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The Grapevine

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!"#$%&'(#))*%+'$,-*..%This is the second edition of our new “Active Adult” Newsletter. We are going to offer classes, in-house events and occasional trips. With just two brochures a year it is hard to offer current trips and activities that were maybe not available when the brochure went to print. We hope that you can find lots of things to do between our programs and The Village of Willowbrook’s - “The Scoop” and other area resources. We will strive to have all area information available at our office. Please feel free to call us with any suggestions and ideas. Please join in with me by welcoming Teresa Mrozik, the new Superintendent of Senior Services at The Village of Willowbrook. Her first “Scoop” is full of activities and trips to take advantage of. I am including the page from our Park District Brochure that introduces Teresa. Welcome! I am going to pull out my southern accent “Ya’ll I really like her”.I am also including some Village of Burr Ridge Events, Village of Willowbrook Events and Willowbrook/Burr Ridge Chamber Event just for your information. !"#$%&'(#)*+#$',!*)#$'-./!$+#0 1/#!!#&$/0123 40/%!5/%6&&%6+42724203%64%480%9://%/2;10%<6/=%;2 3 4/2+4>%?@ABCDCBEC?C%4823%23%6%+55<0/64270%2F24264270%G248%480%72&&610%5!%G2&& 5G9/55=%9://%/2;10%<6/=%;234/2+4%/0 32;0F4 3%6F;%72&&610%5!%G2&&5 G9/55=%/032;0F43%<6H%&5G0/%!00Cirque du Soleil. “Twas The Night Before” Holiday Performance - New Show at The Chicago Theatre “Twas the Night Before….is Cirque du Soleil’s first holiday show, based on the classic poem “A Visit from Saint Nicolas”. Memorable lines from this cherished classic inspired Cirque’s story about a jaded young girl who rediscovers the magic of the holidays. Min/Max 15/20 Date: Sat, Dec 9, 2023 Time: 11am - 5pm Fee: $160/$170 Code: 11093 Includes: Main Floor Seating, Motorcoach Transportation, Snacks and Park District Escort.“I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done” —-Lucille Ball. Check Out

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31Willowbrook/Burr Ridge Yoga Ages 18 and upBurr Ridge Community CenterMondays or Thursdays 9:30 – 10:30am MondaysSept 18 – Oct 23 Code 10669 Fee $54($59) Oct 30 – Dec 4 Code 10672 Fee $54($59) Wednesdays - Swiss BallSept 20 – Oct 25 Code 10671 Fee $54($59) Nov 1 – Dec 6 Code 10674 Fee $54($59) ThursdaysSept 21 – Oct 26 Code 10670 Fee $54($59)Nov 2 – Dec 7 Code 10673 Fee $45($50)No Classes 11/23Instructor Vi Smith, Certied yoga instructor of Yoga Teachers GroupThese holistic, evidence-based and client-centered workshops led by a healthcare professional are designed to encourage positive changes in every aspect of your life and provide support throughout. During the workshops various tools will be introduced to the participants including, but not limited to the elements of yoga, tai-chi/qi-gong, meditation, breath-work and therapeutic movement. There will be discussions and activities on the topics of nutrition, stress management, social interactions, positive mindset and self-love just to name a few.QiGongFee: $77($82) Min/Max 6/12Location: Burr Ridge Community CenterMeet Instructor Beata is passionate about healing self and Beata others to lead a happy and fullled life. As an Occupational Therapist, Holistic Nutritionist, Mind-Body-Movement Specialist and a life-long learner with over 15 years of experience in many dierent healthcare settings with diverse populations and diagnosis, she has collected many healthy lifestyle tools which she would love to share in a form of this WELLNESS PROGRAM.Monday, Sept.11- Oct. 212:15pm-1:15pmCode: 10920Monday, Oct. 9 - Oct. 3012:15pm-1:15pmCode: 10921Monday, Nov. 6 - Nov. 2712:15pm-1:15pmCode: 10931

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Active • (630) 323-821518WELCOME!We would like to welcome Mrs. Teresa Mrozik to the Village of Willowbrook staff! Teresa joins us after serving as the Director of Parks and Recreation for the Village of North Riverside. We are very excited to welcome Teresa to the team; she brings a wealth of experience and is looking forward to building the program and providing a variety of programming opportunities for everyone. NEW & IMPROVED!The Scoop will be returning for the fall season. If you are interested in receiving The Scoop via email you can register online (code #5023) or we will also mail you The Scoop (code# 5020)FALL PROGRAMS• Special Events National Senior Citizens Day, Halloween Costume & Bingo Party, Celebration of the Season at Ruth Lake Country Club• New Adult Fitness ClassesStrength training for bone density, Seated Zumba Gold, Gentle Yoga• Snacks & Smartsinformational seminars where we will cover a variety of topics and areas of interest to help educate people.• Get Social at the CRC! (Community Resource Center)Bingo, Breakfast Brunch, Midday matinees• Afternoon DelightsLunches will be hosted at The Melting Pot (Downers Grove), Raymes Steakhouse (Lisle), Carnivore & The Queen (Downers Grove)Luncheon entertainment at Ruth LakeTH E SCOOPTH E SCOOPActive Adult Program Guide | 2023F ALLF ALLRegistration begins August 1st. Be sure to register early!

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Join the Village of Willowbrook Parks & Recreation Department for fall and winter fun at these special village events! 2nd ANNUAL MUG RUNSeptember 23Borse ParkPUMPKIN FLOTILLAOctober 13Willow PondSCARY STORIESOctober 20Willow PondELF TRYOUTSDecember 15Community CenterLIGHT UP THE NIGHTDecember 9Borse ParkDADDY DAUGHTER DANCEFebruary 9Community CenterMOMMY & ME SUPERHERO DANCE PARTYFebruary 23Community CenterFAMILY BINGO NIGHT9/21 10/19 1/18 2/15Community CenterSANTA SLEIGH VISITSDecember 18-22At Home EventNEW YEAR’S EVEBABY BASHDecember 29Community CenterVillage of Willowbrook SPECIAL EVENTSVILLAGE OF WILLOWBROOK835 Midway DriveWillowbrook, IL 60527 (630) 323-8215For more information and to register, visit us online at:

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