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Welcome to Hyatt Regency Columbus!

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Welcome! We are thrilled to have youjoining our team!This flipbook will provide youwith information you will need toknow for your first day. Table of Contents:Page 3 - I9 Acceptable Documents Page 4/5 - Style GuidePage 6 - Parking OptionsPage 7 - General InformationPage 8 - Contact Information

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You will need to bringone document fromlist A, or a documentfrom both list B and Con your first day.Review these lists toknow what items willbe accepted. Please feel free toreach out if you haveany questionsregarding this list ofacceptabledocuments!

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Grooming Guidelines Appearance To maintain Hyatt’s quality image, it is important for all colleagues to be neat and well groomed. Practicing daily personal hygiene and making your appearance a priority will help you be successful. Your appearance is an essential part of the impression our guests have of our hotel. All colleagues are expected to be well-groomed, showered, and free of body odor or excessive perfumes/fragrances. Although we recognize that our standards may on the surface appear somewhat restrictive, we believe that these standards require nothing more than an expectation that all of us take pride in the way we look to our guests, fellow colleagues and ourselves. Should a situation requiring a deviation from our standards arise, you should explain your reasons to your Department Head whom, in conjunction with Human Resources, will approve that deviation if it is considered necessary and appropriate, or required by applicable law. Uniformed Colleagues Clothing - The designated uniform must be worn at all times. Uniform should be clean, neat in appearance, and fit properly. - Sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, T-shirts, or hats should not be worn unless considered part of the uniform or approved by your manager. - Undershirts should match the color of your uniform and, in general, undergarments should not be visible. Shoes - Shoes should be kept clean, polished and in good repair at all times. - Shoes should be in designs, materials, colors, and styles appropriate for a business environment your manager will specify the type and color of shoes you wear. - Colleagues must wear shoes that are practical and safe for their job function. - Shoes that are not considered appropriate are open-toed or sling back, tennis shoes, sandals, crocs, and other casual shoes. - Sandals, slides, crocs-style, slipper type shoes, shoes with straps around the lower leg/upper ankle, and clogs are not appropriate for the business environment. Shoes must be closed-toe and have a back. - Shoes must be clean, polished and in good repair at all times Here are our comprehensive Uniform Guidelines - please review in detail. Please note that different departments require different uniforms due to the varied nature of operations, and your individual leaders can fill you in more once they reach out to discuss onboarding 

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All Colleagues Hair - Hair should be neat, clean, and styled in a manner that presents a well-groomed appearance at all times. Hyatt complies with all state CROWN Acts, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of hairstyles historically associated with race. - Hair color must be a natural color. Hair must be worn in a style that is appropriate for health and safety standards and which is consistent with a professional business environment. In general, hair should be styled so that it is not falling in front of the face. Images or graphics shaved into the head are generally not permitted. Please check with your department for any additional specific guidelines (i.e. Culinary colleagues should wear designated hats or hairnets. Servers must have their hair pulled back if it is below shoulder length.) - Head coverings should be professional in color and design, and should follow safety guidelines appropriate for your job. - Subject to applicable law and except in cases where a religious or medical accommodation is granted, facial hair must be shaven daily; mustaches, beards, and goatees may be worn if they are closely trimmed and grown during extended non-working times. The hotel reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of the facial hair; Beards must be closely trimmed, consistent with a professional appearance. Beards should not appear as an unshaven look after only a couple of days. Make-Up - Any makeup worn should be appropriate for a professional environment. Excessive makeup, bright colors, and unnatural eyelash extensions are not appropriate. Nails • Nails should be moderate in length and kept clean and neatly shaped at all times. • Nail polish should be applied neatly, professional in appearance, and appropriate for a business environment. Care should be taken to avoid any polish that is chipped. Jewelry • Jewelry should be worn in moderation with practicality and safety in mind. Colors, designs, sizes and styles must be appropriate for a business environment. • Except in the cases of religious accommodation: Three earrings per ear are permitted. Earrings should not dangle more than 1 ½ inches or be more than an inch in diameter, and be appropriate for a professional business environment. One small stud nose ring is acceptable. Hoops and septum piercings are not acceptable. Other visible body piercing (including tongue piercing) may not be worn at any time.

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Nametags • Nametags are to be worn at all times. Additional pins or decals are not permitted on the nametag unless provided by the hotel. Nametags should be worn on the upper left chest area. Tattoos • Visible tattoos are permitted as long as the tattoo is not located on the face or head. The hotel reserves the right to determine if a tattoo must be covered. Jeans Day • As part of our community fundraising efforts, jeans are permitted on Fridays with the appropriate donation to our community fund. Jeans must be work appropriate. It is not a “casual” day and all other clothing, including shoes and tops, should adhere to our standard policy. Jeans should not be worn on Fridays if it is not appropriate for business purposes, such as meeting with clients or attending business meetings. Jeans are not appropriate attire for non-uniformed colleagues except as outlined above. Violations of the Policy Department managers may exercise reasonable discretion to determine appropriateness in colleague dress and appearance. Colleagues who do not meet a professional standard will be sent home to change, and nonexempt colleagues will not be paid for that time. Reasonable accommodations will be made where required. Violations of this policy can range from inappropriate clothing items to offensive perfumes and body odor. If a colleague’s poor hygiene or use of too much perfume/cologne is an issue, the supervisor should discuss the problem with the staff member in private and should point out the specific areas to be corrected. After a verbal coaching, continued violations will follow the normal corrective action process. Any colleagues that require a reasonable accommodation for reasons based on medical, disability, sincerely held religious belief or other grounds protected by federal, state or local law should bring this to the attention of a member of the Human Resource team. Your situation will be evaluated and you will be given a response. Should you have any other questions regarding the Hyatt Regency Columbus grooming policies, please feel free to contact Human Resources. Any further questions can be answered or reviewed by HR or given to your specific department managers & are available in our colleague handbook at all times

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Parking Options!As a Hyatt Regency Columbuscolleague, you are eligible toreceive a free downtown C-Pass! Ride any COTA bus line,any time, any day!There is a C-Pass applicationattached to the welcome emailyou received. You are welcometo fill out the application prior,but you will also have the chanceto complete the applicationduring new hire paperwork!LAZ offers a monthly parkingpass at a discounted rate forall Hyatt Regency Columbuscolleagues!The discounted rate is $56.34 permonth. More information regardingthis pass, as well as the applicationare attached to the welcome emailyou received. You are welcome tofill out the application prior, butyou will also have the chance tocomplete the application duringnew hire paperwork!There are other parking optionsfor colleagues in addition to thediscounted pass and C-Pass. Street parking is typicallyunreliable. Attached to your welcome emailthere is a map that shows differentlots/garages located around thehotel. The prices for the passes canvary, and there is no discount forHyatt Regency Columbuscolleagues. These options are notaffiliated with our property.

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General Information!You can valet your car on your first day and we will validate yourticket for you.Let the valet team know that you are here for your first day once youarrive.Parking passes typically take two days after submission to be readyfor pickup, you will be able to park in the daily side of Chestnut StreetParking Garage until the pass is ready. Pull a ticket and bring that tothe Front Desk to be validated. Have the information needed for Direct Deposit (routing number,account number, void check if possible) when you come to completenew hire paperwork - we will assist you in setting this up. Make sure to review your offer letter that was attached to yourwelcome email, as well as any other forms or information included inthe email. So you are aware, we will be taking a picture of you duringpaperwork, this picture will be used for your new hire announcement.