Donate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comtransformative educational experiences.We also kicked off the year with our Grow & Glow CommunityFestival on Sunday, February 2. We were so inspired seeing so manycommunity members come together to support WEF and ourcommunity. From engaging exhibits to outstanding studentperformances, it was a true celebration of learning, creativity, andcommunity. A heartfelt thank you to all of the exhibitors, student performers,community organizations, and attendees who made the day asuccess. And a special note of gratitude to our sponsors and silentauction donors—your generosity and support made this eventpossible!Looking ahead, we are excited to continue our mission ofsupporting innovation in our schools. Our Spring Grant Cycle is nowopen, and we can't wait to see the incredible ideas our educatorsbring forward. Thank you for all those who support WEF through sponsorship,donations, volunteering, and sharing our mission—your supportfuels our ability to make a lasting impact in Westerville City Schools.Letter from Our President and Executive Director Presented byContact UsWinter 2025As we step into 2025, we want totake a moment to reflect on theincredible impact we’ve madetogether over the past fewmonths. Since our fall newsletter,the Westerville EducationFoundation has successfullycompleted our Fall Grant Cycle,awarding 14 grants totaling$13,937. These grants aresupporting innovative projectsacross STEM, the arts, social andemotional learning, and more—ensuring that students inWesterville City Schools haveaccess to enriching and WEF Board Members recently held theirannual retreat to reflect on the Cam PiattWEF PresidentEmma NelsonExecutive DirectorPatron forEducation SponsorChampion forEducation SponsorsWe are proud to recognizethree sponsors whosegenerous support makesthe work of the WestervilleEducation Foundationpossible. Their sponsorshipdemonstrates their deepcommitment not only topublic education, but alsoto their community.
Winter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERContact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comThe Fall 2024 Grant Cycle concluded in November, with fundsawarded in December. The Westerville Education Foundation wasthrilled to see so many innovative and creative ideas fromWesterville teachers and staff. Many of these projects are alreadymaking an impact in classrooms, and we can’t wait to share theincredible ways they’re enriching student learning. Stay tuned forstories highlighting their success!WEF Board Members Spring Grant Cycle Closes March 21, 2025Applications for our Spring Grant Cycle are open! All WestervilleCity Schools faculty, staff, and students may apply. Applications willbe voted on by our board at our board meeting on April 23, withwinners being announced shortly after.Applications and instructions can be found on our website. Pleasecontact Emma Nelson with questions.Click here to be directed to our Grants page. Emma NelsonExecutive DirectorEXECUTIVE BOARDCam PiattPresidentJessica DialloVice PresidentGreg RubanTreasurer Beth WeinhardtSecretaryMike CollinsPast PresidentMarty SweterlitschDevelopment CommitteeChairAT LARGE BOARDNick GurichLaTresa DouglasCoutanya CoombsRachael IngramTodd GagyiAnthony ValentiKerry PannellAngie CoxEX-OFFICIO BOARDAngie HambergSuperintendentMelanie AmatoEx. Director ofCommunications andCommunity EngagementKristy MeyerWCS School BoardPresidentFall 2024 Grants Overview19 GrantApplicationsMore than5,000 studentsimpacted14 GrantsApproved$13,937Awarded 9 Schools, 2District-WideFALL GRANTS AT A GLANCE
Contact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comWinter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERWe are the Ville AwardBecca Yanni, Charlie Boss, Kyle Lewis; District-Wide "We are the Ville" is a reminder to us all that no matterwhich school students attend, it's still one Westerville. OurWe are the Ville Sportsmanship Award is just one of theways that we are reinforcing camaraderie and positivesportsmanship.Student Recording StudioDrew Farrell, Kristi Shaffer-May, Doug Hildreth, Alyse Hancock-Phillips; Genoa Middle SchoolGenoa Middle School is creating an innovative space for students torecord and practice their vocal and instrumental performances usingstudio quality equipment.Arts Alive FestivalJennifer Kiko, Ali Deck, Jo Yarano, Derrick Ehlen;Westerville CentralArts Alive is a school-wide celebration of the arts. The WEFgrant provides funds to purchase chalk pastels for over 100student collaborative murals! Over 400 students willparticipate free of cost!Diversity Through LiteracySusan Kaul, Mark TwainThrough WEF grant funds, Mark Twain Elementary continues itssupport of student diversity through literacy. Mark Twain runs areading program in which EVERY student has EQUAL access tocurrent books to take with them to build their personal homelibraries.Fall 2024 Grant AwardsWe are proud to present our fall grant projects, approved in our Fall 2024 Grant Cycle. It’s an honorto support a diverse range of innovative initiatives, spanning the arts, STEM, literacy, social andemotional learning, and more!
Contact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comMcVay Makers STEM ClubScotti Smith, McVay ElementaryThe McVay Makers are students who are learning how to master 21stcentury skills through STEM activities. Students are utilizing a growthmindset through creativity, innovation, and problem solving.Winter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERCulinary ClubJody Christy, Westerville Central Culinary Club is open to all students, without cost, while teaching themabout different cultures, cooking skills, and how to be healthy whileadhering to a budget.Amplifying Student Voice: Adding Podcasting to WSHS and the LibraryBrandi Young, Westerville SouthThis project aims to enhance student engagement, creativity,and digital literacy by providing hands-on experience in mediaproduction. Students will develop critical communication,research, and collaboration skills, preparing them for futureacademic and career success in a digital world.Let's Talk AAC: Core WordsHeather Kabler, Westerville South “Let’s Talk AAC: Core Words” provides materials for the studentsand special education staff in our Life Skills classrooms atWesterville South to use to model, encourage, and facilitatecommunication (functional communication and socialcommunication).Viriditas: Regulation through Nature Katie O'Leary, Jennifer Seevers, Sarah Sharpes; Fouse Elementary SchoolThe idea that we are drawn to nature and can use technology freeways to teach regulation and fulfill sensory needs for our studentswith disabilities is the inspiration behind this project.
Contact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comWinter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERGames, Games, and More GamesAngie Crego, Beldon Middle SchoolGames help us communicate with others, make friends, andproblem solve. Bringing this back to kids today will help themlearn more about themselves and how to problem solve in theirlives.African American Read-inLee Rutherford, Tresa Douglas; Blendon Middle School The African-American Read-In has become a signature event tocelebrate the diversity of our community and to spotlightauthors of color and their contributions to the world of literature.This year’s theme is “Finding the Fire Within” and features authorJohari Mitchell.Life Town ColumbusAlex Mason, David Mangan; Wilder Elementary School*Funded through the Tombaugh FundLife Town is a realistic indoor city for students with special needsto practice life skills such as money skills, making and keepingappointments, going to work on time, and being an activemember of their community through role play.Fourth Grade STEM ProjectLyndsey Manzo, Heather Griffith, Kate Thoma; District-WideThrough the help of the Westerville Education Foundation, each ofWesterville's 47 fourth grade classrooms received 200 washers tocontinue their STEM wind challenge. This challenge will helpstudents to deepen into their exploration in engineering anddesign.Moving Mustang's Mileage ClubNikki Kilbane, Becky Limes; Hawthorne Elementary SchoolHawthorne Elementary is excited to introduce the MovingMustangs Mileage Club. This fun fitness based club includes allstudents and supports them in goal setting, living a healthy life,and having fun with their friends. We can't wait to see how manymiles these Mustangs can do!
Donate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comWinter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERContact UsThe Genoa Fossil Garden is now complete and ready for visitors!In February 2024, the fossil garden project was funded throughthe Westerville Education Foundation’s Golden Butterflycampaign. The project was funded through communitydonations and WEF matching funds.The grant was submitted by Genoa English Learnersparaprofessional Deb Bergman. Bergman has a passion forgeology and fossils; she knew that visiting a fossil site was out ofreach for most, and had a vision to bring the experience toWesterville students. The Fossil Garden is a 48 x 44 foot area covered by approximately 42 tons of fossiliferous material.The material was donated by Holcim US, owner of the LaFarge Quarry, in Paulding, Ohio. The quarrycontains fossils from the Devonian period when Ohio was covered by a deep ocean basin. The Fossil Garden has the potential to have a far reaching impact on Westerville students. It is opento all Westerville schools, and aligns with standards in elementary, middle, and high school. Teachers may schedule time at the Genoa Fossil Garden through a master calendar on the districtshared drive. Students can become archeologists and hunt for trilobites, placoderms, gastropods,cephalopods, brachiopods, and more at the site.Bergman isn’t done yet though; she hopes to add more to the space in the future, including a scaledGeological Timeline and a shelter with electrical service to be used as an outdoor learning space.Deb Bergman examines some of the fossilmaterials delivered from the LaFargeQuarry in Paulding, Ohio.The Genoa Fossil Garden is now open and available to allWesterville City School students. Teacher’s can access theGoogle Calendar schedule on the District Shared Drive in afolder entitled “Genoa Fossil Garden Resources”. Grant Spotlight: The Genoa Fossil GardenGenoa Middle School students help to lay thegroundwork for the Fossil Garden.
Winter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comContact UsApril HynesMark Twain ElementaryScotti Smith McVay ElementaryPeter WegleyWalnut Springs MiddleSchoolNovember Teacher ofthe Month AwardeesJill Briscoe Minerva Park Middle SchoolKatherine Walters Minerva France ElementaryLisa Reed Hawthorne Elementary September Teacher ofthe Month AwardeesTJ PotterfCherrington ElementaryNichole PriceWilder ElementaryKelly MoffAnnehurst ElementaryDecember Teacher ofthe Month AwardeesAngela FaustWhittier ElementaryLaine WoodEmerson ElementaryAllie Hamilton Hanby Elementary February Teacher of theMonth AwardeesCayla AndrickHuber Ridge ElementarySydney SalisburyPointview Elementary RaNae EdwardsEarly Learning CenterOctober Teacher of theMonth AwardeesAmy Anglin Educational Options forSuccess (EOS) programShannon PachecoWesterville South Alex MariettaBlendon Middle SchoolJanuary Teacher of theMonth AwardeesWEF Teacher of the Month Honorees MarchNorth High SchoolRobert Frost ElementaryHeritage MSAprilFouse ElementaryGenoa Middle SchoolCentral High SchoolAlcott ElementaryUpcoming SchoolsNominate a TeacherTeacher of the MonthCommitteeRebecca ChesnickTOTM ChairCoutanya CoombsKristy MeyerBeth WeindhardtLisa DapozEmma NelsonWEF Teacher of the Month committeemembers and district administrationrecognize October Teacher of the Monthwinner Sydney Salisbury at PointviewElementary School. Donate to the Teacherof the Month FundDonate Here
Winter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comContact UsThank you to our silentauction donors!Blend Candle Co.COSIBirdie BooksSummit HavenTopgolfCampfire BrewingAqua-Tots WestervilleWhit’s WestervilleInspiring U101 Craft KitchenDuck DonutsPure RootsRockin’ Jump WestervilleColumbus Museum of ArtLakeshore LearningExperience ColumbusMusicologie WestervilleAloft ColumbusThe Columbus Running Co. Graeter’s Ice CreamAsterisk Supper ClubSwallow & Birch PhotographyHomageMeza Wine ShopJeni’s Ice Creami9 SportsOtterbein University Las Margaritas WestervilleNorth StarClassroom AnticsThe Draft RoomNapa KitchenHigh BanksHoover Sailing ClubThe Draft RoomThe Yoga & Fitness FactoryYoung Chef’s AcademyMaple Street Biscuit Co.JC Manny Apparel Uptown Westerville Inc.Westerville Library Revere Salon & SpaWesterville Fire Dept.Mike & Julie CollinsCoHatch WestervilleThe Columbus ClippersAmish Originals The Columbus Blue JacketsThe Cleveland BrownsThe Cincinnati RedsGrow & Glow 2025The 2025 Grow & GlowCommunity Festival was ahuge success, and we owe itall to you—our amazingcommunity.Many community membersjoined us at Minerva ParkMiddle School on Sunday,February 2, for an afternoonfilled with music, Students from Walnut Springs Middle Schoolperform songs from their production of Shrekthe Musical Jr. on the Grow & Glow main stage. hands-on activities, exhibitors, and so much more. The energy,excitement, and engagement from our community trulymade this event special.A huge thank you to our talented student performers whoentertained and inspired, our exhibitors who shared valuableresources and experiences, and our dedicated volunteers whoworked tirelessly to make sure everything ran smoothly. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize ouramazing sponsors who have invested in our community andmake our work possible. To everyone who attended—thank you for showing up,supporting our mission, and celebrating the power ofeducation and community with us. Above: Jaguar Java (Genoa Middle School)serves free coffee at Grow & Glow.Right: Students from Westerville North HighSchool perform a dance from their BlackHistory Month Celebration.
Winter 2025WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comContact UsSponsorship LevelsPremier Sponsor$20,000Elite Sponsor$15,000Presenting Sponsor$10,000Patron for Education$5,000Champion for Education$2,500Partner in Education$1,000Friend of Education$500Thank You to Our SponsorsThank you to all of our sponsors who helped make our successfulFall Grant Cycle possible! Your generous support is deeplyappreciated by WEF and the Westerville community. Why sponsor WEF?Support Local Education – Your sponsorship directly fundsinnovative classroom grants,student programs, and educatorinitiatives that enhance learningin Westerville schools.Community Visibility &Recognition – Gain exposurethrough WEF’s events, website,social media, and promotionalmaterials, showcasing yourbusiness as a committedsupporter of education.Invest in Future Leaders – By supporting WEF, you’rehelping to create opportunitiesfor students to thrive, fostering astrong and educated workforcefor the future.Interested insponsoring WEF?Contact Emma Nelson. Partners in EducationPresenting SponsorsPatron for EducationChampions for EducationFriends of Education