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WALII Internship Tips - Trifold

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Find an Internship Resources!Summer internships for undergraduatestudents are available in labs acrossWater and Life Interface Institution(WALII) campuses. Each location has aseparate application process and offersdifferent experiences. Studentsinterested in WALII projects areencouraged to apply to multiplecampuses. WALII InternshipsTry the following terms or acronyms in asearch engine. REU = Research Experience forUndergraduates Funded by the NationalScience FoundationSURF = Summer Undergraduate ResearchFellowshipSURP = The Summer UndergraduateResearch ProgramIntern = Industry/companies tends to usethe term “intern” when posting ads.Search Terms!Learn more and apply for WALIIinternships: for REU of STEM internships:pathwaystoscience.orgWater and LifeInterface InstituteHOWTOAPPLY FORUNDERGRADINTERNSHIPSInternships should be paid. Stipendamounts vary based on program lengthand location. Some programs offerhousing support, travel support, mealplans or stipends, and health insurance. Keep in Mind

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Who ShouldApply? ApplicationMaterialsApplicationProcessInternships are designed to provide youwith experience; often times previousexperience is not required for programs,but showing a passion for the field ofstudy and articulating how the internshipwill help your career goals is key. Manyprograms actively seek to encourage theparticipation of underrepresented groupsand broaden participation in STEM. You!Eligibility. Always check the eligibilitycriteria and application requirements for ajob/internship before applying.Get good letters. Ask for letters at least 3weeks before deadlines. Do not ask familyor peers to write the letters.Research the program. Look into theprogram, what support it offers, and whichscientists/labs are hosting interns.Show, not tell. Provide concrete examplesfor your interests, experience, and goals.Make contact. Contact programcoordinators or labs to express interestand ask questions.Find ProgramsRecommendationLettersCollect important info inone place (ex. aspreadsheet withdeadlines, applicationmaterials, labs or projectsof interest). Ask for letters at least 3weeks before theapplication is due. Sharethe deadlines andapplication materials. PrepareApplicationPrepare your materials asrequested. Be sure tocustomize eachapplication. Apply!Submit a completeapplication package bythe deadline. Re-readyour application for edits(ask someone to reviewit too!) Interview(If required)Cover letterWhy you selected the program,why you are the best candidateto select, and your intentions. CV or resumeEducation, scholarships andawards, work experience,volunteer and service work, skillsand certificates, and anypresentations and/orpublications. Statement ofpurpose orinterestResearch and career goals,expectations, research interest,and post-graduation plans.Include who you’d like to workwith, or projects you would wantto work on. Show that you’veresearched the program!Let tersAsk teachers, mentors,supervisors, advisors, bosseswrite you letters ofsupport/recommendation. Askthem 3 weeks before thedeadline (and make sure theyknow the due date andsubmission instructions!) Personalstatement ordiversitystatementYour story, how you supportcommunity or DEI efforts,programs you’ve participated inor volunteered with, and relevantstruggles that impacted youreducation/career growth. MaterialWhat to IncludeTips

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Who ShouldApply? ApplicationMaterialsApplicationProcessInternships are designed to provide youwith experience; often times previousexperience is not required for programs,but showing a passion for the field ofstudy and articulating how the internshipwill help your career goals is key. Manyprograms actively seek to encourage theparticipation of underrepresented groupsand broaden participation in STEM. You!Eligibility. Always check the eligibilitycriteria and application requirements for ajob/internship before applying.Get good letters. Ask for letters at least 3weeks before deadlines. Do not ask familyor peers to write the letters.Research the program. Look into theprogram, what support it offers, and whichscientists/labs are hosting interns.Show, not tell. Provide concrete examplesfor your interests, experience, and goals.Make contact. Contact programcoordinators or labs to express interestand ask questions.Find ProgramsRecommendationLettersCollect important info inone place (ex. aspreadsheet withdeadlines, applicationmaterials, labs or projectsof interest). Ask for letters at least 3weeks before theapplication is due. Sharethe deadlines andapplication materials. PrepareApplicationPrepare your materials asrequested. Be sure tocustomize eachapplication. Apply!Submit a completeapplication package bythe deadline. Re-readyour application for edits(ask someone to reviewit too!) Interview(If required)Cover letterWhy you selected the program,why you are the best candidateto select, and your intentions. CV or resumeEducation, scholarships andawards, work experience,volunteer and service work, skillsand certificates, and anypresentations and/orpublications. Statement ofpurpose orinterestResearch and career goals,expectations, research interest,and post-graduation plans.Include who you’d like to workwith, or projects you would wantto work on. Show that you’veresearched the program!Let tersAsk teachers, mentors,supervisors, advisors, bosseswrite you letters ofsupport/recommendation. Askthem 3 weeks before thedeadline (and make sure theyknow the due date andsubmission instructions!) Personalstatement ordiversitystatementYour story, how you supportcommunity or DEI efforts,programs you’ve participated inor volunteered with, and relevantstruggles that impacted youreducation/career growth. MaterialWhat to IncludeTips

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Who ShouldApply? ApplicationMaterialsApplicationProcessInternships are designed to provide youwith experience; often times previousexperience is not required for programs,but showing a passion for the field ofstudy and articulating how the internshipwill help your career goals is key. Manyprograms actively seek to encourage theparticipation of underrepresented groupsand broaden participation in STEM. You!Eligibility. Always check the eligibilitycriteria and application requirements for ajob/internship before applying.Get good letters. Ask for letters at least 3weeks before deadlines. Do not ask familyor peers to write the letters.Research the program. Look into theprogram, what support it offers, and whichscientists/labs are hosting interns.Show, not tell. Provide concrete examplesfor your interests, experience, and goals.Make contact. Contact programcoordinators or labs to express interestand ask questions.Find ProgramsRecommendationLettersCollect important info inone place (ex. aspreadsheet withdeadlines, applicationmaterials, labs or projectsof interest). Ask for letters at least 3weeks before theapplication is due. Sharethe deadlines andapplication materials. PrepareApplicationPrepare your materials asrequested. Be sure tocustomize eachapplication. Apply!Submit a completeapplication package bythe deadline. Re-readyour application for edits(ask someone to reviewit too!) Interview(If required)Cover letterWhy you selected the program,why you are the best candidateto select, and your intentions. CV or resumeEducation, scholarships andawards, work experience,volunteer and service work, skillsand certificates, and anypresentations and/orpublications. Statement ofpurpose orinterestResearch and career goals,expectations, research interest,and post-graduation plans.Include who you’d like to workwith, or projects you would wantto work on. Show that you’veresearched the program!Let tersAsk teachers, mentors,supervisors, advisors, bosseswrite you letters ofsupport/recommendation. Askthem 3 weeks before thedeadline (and make sure theyknow the due date andsubmission instructions!) Personalstatement ordiversitystatementYour story, how you supportcommunity or DEI efforts,programs you’ve participated inor volunteered with, and relevantstruggles that impacted youreducation/career growth. MaterialWhat to IncludeTips

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Find an Internship Resources!Summer internships for undergraduatestudents are available in labs acrossWater and Life Interface Institution(WALII) campuses. Each location has aseparate application process and offersdifferent experiences. Studentsinterested in WALII projects areencouraged to apply to multiplecampuses. WALII InternshipsTry the following terms or acronyms in asearch engine. REU = Research Experience forUndergraduates Funded by the NationalScience FoundationSURF = Summer Undergraduate ResearchFellowshipSURP = The Summer UndergraduateResearch ProgramIntern = Industry/companies tends to usethe term “intern” when posting ads.Search Terms!Learn more and apply for WALIIinternships: for REU of STEM internships:pathwaystoscience.orgWater and LifeInterface InstituteHOWTOAPPLY FORUNDERGRADINTERNSHIPSInternships should be paid. Stipendamounts vary based on program lengthand location. Some programs offerhousing support, travel support, mealplans or stipends, and health insurance. Keep in Mind

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Find an Internship Resources!Summer internships for undergraduatestudents are available in labs acrossWater and Life Interface Institution(WALII) campuses. Each location has aseparate application process and offersdifferent experiences. Studentsinterested in WALII projects areencouraged to apply to multiplecampuses. WALII InternshipsTry the following terms or acronyms in asearch engine. REU = Research Experience forUndergraduates Funded by the NationalScience FoundationSURF = Summer Undergraduate ResearchFellowshipSURP = The Summer UndergraduateResearch ProgramIntern = Industry/companies tends to usethe term “intern” when posting ads.Search Terms!Learn more and apply for WALIIinternships: for REU of STEM internships:pathwaystoscience.orgWater and LifeInterface InstituteHOWTOAPPLY FORUNDERGRADINTERNSHIPSInternships should be paid. Stipendamounts vary based on program lengthand location. Some programs offerhousing support, travel support, mealplans or stipends, and health insurance. Keep in Mind