CREW CARDSCapital One - Credit CardWe use Capital One for our crew cards.Both the captain and chef are issued theirown card, which are labeled by yacht. Sofor instance there will be a ‘Belle VieCaptain’ card, as well as a ‘Belle Vie Chef’card. These cards are to be used for allpurchases, outside of drawing cash.Commerce - Debit CardWe use Commerce Bank as crew debit cardsfor drawing cash. These are only issued tocaptains and are labeled by yacht. These cardsare to be used to draw cash only. They willneed to be activated and the pin set in orderto draw cash.Card Release FormUpon receipt of your card please fill in this Release Form for each card.
TRACKING CARDS & CASHEvery time a card or cash is handed to another crew, send us an emailwith the information to the right, cc'ing:- the people involved in the exchange- Viki@dreamcaribbeanblue.comThe same procedure should take place when the cards and cash arereturned back to the rightful holders at the end of the charter if theexchange was temporary.If you are leaving permanently or for an extended period of timereturn cards & cash to DCB management.[BOAT NAME] [CARD NAME]Date of handover: [MM.DD.YY]From: [CREW NAME]To: [CREW NAME]CASH Date of Transfer: [MM.DD.YY]Amount: $From: [CREW NAME]To: [CREW NAME]
EXPENSIFYWe use Expensify to track crew expenses. We have developed an Expensifytraining guide, which you can find here.Timely submission of your receipts will be key to keeping yacht financesaccurate. You have seven days after the completion of a charter to submit allreceipts associated with that charter.Salaries will only be released once all receipts have been submitted forcharters ending up to a week prior to the end of the month. (For example, inorder to receive your salary for April you will have to have submitted all reportsfor charters ending on and before the 24th of April).
ACCOUNTING STAFFAccountantAlyssa reconciles accounts andmanages accounts payable andreceivables.Alyssa Garcia+1 (203) 751-2026alyssa@dreamcaribbeanblue.com
CLEARING HOUSEAny questions regarding bookings, contract documents or for broker contact details,please reach out our clearing house, whose contact details are below:M Y S T Y A C H T C H A R T E R SCandice Chivilocandice@seizethedaycharters.com+1 (617) 913-6138Candice handles any bookings that youwould forward as a crew referral.Erin Minnererin@mystyachtcharters.com+1 (443) 994-2865 Erin handles all other bookings. Anygeneral inquiry questions should bedirected toward her.
Replacement ItemsIf something needs to bereplaced on the yacht due towear and tear, loss or breakage,please contact Chrissy with theitem needed and she cancoordinate to replace it. YACHTINVENTORY
iVesselWe have moved the maintenanceand repairs tracking for our fleetto iVessel. We will email you yourlogin and instructions. This is anonline system to keep track ofroutine maintenance items,repair needs, and developingproject ideas for the yacht. MAINTENANCETRACKING
Crew PayTips are often paid in cash, or bycheck. If you are able, you candownload Venmo while you are inthe US if you switch your Applesubscription over to a US setting.You can also use PayPal, althoughthere are some fees associatedwith having a PayPal account anddrawing our your funds. T I P SWe will direct deposit yourmonthly salary into your bankaccount by the 10th of the monthfor the month prior. P A Y
Mobile PhoneContributionYou may charge us up to $20 permonth as a contribution to yourmobile phone expenses for whenyou don’t have access to the boat’sor Scrub’s WIFI.Please submit this via Expensify.
HolidayIf a personal matter arises thatneeds more immediate attention,we will be happy to work throughthose circumstances as well.P E R S O N A LPlease let us know well in advancewhen you would like to book yourF&F time so that we can ensure weare able to block time.F R I E N D S A N D F A M I L YWe will need at least 30 daysnotice for vacation requests. Youwill submit your time off requestsonline via the payroll softwareCelery.V A C A T I O N
Illness /InjuryOur first priority is your safety. Seekproper medical care, then notifyChrissy or Greg. In the event of anemergency or serious accident,follow yacht radio protocol of pan-pan or mayday.
YachtScheduleYou can always view the calendarfor your yacht at the following link:www.viewyacht.comSimply find your yacht bynavigating from the menu at thetop of the page.
Social MediaEach crew will need to set up anInstagram account for your yacht.Guests and brokers love to followyacht accounts to see where you havebeen chartering, what you have beenup to and it is a great way to keepguests engaged and create repeatclients. Posting content of food,where you are sailing, sunsets,activities or photos of yourselves arebest as we would need permission topost photos of guests.Mango Media has created a DCBguideline to assist with this contentcreation:LINK
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICYDCB takes a zero-tolerance approach to sexual misconduct in all its forms.
SEXUAL MISCONDUCTSexual misconduct is defined as any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which occurs inperson or by letter, telephone, text, e-mail, via social media or other electronic means. Itincludes, but is not limited to, the following behaviour: Engaging, or attempting to engage, in a sexual act with another individual without consent.1. Sexually touching another person without their consent.2. Kissing without consent.3. Sexual harassment - unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which creates (or could create) an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for others including makingunwanted remarks of a sexual nature.4. Inappropriately showing sexual organs to another person.5. Repeatedly following another person.6. Recording and/or sharing intimate images or recordings of another person without their consent.7. Arranging or participating in events or conduct which may reasonably be assumed to causedegradation and humiliation to those who have experienced sexual violence, e.g. inappropriatelythemed social events or initiations.8.
WITNESSING/EXPERIENCINGSEXUAL MISCONDUCTAny crew member who experiences sexual misconduct can raise the issue with management withconfidence the matter will be treated appropriately and sensitively, can provide support and advice onpossible next steps. All members of the DCB community have a responsibility to do or say something if they witness sexualmisconduct or the potential for sexual misconduct, and it is safe to intervene.Where an incident of sexual misconduct occurs, confidentiality for the person disclosing / reporting andanyone named will be maintained as far as possible. DCB will take appropriate steps to protect the safety of those who have experienced sexual misconduct,helping them to access support, and enabling them to decide how they wish to proceed. All reports of sexual misconduct will be taken seriously and investigated. Where breaches of DCB’s SexualMisconduct Policy have occurred, this may result in the termination of a guest booking or crew contract.
G R E G C L U MWhatsApp:+1 (202) 297-1633Email: greg@dreamcaribbeanblue.comV I K I A N T O N O P O U L O UWhatsApp:+30 6980512301 Email: viki@dreamcaribbeanblue.comCONTACT USNo question is ever too small. We are here to support you and we very muchwant to work as a team. Suggestions, questions, concerns, we are here forthem all. C H R I S S Y C L U MWhatsApp:+1 (303) 720-1725Email: chrissy@dreamcaribbeanblue.com