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Waste From You Conversion From Us e-Book

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WASTE FROM YOU, CONVERSION FROM USWASTE FROM YOU, CONVERSION FROM USThe feeders made from recycled materals for anmals havefound ther place n our school garden.2023-2024 Academc Yeare-BookOur RecycledMaterals - 1Our Logos andPosters- 2Consequencesof Waste - 3Artcles and othersactvtes 4-20

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OUR LOGOS AND POSTERSOur logos and posters are desgned to rase awareness for a plastc-freefuture, amng to prevent the harmful mpact of plastc waste on futuregeneratons.

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CONSEQUENCES OF WASTE Turkey has mported hundreds of thousands of tons of plastc waste orgarbage every year snce 2016. Snce ndvduals do not pay attenton to ths,they set a bad example for chldren, so chldren cannot fulfll therresponsbltes and throw waste left and rght nstead of throwng t nrecyclng bns. Chldren are also badly affected by ths stuaton. Forexample, when we throw a plastc bottle or any garbage nto the sea, thesea becomes drty and then we cannot swm n the sea, or creatures try toeat that waste, and when they eat t, we eat those fsh, thus endangerngour bodes.To prevent all ths from happenng, we need to throw our waste ntorecyclng bns, both to avod a bad mage and for the health of chldren anda clean lfe. Please throw the waste n waste bns, not on the ground oraround.WASTE AFFECTS CHİLDRENAccordng to UN data, 9.2 bllon tons of plastc have been produced snce1950 and 6.9 bllon tons of plastc waste has emerged as a result of thsproducton.As you know, chldren's bodes are weaker than ours. They absorb germsnto ther bodes very quckly, and t s qute dffcult for them to removethose germs from ther bodes.So, why do you thnk chldren catch so many germs?I'm tellng you rght now.Because of the waste. The ncrease n waste and ts remanng undssolved nnature for years causes envronmental polluton, harm to lvng thngs and,most mportantly, harm to chldren.And dseases n chldren due to waste.Due to the negatve effects of the neurologcal and hormonal systems nchldren, varous health problems such as congental anomales, ncreasedncdence of chldhood cancers, declne n cogntve abltes, obesty,dabetes, attenton defct and hyperactvty syndrome, autsm spectrumdsorder occur. And many more dseases that I cannot lst. The symptomappears.So s t possble to prevent ths?Of course ts possble.-Get nformaton about the envronment and provde nformaton.-Prevent polluton.-Recycle your waste-Use cloth bags nstead of plastc bags.-Use regular towels nstead of paper towels.-Reduce excess water consumpton. Do not leave fountans openunnecessarly.-Do not leave the lghts on n the mornng.Of course, these are not the only ones I wll lst.Let's jon hands and recycle our waste.

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RHYMESShades of green, shades of green,I love nature and t loves meNature s nce, nature s funSo keep t clean for everyone!Green forests for everyone,Blue oceans, rvers that run,Happy chldren under the sun,Let us play and have some fun,Don’t pollute, our World s only one!Butterfles wth lttle eyes,Green dust wth sprnkle fles,Our nature s n our eyesKeep t clean and love t, guys! (Iasmna Zangl, VI B, Secondary School No. 12 Tmsoara, Romana)

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RHYMESDearest Earth, dearest Earth,Oh, my dearest Earth,If you’re dyng, so are weSo let us keep t free! (Natala Balo, VI B, Secondary School No. 12 Tmsoara, Romana)Beautful skes wth beautful tmes,Bees playng n lttle hves,Don’t destroy t and keep t nce,Apprecate nature’s smles! (Iasmna Zangl, VI B, Secondary School No. 12 Tmsoara, Romana)Butterfles are flyng,The beautful sun s shnng,Chldren lovng whle recyclngFree the nature and stop the flowers dyng! (Dana Balu, VI B, Secondary School No. 12 Tmsoara, Romana)We’re chldren wth dreams,Tryng to make the World clean,So let us free the greenAnd we wll be seen! (Collectve poem, VI B, Secondary School No. 12 Tmsoara, Romana)

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RHYMESTHE GARDEN OF INNOCENCE: A POEM ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTSHope blooms n lttle hearts ,Chldren look at the world wth nnocence.Ther Rghts are the most precous essence of lfe,ther should be touched wth love, ther heart wll be flled wth joy.They are full of games and decorated wth dreams.Worldwde, famous for love.Free n educaton, endowed wth knowledge,ther rghts are ncluded n the sacred mrror of lfe.Health, peace, freedom and happness,Chldren's rghts are the most beautful song n the world.Those who are surrounded by justce and grow up wth love,Chldren's Rghts are the most precous secret of lfe.Students of teacher Mert