AgendaIntroductionCharter Guide OperationsTrainingStructure
Dream Caribbean Blue is devotedto creating lasting relationshipswith our guests by providingunparalleled service, genuinehospitality and unforgettableexperiences, all in an elegant yetcomfortable atmosphere.Our greatest assets will always beour people. We believe that trueworld-class experiences are setapart and achieved throughteamwork, exceptionalindividualized services, and theability of our people to takeownership.About UsDREAMING IN CARIBBEAN BLUESINCE 2020
To be the best inclass in the yachtsizes we charter.Mission, Vision, Values Always anexceptionalexperience for yachtowners, clients,brokers, and crew.DreamCareBuild
BASESBahamas: Hurricane Hole MarinaBritish Virgin Islands: Scrub Island SAILING LOCATIONSThe BahamasBritish Virgin IslandsSaint Vincent and the Grenadines
THE CHARTER EXPERIENCEC O N S I S T E N C Y .No matter the yacht,your experience willbe the same:Outstanding from fit and finish, to crew and cuisine.P E R S O N A L .Our charters arepersonal. Be interactive,interested, involved. C U S T O M .G E N U I N E .Always. We are here for our guests.Our charters take us where the guest dreams. This is not a "we do this every week"type experience.
Preference SheetO U R G U E S T S H A V E T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y T O F I L L O U T A P R E F E R E N C ES H E E T W H I C H D E T A I L S T H E T Y P E O F E X P E R I E N C E T H E Y W O U L D L I K ET O H A V E W H I L E O N C H A R T E R , W H A T T Y P E O F C U I S I N E T H E Y A R EL O O K I N G F O R , I F A N Y S P E C I A L O C C A S I O N S A R E B E I N G C E L E B R A T E D ,I F T H E Y W O U L D P R E F E R A N Y L A N D E X C U R S I O N S .W E W I L L S E N D Y O U T H E P R E F E R E N C E S H E E T P R I O R T O T H E C H A R T E RT O R E V I E W A N D P L A N A N I T I N E R A R Y A N D M E N U F R O M .
Food Allocation Costs W E A L L O C A T E A B U D G E T F O R F O O D C O S T S O F P E R G U E S T , P E R D A Y W H I L E O N C H A R T E R .T H A T B U D G E T S H O U L D A L S O I N C L U D E T H E P U R C H A S I N G O F F O O DF O R B O T H C R E W M E M B E R S W H I L E O N C H A R T E R A S W E L L . $65
Introduction CallOnce you have the Preference Sheet, schedule a call with the main guestcontact to review the preference form and plan your itinerary and menu.Some brokers may also want to you let them know when this call has beenscheduled.
AS THE CHARTER NEARS! Arrangements for TransportationWe provide transportation to and from our yachts. You will need to arrange for aland and/or water taxi depending upon the situation. The cost of a land taxi iscovered by DCB, the guests will simply need tip their driver. The cost of a watertaxi would need to be covered by the guests.The same will apply when it comes time for the guests to depart, we will needto have arranged for a land taxi to pick them up from the yacht and take themto the airport and/or water taxi.Our Base Manager can help to arrange these services for you.
AS THE CHARTER NEARS! Yacht ReadinessEnsure the yacht has had both an interior, as well as an exterior clean, she isprovisioned, laundered and looking her bestWe also like to have fresh flowers onboard as a welcome to guests. Thealternative is to keep potted flowers onboard, for instance orchids, and movethem to the salon when guests first arrive.
On Charter- Greet guests as they arrive- Assist with loading baggage ontothe yacht - Welcome cocktails and appetizerscan be enjoyed by guests as youmove luggage into the cabins- Flowers should be in the salon - Cabins should be outfit with ourgiveaways: Water bottles andluggage tags W E L C O M E A B O A R D
HydrationRelay to guests the importance ofstaying hydrated. Cover the following- Location of all coolers - Location of drink dispensers- A water bottle has beenprovided for them in their cabin,which is theirs to keep and usewhile on charter SafetyBriefing
Pool Open / Closed- Review what the safety lines being up onthe transom mean: that the "pool is closed"and everyone is to remain out of the water,no exceptions.- Review the location of the ladder.- Review the location of the propellers andwhat parts of the yacht are underwater.- Guests should know the depth of thewater the yacht is in and what isunderneath the yacht prior to jumping in.*Never start the engines if you have notaccounted for all guests to ensure that noone is in the water around the yacht. SafetyBriefing
Water ToysReview the water toys onboard aswell as how to safely use each. Relay the importance of never going into the water alone, in-water buddy system.Guests should always tellsomeone if they are going intothe water.Anyone with long hair will needto tie their hair back if they areusing the sea scooters.SafetyBriefing
TenderReview safety around the tender.Cover the following- Outboard engine safety- Getting in/out of the tendersafely- Water sports with the tender- Hand signals for faster, slower,when they are done- Spotter SafetyBriefing
Under WayExplain that while the yacht isunderway, all guests should haveone hand free at all times so thatthey are able to hold ontosomething stable and/or grabonto something stable if needed.Items will shift and move whilethe yacht is underway, be surethat all items in the cabins aresecure, lock cabinets.Depending upon conditions, thecaptain may limit movement. SafetyBriefing
Man OverboardReview the protocol for manoverboard:- Yell "man overboard"- Spotter- Throw device locations and howto use them- How the yacht will maneuver toretrieve them SafetyBriefing
Emergency SituationsReview emergency situations thatcould occur on the yacht.Go over the locations of the following:- Life Jackets- Escape portals, be sure to pointout that these are not to be openunless there is an emergency- Fire Extinguishers- Life Raft- EPIRB- Portable VHF Radio SafetyBriefing
Yacht ReviewRefrigerator doors and cabinetswill be locked while underway.If guests need something whilethe yacht is underway, let themknow to find a crew member thatcan assist them.Each yacht should have snacksfor guests in locations that areeasily accessible, i.e. in a tieredstand on a counter. Be sure topoint out the location of thosesnacks. GALLEY AND SALON
Yacht ReviewNote the location of the outdoorshower and that guests shouldrinse off saltwater and sand onthe sugar scoop.OUTDOOR SHOWERReview the location of the shoebasket and that shoes are in thebasket when on the boat. SHOES Note the location of all coolers, aswell as the contents.COOLERS
Yacht ReviewReview the importance ofsunscreen and applying it often.Note the location of the beachtowels.Where and how to hangclothing/towels out to dry usingclothes pins. Rinsing off excess sand prior toentering the tender. WATER/BEACH FUN
Yacht ReviewNote that we provide Caribbeanmade shampoo, conditioner,body wash and body lotion, allfound in their showers and heads.Note that we will tidy up cabinsand heads, empty the trash eachmorning during breakfast. C A B I N S
Yacht ReviewReviewing the proper way to use thetoilets on the yachts, we all know theimportance of that!Review proper and often flushing.Review the proper amount of toiletpaper to be used. We do allow toiletpaper to be flushed, so ensure thatguests know that four squares per flushis all the toilet can handle. Note that toilet paper is the only thingthat can be flushed, no wipes, no tissues. And if there is a problem, to let thecaptain know.H E A D S
On Your Way!Day One E N J O Y T H E T I M E W I T H G U E S T S , D E T E R M I N E H O W T OC O N N E C T W I T H T H E M , C A R D G A M E S , W A T E R S P O R T S , L O O KF O R W A Y S T O M A K E T H E T R I P S T A N D O U T .
AS EACH DAY CLOSESGather the guests for a Caribbean CocktailPrepare a favorite drink from the islandsToast to the day, to the islandsReview the itinerary for tomorrow
While on CharterM O R N I N G SWhile guests are havingbreakfast:- Make the beds in thecabins - Perform any touch-upcleaning needed in thecabins and heads- Check supply of soapsand toilet paperM E A L SMeals should be enjoyedwhile the yacht is underanchor or moored. Planeach day so that you arein an ideal spot for lunchand dinner. M E M O R I E SRemember theimportance this week willhold for guests, theplanning and preparationit took for them to getthere, that this is "theirweek", that we are thereto craft their memories.
While on CharterW H I L E U N D E R W A YBe sure that everything issecure prior to departingto ensure the safety ofguests, as well as thecontents of the yacht.Fenders should be putaway in the forepeakswhen the yacht isunderway. Nothing should be on thelifelines while underway. Ifsomething has been hungto dry, take those items offprior to departing . We donot want to present ouryachts as sailinglaundromats.
L A S T L O O KTake a final walkthrough the yacht andbe sure that all guestitems have beengathered. Be sure tohave a way to contactthe guests if we findsomething left behind. G U E S T B O O KBe sure guests sign theyacht's guest book priorto departing. T R A N S P O R T A T I O NBe sure that you havearranged for ground andor water transportationto deliver guests to theairport. When you arriveat the dock, thistransportation should bewaiting for them. PREPARE FOR GUESTS TO DEPART
Bid Farewell!Final DayP R E P A R E A H E A R T Y B R E A K F A S T O F F E R T O T A K E A N Y L A S T G R O U P P H O T O S T A K E A L L G U E S T L U G G A G E T O T H E D O C KH E L P E A C H G U E S T D I S E M B A R KW A L K T H E M T O T H E I R T R A N S P O R T A T I O NW I S H T H E M W E L L O N T H E I R T R A V E L S !
ACCOUNTINGReceiptsPlease keep all receipts incurred while on charter and give those toother crew member aboard your vessel that you are chartering with.PayPlease send your invoices for any charters you complete to:chrissy@dreamcaribbeanblue.com TipsTips are often paid in cash, or by check. PayPal and Venmo are alsoan option.
MAINTENANCE CONCERNSIf a maintenance issue occurs while onboard, please document the issue andmake the captain aware upon their return. If it is an urgent matter please contact our Greg at the following:Greg ClumWhatsApp:+1 (202) 297-1633
Injury / IllnessOur first priority is your safety. Seek proper medical care, then notify Chrissy or Greg.In the event of an emergency or serious accident, follow yacht radio protocol of pan-pan or mayday.
G R E G C L U MWhatsApp:+1 (202) 297-1633Email:greg@dreamcaribbeanblue.comC H R I S S Y C L U MWhatsApp:+1 (303) 720-1725Email:chrissy@dreamcaribbeanblue.comCONTACT USNo question is ever too small. We are here to support you and we very muchwant to work as a team. Suggestions, questions, concerns, we are here forthem all.