HurricaneHole Marina John McSweeneyOffice: +1 242) 603-1945Cell: +1 (242) 359-1994Email:jmcsweeney@hurricaneholemarina.comC O N T A C TWe currently use Hurricane HoleMarina for guest pick up and dropoff. The manager at Hurricane Holeis John McSweeney.B A H A M A S
RaymondWhatsApp: +1 (242) 448-9566RaymondRaymond works for Dream Yacht Charter andcan help with most systems onboard. Chargesaround $100 for minor fixes. TECHNICIANBAH
I S A Y A M A H A P A R T S U P P L I E R A N D P R O V I D E S M O S TO F T H E S T A N D A R D B O A T A N D D I V E K I T S ( S H A C K L E S , L I N E S , F I S H I N G )HARBOURSIDE MARINA+1 242-393-0262https://goo.gl/maps/CtXEKDEdCDrqXrDL7
M O S T L Y G E N E R A T O R P A R T S A N D S O M E Y A M A H AP A R T S . T H E Y C A N R E B U I L D S T A R T E R S A N D S U C HI N - H O U S E . ALBERT'S PARTS+1 242-394-6989https://goo.gl/maps/mAKb3GCAb4rn13wL7
Y A M A H A D E A L E R A L W A Y S B E T T E R T O C A L L AC O U P L E O F W E E K S A H E A D F O R S E R V I C E P A R T S A ST H E Y D O N ’ T H O L D T O O M U C H O N S T O C K . MARINE DIESEL LTD.+1 242-394-2135https://goo.gl/maps/13cb9R6SPQ8QLBbk6
T H I S I S T H E B E S T P L A C E F O R E N G I N E F L U I D S , I T ’ SN O T T H E C H E A P E S T B U T T H E 1 5 W O I L C A N B E H A R DT O F I N D A N D T H E R E I S A L W A Y S A T L E A S T O N EB R A N D I N S T O C K . AID HARBOUR BAY+1 242-601-0145https://goo.gl/maps/HZKgmKX9qK7NsyK88
C H E A P E S T P L A C E F O R O I L A N D T H E Y C A N P R O V I D EY O U W I T H O I L F I L T E R S F O R T H E G E N E S A N D M A I NE N G I N E H O W E V E R T H E Y A R E N O T G R E A T . T H E Y D OH A V E A G O O D S E L E C T I O N O F F U S E S A N D O T H E RG E N E R I C P A R T S . CAR QUEST+1 242-603-2780https://goo.gl/maps/XaUunGxLAihtJeyB8
T H I S I S T H E B E S T P L A C E F O R W A T E R F I L T E R S( W A T E R M A K E R A N D F R I D G E ) . A L S O H A S A G O O DS E L E C T I O N O F H O U S E H O L D G O O D S . KELLY'S HOUSE & HOME+1 242-393-4002https://goo.gl/maps/WUk71DjfNHbTAawb7
The Restaurant Supply CoThey do have a website that you can order from and they will deliver (give them afew days though). It is essentially a very small Costco with an Asian and Europeansection upstairs. Great place for good olive oil, olives, sushi supplies, proper jams. +1 (242) 677-6968https://goo.gl/maps/Z5XzEoFnZKiXyhvL6
Whatsapp John with you order andthey will bring it the followingmorning. They can provide prettymuch anything drink related as longit isn’t too obscure. With wine youcan either provide the type andbudget or ask him for the list andorder from that.IslandWinesJOHN NUTT +1 (242) 427-4460
Solomon's Fresh MarketPlace to go for good meat, cheeses and other higher end groceries. +1 242-677-7290https://goo.gl/maps/33Vd1jSkLwaZ66xk7
Right beside the marina. Great forstandard items and essentials. Solomon'sYamacraw+1 242-302-0150https://goo.gl/maps/EgoZL3MbhN6KKjAeA
Nassau Fish MarketOutdoor fish market. Look for a guy called Rambo and he will look after you. Goaround 8am to get the choice. You will get the charged for the fish and then again tohave it cleaned. Only ever ask for the fish to be gutted and scaled as the filleting skillsare not great. +1 242-466-6895https://goo.gl/maps/v9F8XvzgvoVmfWLq5
Most salad leaves, tomatoes, eggs,micro greens and herbs. They have alist and you can order by text andpay online. Blue FieldsFarms+1 242-801-2583https://goo.gl/maps/kw7EVBBuMQM4S3UX8
Recommended CompanyOTC CAR RENTALS +1 (242) 557-2277You can call or text on WhatsApp and they will deliver the car tothe marina.
Lady M+1 (242) 544-4250I S A N A M A Z I N G C H O I C EF O R G U E S T P I C K U P A N DD R O P O F F , H A S I N C R E D I B L EC U S T O M E R S E R V I C EDJ+1 (242) 815-4300C A N P R O V I D E A R A N G E O FV E H I C L E S A N D W O R K SW I T H A N E T W O R K O FD R I V E R S
NEELY'S BOAT BOTTOMCleans the exterior of our yachtsbetween charters, also able to domost underwater jobs. Neely+1 (242) 471-6137Exterior
EXCLUSIVECONSULTANTSMargot with Paragon Yachtingprovides our interior cleaners, shecan also help source provisions,inboard freight, or get parts toyou in the Exumas or Abacos. Margot+1 (242) 524-7118Interior
Miss Millie’s Wash HouseThe main contact is Pat, but you must schedule a marina laundry pick up/drop off attheir website noted below:Pat+1 242-455-5424https://www.giveittomillie.com/scheduleapickup