Donate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comWe’ve teamed up with i9! i9Sports has been offeringyouth sports leaguesfocused on fun, learning,and inclusivity for kids ages3-14 in Westerville since2007. Thank you, i9, for yoursupport of public education!New Faces and Leadership at WEFPresented byContact UsFall 2024The Westerville Education Foundation (WEF) is excited tointroduce its new leadership team, which took office in July.Former Treasurer and Vice President Cam Piatt has steppedinto the role of President, while Jessica Diallo, previously ourExecutive Director, has transitioned to Vice President. EmmaNelson, a former Westerville City Schools teacher and longtimedistrict volunteer, has been named our new Executive Director.We are also pleased to have Ms. Angie Hamberg continue herservice to the WEF board this year, and celebrate herappointment as the new Superintendent of Westerville CitySchools.In addition, WEF is proud to welcome two new board members.Rachael Ingram, who has a background in communications andlaw, brings valuable insights to our board. She and her husbandhave three children currently enrolled in Westerville CitySchools, and a son who is a graduate of Westerville North. ToddGagyi, Senior Director of Development at OSU, joins us with 23years of experience in philanthropy. He and his wife live inWesterville and have two children.WEF will also welcome Otterbein Associate Provost for FacultyAffairs Kerry Pannell, and i9 League Director Anthony Valenti tothe board in October. WEF looks forward to expanding our impact with the trustedleadership of our longstanding board members and the freshinsights of our new members.Since 2018, Mount Carmel St.Ann’s has been a generoussupporter of the WEF,donating $50,000 to supportour programs. Thank you,Mount Carmel St. Ann’s, foryour unwaveringcommitment to supportingWEF and public education.WEF Board Members recently held their annual retreat to reflect on the achievementsof the last year and plan strategically for the year ahead. Pictured from left to right (back row): Emma Nelson, Cam Piatt, Todd Gagyi, MelanieAmato, Kristy Meyer. Pictured from left to right (front row): Marty Sweterlitsch,Coutanya Coombs, Mike Collins, Kerry Pannell, Nick Gurich, Jessica Diallo. Welcome and thank you toour newest PresentingSponsor, NationwideChildren’s! As a vitaladvocate for children'shealth, we are grateful toNationwide Children’s forextending their support tofoster the educational well-being of our students as well.
Fall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERContact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comGLOWGROWWesterville Education FoundationFebruary 2, 2025Save the Date Mark your calendars and join usfor our annual Grow & GlowCommunity Festival at Minerva Park Middle School!WEF Board Members Upcoming EventsWEF AT FOURTH FRIDAY!Grow & Glow is our annualfree community festivaldedicated to spotlighting allof the wonderful thingshappening in our district, aswell as celebrating ourcommunity’s commitmentto education. Interested in being a part ofGrow & Glow? Click on theapplicable link below.Please reach out toExecutive Director EmmaNelson with any questions.Businesses/ExhibitorsDistrict/Student GroupsFriday, October 25, 20246:00 - 9:00 p.m.WEF will be at the MagicalMidnight Madness Fourth Fridayevent passing out treats andpresenting three grants to thecommunity!FEATURED GRANTS:STEM Challenges -Elementary Gifted ProgramFossil Garden - Genoa MSAround the World with Food- Heritage MSFall Grants Cycle Closes October 11thApplications for our Fall Grant Cycle are still open! All WestervilleCity Schools faculty, staff, and students may apply. Applicationsand instructions can be found on our website. Please contactEmma Nelson with questions.Click here to be directed to our Grants page. Emma NelsonExecutive DirectorEXECUTIVE BOARDCam PiattPresidentJessica DialloVice PresidentGreg RubanTreasurer Beth WeinhardtSecretaryMike CollinsPast PresidentMarty SweterlitschDevelopment CommitteeChairAT LARGE BOARDLarry DeVese Nick GurichLaTresa RievesCoutanya CoombsRachael IngramTodd GagyiEX-OFFICIO BOARDAngie HambergSuperintendentMelanie AmatoEx. Director ofCommunications andCommunity EngagementKristy MeyerWCS School BoardPresident
Contact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comFall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERInterpreting TheatreMatt Wolfe, Westerville South This grant aims to make theatre more accessible to deafand hard of hearing community members by having ASLinterpreters at select Westerville South Theatreperformances in the 2024-25 school year*This grant was funded by the Tombaugh Fund.Seeing Education Through a New Lens: Exploring the Worldthrough Virtual RealityBrandi Young, Westerville South High School Thanks to a grant from WEF, Westerville South students are now ableto travel to different countries, visit ancient history, take apart andexplore molecules, and so much more all without leaving South’slibrary! Through our VR system, students will be able to have theseexperiences to help them dive deeper into subject content, learnhands-on skills, and stay easily engaged in their active learning.Arts for AllEvan McIntyre, McVay Elementary School The goal of this program is to enrich the learningexperiences and to ensure that unique arts opportunitiesare accessible to all K-5 learners at McVay Elementary. Thematerials requested as part of this project will help to enrichcommunity engagement and foster a multitude of creativepathways to arts-based learning. Empowering Student Wellness through Creative ExpressionSerena Casale, Mark Twain Elementary School This grant is designed to empower students' creativity and well-being by using technology to personalize vinyl stickers andbuttons that promote self-regulating strategies and inspire apositive school culture. Through artistic design, students willdevelop vital socio-emotional skills while spreading positivity andresilience throughout the Mark Twain school community.WEF takes immense pride in championing educators throughout the district byproviding grants to fuel innovative projects across a diverse range of subjects. In springof 2024, WEF awarded more than $10,000 in funding, empowering educators to bringcreativity and excellence into their classrooms and throughout the community. Spring 2024 Grant Awards
Contact UsDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comReaders are Leaders!Maureen Hogarth, Erin Holloway, Hillary Thompson; Hawthorne Elementary School Students at Hawthorne Elementary listen to reading on their newTonieboxes from their favorite characters. This will help students withlistening comprehension and reading comprehension while havingfun and building their stamina!Fall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERTop P.R.O.W.L.ers of the QuarterDr. Garrett Carter, Minerva Park Middle School This is a PBIS incentive program that recognizes students andencourages them to set and achieve long-term goals. Student awardsand incentives include: certificate, letter home, school swag items, one"free" period of recess with shaved ice and popcorn, and a morningrecognition program (Pancakes for P.R.O.W.L.ers) in which parents areinvited to celebrate their child's success!Around the World with FoodJennifer Cole, Heritage Middle SchoolThis program provides food associated with the countries andcultures sixth-grade students learn about in their social studieslessons. Sharing food from different cultures not only enhancestheir understanding of those cultures, but also allows studentsthe opportunity to share about their own cultures and foodtraditions. *This grant was funded by the Tombaugh Fund.Growing GreatnessCynthia Shimovetz, Blendon Middle School The Growing Greatness Project will enable students to explore theconcept and benefits of sustainable gardening by usinghydroponics. Through this project, students will have theopportunity to apply their knowledge in a real-word setting as theywork to sell their produce to the broader community.Cup Stacking Fun: Building Skills for SuccessBryan Johnson, Minerva France Elementary School This program aims to enhance hand-eye coordination, agility, andfocus among students through the engaging activity of cupstacking. This grant provides funding for purchasing stacking sets,organizing workshops for teachers, and facilitating inter-schoolcompetitions, fostering a fun and inclusive environment forphysical development in young learners.
Fall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comWEF is proud to be onceagain recognizing theamazing work ofWesterville teachersthrough our Teacher ofthe Month program.Each month, WEFreceives nominationsfrom students, parents,and district staff torecognize excellence inthe classroom. Awardrecipients receive cookiesdonated by Schneider’sBakery, a certificate, and$100 in their classroomaccount.Co-chairing the program this year are WCSD School BoardPresident Kristy Meyer, and Vice Mayor Coutanya Coombs,both WEF Board members. WEF is also proud to welcome LisaDapoz, retired WCS educator as a volunteer on the Teacher ofthe Month Committee. If you are a retired WCS teacher or staffmember who would like to get involved, please reach out toExecutive Director Emma Nelson.Nominate a TeacherThe Westerville Student Education Foundation(WSEF) is returning for the 2024-2025 schoolyear! This initiative is dedicated to empoweringstudents, fostering collaboration, and drivingpositive change within the Westerville schoolcommunity.Contact UsTeacher of the MonthPhoto: Katherine Walters, Septemberwinner for Miverva France Elementary,holds Teacher of the Month certificatestanding next to WEF Board Members andWCSD administrators.Jill BriscoeMinerva Park Middle SchoolKatherine Walters MinervaFrance Elementary SchoolLisa ReedHawthorne ElementarySchoolSeptember Teacher ofthe Month AwardeesWesterville Student Education FoundationTeacher of the MonthSchedule for 2023-2024OctoberPointview ESHuber Ridge ESELCNovemberMcVay ESMark Twain ESWalnut Springs MSDecemberAnnehurst ESWilder ESCherrington ESJanuaryBlendon MSSouth HSAcademic EnrichmentCenterFebruaryEmerson ESHanby ESWhittier ESMarchNorth HSRobert Frost ESHeritage MSAprilFouse ESGenoa MSCentral HSAlcott ESWSEF will feature student groups from each of the district’s threehigh schools. Each group will work on a project that addresses aspecific issue or need they’ve identified within their respectiveschools. Additionally, all three WSEF groups will collaborate withthe district on the "We Are the 'Ville" sportsmanship campaign,launched earlier this year.
Fall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comAuction DonationFull Sponsor ListWEF is able to do the importantwork we do thanks to the generoussupport of sponsors like you. As partof our commitment to better serveand promote our sponsors, we areexcited to announce the launch ofour redesigned Sponsors page.The new Sponsors page can beeasily accessed from the Home pagedropdown menu and is linkedthroughout our website for greatervisibility.In addition to this update, we arealso enhancing sponsor visibilityacross our social media platforms tofurther spotlight the businesses andorganizations that supporteducation in our community.We truly value your partnership andwelcome any ideas or feedback onhow we can best promote yourorganization.Contact UsSponsorship LevelsPremier Sponsor$20,000Elite Sponsor$15,000Presenting Sponsor$10,000Patron for Education$5,000Champion for Education$2,500Partner in Education$1,000Friend of Education$500Our SponsorsInterested in donatingto the Grow & GlowSilent Auction? This is agreat opportunity topromote your business!Click the link below tofill out our donationform. Check out our fullsponsor list on ourredesigned site!WEF Announces Endorsement of the WCSD LevyThe Westerville Education Foundation firmly believes that strongschools are the bedrock of a strong community. The continuedsuccess and progress of our schools depend on securing adequatefunding to support essential programs, maintain facilities, andensure every student has access to a comprehensive and enrichingeducation.We strongly encourage all communitymembers to vote in favor of the levy, asit represents a significant investment inthe future success of our children andthe ongoing excellence of our schools. Donate to the Levy VolunteerRequest a Yard Sign Facts & FAQs
WEF Impact Report01Number of Grant Applications Received02Percentage of Grants Awarded03Total Grant Money Awarded55 grant applications weresubmitted in the fall and springgrant cycles. 45 wereconsidered.WEF was able to fund 53% of grantapplications we received during the 2023-2024 school year. WEF awarded $23,137 to grantrecipients throughout thedistrict between the fall andspring grant cycles.53%2023-202455$23,137Fall 2024WESTERVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION NEWSLETTERDonate at WestervilleEducationFoundation.comContact Us04Number of Students Impacted05Subject Areas Funded06GoalsRoughly 65% of allWesterville City Schoolsstudents were impacted byWEF grants in the 2023-24school year.WEF aims to increase ourGrant funding by $10,000between our fall and springgrant cycles, as well asincrease visibility in theWesterville community.STEM29%SEL21%ELA12.5%Music & Arts12.5%Cultural Awareness8.3%Special Education8.3%ELL8.3%9,378