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Walk Vegas Labyrinths

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OTHER LABYRINTH RESOURCES WORLD LABYRINTH SOCIETY WWW LABYRINTHSOCIETY ORG WORLD WIDE LABYRINTH LOCATOR WWW LABYRINTHLOCATOR COM Learn about upcoming Labyrinth walks at www vegaslabyrinths org labyrinthsafari Contact for more information Scott Hensley Phone 702 378 8988 bookdog101 gmail com Mark your calendar First Saturday in May is World Wide Labyrinth Day Learn more here www worldlabyrinthday org

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WALKING THE LABYRINTH The labyrinth is an ancient practice of walking meditation All are welcome any time as individuals or in groups A walk on the labyrinth can help bring solace and strength heal inner wounds clarify understanding of a situation facilitate the grieving process awaken intuition and deepen one s sense of the Divine presence What is the Labyrinth While there is no right way to walk the path you might find these guidelines helpful 1 The labyrinth offers us a way of journeying inviting us into a sacred quiet place It is a place where we can experience profound silence a place where we can abandon the busyness of life escape the fast lane to take a daily mini vacation a place that offers us the opportunity to be present to our sacred moments and to our inner selves The labyrinth is not magic but it is full of mystery It produces different results for everyone or perhaps none at all To walk the labyrinth is to take a precious time out to be refreshed There is no dogma associated with the labyrinth A person simply brings his or her personal thoughts and spiritual needs maybe a specific problem or an important life decision to be made 2 3 Quiet your mind become aware of your breathing and enter the labyrinth with an open heart You may want to offer a prayer ask for spiritual guidance or use some other ritual act as you enter this sacred space You may remove your shoes if you like but it is not required Walk at a pace that feels right and natural for you If others are also walking the labyrinth allow about a minute to pass between you and the previous person before entering Feel free to quietly and gently pass around others as you are walking It is important to maintain and respect a prayerful meditative state Walk to the center of the labyrinth then turn around and walk back out People often stand in the center for a short while to meditate or pray MOVING THROUGH SACRED SPACE RELEASING As you walk let go and trust the path to guide you to the center How do you feel as you walk the path What can you leave behind as you walk the labyrinth You may want to take a small object with you into the labyrinth and place it in the center as you leave as your symbolic act of letting go RECEIVING You may be surprised to find you have suddenly arrived in the center You are invited to remain there as long as you need It is a time for silent meditation focus or prayer RETURNING When you are ready to leave the center retrace your steps through the same path you entered This is an important reminder that one does not remain in the center but returns to live one s life in the everyday world Think about any insights that you have gained during your experience How can you integrate these insights into your daily life After you leave the labyrinth you may 4 5 If you meet others coming toward you along the path please step aside want to take some time for personal reflection If there are children playing on the labyrinth feel friends as a way to integrate your experience into free to play with them your life journaling artistic expression or discussion with

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