Welcome toNew Path'sResourceBookA Program ofRobin Church, New Path Directorrchurch@thearcofva.org804.649.8481 x102For Families in Early Intervention
The Arc of Virginia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4The Arc in Your Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5New Path----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6Early Intervention/Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia-------------------------------------------7Find your local Early Intervention and MCO Provider------------------------------------------------------8Learn The Signs Act Early (LTSAE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) -----------------------------------------10Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP)-----------------------------------------------------------------11 Maternal and Child Health Insurance Programs-----------------------------------------------------------12Waivers in Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Waiver---------------------------------------------14 Developmental Disability Waiver (DD Waiver)---------------------------------------------------------------152-1-1 Find your local Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Social Security Administration (SSI/SSDI --------------------------------------------------------------------17Postpartum Support Virginia (PMAD)--------------------------------------------------------------------------18Get Involved-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19Contact Information-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 WelcomeEarly Intervention SupportsEverything Medicaid Other ResourcesTable of Contents
Welcome to New Path's Resource Book for Families of YoungChildren who may have a Developmental Delay/Disability. Robin Church I rchurch@thearcofva.org I 804.649.8481 x102info@thearcofva.orgOR---------------A program of---------------click on photos
The Arc of Virginia is the statewide advocacy organization made up of peoplewith developmental disabilities, their family members, and their allies, who arefighting for A Life Like Yours, for Virginians with DD.Promoting and protecting the human rights of people with or at risk of developmentaldelays/disabilities and supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community.click on photoThe Arc of Virginia
Find Your Local Chapter of The Arc Don't have a local chapter of The Arc in your community?You can become a member of The Arc by joining The Arc of Virginia. If you’reinterested in helping get a local chapter started in your community, contactTonya Milling, tmilling@thearcofva.org or (804) 649-8481, ext. 101.
Providing understanding, compassionate peer-to-peer support to empower, educate andconnect families on their journey as caregivers of a child aged 0-3 who has, or at risk of, adevelopmental disability and to build an inclusive community of support improving the lives ofall familiesRobin Church, New Path Director I rchurch@thearcofva.org I 804.649.8481 x102click on photoNew Path a program of The Arc of Virginia
Early Intervention The Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia provides support andservices for infants and toddlers and their families so that families canhelp their children learn during everyday activities and routines.The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services(DBHDS) has proudly served as the Lead Agency for Virginia’s implementationof Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) since 1987.
The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services(DBHDS) has proudly served as the Lead Agency for Virginia’s implementationof Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) since 1987.Do you know your Early Intervention provider in your area? MCO EI Contact Information Two Important Contacts you Need to Have!
Learn the Signs. Act Early.From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he/sheplays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development andact early if you have a concern.click on photo
Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment(EPSDT)click on photoEPSDT Specialized Services are medically necessary treatment services that are not a routinelycovered service through Virginia Medicaid. All EPSDT “specialized services” must be a service that isallowed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The allowabletreatment services are defined in the United States Code in 42 U.S.C. sec 1396d (r) (5)
Virginia has two Medicaid-related premium assistance programs that help payfor all or part of the costs of employer-sponsored health insurance: Theseprograms are known as the Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP) andHIPP for Kids. All applications are first evaluated for HIPP for Kids. If applicantsdo not qualify for HIPP for Kids, then they are evaluated for the HIPP program. Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP)
Learn more about Virginia’s Maternal and Child HealthInsurance Programs, which include the Family Access to MedicalInsurance Security Plan (FAMIS) and FAMIS Plus (the name forchildren’s Medicaid).Maternal and Child Health click on photo
Virginia Medicaid Waivers Virginia’s Medicaid Waivers pay for a variety of supports and services forchildren and adults with developmental disabilities and their families who needlong-term support systems to live successfully in the community rather than ininstitutional settings.
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) is a Medicaid managed long-term services and support program that serves over 260,000 individualsthroughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Providers who participate with any orall of the six contracted health plans offer a comprehensive range of health servicesto serve members with complex care needs. To ensure that CCC Plus membersreceive high-touch, person-centered care, providers will collaborate on aninterdisciplinary care team that is led by the member’s care coordinator. Providerscan receive training from each of the health plans regarding their serviceauthorizations, claims and care coordination for the CCC Plus population.Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus(CCC Plus)
The DD waivers are offered to both children and adults withvarious levels of intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.There are a multitude of services and supports offered undereach waiver, depending on individualized needs and programcriteria met. Developmental Disability Waiver(DD Waiver)
211 Virginia will Connect You ToAdditional Resources!click on photos
Bridge2Resourcesclick on photos
Information about Social Security Supplemental/SocialSecurity Disability Income Click on photo
Postpartum Support Virginia/(PMAD) Did you know that PMADs affect at least 1 in 5 birthing people during pregnancyand/or during the first year after childbirth? These illnesses – also known asperinatal mood and anxiety disorders, or PMADs — are the #1 complication ofpregnancy and childbirth.
Be the Change New Path is a program of The Arc of Virginia, a non-profit grassroots advocacyorganization focused on people with developmental disabilities across a lifespan sothey may live a life like yours. All of our work and our power to advocate comesdirectly from families like yours. There is nothing more powerful than the personalstory of a family whose lives are changed by having a child with a disability. We inviteyou to join us in our efforts to make the lives of your child better, along with the livesof the thousands of other Virginians with developmental disabilities.Mommas & Poppas Connection(MPC)Parents work together to help other parents A Family Support NetworkRead Their Stories!
Do you have a question but not sure who to ask?Info@thearcofva.org or804.649.8481 You may also contact Robin Church directly atrchurch@thearcofva.orgor 804.649.8481 x102