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Continuously Building for Greater Impact Annual Report JULY 2017 JUNE 2018

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Letter from the Executive Director Dear Friend On behalf of our staff board leaders and volunteers I am excited to publish our annual report for Enlace s 2018 fiscal year For over 20 years Enlace has worked hard to develop high quality and comprehensive services programs and initiatives that improve the quality of life in our community We are proud to serve over 8 000 families yearly in the areas of education immigration health and violence prevention It has been a year of change and accomplishment for the organization Enlace was honored with the following awards 2017 Chicago Excellence in Gardening Award presented to the Enlace supported community garden 6062Trees Sembrando Bajo el Sol by The Mike Nowak Show University of Illinois Extension Cook County Shedd Aquarium Chicago Community Gardeners Association and Natural Awakenings Chicago Magazine 2017 Community Schools Award for Excellence for Enlace s Neighborhood Community School Initiative from the Institute for Educational Leadership and the Coalition for Community Schools We also updated our strategic plan We solidified our four issue areas defined our strategies and revamped the organization s mission and vision statements to better articulate the way in which we approach our work We are proud to reveal our new mission which underscores our commitment to bring our community together to build collective power Enlace Chicago convenes organizes and builds the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access Our new model has been published for the first time in this report and I urge you to take a look In May 2017 we also began construction of our three story 9 000 square foot office and community space at 2759 South Harding Avenue This new building will allow us to expand programs and increase the capacity of our organization I hope that you will join us for our grand opening celebration in 2019 Your support provides vital resources that allow us to fulfill our vision of improving the quality of life of Little Village community members Sincerely Katya Nuques Executive Director Enlace Chicago

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Letter from the Executive Director Dear Friend On behalf of our staff board leaders and volunteers I am excited to publish our annual report for Enlace s 2018 fiscal year For over 20 years Enlace has worked hard to develop high quality and comprehensive services programs and initiatives that improve the quality of life in our community We are proud to serve over 8 000 families yearly in the areas of education immigration health and violence prevention It has been a year of change and accomplishment for the organization Enlace was honored with the following awards 2017 Chicago Excellence in Gardening Award presented to the Enlace supported community garden 6062Trees Sembrando Bajo el Sol by The Mike Nowak Show University of Illinois Extension Cook County Shedd Aquarium Chicago Community Gardeners Association and Natural Awakenings Chicago Magazine 2017 Community Schools Award for Excellence for Enlace s Neighborhood Community School Initiative from the Institute for Educational Leadership and the Coalition for Community Schools We also updated our strategic plan We solidified our four issue areas defined our strategies and revamped the organization s mission and vision statements to better articulate the way in which we approach our work We are proud to reveal our new mission which underscores our commitment to bring our community together to build collective power Enlace Chicago convenes organizes and builds the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access Our new model has been published for the first time in this report and I urge you to take a look In May 2017 we also began construction of our three story 9 000 square foot office and community space at 2759 South Harding Avenue This new building will allow us to expand programs and increase the capacity of our organization I hope that you will join us for our grand opening celebration in 2019 Your support provides vital resources that allow us to fulfill our vision of improving the quality of life of Little Village community members Sincerely Katya Nuques Executive Director Enlace Chicago

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Mission and Vision Health PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Providing high quality innovative programming that addresses the needs and builds on the strengths of the community Promoting a strong culture of education in Little Village by partnering with local public schools and supporting successful transition to high school post secondary and beyond ORGANIZING Mobilizing local stakeholders and harnessing and escalating community power to address the critical issues that our community is facing SERVICE DELIVERY O ering tailored services that comprehensively respond to the wide range of needs of community members Our Mission Convene organize and build the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access Immigration Education Maximizing local resources in order to focus on chronic disease prevention healthy food access mental health promotion access to care and community health worker capacity building Organizing community based workshops providing free legal services and engaging in policy advocacy that bene ts immigrant families Assess Learn Plan Improve Continuous quality improvement practices prioritize community stakeholder participation They drive regular assessment of our strategies promote best practices and help us plan new approaches that improve programs and services and foster long term systemic changes COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING Supporting local partners and building local resources to promote a con dent organized cohesive and in uential community ADVOCACY In uencing policy and systems change in order to address inequities and bene t community members COMMUNITY PLANNING Ensuring that Little Village stakeholders drive decision making in the creation and implementation of neighborhood plans Safety Enlace s Model INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUILDING Engaging community members in training and opportunities that build their leadership ability and skills Taking a comprehensive and trauma informed approach to building safety and promoting peace in Little Village Enlace Chicago convenes organizes and builds the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access It is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of Little Village residents by fostering a safe and healthy environment and by championing opportunities for educational advancement and economic development CONVENING Bringing community members and institutions together to align goals and strategies for collective impact

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Mission and Vision Health PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Providing high quality innovative programming that addresses the needs and builds on the strengths of the community Promoting a strong culture of education in Little Village by partnering with local public schools and supporting successful transition to high school post secondary and beyond ORGANIZING Mobilizing local stakeholders and harnessing and escalating community power to address the critical issues that our community is facing SERVICE DELIVERY O ering tailored services that comprehensively respond to the wide range of needs of community members Our Mission Convene organize and build the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access Immigration Education Maximizing local resources in order to focus on chronic disease prevention healthy food access mental health promotion access to care and community health worker capacity building Organizing community based workshops providing free legal services and engaging in policy advocacy that bene ts immigrant families Assess Learn Plan Improve Continuous quality improvement practices prioritize community stakeholder participation They drive regular assessment of our strategies promote best practices and help us plan new approaches that improve programs and services and foster long term systemic changes COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING Supporting local partners and building local resources to promote a con dent organized cohesive and in uential community ADVOCACY In uencing policy and systems change in order to address inequities and bene t community members COMMUNITY PLANNING Ensuring that Little Village stakeholders drive decision making in the creation and implementation of neighborhood plans Safety Enlace s Model INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUILDING Engaging community members in training and opportunities that build their leadership ability and skills Taking a comprehensive and trauma informed approach to building safety and promoting peace in Little Village Enlace Chicago convenes organizes and builds the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access It is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of Little Village residents by fostering a safe and healthy environment and by championing opportunities for educational advancement and economic development CONVENING Bringing community members and institutions together to align goals and strategies for collective impact

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Education Enlace promotes a strong culture of education in Little Village by partnering with local public schools and supporting successful transition to high school post secondary and beyond 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements PADRES LIDERES Over 20 parents participated in an intensive Social Labs training sponsored by the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago and Our Impact Community Schools The Chicago Community Trust They then AVANZA Parent Mentor Program 80 18 Little Village en Route to College launched Padres Lideres which has become an important vehicle for parent organizing focused on education issues SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS After a multi year campaign Enlace and coalition partners secured Chicago Board of Education funding for Sustainable Community Schools COLLEGE READINESS REPORT The Little Village Education Collaborative LVEC College Pipeline Specialist authored a report that examined the landscape of college readiness application and enrollment in Little Village COMMUNITY SCHOOLS AWARD Enlace received the 2017 Community Schools Award for Excellence for its Neighborhood Community School Initiative BROAD SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS Enlace partnered with a majority of the public schools in Little Village Beyond Community Schools AVANZA and the Parent Mentor Program Enlace provided resources and programming through the Parent Social Emotional Learning and Leadership Initiative LVEC initiatives such as Parent Leaders for College and the Counselor Advisor Caf series and schoolbased initiatives that are facilitated by other departments 1 396 youth participants high school seniors parents in classrooms 400 79 460 adult participants 8 local public schools enrolled in post secondary opportunities 17 preparing to enroll preK to 2nd graders 7

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Education Enlace promotes a strong culture of education in Little Village by partnering with local public schools and supporting successful transition to high school post secondary and beyond 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements PADRES LIDERES Over 20 parents participated in an intensive Social Labs training sponsored by the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago and Our Impact Community Schools The Chicago Community Trust They then AVANZA Parent Mentor Program 80 18 Little Village en Route to College launched Padres Lideres which has become an important vehicle for parent organizing focused on education issues SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS After a multi year campaign Enlace and coalition partners secured Chicago Board of Education funding for Sustainable Community Schools COLLEGE READINESS REPORT The Little Village Education Collaborative LVEC College Pipeline Specialist authored a report that examined the landscape of college readiness application and enrollment in Little Village COMMUNITY SCHOOLS AWARD Enlace received the 2017 Community Schools Award for Excellence for its Neighborhood Community School Initiative BROAD SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS Enlace partnered with a majority of the public schools in Little Village Beyond Community Schools AVANZA and the Parent Mentor Program Enlace provided resources and programming through the Parent Social Emotional Learning and Leadership Initiative LVEC initiatives such as Parent Leaders for College and the Counselor Advisor Caf series and schoolbased initiatives that are facilitated by other departments 1 396 youth participants high school seniors parents in classrooms 400 79 460 adult participants 8 local public schools enrolled in post secondary opportunities 17 preparing to enroll preK to 2nd graders 7

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Health Enlace maximizes local resources in order to focus on chronic disease prevention healthy food access mental health promotion access to care and community health worker CHW capacity building 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements COMMUNITY GARDEN AWARD 6062Trees Sembrando Bajo el Sol received the 2017 Chicago Excellence in Gardening Award PEER SUPPORT GROUPS In order to address the heightened stress and anxiety caused by the new federal administration s actions and policies regarding immigration Enlace designed a 13 lesson peer support group curriculum tailored to Mexican immigrant women Seventeen local CHWs were trained to facilitate the curriculum Five groups ran from January to June 2018 with 74 total participants FUNDING FOR HEALTHCARE ACCESS With Healthy Illinois Enlace advocated for funding for a CHW program designed to support immigrants in accessing healthcare and insurance in the face of tightening restrictions proposed by the federal government 2 5 million was awarded CHW PEER SUPPORT NETWORK 35 CHWs regularly engaged in Promoviendo Abogando y Educando por la Salud PAES the local CHW peer support network with more than 100 participating in total MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS REPORT Enlace supported Roots to Wellness R2W a local mental behavioral health network in releasing a report that identified significant mental health needs and major barriers to seeking formal mental services in ten communities on the southwest side 9 Our Impact Community Gardens 159 regular gardeners 464 total participants 1 057 pounds harvested Wellness Classes 138 youth participants 57 adult participants 88 reported improved health eating more fruits veggies and exercising more Healthcare Navigation 2 200 community members reached 141 health insurance applications 148 resource referrals 255 other patient navigation services

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Health Enlace maximizes local resources in order to focus on chronic disease prevention healthy food access mental health promotion access to care and community health worker CHW capacity building 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements COMMUNITY GARDEN AWARD 6062Trees Sembrando Bajo el Sol received the 2017 Chicago Excellence in Gardening Award PEER SUPPORT GROUPS In order to address the heightened stress and anxiety caused by the new federal administration s actions and policies regarding immigration Enlace designed a 13 lesson peer support group curriculum tailored to Mexican immigrant women Seventeen local CHWs were trained to facilitate the curriculum Five groups ran from January to June 2018 with 74 total participants FUNDING FOR HEALTHCARE ACCESS With Healthy Illinois Enlace advocated for funding for a CHW program designed to support immigrants in accessing healthcare and insurance in the face of tightening restrictions proposed by the federal government 2 5 million was awarded CHW PEER SUPPORT NETWORK 35 CHWs regularly engaged in Promoviendo Abogando y Educando por la Salud PAES the local CHW peer support network with more than 100 participating in total MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS REPORT Enlace supported Roots to Wellness R2W a local mental behavioral health network in releasing a report that identified significant mental health needs and major barriers to seeking formal mental services in ten communities on the southwest side 9 Our Impact Community Gardens 159 regular gardeners 464 total participants 1 057 pounds harvested Wellness Classes 138 youth participants 57 adult participants 88 reported improved health eating more fruits veggies and exercising more Healthcare Navigation 2 200 community members reached 141 health insurance applications 148 resource referrals 255 other patient navigation services

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Immigration Enlace organizes community based workshops provides free legal services and engages in policy advocacy that benefits immigrant families 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements Our Impact COMMUNITY ACTIVISM LEGAL CLINIC The Community Activism Law Alliance CALA continued to be a key partner Since the Legal Clinic launch of the free legal clinic in October 2014 their attorneys managed 1 411 cases COMMUNITY BASED WORKSHOPS In response to concerns related to the new federal administration s approach to immigration policy and enforcement Enlace and CALA staff facilitated Know Your Rights trainings coordinated citizenship and power of attorney application workshops and held community discussions on key policy changes such as the potential rescindment of DACA WELCOMING ILLINOIS As part of the Welcoming Illinois Campaign Enlace staff and leaders advocated for the successful passage of the Illinois Trust Act LA VILLITA SE DEFIENDE Enlace supported the efforts of the La Villita Se Defiende Rapid Response Team which identifies addresses and documents immigration enforcement activity in Little Village and provides support to the individuals and families that are affected 224 new cases 124 pending cases 11

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Immigration Enlace organizes community based workshops provides free legal services and engages in policy advocacy that benefits immigrant families 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements Our Impact COMMUNITY ACTIVISM LEGAL CLINIC The Community Activism Law Alliance CALA continued to be a key partner Since the Legal Clinic launch of the free legal clinic in October 2014 their attorneys managed 1 411 cases COMMUNITY BASED WORKSHOPS In response to concerns related to the new federal administration s approach to immigration policy and enforcement Enlace and CALA staff facilitated Know Your Rights trainings coordinated citizenship and power of attorney application workshops and held community discussions on key policy changes such as the potential rescindment of DACA WELCOMING ILLINOIS As part of the Welcoming Illinois Campaign Enlace staff and leaders advocated for the successful passage of the Illinois Trust Act LA VILLITA SE DEFIENDE Enlace supported the efforts of the La Villita Se Defiende Rapid Response Team which identifies addresses and documents immigration enforcement activity in Little Village and provides support to the individuals and families that are affected 224 new cases 124 pending cases 11

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Violence Prevention 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements STREET BASED COUNSELORS With the support of New Life Centers and Enlace takes a comprehensive and trauma informed approach to building safety and promoting peace in Little Village the Partnership for a Safer Chicago Enlace launched the Street Based Counselors Our Impact Street Outreach School Based Counselors Safe Passage 5 004 4 58 program which provides clinical case management to high need individuals in non traditional settings SPECIALIZED TRAINING Street Outreach Team members completed a trauma training with Northwestern Trauma and Surgical Initiative and are now equipped to apply tourniquets and stop bleeding immediately when responding to an incident that involves traumatic injury They also completed an opioid training with the Chicago Recovery Alliance They are able to recognize address and prevent opioid abuse and provide the appropriate care in the case of an opioid overdose YOUTH LEADERSHIP School Based Counselors launched a youth leadership group with ten youth that met twice a month The program culminated with a final event during which youth shared stories and performances YOUTH SAFETY NETWORK Little Village Youth Safety Network LVYSN partners engaged a total of 342 youth 94 felt safe in the program 91 felt like they belonged 91 felt like they mattered and 89 felt like their ideas counted HEALING THE HOOD Healing the Hood the Violence Prevention Collaborative s VPC summer event series kept partners and community members engaged in positive activity and created access to safe spaces throughout the summer hours working regularly with 64 participants local public schools 77 95 youth participants 79 developed protective factors participant activities mediations 39 shooting responses 14 community awareness events 93 65 parent participants staff 11 local public schools 13

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Violence Prevention 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Key Achievements STREET BASED COUNSELORS With the support of New Life Centers and Enlace takes a comprehensive and trauma informed approach to building safety and promoting peace in Little Village the Partnership for a Safer Chicago Enlace launched the Street Based Counselors Our Impact Street Outreach School Based Counselors Safe Passage 5 004 4 58 program which provides clinical case management to high need individuals in non traditional settings SPECIALIZED TRAINING Street Outreach Team members completed a trauma training with Northwestern Trauma and Surgical Initiative and are now equipped to apply tourniquets and stop bleeding immediately when responding to an incident that involves traumatic injury They also completed an opioid training with the Chicago Recovery Alliance They are able to recognize address and prevent opioid abuse and provide the appropriate care in the case of an opioid overdose YOUTH LEADERSHIP School Based Counselors launched a youth leadership group with ten youth that met twice a month The program culminated with a final event during which youth shared stories and performances YOUTH SAFETY NETWORK Little Village Youth Safety Network LVYSN partners engaged a total of 342 youth 94 felt safe in the program 91 felt like they belonged 91 felt like they mattered and 89 felt like their ideas counted HEALING THE HOOD Healing the Hood the Violence Prevention Collaborative s VPC summer event series kept partners and community members engaged in positive activity and created access to safe spaces throughout the summer hours working regularly with 64 participants local public schools 77 95 youth participants 79 developed protective factors participant activities mediations 39 shooting responses 14 community awareness events 93 65 parent participants staff 11 local public schools 13

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Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors Our work is made possible through the generosity of many people who share Enlace s commitment to organizing and building capacity in Little Village in order to improve the quality of life We are grateful for their investment in our work and are proud to acknowledge their role in our FY18 accomplishments In addition to those who have provided financial support we also thank those who have given many hours to support our mission including leaders volunteers staff interns and partners Maurice A Sone Chair ENLACE CHICAGO BOARD MEMBERS Maurice Sone Chair Jesus Nu ez Vice Chair ENLACE CHICAGO ASSOCIATE BOARD ASSOCIATE BOARD Rocky Lopez Treasurer Special thanks to our Associate Board a group of volunteer MEMBERS young professionals who are dedicated to expanding the Juana Ballesteros Secretary Paul Callejas Paul Callejas Associate Board President Margarita Castillo Susan Avila Rosalia Lugo Tiffany Childress Jacky Rosado Christopher Dons Jose Prado Veronica Gonzalez Daniel Castillo Kedra Newsom Monica Posadas Vanessa Uribe reach of Enlace by building awareness of and supporting Enlace s initiatives Through innovative fundraising efforts the group raised 5 500 during FY18 Humberto Manzo Luisa Sosa Cristian Yugsi Crystal Torres

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Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors Our work is made possible through the generosity of many people who share Enlace s commitment to organizing and building capacity in Little Village in order to improve the quality of life We are grateful for their investment in our work and are proud to acknowledge their role in our FY18 accomplishments In addition to those who have provided financial support we also thank those who have given many hours to support our mission including leaders volunteers staff interns and partners Maurice A Sone Chair ENLACE CHICAGO BOARD MEMBERS Maurice Sone Chair Jesus Nu ez Vice Chair ENLACE CHICAGO ASSOCIATE BOARD ASSOCIATE BOARD Rocky Lopez Treasurer Special thanks to our Associate Board a group of volunteer MEMBERS young professionals who are dedicated to expanding the Juana Ballesteros Secretary Paul Callejas Paul Callejas Associate Board President Margarita Castillo Susan Avila Rosalia Lugo Tiffany Childress Jacky Rosado Christopher Dons Jose Prado Veronica Gonzalez Daniel Castillo Kedra Newsom Monica Posadas Vanessa Uribe reach of Enlace by building awareness of and supporting Enlace s initiatives Through innovative fundraising efforts the group raised 5 500 during FY18 Humberto Manzo Luisa Sosa Cristian Yugsi Crystal Torres

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2018 ANNUAL REPORT FY18 Supporters 500 000 Chicago Public Schools Illinois State Board of Education Robert R McCormick Foundation 100 000 to 499 999 The Chicago Tribune Charities Communities Partnering for Peace Cook County Justice Advisory Council Marguerite Casey Foundation United Way of Metropolitan Chicago University of Illinois Chicago Cure Violence 50 000 to 99 999 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois The Chicago Community Trust City of Chicago Department of Family Support Services Healthy Communities Foundation Illinois Children s Healthcare Foundation Lloyd A Fry Foundation Local Initiatives Support Corporation via MacArthur Foundation Polk Bros Foundation VNA Foundation Woods Fund 20 000 to 49 999 Allstate Insurance Company Bright Promises Foundation Chicago Teachers Union Foundation Conant Family Foundation Enterprise Community Partners Illinois Immigration Funders Collaborative The Lumpkin Family Foundation Michael Reese Health Trust Prizker Pucker Family Foundation Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago Southwest Organizing Project Wieboldt Foundation 5 000 to 19 999 Bank of America The Center for Leadership Innovation The Chicago Community Trust Fred B Jones Fund Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities Northern Illinois University 60 by 25 Network Northwestern University Peoples Gas Temple University United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations Walter S Mander Foundation Capital Campaign Supporters 100 000 Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Robert R McCormick Foundation For more detailed information about our organization programs and community visit our website www enlacechicago org 17

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2018 ANNUAL REPORT FY18 Supporters 500 000 Chicago Public Schools Illinois State Board of Education Robert R McCormick Foundation 100 000 to 499 999 The Chicago Tribune Charities Communities Partnering for Peace Cook County Justice Advisory Council Marguerite Casey Foundation United Way of Metropolitan Chicago University of Illinois Chicago Cure Violence 50 000 to 99 999 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois The Chicago Community Trust City of Chicago Department of Family Support Services Healthy Communities Foundation Illinois Children s Healthcare Foundation Lloyd A Fry Foundation Local Initiatives Support Corporation via MacArthur Foundation Polk Bros Foundation VNA Foundation Woods Fund 20 000 to 49 999 Allstate Insurance Company Bright Promises Foundation Chicago Teachers Union Foundation Conant Family Foundation Enterprise Community Partners Illinois Immigration Funders Collaborative The Lumpkin Family Foundation Michael Reese Health Trust Prizker Pucker Family Foundation Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago Southwest Organizing Project Wieboldt Foundation 5 000 to 19 999 Bank of America The Center for Leadership Innovation The Chicago Community Trust Fred B Jones Fund Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities Northern Illinois University 60 by 25 Network Northwestern University Peoples Gas Temple University United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations Walter S Mander Foundation Capital Campaign Supporters 100 000 Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Robert R McCormick Foundation For more detailed information about our organization programs and community visit our website www enlacechicago org 17

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Finances ASSETS LIABILITES AND NET ASSETS Assets Liabilities Net Assets Change in Net Assets AKA Surplus OPERATING REVENUE 2018 2017 4 660 091 3 982 261 280 598 222 680 4 379 493 3 759 581 12 359 33 734 2018 Foundation OPERATING EXPENSES 2018 Administration and Fundraising 626 888 Education 1 398 368 Health 367 576 Immigration 77 672 Violence Prevention 1 740 303 TOTAL 4 210 807 1 903 987 State of Illinois 937 445 City of Chicago 885 824 Corporate and Agency 330 686 Individual Special Event and Other 82 814 Cook County 82 410 15 Administration Fundraising 33 Education Operating Expenses Breakdown 4 223 166 TOTAL 2 Individual Special Event Other 2 2 Immigration Cook County Operating Revenue Breakdown 8 Corporate Agency 21 45 City of Chicago Foundation 22 State of Illinois 41 Violence Prevention 9 Health

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Finances ASSETS LIABILITES AND NET ASSETS Assets Liabilities Net Assets Change in Net Assets AKA Surplus OPERATING REVENUE 2018 2017 4 660 091 3 982 261 280 598 222 680 4 379 493 3 759 581 12 359 33 734 2018 Foundation OPERATING EXPENSES 2018 Administration and Fundraising 626 888 Education 1 398 368 Health 367 576 Immigration 77 672 Violence Prevention 1 740 303 TOTAL 4 210 807 1 903 987 State of Illinois 937 445 City of Chicago 885 824 Corporate and Agency 330 686 Individual Special Event and Other 82 814 Cook County 82 410 15 Administration Fundraising 33 Education Operating Expenses Breakdown 4 223 166 TOTAL 2 Individual Special Event Other 2 2 Immigration Cook County Operating Revenue Breakdown 8 Corporate Agency 21 45 City of Chicago Foundation 22 State of Illinois 41 Violence Prevention 9 Health

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Enlace Chicago 2756 South Harding Avenue Chicago Illinois 60623 Thank you for your support