This quarter, we partnered with the Kids In Need Foundation to collect new school suppliesfor under-resourced students. Many students in the area face challenges accessingessential school supplies, so employees donated crayons, pencils, notebooks, markers andmany other items to support students in the current school year. We also donated 57 casesof sanitizer, along with dispensers and hand pumps which will be distributed to schools allaround the country. Thank you to the Kids in Need Foundation and to everyone whoparticipated!Check out this videofrom one of the teacherswho received our schoolsupply donations!V O L U N T E E R A C T I V I T I E SDomino’s Dough Food Plant InstallS U C C E S S S T O R Y : Domino’s Dough, out of Erlanger, KY, was previously a Sunburst account untila change in management forced them to switch to Ecolab. After experiencingsome problems with the products they were using, Domino’s decided to giveSunburst a call to re-establish a potential relationship.Jeff Davis and Brock Veach went in to survey the plant and created a proposalto find solutions to the issues they were experiencing with Ecolab. A primaryconcern was inconsistent and inaccurate dispensing. The products were alsochlorinated which caused many fixtures to rust, being that chlorine iscorrosive. Domino’s Dough was receiving totes of sanitizer, 330-gallon jugs ofdetergent, and 55-gallon containers of all other products, creating a majorstorage problem and some internal logistical issues. Jeff recommended our Food Plant Program with products, including Encore,Sani-Clean2, Quick San 10, and Score, with the potential for a 3-bin sink andMaster Blaster.After successful testing and installation, the facility has started to spreadSunburst awareness to other locations, creating potential to gain moreDomino’s Dough business in the future!U P C O M I N G V O L U N T E E R E V E N T :BELL RINGING FOR THE SALVATION ARMY!BELL RINGING FOR THE SALVATION ARMY!More information to come on how you can sign up for a bell ringing shift this holiday season.
Check out the recording on the Sunburst Sharepoint pageM I S S E D T H E Q U A R T E R L Y M E E T I N G ?Q U A R T E R 3 R E C A P
We had an issue with a dispenser at Aid to Hospital in Rochester NY that seemingly would not go away. I asked Jerry Schuh tovisit the plant and determine the root cause. With great phone support from Chris Weirauch the issue was resolved. The field iswell represented by both of these gentlemen.Nominee: Jerry SchuhNominated by Jack HeavisideQ U A R T E R 3W I N N I N G M O M E N T SSteve Diederich received this email from Jim Needham, Account Manager at Schilling Supply:"Steve, I hope you know what you have in Troy as far as a quality individual and representative. We had an issue at the MowerCounty Jail in Austin late last week. The Sheriff’s Captain and the Jail Admin were in a panic because the washing machinesweren’t working and I was out of town. Troy drove over to Austin last Saturday to fix their issues. Ended up being a problemunrelated to Sunburst products but the programming on the machines. All is good now and Troy has the complete gratitudeand trust from the Jail. And that is not all, I was able to get Troy into Centerstone Hotels in Rochester. They just installed a newwashing machine and Troy was able to get it hooked up. It wasn’t an easy job but he got it done much to the pleasure of Maryand her staff. Mary is so grateful for Troy and the fact we made the trip in to make her life easier, she is giving Schilling all ofher liner, paper/coffee/towel and tissue business going forward. Troy has this type of a relationship/effect with all of my/ourshared customer. Tim Haley, Marketing Manager at Schilling, added: "Exceptional work by Troy. Even though it wasn’t aSunburst issue he handled it. And took care of Centerstone as well. These are the types of relationships we like to see fromour vendors. Really nice work by Troy."Nominee: Troy RebeckNominated by Bob EskuriRob came in at 3:30am to start filling the bottles of our Sunsan2 4 x 1 product and didn't leave until all of the totes had beenused up which was 3:00pm. He led the Production lead by coordinating and working on the line himself. His dedication togetting all of our customer backorders filled in a timely manner is commendable.Nominee: Rob SageNominated by Raj Godfrey-SinghThese two are a great team! They work well together and always seem to be ahead in Solid Pack. Thank you and keep up thegreat work!Nominees: Elmer Castro Torres & Lily NajeraNominated by Rob SageNoah is always here on time and willing to work wherever we need him. He's always wanting to learn more. Thank you Noah!Nominee: Noah DahlNominated by Rob SageI was having issues with the Microsoft Authenticator App and email and Mandie helped point me in the right direction and nowit is fixed. Thank you!Nominee: Mandie MeehanNominated by Rob SageElmer pointed out a label mistake on a traveler that needed to be fixed. Thank you for noticing the issue!Nominee: Elmer Castro TorresNominated by Rob SageDoug set blending up with two valves. One for dropping Ultimate and one for Sentinel. This helps the whole blending team andis very appreciated!Nominee: Doug EckerNominated by Taylor Sluka
Q U A R T E R 3W I N N I N G M O M E N T SQ3 WINNING WAYSTroy, Jack, and I were on-site installing a new SG67 system in Rochester MN. There were multiple "technical" challenges weran into (software, laundry machine, and interface cables) in order to program the Wascomat machine formulas. Troy spentmultiple hours beforehand researching what was needed to prepare. Regardless, we ran into issues on site but he refused togive up. After multiple hours of talking to others he was able to get software installed, machine access, and get the machinesprogrammed to our standards. Thanks to Troy the customer is thrilled with the outcome and the results.Nominee: Troy RebeckNominated by Steve VandewalkerThe Marketing Department discovered the contact submission form on the Sunburst website was not working and all inquiriesthat customers and leads submitted were not being routed to the marketing email as they normally would be. This did not justaffect the new marketing leads but also any inquiries we receive from the website regarding service requests, AR/AP invoices,and even orders. Our new IT Administrator, Kelly Skadberg was willing to jump right in to help troubleshoot the issue at hand.Kelly exemplified all three qualities of a winning moment nominee: His responsiveness to the issue was much appreciated andhe provided quality-minded solutions and explanation for what the problem was and how to fix it. His attention to detail andquick acting demonstrated a customer driven attitude in which resulted in the website form to be fixed so that we are nowreceiving all requests from customers and leads. Thank you for your help Kelly!Nominee: Kelly SkadbergNominated by Summer BehrmanOn Friday, September 8th, Glenn, Steve, and Mike showed great leadership when they covered the weekend service coverage inthe Michigan market after a series of unfortunate events. Two techs were out sick and another Van accident caused theservice dilemma. This type of teamwork occurs on a regular basis in Great Lakes. Thanks again guys for stepping up.Nominees: Glenn Griesmann, Steve Murray & Mike Chretien Nominated by Tom BerichonWe received the go-ahead for the install of 23 Nursing homes. Due to scheduling challenges and customer needs we had toget the first installs set up with a 2 week lead time instead of the normal 3 weeks. Thanks to Katie going the extra mile pickingthe order and getting the equipment out for delivery within 48 hours we are now able to complete the installs.Nominee: Kate MaguireNominated by Glenn GriesmannTroy & Jerry presented Brand Standards Module 54 on PM training. They did a great job hosting this module and the powerpoint they put together is well planned and prepare document that will be handy to refer to in the future. Kudos for a job welldone.Nominees: Troy Clawson & Jerry SchuhNominated by Rona WellsA big thank you to everyone who allowed Andy and I to interrupt during the Safer Choice audit. All of you dropped what youwere doing to provide us immediate assistance when we needed it. Your efforts were much appreciated and help lead us to asuccessful audit.Nominees: Lance Huston, Frankie Jacobson, Dan Laughlin, Hope Malecha, Rob Sage,Jackson Salwasser & Brigitte SimsNominated by Justin SouthCongratulations to Troy Rebeck,Kate Maguire & Jerry Schuh!Their Winning Moments have earnedthem the Sunburst quarterly WinningWays awards of $100!
E M P L O Y E E S P O T L I G H TW h e n I w a s 1 5 , I w o r k e d f o r t h e Y o u t h C o n v e r s a t i o n C o r p R o d eH o u s e w h i l e w e c l e a n e d t r a i l s a n d p i c k e d u p t r a s h a r o u n d l a k e si n t h e H i g h U i n t a M o u n t a i n s . H a r d w o r k b u t i t w a s l o t s o f f u n . “ D o o r D o n o t t h e r e i s n o t r y ” - Y o d a f r o m E m p i r e S t r i k e s B a c k H a l l m a r k C h a n n e l . I ’ m a s u c k e r f o r a g o o d l o v e s t o r yW h a t w a s y o u r f i r s t j o b ?W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e m o v i e q u o t e ?W h a t i s y o u r e m b a r r a s s i n g g u i l t y p l e a s u r e ?T R O Y C L A W S O NB D M - W e s t R e g i o nS U M M E R B A N T AS e n i o r M a r k e t i n g S p e c i a l i s tH u f f l e p u f f !Y a h t z e e – I h a v e r o l l e d t h r e e Y a h t z e e ' s i n a g a m eb e f o r e ( I s w e a r I d i d n ’ t c h e a t ! )T h e P r i n c e s s a n d t h e F r o gW h a t H o g w a r t s H o u s e w o u l d t h e s o r t i n g h a t p u t y o u i n ?W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e b o a r d g a m e ?W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e D i s n e y m o v i e ?Did you know Summer justgot married? Make sure tocongratulate her the nexttime you see her!B E N P E T E R S O NP r o d u c t & M a n u f a c t u r i n gE n g i n e e rI r e a l l y e n j o y e d S t . T h o m a s . S u p e r n i c e b e a c h e s , m o u n t a i n s , a n dw e a t h e r .P r o b a b l y N o r m a n R e e d u s . I t h i n k I k i n d a l o o k l i k e h i m ( v a g u e l yh a h a ) .I l i k e t o p l a y t h e d r u m s . I l i k e h i k i n g , c a m p i n g , c a n o e i n g ,c l i m b i n g a n d m o s t o u t d o o r s t u f f . I a l s o l i k e w e i g h t t r a i n i n g .G e n i e . I ’ d s e t h i m f r e e a f t e r t w o w i s h e s ( p r o b a b l y ) . P e o p l e w h o s i t i n t h e l e f t l a n e w i t h c a r s b e h i n d t h e m .W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e p l a c e y o u h a v e t r a v e l e d t o ? W h o w o u l d y o u p l a y i n a m o v i e a b o u t y o u r l i f e ?W h a t a r e y o u r h o b b i e s ? I f y o u c o u l d o w n a n y m y t h i c a l c r e a t u r e , w h i c h o n e w o u l d y o u w a n t ?W h a t i s y o u r b i g g e s t p e t p e e v e ?F o r m y d o g , G i l b e r t : W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e t r e a t ?D o y o u a c t u a l l y h a v e t o g o t o t h e b a t h r o o m ?W h y d o y o u c h e w o n e v e r y t h i n g ?I f y o u c o u l d a s k y o u r p e t 3 q u e s t i o n s , w h a t w o u l dt h e y b e ?L a r g e p o p c o r n w i t h e x t r a b u t t e r a n d l i g h t l y s a l t e d , p a i r e dw i t h r e g u l a r M & M ’ s – t h e p e r f e c t m i x o f s w e e t a n d s a l t y !W h a t a r e y o u r m o v i e t h e a t e r p o p c o r n h a b i t s ?H a r d R o c k f r o m t h e 7 0 s a n d 8 0 s ( B i g H a i r B a n d s )W h a t t y p e o f m u s i c d o y o u l i k e ?
S U N B U R S T T W I N S G A M E O U T I N G SS U N B U R S T T W I N S G A M E O U T I N G SC O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T H O S E C E L E B R A T I N GW O R K A N N I V E R S A R I E S I N Q U A R T E R 4 !Throughout the summer, managers at HQ sponsored four TwinsGame outings. Check out the fun employees had!Rob Hawkinson - OctoberChandler Brown - OctoberMichelle Thelen - OctoberKeith Parker - NovemberLiliana Clemente - NovemberElmer Castro Torres - December1 YE ARNathan Berglund - December2 YE ARSMark Phillips - OctoberBen Peterson - NovemberDan Laughlin - December4 YE ARSJerry Schuh - NovemberTroy Clawson - NovemberLuis Villalobos - November5 YE ARSJohn Bale - OctoberJean McKusick - OctoberJustin South - November6 YE ARSSteve Diederich - November7 YE ARSSteve Murray - October9 YE ARSJack Heaviside - December11 Y EARSJames Shaw - NovemberScooter Olson - November12 Y EARSMandie Meehan - November17 Y EARSDoug Ecker - November20 Y EARSBrigitte Sims - October23 Y EARSTim Laughlin - December29 Y EARSGary Saunders - December34 Y EARS