©2022 by Stellar Media Marketing & Kelly Mirabella, Celina, TexasAt Home with the Mirabellas, Meal PlannerPublished by Stellar Media Marketing & Kelly Mirabella MEAL PLANNERMEAL PLANNER
I have always loved to cook, but as my kids grew older and my business took moreof my time, it was not always easy to prepare meals every evening. But then Idiscovered the wonderful world of meal planning. Now I sit down every Sundaymorning and plan the meals for my week. I like to plan the difficulty level of mymeals and the cooking method based on our weekly schedule and even the weather(I don't like grilling in the rain!)The thing to remember with meal planning is you have to stay flexible. Justbecause a meal is planned for Monday does not mean you can't swap it withThursday. You will find over time that when you meal plan, you save money, eat outless, and eat so much healthier. Thank you for investing in my food planner. I hope you enjoy using it, and thisplanner helps make cooking meals for yourself and your loved ones easier and moreenjoyable. Mangiamo! Let's Eat! Kelly MirabellaPage 1
Bake Bread01Make Muffins02MakeSomething withChocolate03Make YourChildhoodFavourite04MakeSomething withCheese05Cooking ChallengePage 2Cook witha Friend or familymember06MakeSomethingNew11Put together acharcuterieboard16Make yourfavorite comfortfood.21Bake Cookies26MakeSomething SuperHealthy07Find anOldRecipe12Make aSmoothie17Make your ownbone broth.22Make a dish youfind on Pinterest27MakeSomething SuperUnhealthy08Bake SomethingThat SmellsAwesome13NutellaMadness!18Make a meatlessmain dish23Make your ownsoup28Bake aCake09Grill Something14MakeSomethingSpicey19Make Somethingon page toof a RandomCook Book24VeganSurprise29Make YourOwn Pizza10Learn to makesomething newand different(like sushi!)15Make yourchildhoodfavorite meal.20MakeSomethingThat Starts withthe first letter ofyour name25Make YourFavourite Dish30
1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5Favorite MealsDate:Recipe Name Difficulty Raiting1 2 3 4 5Page 3
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Recipe PlannerPrep Time:Cooking Time:ServingsIngredients RequiredOther NotesHow to / PreparationsNo Knead Bread4-10 hours 45 minutes 1 Loaf3 cups all purpose or bread flour1 3/4 teaspoon Salt1/2 teaspoon instant yeast1 1/2 cups waterMix the dry ingredients in a stand mixerand hook attachment until the dough pullsaway from the sides and is not sticky tothe touch.Place dough in a well-oiled bowl and coverit with plastic. Let rise (proof) in a warmplace until doubled in size. You can alsoplace it in the refrigerator overnight. (seenotes for Instant Pot shortcut method).When doubled in size, take the dough outon a floured surface and form a ball. (DONOT KNEAD). Cover with a towel and restfor about 10 - 15 minutesPlace an oven-safe dutch oven or claybaker with a lid in the oven and preheatto 450°F.Carefully place the dough in preheated potand use kitchen scheers to cut 3-4 slits inthe top. Bake, covered, for 30 minutes.Remove the lid and bake for an additional15 minutes. Bread will be very hot, so be sure to cool abit before you start stuffing your facewith all that carb goodness!If using the instant pot method: oil your Instant Pot and place the dough inside. Cover with aregular pot lid. You do not want to build pressure here, so no Instant Pot lids! Turn your instantpot to the yogurt setting. This will create the perfect proofing atmosphere for your dough. Thismethod typically will have your dough doubled in size in 2-4 hours. Page 69
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