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Chopped Challengers Submission April 2024

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The ingredientsEach Chopped Challenger was provided thefollowing mystery ingredients on April 18th:Sweet Potatoes Fresh GarlicHoneyRed Pepper FlakesKaleFrozen MangoVOTE HERE

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Handmade sweet potato gnocchi served atopa tender sautéd kale and topped withpecorino reggiano and walnuts for a littlecrunch. The served sauce a mango honeysauce cut with crushed red pepper to balancesweet and hot. And finally a rustic kale andgarlic breadstick served on the side to closeoff the meal.#1Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Sautéd Kale and Spicy Mango SalsaServed with a Garlic Kale BreadstickBRIEF OVERVIEW:This dish features creamy cheeses within thegnocchi and is heightened by the balance ofsweet and heat of the sauce.FLAVOR PROFILE:The gnocchi ishomemade andhand rolledalongside a smearof the beautifulmango sauce andthe fresh bakedbreadstick.TECHNIQUE

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Pork belly was sous videwith tons of umamiseasonings and coated ina sticky, spicy garlickyAsian sauce, topped withtoasted sesame seeds.This was stuffed inside apureed sweet potatohomemade bao bun andtopped with a mango kaleslaw. To wash it all down Iadded a mango hot honeymai tai.#2Pig in Paradise Bao BunsBRIEF OVERVIEW:The dish is the perfectcombination of sweet, spicy,and umami due to the sweetnessof the honey, mango, and sweetpotato, spice of the red pepperflake in the pork belly sauce andmai tai, and seasonings used onthe pork belly (Chinese 5 spice,mushroom seasoning, bay leaf,Thai chili powder).FLAVOR PROFILE:The pork belly was cooked sousvide and the sweet potato wasroasted and pureed into thedough for the homemade baobuns, which were steamed toperfection and pillowy soft. Thesauce for the pork belly wasblended then reduced to nappefor the perfect sticky andsmooth consistency and thekale was massaged beforeadding it to the slaw to removeany toughness. Finally, I emulsified sesame oil,ginger, honey, and rice vinegarfor the mango kale slawvinaigrette and steeped thenpureed water, honey, andmango to make a syrup for thecocktail.Additional Process Photos & Video

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Roasted garlic crustedrack of lamb servedover spicy herbmango chimichurri,and warm kale, barleyand sweet potatosalad dressed in alemon vinaigrette andfinished with toastedpine nuts and fetacheese. Served withwarm garlic butternaan.#3Rack of lambwith mango chimichurri and warmkale + barley saladBRIEF OVERVIEW:This dish features garlicky, NewZealand rack of lamb cookedmedium rare, served over a spicyand sweet jalapeno and redpepper mango honey chimichurri.It's served with a kale salad withoven roasted crispy sweet potatobits and finished with a salty warmfeta cheese and crunchy pine nutstoasted in olive oil. The fluffybarley adds an extra chew toevery bite. Garlic butter naanbread on the side sops up thechimichurri and lemonyvinaigrette. FLAVOR PROFILE:The lamb is reverse seared-- first roasted in the ovenand then seared in its ownfat cap on a cast iron pan.The barley was prepared ina pressure cooker, whilethe sweet potato wasroasted and the nutstoasted in olive oil on thestovetop. Chimichurri wasblitzed in a food processoruntil smooth. Additional ProcessPhotos & Video

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Meet the Sweetie Pie, a48-hour fermentedsourdough pizza featuringan unconventional yetharmonious blend ofroughly mashed sweetpotatoes, whipped ricottacream, a premium three-cheese medley, charredmangoes, diced chorizo,crispy garlic kale,parmigiano-reggiano, redpepper flakes, and adrizzle of honey.#4Sweetie PieBRIEF OVERVIEW:This pizza features a tantalizing fusion of sweet, savory, andspicy flavors that bounce and delight. The addition of dicedchorizo and parmigiano-reggiano adds depth and elevatesthis already complex flavor profile into the stratosphere.FLAVOR PROFILE:The dough is a 66% hydration, naturally leavened sourdough pizza doughthat fermented for around 48 hours prior to baking. A home oven andstovetop were used to bake the sweet potatoes and sauté the kale and freshgarlic. The provided ingredients were roughly chopped to more evenlydistribute and incorporate the different flavors once combined. The pizzawas baked in a high-heat outdoor oven for around 3-4 minutes, rotatingfrequently to achieve an even bake and char. After baking, the pizza wasfinished with additional extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, red pepper flakes,freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano, and a generous drizzle of honey.Additional Process Photos & Video

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Pan Seared SteakTacos toppedwith a MangoChili Chimichurri& Garlic KaleChips#5Sweet & Spicy Steak TacosOVERVIEWThis dish providesnotes of sweet andspicy. Fresh red chilisand red pepper flakeswere used to givespice to thechimichurri while thefrozen mango andhoney provided thesweet balance along.FLAVOR PROFILEThe sweet potato tortillasare made fresh from pureedsweet potato, flour, bakingsoda and salt. The redpepper flakes were alsoground up to a finerconsistency to avoid gettinga large piece while enjoyingthe chimichurri.