Important Information on Beef and Pork Processing
Beef & Pork Ordering Options:Whole1/21/4 (beef only)General Pricing and Ordering Information:AS Farm's price-per-pound:
Whole Order1/2 Order1/4 OrderBeef$2.20$2.20$2.25Pork$2.99$2.99 Not AvailableThe Hanging Weight is used to multiply by the current price-per-pound for the total amount of the order.The customer is responsible for providing their cutting instructions to the meat processor. AS Farm will provide the contact information for the meat processor.AFTER YOUR ORDER IS DELIVERED TO THE MEAT PROCESSOR - PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST 1 - 2 WEEKS FOR THE MEAT PROCESSOR TO PROCESS YOUR ORDER!! IT IS NOT SAME-DAY SERVICE - REPEAT, IT IS NOT SAME-DAY SERVICE!!The customer is responsible for paying the meat processor's processing fees. Depending on the customer's cutting instructions, additional processing fees may be added to the standard processing fee. The standard processing fee varies with each meat processor - typically the standard processing fee ranges from $75 - $125 for 1/2 or 1/4 orders.AS Farm can arrange delivery options with the customer. AS Farm may charge a delivery fee depending on the customer's delivery request. If required, AS Farm can accommodate Halal slaughtering practices for your beef order.
Beef & Pork Processing Options & Pricing
Live Weight:Actual weight of the animal when it was alive (on-the-hoof) before being brought-in for processing.Hanging Weight:This is the weight of the animal after it has been prepared for processing.Does NOT include head, hide, blood, hooves and internal organs.Hanging Weight is approximately 72% of the Live Weight for pork and 61% for beef.Final or Take-Home Weight:This is the weight of the meat after butchering per the customer's cutting instructions.This is the take-home meat the customer needs to find room in their freezer for. The Take-Home Weight is approximately 74% of the Hanging Weight for pork and 67% for beef.Price-per-Pound:This price is multiplied by the Hanging Weight to calculate the total amount of the order due to AS Farm. The customer is responsible for paying the processing fees for their order. Terms with Definitions
Whole Beef Order:Live Weight of the animal is 1,200 lbs. The Hanging Weight would approximately be 732 lbs. (61% of the Live Weight).Final or Take-Home Weight would approximately be 490 lbs. (67% of the Hanging Weight).Payment to AS Farm would approximately be $1,610 ($2.20 per Hanging Weight). Additional charges may appear on the customer's AS Farm invoice including the processing fee and delivery fee. 1/2 Beef Order:Live Weight of the animal is 1,200 lbs. The Hanging Weight would approximately be 366 lbs. (61% of the Live Weight divided by 2).Final or Take-Home Weight would approximately be 245 lbs. (67% of the Hanging Weight).Payment to AS Farm would approximately be $805 ($2.20 per Hanging Weight). Additional charges may appear on the customer's AS Farm invoice including the processing fee and delivery fee.1/4 Beef Order:Live Weight of the animal is 1,200 lbs. The Hanging Weight would approximately be 183 lbs. (61% of the Live Weight divided by 4).Final or Take-Home Weight would approximately be 122 lbs. (67% of the Hanging Weight).Payment to AS Farm would approximately be $412 ($2.25 per Hanging Weight). Additional charges may appear on the customer's AS Farm invoice including the processing fee and delivery fee.
These are only pricing examples to show the approximate price and quantity of the beef order - Live Weights WILL Vary
Please note - The customer is responsible for the processing fee & delivery fee.
Whole Pork Order:Live Weight of the animal is 265 lbs. The Hanging Weight would approximately be 191 lbs. (72% of the Live Weight).Final or Take-Home Weight would approximately be 141 lbs. (74% of the Hanging Weight).Payment to AS Farm would approximately be $571 ($2.99 per Hanging Weight). Additional charges may appear on the customer's AS Farm invoice including the processing fee and delivery fee. 1/2 Pork Order:Live Weight of the animal is 265 lbs. The Hanging Weight would approximately be 96 lbs. (72% of the Live Weight divided by 2).Final or Take-Home Weight would approximately be 71 lbs. (74% of the Hanging Weight).Payment to AS Farm would approximately be $287 ($2.99 per Hanging Weight). Additional charges may appear on the customer's AS Farm invoice including the processing fee and delivery fee.
Pricing Examples for a Pork Order
These are only pricing examples to show the approximate price and quantity of the pork order - Live Weights WILL Vary
Please note - The customer is responsible for the processing fee & delivery fee.