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2024 Fall Update

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thank youSTEP-BY-STEP SUPPORTFall 2024Thank you for being partof a heroic communitythat believes safe indoorair is a basic humanright. Every post shared, every legislatorcontacted, and everydollar donated brings usone step closer to safeindoor air.We are so grateful tohave you in our donorfamily. Your generosityfuels our mission andmakes this critical workpossible!With gratitude,Kendra SeymourWaysYour Gift Has Changedthe AirYour support has helpedthousands of people navigate theinspection and remediationprocess safely. This new, one-of-a-kind interactive feature coversin detail the 5 steps of theinspection and remediationprocess in layman’s terms.POLICY BRIEFClick here toexplore thisfeature!Finally, your generosity allowed usto publish our first national report,which shares the most updated andcomprehensive analysis on thehealth and economic impacts ofmold and water damage exposurein homes across the USA. It includesactionable steps that healthprofessionals, researchers, andlegislators can take today toaddress this crisis. Visit our websiteto learn more!

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12 FREE DOWNLOADS100 SCHOLARSHIPSBills We Helped ProposeStates We Are Working InStates We Are Not Currently Working InBills We Helped To PassThis spring, we released 12 free,actionable, and research-baseddownloads. From detailedguides and checklists to tips forhiring the right IEP andremediation company, yoursupport empowershomeowners and rentersacross the country with theknowledge and tools they needto tackle indoor air qualitychallenges safely andeffectively. Thanks to you, thesepopular guides have alreadybeen downloaded nearly15,000 times! Click here tograb yourcopies!Because of you, we awardedour 100th scholarship toindividuals and families in need! OUR 1ST BILL PASSED INTO LAW!Thanks to our amazing volunteers, we successfully led Illinois SB 1087,The Mold Remediation Registration Act, into law! With this victory, Illinoisbecomes only the seventh state to require mold remediators to belicensed or certified. That means in 43 states, the person remediating yourhome is not required to have any kind of special training or knowledge onhow to effectively and safely remove mold and water damage. As aresult, ineffective, insufficient, and even unsafe remediation practices arehappening every day across the country. We know our work is justbeginning, but with the help of our amazing donors, supporters, andvolunteers, we aren’t slowing down!View ourinteractive policymap!1State Bill Passed Into Law8State BillsProposed1Federal BillProposed18States We Are Working In Our Work In ActionClick Here

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12 FREE DOWNLOADS100 SCHOLARSHIPSBills We Helped ProposeStates We Are Working InStates We Are Not Currently Working InBills We Helped To PassThis spring, we released 12 free,actionable, and research-baseddownloads. From detailedguides and checklists to tips forhiring the right IEP andremediation company, yoursupport empowershomeowners and rentersacross the country with theknowledge and tools they needto tackle indoor air qualitychallenges safely andeffectively. Thanks to you, thesepopular guides have alreadybeen downloaded nearly15,000 times! Click here tograb yourcopies!Because of you, we awardedour 100th scholarship toindividuals and families in need! OUR 1ST BILL PASSED INTO LAW!Thanks to our amazing volunteers, we successfully led Illinois SB 1087,The Mold Remediation Registration Act, into law! With this victory, Illinoisbecomes only the seventh state to require mold remediators to belicensed or certified. That means in 43 states, the person remediating yourhome is not required to have any kind of special training or knowledge onhow to effectively and safely remove mold and water damage. As aresult, ineffective, insufficient, and even unsafe remediation practices arehappening every day across the country. We know our work is justbeginning, but with the help of our amazing donors, supporters, andvolunteers, we aren’t slowing down!View ourinteractive policymap!1State Bill Passed Into Law8State BillsProposed1Federal BillProposed18States We Are Working In Our Work In ActionClick Here

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12 FREE DOWNLOADS100 SCHOLARSHIPSBills We Helped ProposeStates We Are Working InStates We Are Not Currently Working InBills We Helped To PassThis spring, we released 12 free,actionable, and research-baseddownloads. From detailedguides and checklists to tips forhiring the right IEP andremediation company, yoursupport empowershomeowners and rentersacross the country with theknowledge and tools they needto tackle indoor air qualitychallenges safely andeffectively. Thanks to you, thesepopular guides have alreadybeen downloaded nearly15,000 times! Click here tograb yourcopies!Because of you, we awardedour 100th scholarship toindividuals and families in need! OUR 1ST BILL PASSED INTO LAW!Thanks to our amazing volunteers, we successfully led Illinois SB 1087,The Mold Remediation Registration Act, into law! With this victory, Illinoisbecomes only the seventh state to require mold remediators to belicensed or certified. That means in 43 states, the person remediating yourhome is not required to have any kind of special training or knowledge onhow to effectively and safely remove mold and water damage. As aresult, ineffective, insufficient, and even unsafe remediation practices arehappening every day across the country. We know our work is justbeginning, but with the help of our amazing donors, supporters, andvolunteers, we aren’t slowing down!View ourinteractive policymap!1State Bill Passed Into Law8State BillsProposed1Federal BillProposed18States We Are Working In Our Work In ActionClick Here

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thank youSTEP-BY-STEP SUPPORTFall 2024Thank you for being partof a heroic communitythat believes safe indoorair is a basic humanright. Every post shared, every legislatorcontacted, and everydollar donated brings usone step closer to safeindoor air.We are so grateful tohave you in our donorfamily. Your generosityfuels our mission andmakes this critical workpossible!With gratitude,Kendra SeymourWaysYour Gift Has Changedthe AirYour support has helpedthousands of people navigate theinspection and remediationprocess safely. This new, one-of-a-kind interactive feature coversin detail the 5 steps of theinspection and remediationprocess in layman’s terms.POLICY BRIEFClick here toexplore thisfeature!Finally, your generosity allowed usto publish our first national report,which shares the most updated andcomprehensive analysis on thehealth and economic impacts ofmold and water damage exposurein homes across the USA. It includesactionable steps that healthprofessionals, researchers, andlegislators can take today toaddress this crisis. Visit our websiteto learn more!

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thank youSTEP-BY-STEP SUPPORTFall 2024Thank you for being partof a heroic communitythat believes safe indoorair is a basic humanright. Every post shared, every legislatorcontacted, and everydollar donated brings usone step closer to safeindoor air.We are so grateful tohave you in our donorfamily. Your generosityfuels our mission andmakes this critical workpossible!With gratitude,Kendra SeymourWaysYour Gift Has Changedthe AirYour support has helpedthousands of people navigate theinspection and remediationprocess safely. This new, one-of-a-kind interactive feature coversin detail the 5 steps of theinspection and remediationprocess in layman’s terms.POLICY BRIEFClick here toexplore thisfeature!Finally, your generosity allowed usto publish our first national report,which shares the most updated andcomprehensive analysis on thehealth and economic impacts ofmold and water damage exposurein homes across the USA. It includesactionable steps that healthprofessionals, researchers, andlegislators can take today toaddress this crisis. Visit our websiteto learn more!