unused crawl space into a document storage room. The new room would be the place where the non-police records would go. The non-police records are currently located in a nice basement storage room located near the police department. Once that existing room is vacated, then the police records would go in there. Ultimately, this project is needed because the Police Department needs a place to store its records that cannot be digitized. This project would be a tremendous benefit to the police department and address its most critical need. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $485,478. Here is a breakdown: $37,273 Design costs thru bidding $29,905 Engineering oversight throughout construction $300,000 Construction costs $118,900 High Density Storage System _________________________________________________ $485,478 Total Since we have already received a Connecticut STEAP grant in the amount of $128,205 and an additional $37,273 in the FY 22-23 budget, then the amount of funding necessary to complete this project would be $320,000. 5/10/2022

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Public Safety| ½ Rescue Engine 5 DRAFT VERSION 24 Weston Volunteer Fire Department Capital Procurement Plan Fiscal Year 2022 - 2033 Rescue 5, a 2003 Hackney light-duty, 2-passenger, Rescue Truck, was purchased in 2003. • At the time funding was limited and no additional funds were provided despite our request. • Rescue 5 was undersized from day 1. • Specific rescue equipment cannot be carried on it due to size and weight restrictions. • As a result we have been forced to stage equipment in the firehouse rather than on the Rescue. This is less than optimal for an agency providing emergency response. • We have maintained the Rescue to ensure it’s mechanical readiness however it is at the end of its useful life. • It is difficult to drive due to its poor turning radius, poor site lines, slow acceleration and poor braking capability. • In addition we are unable to upgrade specific rescue tools, such as Hurst EDraulic extrication tools, as they will not fit on the apparatus. 5/10/2022

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Public Safety | School Emergency Access via Wood Hill Road DRAFT VERSION 25 Total costs include gravel, tree removal & gate Itemization TK from John Pokorny DRAFT VERSION 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION 26 Weston Town Green Project: The quintessential front yard for a handsome neo-colonial town hall, Weston Town Green will host proclamations, civic celebrations and casual gatherings. A graceful elliptical walkway invites visitors to enjoy the refurbished Gazebo, a new Veterans Memorial and new bench seating - all overlooking a revived landscape of red, white and blue perennials, a pollinator meadow, and a hearty luxuriant lawn. Weston Town Green offers a much needed gathering space for this charming small town in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The project includes: •A new Veterans’ memorial •A 9/11 memorial garden •All ADA-accessible walkways •New lighting and directional signage •An elliptical walkway with benches surrounding a lush green lawn •New gardens and a demonstration pollinator meadow •Capability of holding a variety of events The Daniel E. Offutt Charitable Trust has pledge a matching contribution of $250,000. By making a donation towards this wonderful new public meeting place, you will help create a vibrant park for neighbors and visitors to gather and celebrate the best of small town living in downtown Weston. A bronze plaque, mounted by the front door of Weston Town Hall, will list the major donors of the project.See the below links for more information including drawings and renderings: •Weston Town Green •Weston Town Green Proposal 21-10-11 All donations are being handled by the 501c3 organization, The Weston Community Foundation. Community Projects | Amenities Town Green DRAFT VERSION as of 5/10/22 5/10/2022

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DRAFT VERSION 27 Community Projects | Amenities Town Green For a full accounting of the items for the Weston Town Green please see the link below. 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities Lachat Offut Center FFE DRAFT VERSION 28 Daniel E. Offutt III Education Center The Friends of Lachat have received a pledge of $2 million with matching funds of another $1 million from the Daniel E. Offutt estate to build a new educational center at the Farm. The building, with a demonstration kitchen, art studio space, indoor classroom area, and an open design to permit fireside concerts and lectures from October to May, would help to address Town demand for cooking classes, canning lessons, instruction on composting and bee raising, and other topics related to the Farm's mission to engage with the community to provide education about farming, gardening, and sustainability. Architectural renderings are to scale. The building's size has been reduced subsequent to these drawings and animations being produced. Current architectural plans can be viewed here. View architectural animation video. 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities Lachat Offut Center FFE DRAFT VERSION 29 Main Gathering Space: Stacking chairs on rolling racks Work/Craft tables Audio/video components including speakers Projection screen Mobile coat hanging racks Lighting fixtures throughout the Center Kitchen outfitting: Appliances including dishwasher, stove, ovens, refrigerator, freezer Induction burner portable unit for countertop teaching demonstrations Baking sheets, mixer, and other baking needs Pots & pans Silverware Mixing bowls Video camera projection system or mirrors for cooking demonstrations Refrigerator for produce grown in the Giving Garden Art studio/Nature's Classroom: Work tables Easels Stacking art stools Small chairs and tables for children Art drying racks Rolling lights for illuminating art subject Grow light system for starting seedlings Daniel E. Offutt III Education Center FF&E would include: 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities |Dog Park Accessway and Parking - Illustration DRAFT VERSION 30 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities Dog Park Accessway and Parking DRAFT VERSION 31 • Current Design: o "Overall Site Plan, 'Weston Dog Park'" prepared for The Town of Weston, prepared by McChord Engineering Associates Inc., dated May 26, 2021 and last revised January 18, 2022. "Stormwater Management Report" prepared for The Town of Weston Dog Park, prepared by McChord Engineering Associates Inc., dated January 18, 2022. • Driveway/Parking o The length of the driveway decreased from ±1,285-ft to ±453-ft. An existing wood road will remain as a walking path for pedestrians to access the dog park o The amount of parking spaces decreased from 39 to 20. o The alignment of the driveway shifted to follow the existing wood road. This change significantly decreased the amount of earthwork and tree removal that was required to construct the new driveway. o The driveway now ends before an existing stone wall, which will no longer need to be removed for the driveway construction. o The driveway is still 20-ft wide, gravel and has an 80-ft diameter cul-de-sac at the end for emergency vehicles to turnaround. • Dog Park Area o The size decreased from 3.6 acres to 2.8 acres. o The entrance to the dog park was relocated to where there is an existing break in the stone wall as opposed to creating a new break in the stone wall to access the dog park. • Approximate locations for benches, signs, waste bag dispensers, etc. were added to the plan. • Drainage Design o A new drainage design was performed due to the significant decrease in proposed impervious area as a result of shortening the driveway. o The footprint of the proposed detention system was essentially cut in half as a result of the new drainage study, see below: ■ Original Design - Three (3) rows of 105 linear feet of Cultec Recharger 330XLHD chambers. ■ Current Design - Three (3) rows of 56 linear feet of 24"x48" precast concrete galleries . o A high level overflow pipe from the detention system will still be connected to the existing catch basin on Lord's Highway East. o The cross-section of the proposed rip-rap swale decreased as the amount of runoff that it is required to be conveyed decreased. • Mitigation Measures o A Conceptual Planting Plan was prepared by Dr. Tom Failla (Weston Tree Warden) to mitigate any disturbance to the property from the proposed site development. Locations for proposed plantings are reflected on the site plan. o Location of proposed silt fence was added to ensure that downgradient properties are protected during construction. 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities Pond Resurfacing DRAFT VERSION 32 5/10/2022

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Community Projects | Amenities Pickleball Courts DRAFT VERSION 33 PROCEDURE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: Furnish all materials, labor and insurance to perform the HINDING TENNIS COURT CONSTRUCTION of (2) 34' x 128' pickelball court only. Specifications of Services to be Provided: MOBILIZATION - Mobilize the necessary equipment to perform the required work for your project as itemized be-low. This fee is associated with the work that is necessary to set up your job and organize the necessary equipment that is needed to load and mobilize to and from the job site each day. EXCAVATION- Excavate area. GRADING- Install Process Stone - 8" and compact to 1% pitch. NET POSTS- Furnish and install 1 set of net post footings, net posts and nets. FENCE- Furnish and install 404 l.f. 6’ H black chain link with 3 pedestrian gates. POST TENSION CONCRETE- Form work will be installed around the entire perimeter of the tennis courts. New net post sleeves to be set in their own concrete footings. Two layers of 6 mil poly will be placed over the entire court area. Encapsulated Post-tensioning tendons will be laid out according to PTI specifications. A 5” thick, 3000 psi concrete slab will be poured monolithically inside the forms. Post-tensioning cables will be stressed according to PTI specifications and procedures. The concrete surface will be checked for flatness, according to the ASBA guidelines. Any deviations will be brought to proper tolerances with 5000 psi epoxy concrete. After final cable stress, cable ends will be cut off inside the cone holes, and the holes filled with no-shrink grout. Sand entire court surface. Guarantee: Hinding Tennis, LLC will guarantee the post-tensioned slab against structural cracking for a period of Ten (10) years from date of install. Hairline cracks (surface cracks not structural as defined above) are not covered. If structural cracks do develop, the contractor will repair the crack as he deems necessary to make the surface playable again. Abuse, neglect, acts of God, are not covered. ACID ETCH- Acid etch and pressure wash court. TI-COAT- Apply Ti-Coat apoxy and first coat of acrylic resurfacer to entire court. COLOR COATING AND LINE STRIPING- Furnish and install the (3) coat acrylic color coating surface system to entire area. The Hinding surfacing system consists 1 Resurfacer Coat and 2 Coats of Color. Layout and stripe lines per USAPA. Apply one coat of acrylic Line primer. Once Line primer has cured apply One (1) coat of textured White Line Paint. This (2) two coat application provides sharp lines and greater durability and longevity. The line paint is textured. TOTAL COST: $95,744.00 ** cost for surveys, plans, design or drainage if needed, cleaning up on entrance roadway (growing grass and plantings) or tree removal to be paid for by P&R Enterprise fund. 5/10/2022

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Resilience |Tree work DRAFT VERSION 34 1. Tree work with the Phase One of Community Connectivity $40,000. 2. Tree work Bisceglie, Keane and Morehouse $80,000. 5/10/2022

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Resilience | Charging Stations DRAFT VERSION 35 Estimated Project Costs for 2 Chargers: * 12,380 *Estimated Contingency: 5,500 Gross Incentive Net Permit & Engineering $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - Installation 24,306 18,500 5,806 EVSE 6,574 - 6,574 Total $ 32,380 $ 20,000 $ 12,380 5/10/2022

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Resilience: Lachat Wetlands | Public Safety Investments DRAFT VERSION 36 Stream/Wetlands Crossing for Tractor: Option A - Culvert: Install double barrel or box culvert to create 16' wide crossing. Culvert designed to minimize channelization of existing stream. Reinforce stream banks with large stones from site. Stabilize inlet and outlet of culvert with rip-rap. Install processed stone roadway over culverts and ramp both sides. Cost Estimate: $25,000 - $30,000 Option B - Timber Bridge: Form and pour concrete abutments on each side of stream. Construct timber bridge of suitable width and load bearing capacity for farm equipment. Reinforce stream banks adjacent to abutments with large stones from site. Install processed stone ramp on both sides up to bridge deck. Cost Estimate : $30,000 - $40,000 Improve Hillside Hiking Path Adjacent to Goat Barn: Designate starting point of the pathway. Remove root and stone tripping hazards within pathway. Install large fieldstone stepping stone on the steeper portions of the path. Cost Estimate: $5,000- $10,000 Widen the Ladder Hill Road South Entrance to the Upper Field: Remove existing stonewall as necessary. Excavate existing berm on south side of entrance in order to improve sight lines. Widen existing entrance to 20'+. Extend existing trench drain to match new driveway width. Pave the driveway apron between the trench drain and road. Install 50'+ length of processed stone driveway into field. Cost Estimate: $22,000 - $28,000 Fix Erosion on Tractor Path to Upper Field: Create berm at top of path to divert runoff from upper field into the wood. Regrade tractor path to prevent concentration of runoff. Rebuild a portion of the stone edging on the down-slope side. Place additional processed stone as necessary. Cost Estimate : $5,000 - $10,000 5/10/2022

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Resilience: Compost Pilot Program At Transfer Station DRAFT VERSION 37 1.27.20 Municipal Composting Operation - Cost Analysis cost scenarios for creating a municipal composting station at the transfer station: Assumed costs take into consideration the composting haulage costs only, as recommended by the Town of Scarsdale. The calculated costs factor the cost benefits of moving the food scraps out of the MSW stream. 5/10/2022