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Hyperbaric Therapy Explained

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OXYGENHyperbaricOxygen TreatmentIncreased blood flowEncouragement of body tissue regenerationDecreased inflammation and inflammatory proteinsPromotion of stem cell mobilisationAiding in fighting infectionRevitalised mitochondriaKilling of anaerobic bacteria in oxygenated environmentsEnhancement of the body’s natural ability to heal These benefits include:R E P A I R - R E N E W - R E J U V E N A T E Theconditionsthat HBOTbenefits How HBOT works, and the scientific principlesthat have helped improve patients' lives.

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Dr Greg Brown is an experienced medicalpractitioner with a background in generalpractice, military medicine, travel medicine,and nutritional and environmental medicine. Greg retired from the Royal New ZealandNavy in early 2020 with the rank of SurgeonLieutenant Commander, having spent anumber of years as the principal medicaladvisor for the operational headquarters ofthe New Zealand Defence Force. Greg has led the medical support onoverseas trips with two New Zealand PrimeMinisters, and has deployed to the IndianOcean on counter-narcotics operations.Greg has a broad base of knowledge, withexperience in medical systems design andclinical governance. His role is to oversee allclinical aspects of the unit, ensuring thatpatients at Wellington Hyperbarics arescreened for suitability of the therapy, andthat an individualised treatment programmeis constructed for each person. Greg is excited to be involved in bringing atherapy to Wellington which enhances thebody's innate ability to heal itself through avariety of mechanisms, and which can oftenhelp where other treatments have beenineffective.MEDICAL CAREERM E D I C A L D I R E C T O RW E L L I N G T O N H Y P E R B A R I C SBA(Hons) MBChB(Hons)FRNZCGP MRCGP DRCOGPGCertTravMedQUALIFICATIONSGeneral PracticeMilitary MedicineTravel MedicineNutritional MedicineEnvironmental MedicineHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT)SPECIALISATIONSUnit 3 / 2 Northpoint StPlimmerton - PoriruaWellington - New Zealandwellington-hyperbarics.comGreg@wellington-hyperbarics.comCLINIC DETAILS

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W H A T T O E X P E C T CONSULTATIONOne of our trained medical professionals will walkyou through the HBOT process, assess yourhealth goals, and determine if you’re a goodcandidate.PLAN DEVELOPMENT Our medical team will create a treatment planbased on your needs. This will include the numberof treatments, length of individual treatments, anda prescribed pressure.TREATMENT After a safety check is reviewed, patients are ledinto the chamber, where you can watch television,listen to music or take a nap while experiencingthe benefits of pressurised oxygen.ANALYSISOur staff follow up with all patients to analyse anddocument the effectiveness of treatment.W E L L I N G T O N R E P A I R - R E N E W - R E J U V E N A T EH Y P E R B A R I C S

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What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?Most people understand that oxygen is a natural, life-sustaining substance, and that without oxygen we all die. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a non-invasive procedure thatharnesses the healing power of oxygen. By administering 100%oxygen under pressure to patients who are inside a specialhyperbaric chamber, the compressed oxygen works on a cellularlevel, being absorbed into tissues in the body that are oxygen-deprived, so that the tissues can heal, or be kept from dying.How does HBOT work? The scientific law hyperbaric therapy works under is called "Henry's Law".Normally, most of the oxygen circulating in the body is carried by the red blood cells. Hyperbaric oxygen, oxygenunder pressure, dissolves extra oxygen into the blood plasma (inaccordance with Henry’s law). The total oxygen carried to the tissuesis therefore about ten times more than breathing air at sea level.HBOT is the use of increased pressure and increased levels of oxygenas drugs to treat basic disease processes and their associateddiseases.To heal a wound you need to grow new tissue: new blood vessels,new connective tissue, new bone, new skin, and in the case of abrain disorder, new brain tissue. To grow new tissue, you have to

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stimulate cells to divide and mulitply. For cells to divide and multiply,the DNA of the cells must be stimulated in some fashion.HBOT sessions with oxygen under pressure have been shown toturn off and on as many as 8,000 genes in the 24 hours followingtreatment, as well as create the development of new blood vessels.Growth and repair hormones are stimulated, and anti-inflammatorygenes are promoted. The genes turned off are pro-inflammatorygenes and those that code for cell death.

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Increases the amount of oxygen carried in the blood stream,enabling more oxygen to dissolve deep into the tissues,lymphatics, and the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brainand spinal cord.Stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in the body, whichincreases circulation, allowing revitalised tissue to thrive evenafter the treatment protocol has been completed.Reduces inflammation and swelling, strengthens the immunesystem, stimulates the release of stem cells, and enhancesmitochondrial function and regeneration.Increases the body's production of superoxide dismutases, agroup of enzymes which act as natural antioxidants and freeradical scavengers, which increase the ability of the body to fightdisease and infection.The benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Air or gas embolismCarbon monoxide poisoning and smoke inhalationCentral retinal artery occlusion Chronic refractory osteomyelitisCrush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute traumaticischaemiasDecompression sickness Diabetic lower extremity woundsFailed skin grafts and flapsGas gangreneNecrotising soft tissue infections Non-healing woundsRadiation tissue damage Severe anaemiaThermal burnsEstablished Conditions for HBOT Treatments Anoxic brain injuryCancer side-effects (through immune system support)Cerebral palsyChronic fatigue syndromeChronic painConcussion & traumatic brain injuryFibromyalgiaInflammatory bowel diseaseRheumatoid arthritis / other arthritic conditionsStrokeSurgery preparation & recovery Conditions which may benefit from HBOTTreatments

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How the body ideally transfers oxygen around the body What occurs when blockages or injuries happen

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How HBOT treatment helps the body to access oxygen

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Is hyperbaric treatment right for you?Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective treatment for a variety ofmedical conditions either as a primary or adjunctive treatment. It isnon-invasive with very few (and rare) potential side-effects and hasvery few contraindications. The medical staff at WellingtonHyperbarics evaluate each patient to determine whether HyperbaricOxygen Therapy is appropriate. If the medical staff determine thatHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is appropriate, they will customise apatient’s individual treatment protocol.Are there any side-effects associated withHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?HBOT is an all natural therapy with generally no, or temporary, side-effects. However, mild irritation to the ear drum may occur in about10% of patients. The clinicians at Wellington Hyperbarics will be withyou every step of the way to minimise the risk of this. Other side-effects may include temporary vision changes, dizziness orlightheadedness. In very rare instances, oxygen toxicity may occur,however the small risk of this is mitigated by our HBOT protocolsand comprehensive patient screening process.

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What does hyperbaric oxygen therapy feellike?At the start of the treatment session, oxygen immediately begins tocirculate and the pressure in the chamber gradually increases. Thepatient will generally start to feel a fullness sensation in the ears,similar to ascending or descending in an airplane. This fullnessshould only last around 10-15 minutes, and Wellington Hyperbaricsstaff will be on hand to guide the patient to relieve any ear pressure.Once treatment pressure is reached, patients relax and just breathenormally. Near the end of the treatment session, the hyperbarictechnician will gradually decrease the pressure in the chamber, aprocess that lasts about ten minutes. During this decompressionstage, it is common for patients to experience a slight poppingsensation in the ears as a result of the change in pressure.Is there any preparation required forhyperbaric oxygen therapy?We recommend that patients avoid eating or drinking (specificallycarbonated beverages) directly prior to treatment, unless medicallyrequired, to avoid the need to use the restroom or cause an upsetstomach during the session. Some medications are incompatiblewith Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy; a complete list of medications andsupplements taken by the patient should be provided to themedical team during the initial consult, and updates should alwaysbe provided. To maximise the benefit of Hyperbaric OxygenTherapy, smoking of any kind should be avoided during the courseof a patient’s complete treatment protocol. Smoking causesvasoconstriction and accumulation of carbon monoxide and otherwastes, all which are counterproductive to Hyperbaric OxygenTherapy. Lastly, alcohol consumption should be avoided at leasteight hours prior to treatment.

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What is allowed and not allowed inside ahyperbaric chamber?At your consultation, the complete process and list of items that areallowed and not allowed will be reviewed. Prior to entering thechamber, a Wellington Hyperbarics technician must inspect andapprove all items and garments. Examples of items prohibitedinside the hyperbaric chamber include deodorant, lotion, perfume,mousse, gel, hairspray, makeup, jewelry, hair accessories, hearingaids, hard contact lenses, dentures, prostheses, nail polish (unlessapplied at least 48 hours prior to treatment), IV medication, and anyclothing item that has buttons, snaps, Velcro, iron-on decals, orunder-wiring. The technicians will make sure that these policies arefollowed for every treatment session. What do I do inside the HBOT chamber?Many patients sleep, watch a movie, or read. For your enjoyment,each hyperbaric chamber at Wellington Hyperbarics is paired withits own screen and DVD player. Patients are welcomed to select aDVD to watch from our library, or bring DVDs of their own to watch.

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How many treatments will I need?Every Wellington Hyperbarics patient is unique and evaluatedaccording to their condition and their response to therapy, whichdetermines the number of treatments needed. Generally, patientsrequire 30-40 sessions, though this could be more or lessdepending on the patient’s specific condition or circumstance.Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works cumulatively in the body and thegreatest benefit is seen when treatments are regular (like going tothe gym). Therefore, treatment sessions are typically scheduled 4-5days a week.Is there any reason that hyperbaric oxygentherapy is not recommended?There are a few contraindications to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,such as if you have an untreated pneumothorax, moderate tosevere COPD, bullous lung disease, or are currently receiving certainchemotherapeutic agents. During the consultation with a memberof our Medical Team, each patient is evaluated to determinewhether Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a safe and appropriatecourse of treatment.

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What determines whether WellingtonHyperbarics will treat an emergingindication?Why does Wellington Hyperbarics treatcertain non-established conditions?The general principles behind HBOT raise the strong possibility ofbenefit in many conditions not considered "established" indicationsfor HBOT. Wellington Hyperbarics are committed to stay abreast ofemerging HBOT research and to actively engage in researchourselves. Given the excellent safety profile of HBOT, core to ourmission is to help and provide access to all patients who maybenefit from HBOT, including treating emerging and promisingindications. We believe HBOT has untapped potential to enhancethe quality of life and well-being of a wide variety of patients.There is extensive research available for many emerging indications. Through this research and our experience with thescience of HBOT, also referred to as the mechanisms of action, weare able to apply this understanding to the causative factors ofvarious conditions and evaluate if HBOT is appropriate for apatient’s condition. While the therapeutic benefits of HBOT havebeen understood for decades, if not centuries, many of theconditions that are considered established indications for HBOT,including diabetic foot ulcers and non-healing wounds, were onlyapproved relatively recently. The potential effectiveness of HBOT fora condition considered an emerging indication is thereforeindividually assessed based on the underlying principles of thetherapy and clinical judgement.

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How does Wellington Hyperbarics monitorand/or evaluate the Hyperbaric OxygenTherapy treatments I receive?At the initial consultation, each patient’s condition is evaluated todetermine that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is appropriate and abaseline marker is set. Then, during each HBOT visit, patients aremonitored by a trained Hyperbaric Technician and a member of theMedical Team. Every visit is documented with a specialisedelectronic medical records system to help track each patient’sprogress. Additionally, formal evaluations are performed followingthe completion of every ten treatment sessions and uponcompletion of the treatment protocol.What kind of hyperbaric chambers doesWellington Hyperbarics use?Each of our facilities uses state-of-the-art monoplace and multiseathyperbaric chambers. These chambers are made of metal andacrylic which differ from the soft or mild variety in that they deliver100% oxygen vs. room air (which is only about 20% oxygen), and areable to reach greater atmospheric pressure levels. This allows forthe treatment of a wider variety of health conditions more efficientlyand effectively.

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E X C I T I N GE X C I T I N GN E W SN E W S P E E R R EV I E WE D S T U DI E SSTU D Y: T HE C O GNI T IVE P ER F O RMA N CE O F H E A LTH Y OL D E R A D ULT S DAT E : J UL Y 1 5T H 2 0 20 P U BL I SH E D IN TH E J OU R NA L " A GI NG "SAGOL S C H O O L OF N E UR O S C I EN C E AT T E L A V I V U N I V ER S I T YA peer reviewed study has demonstrated for the first time thathyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can significantly enhancethe cognitive performance of healthy older adults. The main areas of improvement were attention, informationprocessing speed, and executive function. In addition to theglobal cognitive function, all of which typically decline with age.Moreover, there was significant correlation between thecognitive changes and improved cerebral blood flow in specificbrain locations. To learn more please about this study please scan the QRcode on the back cover.

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B R E A K I N GB R E A K I N GN E W SN E W S P E E R R EV I E WE D S T U DI E SHBO T AL L EVI A T ES V ASC U L AR D YSF U NCT I O N I N EL D ERL Y PAT I ENT S DAT E : 9 TH S E PT 20 2 1 P U BL I SH E D IN TH E J O UR NA L " A GI N G"SAGOL S C H O O L OF N E UR O S C I EN C E AT T E L A V I V U N I V ER S I T YA peer reviewed study examined 6 patients aged around 70who did not have Alzheimer's, but suffered from severememory loss called MCL, which can act as an early sign ofAlzheimer's.Their brain and cognitive performance improved by up to 16% To learn more about this study please scan the QR code on theback cover.

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W E L L I N G T O N R E P A I R - R E N E W - R E J U V E N A T EH Y P E R B A R I C S3/2 Northpoint Street - Plimmerton (04) 1234567