V O L U N T E E R A C T I V I T I E SClean Start Success in the West!S U C C E S S S T O R Y : U P C O M I N G V O L U N T E E R E V E N T :Sunburst HQ volunteers brought holiday cheer in Quarter 4 bybell ringing for the Salvation Army. Over December 7th and 8th,our team took one-hour shifts outside Cub and rocked it, raisingnearly $700! These generous donations don't just makeChristmas special—they support our community all year around,helping those in need. Way to go, team!Food DriveFood DriveSunburst will be partnering with the Groveland Food Shelf to donate groceriesand household items to those in need during the month of February. Moreinformation to follow.Success isn’t always measured in dollars and cents. This success story shows how a distributor expanded theirbusiness by networking with the people they met in the national accounts they serviced for us.This last year, one of our distributor partners, Phoenix Water & Chemical, did an excellent job in performingquality services to our National Account Programs. Sometimes our National Account Programs are not alwaysprofitable enough for our distributor partners, which was the case this time as well, until we had a discussion onthe success of their business.Troy Clawson was with the distributor rep when he received a call for a new nursing home opportunity. Whenthey got there, they found out that it was one of the old Foodservice/Laundry directors from a current nationalaccount customer – she had left a while back and was now working at a different home. She had such a greatexperience with not only the chemicals, but the service that Phoenix Water & Chemical had provided. A proposalwas not even required, as she knew that Sunburst and the distributor partner would provide exceptional serviceand results. During their conversation, Troy and the distributor found out that she is not only responsible for theproperty they met her at, but 4 additional properties as well. Phoenix Water & Chemical will be installing thewarewash and laundry, and housekeeping will be coming soon.This shows the need to utilize relationships that our distributor partners develop through Sunburst NationalAccount Programs. By positively representing Sunburst and their own company, additional opportunities willcome. As stated above, success is not always measured in dollars and cents but when doing it right, thosedollars and cents will come.
THURSDAY, MARCH 21STTHURSDAY, MARCH 21STEAST & WESTEAST & WESTRETREATRETREATSedona, AZD O N ’ T M I S S T H E N E X T Q U A R T E R L Y M E E T I N G !F I E L D R E T R E A T & Q U A R T E R 4 R E C A PThe East and West field teams kicked off 2024 on a retreat in Arizona to prepare for the year ahead! Theyreviewed the 2024 What Matters Most and covered the new Go-Forms process for service reporting. Inaddition to their work activities, the team enjoyed a two hour sightseeing excursion in Sedona and quicklydiscovered that Vic is afraid of heights!
Haley has been exceptional in entering orders and taking phone calls, pretty much on her own sinceMichael has retired and I have been in meetings/interviews. She keeps a positive attitude every day, evenif things get crazy. She also is willing to take on any projects that help is needed with, without hesitationand completes them in a timely manner. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to theCustomer Care team!Nominee: Haley MartinNominated by Ashley SullivanQ U A R T E R 4 - 2 0 2 3W I N N I N G M O M E N T SWe should acknowledge Shannon’s performance last week at one of our large linen plants. He spent 3days at a plant troubleshooting issues with our tunnel pumps that has been sitting for a while and thecm2w system. He also did a start up on a BRAUN tunnel, completed titrations and set water flows. Thereare things that he has never done before. Accepting instructions from Jack H. and I over the phone andFaceTime. Then driving across the state to make it to a scheduled prison appointment, which he sold someadditional items. If you have ever been to TX, you know what that means. If not, that is an additional 8-hour drive. Appreciate the hard work. THANK YOU!!Nominee: Shannon JohnsonNominated by Eric IlkkaKelly has hit it out of the park lately with diligently working and fixing issues with our website andSage100, all while juggling all that was needed to prep for the workstation move at HQ’s front office. Henot only orchestrated moving all computer devices and telephones in a timely manner, but expeditiouslyhandled additional changes relating to the move. Thank you, Kelly, for all you do. Nominee: Kelly SkadbergNominated by Deborah SederskiOn October 19th, we were short several employees. Marcus and Taylor both stepped up and did sixbatches by themselves and got it done. Thank you guys for your hard work!Nominee: Marcus Schumacher & Taylor SlukaNominated by Rob SageRecognizing Lily for sweeping her area every day, cleaning the back area near the jugs, and helping outlabel boxes in other areas. Huge team player!!Nominees: Lily NajeraNominated by Andrew ZoebischJason went out of his was to help pick parts quickly for some orders I needed out same day. He keeps apositive attitude and does so much for Sunburst. He has the customer and company in mind!Nominee: Jason MarksNominated by Kate Maguire
Q U A R T E R 4 - 2 0 2 3W I N N I N G M O M E N T SQ4 WINNING WAYSCongratulations to Jack Levy! His Winning Moment has earned himthe Sunburst quarterly Winning Waysawards of $100!I’d like to recognize Jack Levy for his winning ways, which should not be taken lightly. He showed up inevery way possible to hold the fort for the accounting team when we needed him. That was a tremendousresponsibility to step up without hesitation. He went above and beyond, which stems from his character:hardworking, loyal, reliable, responsive, patient, and all the above you’d find in a good person. He has putmore hours into learning, solving, and delivering commitments to Sunburst during my absence. Truly arepresentative of our culture, a desired place to work with, driven by helping our people succeed, andpassionate about being the best at what we do. I’m grateful for all you do, and we’re always happy tohave you on the team. Nominee: Jack LevyNominated by Dan LaughlinLily has been an All-Star for Sunburst today (10/27/23)! She decided to clean and sanitize both breakroom refrigerators without being asked to do it. Thank you Lily!Nominee: Lily NajeraNominated by Rob SageI had a rush project that required mapping some addresses for a meeting. I knew I needed to call on theexpert to help me get a map created in less than 5 minutes. I called Rona, asked for her assistance, andwithout hesitation she replied, “of course”. The map popped in my email right as the meeting started. Sograteful for an awesome teammate!Nominee: Rona WellsNominated by Deborah SederskiA FUN FACT ABOUTNote: The annual winner will be announced at the Quarterly Meeting in MarchSunburst’s very own Jack Levy was on tv showsAmerica’s Got Talent and the Steve Harvey Show for hisjuggling skills! Jack juggled for a few years with his group,The Five of Clubs, and has competed across the country.Click the links below to see Jack’s impressive talent!Juggling Fire:Steve Harvey Show:https://vimeo.com/sunburstchemicals/jackjugglinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTAtCr19jV8
E M P L O Y E E S P O T L I G H TD o y o u h a v e a n y n i c k n a m e s ?B o s s c o W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e p l a c e y o u h a v e t r a v e l e d t o ?C o l o r a d o W h a t w a s y o u r f a v o r i t e t o y g r o w i n g u p ?L e g o sW h a t i s t h e b e s t p i e c e o f a d v i c e y o u ’ v e r e c e i v e d ?B e c o n s i s t e n tS H A N N O N J O H N S O NR S TK E L L Y S K A D B E R GI T A d m i n i s t r a t o rW h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e b o a r d g a m e ?R i s kW h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e t v s h o w t o b i n g e w a t c h ?Y e l l o w s t o n eW h a t w a s y o u r f a v o r i t e t o y g r o w i n g u p ?L e g o s a n d E r e c t o r s e t sW h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e p l a c e y o u h a v e t r a v e l e d t o ?M u n i c h , G e r m a n yM A G A L I C A S T I L L OL e a d W a r e h o u s eA s s o c i a t eW h a t w a s y o u r f i r s t j o b ? J u s t i c e f o r g i r l s i n M a l l o f A m e r i c a ( M O A )W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e p o d c a s t t o l i s t e n t o ?T r u e C r i m e O b s e s s e dW h a t i s y o u r b i g g e s t p e t p e e v e ? C h e w i n g w i t h y o u r m o u t h o p e n ( s m a c k i n g n o i s e ) I f y o u c o u l d o w n a n y m y t h i c a l c r e a t u r e , w h i c h o n e w o u l dy o u w a n t ?U n i c o r n ( M y d a u g h t e r ’ s f a v o r i t e ) . W h a t c h o r e d o y o u w i s h w a s m a g i c a l l y a l w a y s d o n e ?T h e d i s h e sW h a t a r e y o u r h o b b i e s ?A r c h e r y , m a r k s m a n s h i p , h u n t i n g a n d c a m p i n gW h a t a r e y o u r m o v i e t h e a t e r p o p c o r n h a b i t s ?D o n ’ t b u y i t . I t ’ s t o o e x p e n s i v e .W h a t w a s y o u r f i r s t j o b ?S k i a n d S n o w b o a r d I n s t r u c t o r
M A K I N G S U N B U R S T M E M O R I E SC O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T H O S E C E L E B R A T I N GW O R K A N N I V E R S A R I E S I N Q U A R T E R 1 !1 YEA RJose Amigon - JanuaryHaley Martin - JanuaryTaylor Sluka - FebruaryKyle Sutton - March2 YEA RSLance Huston - JanuaryTroy Rebeck - MarchDavid Schultz - March4 YEA RSWilliam Hoffman - FebruaryBrock Veach - FebruaryJeffrey Reed - March5 YEA RSAndrew Zoebisch - March6 YEA RSKen Jurek - February9 YEA RSKelvin Krause - March10 YE ARSFrankie Jacobson - February11 YE ARSRona Wells - March13 YE ARSMark Havlin - JanuaryEric Ilkka - JanuaryChristopher Weirauch - January16 YE ARSTom Berichon - February24 YE ARSKelly Koslowski - January37 YE ARSBob Eskuri - January“I’d like to share this pic of Jerry Schuh, his wife,Rob Cardullo and I after an impromptu dinner weput together tonight. We talked about a lot andshared some great food at one of our Sunburstfriendly accounts. While laughing and sharingstories about our very different lives andexperiences, I realized that this type ofengagement doesn’t happen often in the “job”scene. We truly appreciate being part of Sunburstand look forward to everything that’s happening inour side of the Great Lakes. Thank you, Rob andTim, for providing us this opportunity.” ~ Ken Jurek - DSM, Great Lakes