October 2024 New HiresMauldin Jenkins&Welcome to
AtlantaOfficeCloudy ZhangMANAGERCloudy is a graduate of EmoryUniversity, where she earned herBachelor’s degree in Accountingand Finance, as well as a Master’sin Accounting. She is joining thefirm with 6 years of experience inpublic accounting. In her free time,Cloudy enjoys attending concertsand doing hot yoga. She iscurrently watching the unsolvedmysteries. Client Services
ChattanoogaOfficeChloe EvansASSOCIATE IChloe is a recent graduate of theUniversity of Tennessee atChattanooga, where she earned adegree in Accounting. We arethrilled to welcome her back toM&J after her internship in theChattanooga office. Chloe enjoysplaying games with family andfriends, as well as working onpuzzles. Currently, she’s watchingDancing with the Stars, The GoldenBachelorette, and NCIS: origins. Client Services
BradentonOfficeJenniferRuffino-CookSENIOR MANAGERJennifer graduated fromUniversity of West Georgia in2006 with a degree inAccounting. We’re excited towelcome her back to M&J,having accomplished 20 yearsof experience in publicaccounting, she brings awealth of knowledge to ourteam. In her spare time, shelikes to work in the yard andspend time at the beach. Client Services