ISLANDSTANDARD TIME“WE ALWAYS OPERATE ON ISLAND TIME”We can't wait to welcome you aboardand showcase for you the beauty that is the Caribbean.
WELCOMESEETHECARIBBEANB A H A M A SS A I N T V I N C E N T A N DT H E G R E N A D I N E SV I R G I N I S L A N D STraveling with soft-sided luggageor a duffel bag is preferred. Theseare easy to fold and store, whereashard-sided suitcases are difficult toput away. Ensure to pack some essentials inyour carry-on bag to avoid completeimpairment if there is some delay inreceiving your luggage. Pack lightly! Swimsuits andcasual clothes are your best options,plus an outfit or two you may want towear ashore for dinner. LUGGAGESUNSCREENSunscreen is essential, and we askthat you look for labels thatspecifically indicate they are reeffriendly, or whose key ingredients areeither zinc or titanium dioxide. Some other common ingredients tosunscreens have been found todamage coral reefs. We want to begood stewards of the environmentswe are in, and simply visit, rather thandamage these environments.We also ask that you do not bring anyaerosol spray lotions onboard. We prepared the following to assistyou in planning for your charter, butplease feel free to email us if youhave further questions before wedepart.LINENSAll linens, bath and beach towels arealready onboard.SHOESWe promote a barefoot policyaboard Island Standard Time. If youdo prefer to wear shoes onboard,please be sure they have non-markingsoles. Recommended shoes include flipflops, water shoes, shoes that workwell on a beach, and running shoes ifyou enjoy walking or hikingexcursions.
FÁILTETHECARIBBEANB A H A M A SS A I N T V I N C E N T A N DT H E G R E N A D I N E SV I R G I N I S L A N D SIsland Standard Time has an 110Vpower system with American three-prong outlets as well as USB outletsfor small electronics located in eachcabin. She is also equipped with 12Vsockets. If needed, plug adapters areavailable upon request. POWERCOMMUNICATIONCell phone reception throughoutthe islands is generally good, andIsland Standard Time provides asignal booster onboard.We do recommend you contact yourservice provider in advance to makethem aware of your travel plans andto avoid roaming and any excesscharges.HAIR DRYERSWe have learned that the oceanbreeze plus the Caribbean sun worksas a great natural stylist. If your hairdisagrees, hair dryers are carried onboard. Feel free to bring your hairstraightener and/or curling irons, butplease note that these typeappliances can only be used whilethe generator on the boat is running.TOILETRIESCaribbean made, eco-friendly andreef safe shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, lotion and soaps are allsupplied on Island Standard Time foryour convenience. You are of coursewelcome to bring your preferredbrands as well. DIVING & SNORKELINGIsland Standard Time is equippedwith snorkeling gear, a subwing andsublue underwater scooters.Rendezvous diving excursions can beorganized. If you plan to scuba dive,you will to need pack yourqualification card and have a doctorcertify that you are fit to dive if youhave any medical issues. You must becertified with a minimum of a validOpen Water qualification.If you would like for the crew toorganize a dive, please let them knowin advance of your charter.SEE
WILLKOMMENTHECARIBBEANB A H A M A SS A I N T V I N C E N T A N DT H E G R E N A D I N E SV I R G I N I S L A N D SLOCAL CURRENCYBAHAMAS: The US dollar is acceptedfor all transactions in the Bahamasand can be used with Bahamiancurrency. Be sure to spend whateverBahamian bills you have beforedeparture, as it's nearly impossible toexchange them outside of theBahamas. Credit cards are alsowidely accepted.VIRGIN ISLANDS: The local currency inthe US Virgin Islands and the BritishVirgin Islands is the US dollar. Creditcards are accepted most places, butnot all. We would recommendbringing cash for gift shops, bars andgratuities for island activities.SAINT VINCENT & THE GRENADINES:The local currency is the EastCaribbean dollar. Many places willaccept the US dollar as payment,although only bills, not coins. ATMsare rare, and it is best to take all thecash you believe you will need whenvisiting these islands.MUSIC & GAMESYou can connect to Island StandardTime stereo system through USB,Bluetooth and AUX methods. IslandStandard Time features a stereosystem on the fly bridge, main deckand in the salon.Be mindful however ofeveryone’s music preferences whenyou become the yacht’s DJ.Also ensure to create a playlist inadvance, to avoid having to streammusic.Island Standard Time has a number ofhousefavorite board games and playingcards carried onboard, but feel freeto bring your own as well.There is also a flat screen televisionin the salon. SEE
KARIBUTHECARIBBEANB A H A M A SS A I N T V I N C E N T A N DT H E G R E N A D I N E SV I R G I N I S L A N D SEVER CHANGING LANDSCAPEThis could refer to so manythings, we are however speaking ofdrug and marijuana use. This is anever changing landscape, but giventhat Island Standard Time traversesthe Caribbean which consists of manydifferent islands, governed by manydifferent entities, we must adhere toa strict no drug or marijuana usepolicy. Any recreational drugs foundon the boat at any time will beconsidered grounds for immediatetermination of the charter.SEASICKNESSIf you are susceptible toseasickness, or get motion sickness ingeneral, a doctor can prescribemedications to help ease thosesymptoms. We would recommenddoing your due diligence andbringing those onboard if warranted.Over the counter remedies includeginger tablets and Dramamine, whichcan also help to settle your stomach,and may be helpful to bring as well.If you feel this may be of concern, wealso have a lot of tips and tricks thatcan help once we are out at sea.DREAM IN CARIBBEAN BLUE© 2024SEE