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Mentorship PROGRAMInvesting in our leaders of tomorrow

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WDDS values the success of new sta and their experiences within the organization.The Mentorship Program utilizes a variety of platforms within your first year with us to support you and your growth while helping you build positive networks within the organization.MEET YOURMENTORMentorshipMENTORING

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Group mentorship oers opportunities to benefit from shared experiences and knowledge. The focus will be on ongoing learning and development. Connecting virtually oers continued opportunities for support, motivation, and training. We know new employment does not come without growing pains and questions. Individual mentorship connects you with a leader who can help guide you in your day-to-day supports.INDIVIDUALGROUPE-My mentor helped me find my path and purpose in this agency. mentorshipmentorshipmentorship-Sam

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“When it came to making a plan for my career at W.D.D.S, my mentor oered insights and helped me identify a direction. Because of her support, I was confident and prepared to go into my interviews, and have now been the successful applicant for two promotions within my two years with the agency.”“Providing new sta with information, guidance and encouragement in a welcoming manner to ensure their experience is positive.”“Mentorship is a reciprocated opportunity to listen, hear and ignite each other in our gifted potential, to create a mindset of growing a future for those entrusted in our care.”WANT TO KNOW MORE? Natasha Scheerhoorn nscheerhoorn@wdds.ca519-539-7447 ext 251Beth Robinson brobinson@wdds.ca519-539-7447 ext 256- HEATHER- SHARON- TAYLOR