WELCOMETo your home away from home.www.TomahRetreat.com
WELCOMET O Y O U R N E W H O M EThank you for choosing to stay with us! We are excited towelcome you to Tomah Retreat. We invite you to browse through our welcome book, whereyou can find information about your studio, our animals,wellness treatments, writer’s retreats and our favourite localplaces to visit! If you have any questions or need anything at all duringyour stay please don’t hesitate to contact Bronwenbetween the hours of 8am-6pm by texting 0425 278 144. Welcome to Tomah Retreat.Enjoy your stay!
MEET Tomah Retreat is owned by Bronwen Logan. Bronwen has run TomahRetreat since 2002, first as a meditation centre and then as a BnBwith additional wellness treatments and classes.Bronwen, an avid animal lover, has created a retreat not only forhumans but also for the animals who are blessed to share this piece ofparadise. As a Reiki author and teacher, Bronwen has taught Reiki in Australia,the USA and Europe. To find out more about her books, audiobooksand meditations visit her website ReikiwithBronwen.com.Your Hosttomahretreat@gmail.comwww.TomahRetreat.com+61 425 278 144
About UsThis precious BnB hobby farm isnestled on 5 lush acres in the sereneBlue Mountains just around thecorner from the Blue MountainsBotanic Gardens.Our three unique studios offer adelightful escape, each equippedwith its own indoor fireplace, accessto a free outdoor infrared sauna,labyrinth and rustic treehouse, andthe charm of private outdoor firepits.Enjoy hanging out with the variousanimals and don't forget to get yourphoto taken with our star, Flora thepig. At Tomah Retreat, we invite you toimmerse yourself in the uniquecharacter of each studio andsurrounding gardens while takingadvantage of a wellness treatment,promising an experience filled withcomfort, tranquility, and a touch ofmagic.Tomah Retreat
010203Wifi InformationCheck-in DetailsThings To Know0405Electronics06TABLE OF CONTENTSBreakfast070809Heating Guide3 StudiosWellness Retreat10Tomah AnimalsThings to Do1112Special RetreatsDiscount
01We know how important it is to keepconnected. Enjoy our free internet.TIP:For a better phone connection: Make sure your phone’s settings areconnected to the Tomah Retreat wi-fi. Now turn your phone’s settings ontowi-fi calling. Voila! Better connection.CONNECTTO WIFIWIFI NAMETomahRetreatPASSWORD0425278144Wifi Code
Check-in is 3pm-8pm | Check out is at 11amCHECK-INDETAILSDirections & ParkingCheck in time is from 3pm. Please message or communicate with us if youare going to arrive earlier and we may be able to accommodate you. We are in a rural area so once it is dark it can be hard to find your wayaround even though we do have outdoor lighting. If possible arrive beforesunset. Otherwise text us if you have any troubles. There is a 24-hoursecurity camera at the front of the property.NEED A LIFT? ASK ABOUT OUR CONCIERGE DRIVERENTERING THE PROPERTYThe gate code is 22A. The keypad toenter the code is next to the driver’swindow when you park outside the gate.Wait for the gate to close behind youbefore driving off because of free-roaming animals.PARKING SPOTS:Drive 50 metres down the driveway.CHILL and BREATHE can park to the rightin the visitors carpark (3 spots available)and RELAX turns to the left and 10 metresalong on the left is the RELAX visitorscarpark (2 spots available).ADDITIONAL NOTES
THINGS TO KNOW010203040506Gate: Gate Code is 22A.When driving in and outplease wait for the gate toclose before driving off. Anyproblems text Bronwen. Pressgreen button to exit.No Smoking: Please nosmoking in the studios. Thisincludes the use of tobacco,cannabis, e-cigarettes, etc.Tank Water: We are fairlyself-sufficient - with our owntank water (suitable fordrinking), septic system (onlyflush toilet paper), and solararray. Please be thoughtful ofour limited resources.Cleanliness: Please treat thislike your own home! We askthat all dishes be loaded intothe dishwasher and allrubbish goes into the bin.Return furniture to its originalposition.Noise: This is a peacefulretreat. Each studio has itsown private garden andchiminea, please respectothers’ privacy. No noise after10 pm please.Breakages: If you break orstain anything please letBronwen know so she can sortit out before new guestsarrive.0708Outdoor Lights: Outdoorlights go off at 9.30pm. If alight has not turned offoutside your studio, pleasecheck your switches. Power: In the case of poweroutages from storms, TomahRetreat has a generator. It isnoisy but convenient for powerand running water. Bronwenwill keep you up-to-date viatext message. The generatorwill turn on at 8am and turn offat 10pm, so be prepared.
ELECTRONICSInstructions in using home equipment and devices.T V & N E T F L I XTurn on TV Remote. It should be preset to HDMI. If not clickSource to find HDMI. 1.Turn on Apple TV Remote control and select channel.2.A variety of Streamers and Free to Air channels are available.3.Make sure there is water in the back of the coffee pod machine.Place a cup under the machine and tap any button. The buttonon the right will light up. Tap it and It will clean the machine witha small amount of hot water before use. Dispose of the water.Add your pod and press the size cup you prefer to start thebrewing.C O F F E E M A K E RI N D U C T I O N C O O K E ROn the right is the on/off button. + and - are for the level ofheat. It will only work if there is a pan or pot on it. Left-hand light isthe child lock, press for 3 seconds to turn off. Connect directlyto a power point.
Your pre-made fire is ready for you to start. Light the white fire starter under thekindling using the provided fire lighter.1.Keep the bottom door of your beautifulDanish Morsø fireplace open for the first 10to 15 minutes.2.During this initial period, gradually add onlyone piece of wood at a time to build thefire. Do not over-stock your fire, as it will goout.3.After 15 minutes, you may close the bottomdoor, depending on your heating needs.The rotating rings on the doors control thefire.4.Regularly monitor your fire, do not leave.5.Additional Information:• More wood is available outside your room inthe rack.• Twigs to start your fire are in the largeplastic box outside "Breathe".H O W T O S T A R T A F I R EEach studio has a mobile oil heater which you can bring a little closer if you’re feelingchilly. There are also extra blankets in the cupboard. The fixed wall heaters are not currently active.M O B I L E O I L H E A T E R S05GuideHeating
You get to make your own breakfast atTomah Retreat. Some of the goodies supplied are:Locally sourced sourdough breadCondiments such as jams, Vegemite,cheese etc...CroissantsFresh fruitMuesliOats for porridge (excellent on a frostymorning)Cow’s Milk (ask for nut milk)EggsBilpin Apple JuiceCoffee (pods) and a variety of teas BREAKFASTComplementary
About RELAXRELAX is a beautiful light-filled studio beneath themain house, boasting itsown facilities, private entry,ensuite, and a plushErgoflex queen-size bed. It accommodates amaximum of 2 people for arestful night or more.StudioIncluded: a sideboardkitchenette, singleinduction cooktop, eggcooker, toaster, kettle, potsand pans, microwave, dish-washer, Alexa music,dressing gowns, smallfridge, TV/DVD, fireplaceand firepit, and make-your-own breakfast.
ABOUT CHILL STUDIOCHILL beckons with exotic allure—aboudoir studio featuring an Ergoflexking-size bed, a claw-foot bath (hand-held shower “French Bathing” style),kitchenette, WC, and a signaturefireplace.Tucked beneath the main house with aprivate entrance, it's a perfect haven for2 adults.Included: a sideboard kitchenette, singleinduction cooktop, egg cooker, toaster,kettle, pots and pans, airfyer/oven, dish-washer, Alexa music, dressing gowns,small fridge, large TV, fireplace andfirepit, and make-your-own breakfast.
About BREATHEStudioBREATHE invites you into aMediterranean-inspiredsanctuary, situated beneaththe main house, featuring aseparate entry, ensuite, baywindow to relax in,kitchenette, fireplace and aluxurious Ergoflex king bed. With a scenic view of thetreehouse and mountains, it'san exclusive retreat for 2adults. Included: kitchenette, singleinduction cooktop, eggcooker, toaster, kettle, potsand pans, microwave, dish-washer, Alexa music, dressinggowns, small fridge, TV/DVD,fireplace and firepit, andmake-your-own breakfast.
RECOMMENDATIONSTomah Retreat Once you are at the Retreat why not enjoy yourself?Walk the Living Labyrinth when youhave some free time and bring moreconsciousness to your everydaythrough reflection and guidedmeditation. Built from 200 dwarfbuxus plants, the labyrinth is aunicursal pathway (one directiononly) whose design is over 3000 yearsold. A perfect contemplative tool thatwill support your inner healing duringyour stay. Bring wet weather gear if itlooks misty.THE LABYRINTHHang out in our Super RusticTreehouse!Make yourself comfortable on thequeen size bed (with deliciouslycomfortable ergo-flex mattress forabsolute comfort), let the breezetussle your hair and watch the worldgo by - sometimes all we need issomewhere quiet to sit and BE for awhile, before heading back into thefray.THE TREEHOUSE
Click the ON button. The sauna willtake 15 minutes to come up to aheat of approximately 60degrees. The sauna will then stayheated for 45 minutes and switchoff automatically.SAUNAGardenA B O U TImagine you're walking around thetemperate rainforest gardens at TomahRetreat between the ferns, azaleas andcamellias and you come across a blackiron gate with a pebbly path beyond it.You open the gate and walk down thepath past the wind chimes to be guidedby the fairy lights to a quaint wooden hut. This is the beautiful outdoor infraredgarden sauna for 2. Every studio receives a 45-minute sauna each night of theirstay.The sauna has a reading light, a USBconnection, bluetooth, Aux connection,internal speakers, an ionizer (turn offafter use), chromotherapy (light therapybulb) and an interior light.B O O K N O WText Bronwen on 0425 278 144 to book.Each room receives one FREE 60-minutesauna per night booking. Max 2 people.W H A T T O W E A R ?You can wear your dressing gown, andonce in the sauna t-shirt, shorts, underwearor a sarong are suitable. It is a private 2person sauna. W H A T E L S E ?No alcohol to be consumed before orduring the sauna. Drink lots of water andstay hydrated afterwards. Water isprovided. No plastic in the sauna. Please do not touch the buttonsapart from the ON button.Open from 9am-9pm. ENJOYW H Y S A U N A ?Increase circulation, support immunesystem, control weight, manage pain, anddetoxify. And it’s so lovely and WARM.
Since 2002, Tomah Retreat has beenthe cornerstone of Bronwen Logan'stransformative Japanese Reikihealing teachings, treatments, andmeditation classes. This longstanding tradition of holistichealing remains at the heart of TomahRetreat, providing a sanctuary forcouples or individuals seeking respitefrom the demands of the bustlingworld – in essence, a haven for you.TREATMENTSWalk alongside Bronwen as sheshares the techniques that contributeto the long and joyful lives of hercherished animals. Bookings areessential for this enlightening classthat is based upon meditationtechniques and teaches methods ofconnecting energetically. Price: $60 per person (minimum 2participants).O N E - H O U R H E A L I N G F O R A N I M A L SC L A S SJoin Bronwen for a transformativemeditation class, customizable forvarying experience levels and idealfor a minimum of two participants.Whether upstairs in the healingspace or in the refreshing ambianceof the treehouse, this session promisesserenity and introspection. Secureyour spot by booking alongside youraccommodation reservation. Price: $60 per person (minimum 2participants).O N E - H O U RM E D I T A T I O N C L A S SImmerse yourself in the healing spaceof Reiki with author and teacherBronwen. Conducted in her tranquiltreatment room upstairs in the mainhouse, this one-hour session is aprofound journey into holistic well-being. Bookings are essential andcan be arranged alongside youraccommodation reservation. Price: $125 per person.O N E - H O U R R E I K I T R E A T M E N THealing
ANIMALSTomah Retreat BOWIE the DogI'm a Maremma - whichmeans I have the job oflooking after everybodyand everything - including you. I'll make sure the foxeswill keep away from youraccommodation and thatthe chickens don't try tohop into your bed. If theydo, don't you worry, I'll givea bark to let you know. Just so you know, I'm notallowed inside the studios(my feet do get muddy),but I live with my mum anddad and we all get warmin front of the fire in theevening. I do bark a bit, butonly because I'mprotecting you all, justremember that :-). DAISY the DogI was dumped in themountains, but Isurvived. I'll admit tobeing a smarty. I wastaken to the pound, butluckily Bronwen waskeeping an eye out forme. She thought Iwould be the perfectaddition to her animalfamily. I get along withchooks, cats, dogs, pigsand horses. I am alittle shy with humansbut am getting overthis every day. BTW doyou have any niceshoes for me? The moreexpensive the better.They make THE bestchew toys. MUTTLEY the DogI’m the new recruit here.Apparently, I am awolfhound crossminiature poodle - don’task me! I’m not sure whatthey see in the otherdogs because I amabsolutely gorgeous. Iknow how to dance, howto cuddle and I evenhave a go at singing.Standing up like a humanis my speciality and thenI can give a big hug too. Iam the youngest and mybackground is shady,found in an abandonedhouse. I’m not used tomeeting new people allthe time but I am gettingbetter each day.
ANIMALSTomah Retreat FLORA the PigYou can treat me a bitlike a dog (did I just saythat?!), in the sense that Ican't see very well so I liketo smell your hand beforeyou touch me. I can be abit shy and frighten easilyif I don't see you coming.But wave food in front ofmy nose and I can gopretty crazy, so I wouldsuggest you DON'T dothat.I can be a bit bossy. But Ido like having my bellyrubbed, especially whenI'm lying in the sun.Did you know I have myown blog on the TomahRetreat website? Highly recommended!THE CHOOKSWe love living atTomah Retreat. Most ofus come from a batteryfarm - no need toexplain the horrors ofthat, we're sure. The rest of us havelived here forever -with our names beingthings like Elsa (yes, I'ma white silky). Then there are theboys... darn gorgeous:-). It’s probably best notto feed us as we canbe pretty annoyingonce we start askingfor food. MISTER the CatI am the eldest andbiggest and mostforbidding of all cats. Imean, all cats. Everyonethinks I look spectacular -and although I’m a rescuecat, I look exactly like aNorwegian forest cat.When I feel affectionatedo be careful as I don’tknow how to retract mynails. So, I’ll cuddle youbut it might be painful.You’ve been warned. Ilove to come and cry atyour door to get someextra love. You can letme in for a little cuddleonly if you really like cats.Otherwise, come andgive me a pat outside.MORE
ANIMALSTomah Retreat CHARLIE the CatI am special to Bronwen.She always thought aginger boy cat wouldappear before her, andone day I did. I was at the vets hopingsomeone would want me.All my brothers andsisters found a hometogether but apparentlythat family already had aginger. We’d been foundas babies in someone’sbackyard without a mum.I’m such a gentle, sweetcat - I’m a bit shy butlove a pat if you see me.PRECIOUS the CatI’m still young but Iassure you I am theboss of this place.Everyone lets me eattheir food and sleep intheir beds. Bronwenthinks I’m a bit of aSvengali - somehowI’ve managed to geteveryone to do justwhat I want and I lookcute as hell -especially my left eyethat is a little crossed. Ilove to greet you,check out your rooms,and follow you around.Don’t pick me up, justpat me - I like that.BEAU & ABBYWe are Beau (white tail)and Abby (chocolatecolour) and we havebeen with Bronwen mostof our lives. We arrived in2009 and live a relaxedand easy life… eating.Yes, that’s our hobby.There’s an electric wirearound our fence so becareful, it’s just that one ofus (I’m not naming names,ABBY) likes to break outand eat all the flowers.We are mini horses, andsome say we have ‘littleman syndrome’. Well, atleast our tummies thinkwe’re super big. Pleasedon’t feed us, we canchoke easily. AND MORE
At different times of the yearwe offer a variety of mid-week Retreats includingWriting and MeditationRetreats.RetreatsTomahFour Days of Solitude: ArriveMonday and lose yourself in yourcraft until you leave on Friday witheverything catered for.Writers & Fledgling WritersWelcome: Whether you're penningthe next bestselling novel, drafting ascreenplay, or composing poetry,this retreat is for you, no matterexperience or where you are in yourproject. Just 3 places each retreat!TomahRetreat.com/en/escape-to-write-retreatsE S C A P E T O W R I T ES I L E N T R E T R E A T SDigital Detox: In our fast-paced,digitally-saturated world, truesilence has become a rare luxury.Our tailored silent retreats arecatered for and offer you thechance to step away from the noiseand reconnect with your inner self.Flexible Duration: Choose from 24,48, or 72-hour retreatsPersonalised Program: Curatedpractices suited to yur individualneeds with expert guidance anddaily check-ins with Bronwen.TomahRetreat.com/en/silent-retreats
If you like trekking, then this is the region to visit.Below are some local walks for you to try.THINGSTO DO(Bronwen’s favourite) Turn off Bells Line ofRoad at Pierces Pass Lookout, 11km west ofMount Tomah. Park in top carpark. This walkoffers spectacular views of the Grose Valleyfrom the cliff-top. Caution: the cliff edge isoverhanging and unfenced but is absolutelyspectacular. Grade: Easy 3km return Hour: 1 hour returnW A L L S L O O K O U TThe Gorge Walking Track: Turn right on toBells Line of Road towards Bilpin and in 5minutes turn into Valley Ridges Road andproceed for 2km to the Waratah NativeGarden Picnic Area. From the picnic area thetrack leads down to the cool mossy gully of atributary of Hungerfords Creek. Koalas havebeen seen in the forks of eucalypt trees alongthe track, listen for the mimicking cry of alyrebird. Grade: Moderate 2km return Hours: 1 hour return T H E G O R G E W A L K I N GT R A C KMount Banks picnic area is on the southernside of the Bells Line of Road, 6 km pastMount Tomah. The moderate 2.5km walk tothe tree-covered summit of Mount Banks(1062 metres) takes about 1 hour return. TheWall Track leads to a lookout over the GroseRiver Gorge, the chasm of the Grand Canyon. Grade: Moderate 11km return Hours: 4 hours return M T B A N K S
ThingsTO DODelicious Cider, Gorgeous Gardens, Pick-Your-Own Fruit and Nuts, BathHouse, and Markets.For a list of updated cafes or restaurants visit TomahRetreat.com/en/local-restaurants-and-cafesMoreHillbilly CiderBilpin CiderJ A P A N E S E B A T H H O U S E - L I T H G O WThe Botanic Gardens are just 2 minutes awayMt Wilson’s private gardens are 14 minutes awayB O T A N I C G A R D E N S & M T W I L S O N G A R D E N S40 minutes away past Lithgow. Bookings required, light Japanese meals provided.C I D E R C E L L A R D O O R S - B I L P I NL O C A L F R U I T & N U T P I C K I N GS A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G M A R K E T S - B I L P I NMt Tomah walnuts, chestnuts, quince and hazelnuts are picked in Autumn.Apples and stone fruit are pick-your-own in Pine Crest, Bilpin from January to Winter.Get the freshest food, buy regional arts and crafts and meet the locals for a cup of tea.
Visit Us Again!We hope you enjoyed your stay! As a token of appreciation, we offer a10% discount if you book with us again within 6 months of your first stay.Tomah Retreat10%DISCOUNT FOR YOURSECOND BOOKING WITH US!! WE’LL EMAIL YOU A CODE!F O L L O W U S@ T O M A H R E T R E A T