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Vogue & Rogue Summer Issue

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There are so many fabulous colour's to choosefrom. Who says you have to choose pastels fora summer wedding or darker jewel tones for falland winter weddings. Lets throw out thecoloring rule book and embrace the Summer2021/22 Wedding Season where anything goes!Here it is! Our 2nd issue of Vogue & RogueWeddings... Dedicated to the art of theintimate wedding. Nothing can lift your spirits and set the joymeter higher than a colourful wedding. Whether it's bright and bold or soft andwhimsical, colour sets the tone for your day. This issue focuses on how to incorporate colourinto your intimate wedding. In some ways, it'seasier to incorporate a colour theme in a bigwedding as you have many options to repeatyour colour choice. Here at Vogue & Rogue Weddings we believethat the use of colour in an intimate weddingsetting can have the same punch and impact asthe big over the top weddings. Chose the colour that makes you MARRY & BRIGHT!

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BEWAREWedding Planner Tradition of Colour TOO MUCH!Colour TrendsSo Long Matchy MatchyPaint by NumberA Note - wedding brain pg. 4 vs. Coordinator what's the difference? pg. 6 the Bridesmaids role pg. 8 is there such a thing pg. 12 2021 / 2022 pg.13 designer Tricks / mix it up / sparkle pg. 14 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 pg. 18 from Gillian's desk pg. 29

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In this issue, we have identified the possible triggers thatexperts believe can lead to WB - we wanted to give you aheads up on what to avoid and to be aware of the things thatcan be the root cause of W.B. In our Spring issue we introduced a scientific phenomenoncalled Wedding Brain. As soon as you say 'wedding'something takes over your brain's ability to think and actrationally. Scientist's can't explain it. Below is list of signs andsymptoms that you may be suffering from 'Wedding Brain'. BEWARE Diagnosis -> Wedding Brain !The most level headed person becomes unreasonable. The simplest and smallest detail becomes a really big deal. You are prone to fits of crying and laughing at the same time. You start trying to control uncontrollable things like = " why is the sky blue - it doesn't match my colour scheme!' Trying to convince the Bank that you need to take out asecond mortgage to finance your wedding. Signs & Symptoms include Look for the little brain throughout this issue and take note - Potential Trap Ahead!!!If symptoms persist - take 2 Aspirin's andcall your Wedding Planner / Designer /Coordinator in the morning.

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How am I goingto find the timeto work and plana wedding? Find vendors: Food / Music//VenueFlorist etc..?What's mycolourscheme? How can I telleveryone to stopbeing so helpful -it's stressing meout!!Should I allowchildren at mywedding?Open or CashBar? What SizeWedding can weafford?I just want aintimate wedding. How do I tellpeople their notinvited to thewedding?

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It's not just big weddings thatbenefit from professional weddingservices. In this case, size does notmatter - Big or Small, it's abouthanding off all the tasks andrunning around that you just don'thave the time or experience for. Knowing the difference betweenthe role of a WeddingPlanner/Designer and a WeddingCoordinator is helpful whenseeking out that perfectprofessional. Whats the difference betweenplanning and coordinating you ask? The Wedding Planner / Designer -is the person who plans the wholewedding. Their role is in thepreparation and up front planning -picking the reception venue, thekinds of dresses for the bride andthe bridegroom, and all thevendors. They pull all your ideasand vision into a design plan. Theyalso run interference if someonetries to derail your decisions. That'sinvaluable and avoids WB.The services of the weddingplanner / designer includesinterviewing the couples tounderstand their needs,determining the budget, making atimeline of the events, preparationof the guest list, and a back-upplan. You don't typically see your Planneron the wedding day. Their work isdone. The plan is in place and itsgo time! This is when the weddingcoordinator steps in and bringsyour vision across the wedding dayfinish line. The Wedding Coordinator - is yourwedding day point person. Theyexecute the wedding plan andtakes care of the smallest detailssuch as supervision of vendors,floral arrangements, photosessions, and the serving ofrefreshments. Keeping everythingrunning smoothly and on track forthe day is their primary functionmaking sure that everyone whoattends the wedding is kept happy.Especially the Bride and Groom. WHATS THEDIFFERENCE?

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TRADITION OF COLOURWe love the history of wedding traditions and are constantlylooking at how to blend the fresh experience of intimateweddings with traditions, while creating new traditions. Why do bridesmaids all wear matching coloured dresses? When we went looking to find the answer to this questionwe came across some fascinating information. In the case ofthe matching bridesmaid, it's quite bizarre. And becauseinquiring minds need to know we had another question... So... How does the historical and bizarre tradition translateinto todays wedding trends?

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With a host of bridesmaids alldressed alike, it became that muchharder to target the bride on the roador at her ceremony. It's like travelingwith body doubles — excepteverybody looks fabulous.It eventually became a legalrequirement, according to certainRoman wedding customs, for tenwitnesses to attend a weddingceremony, all of them uniformed inmatching colors. Similarly, brides aresaid to wear veils in order to masktheir faces from both real andsupernatural wedding crashers. There is evidence of this customdating back to ancient Rome andfeudal China, were a bride may berequired to travel many miles to hergroom's town, making her susceptibleto attacks by bandits or rival suitors. It’s an old tradition that comes from atime when bridesmaids not onlydressed like each other, but like thebride herself. The reason behind thiswasn’t for the group to lookcoordinated in portraits, but to“confuse evil spirits or those whowished to harm the bride.”

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While some of the spiritualsuperstition's may have faded,this custom persisted well into theVictorian era. But... matching yourleft over curtain fabric and yourbrides maids dresses was never agood idea or...tradition!When Queen Victoria marriedPrince Albert in 1840, her 12bridesmaids wore matching whitedresses to complement theQueen’s satin gown. Victoria and her entourage madesuch an extravagant image ofgrace and fertility that whitedresses swiftly replaced the oldtradition of nobility wearing silveron their wedding days. The Queen was known for hersense of style and often usedher attire to make a politicalstatement - even on herwedding day. Her choice of an allwhite party marked the thebeginning of a new tradition.The white wedding gown. But Wait!! Are coloured weddingdresses now becoming a trend?What about putting yourBridesmaids in White and youblow them all away in a fabulouscoloured wedding gown! 1970's Fashion - YIKES!

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Opt for blooms that are a variety of different colours and in the brightest of shades. Different shades of a colour can be so beautiful and add depth to your bouquets. Shading with different colours is a designer trick that makes themost unusual colour scheme come together bringing it to a whole new design level. Discuss with your florist which flowers are in season and take their advice on colour combinations. They have seen more combinations than you can imagine. Ask your floral expert - It's free designer advice! TOO MUCH? No & No. Don't overthinkit!It's not about the colour itself, but howyou combine shades. There are all kindsof rules - Blah Blah Blah! It's not thatcomplicated. To make any colour schemework, all you need to do = Love it- Feel It-Just go with it. Own the room!".Subtle and subdued or off the hook vibrant. Your weddingcolour scheme tells your guests a lot about you as acouple. If a high energy party vibe is what you want, havea fiesta-inspired rainbow wedding: One that’s burstingwith colour and happiness. This cheerful theme isguaranteed to make people smile and it’s the perfect wayto splash your personality across your day. The secret formulae for a perfect colour scheme is...Can you have too much colour? Is there such a thing as not enough colour? Designer's Trick #1 There are many ways to infuse your intimate wedding withsassy bold colours. Your wedding flowers are the easiest andpossibly one of the most beautiful ways of channeling yourrainbow wedding theme.

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When planning your wedding, youtry to cover off every detail rightdown to the colour of your nailpolish. And then - on the day ofyour wedding things lookdifferent. How does that happen?Colour can be introduced inunexpected ways. Example - Yourguests will introduce colour intheir attire, then there's thewedding location that contributesto the look and feel - like the rugor drapes. You can't controlevery little detail - Don't even try. Stay focused on those things thatare within your control. Most people tend to focus in onone decision at a time. The dress,or the shoes, then the flowers etc.This tunnel decision making iswhen colour planning can go offthe rails. Putting together a design is veryconceptual. Most of us canimagine colour combinations ifwe can see them. That's whydesigners put a design boardtogether, so you can see the bigoverall design picture. It's also very helpful whenavoiding those one off decisionsthat may not fit into your theme. And...It also allows you to organize yourchoices. So when your family andfriends want to jump in and beever so helpful, you can keepthem focused on the look and feelyou're working towards. Sometimes too much help is not always helpful. Beware ofWB trap. Designer's Trick #2 20212022COLOURTRENDS

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When it comes to planning awedding, it is incredibly easy to beinfluenced by the people aroundyou. It's also very common to fall inline with those traditions, that don'tnecessarily reflect your distinctivetastes and interests. We've all been to weddings thathave been colour coded. You'veseen it at every wedding . Yourcolour scheme must match yourlinens, and invitations to yourbridesmaid dresses / shoes. Thewedding industry has been partlyresponsible for driving the notionthat you have to do things in acertain way. Designer Trick #3We disagree - Here at V&R webelieve in a more casual approachto colour palettes make styling lessformal and more organic. Say goodbye to traditional colour formula's.(Hello! May I remind you of the 1970Bridesmaids curtain dresses!)Colour & Pattern Blending -Designers rely on blendingcolours and shades to get thatcohesive designer feel. Usingshades of the same colour andblending will add dimension toyour overall colour paletteavoiding the matchy matchylook. Here's a thought - Why not addstripes, polka dots or checkeredpatterns to take your vision overthe top! You can also mix up yourfabric combinations and textures. When combined correctly, addingunexpected elements can beamazing. Check out these ideasfor introducing colour into yourintimate wedding. This is were a Wedding Planner/Designer can be helpful. Theybrainstorm ideas with you, bringingyour vision to life... The end result isa wedding day that's all you. SO LONGMATCHY MATCHY

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Go Ahead Mix it up! Textures / Stripes / Polka Dots / Colours I Double Dare You!!

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Mix up a batch of new hair colour - Imust confess, I love the light pink haircolour and ooooh how about that deepaqua. This is surely the way to introducecolour into your intimate wedding. Don't colour your hair yourself! This is a jobfor the professionals. They use the rightproducts to get the right colour withoutmaking it look like a bad idea. Coloured hair looks amazing when its stylizedand sculptured. Do a trial run. This is a big decision - don't do it at the lastminute - Get professional advice in advance. Make sure coloured wedding hair is right foryou - Are you brave enough to make such abold statement? But first some advice;Speaking ofmixing it up -

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More AdviceDon't be tempted to haveyour Uncle Joe be in chargeof the pyrotechnics becausehe has always been the headfireworks guy at thecottage. This is another job for theprofessionals. One of the best things about intimate weddings is thecost savings. So you can splurge on those things thatyou've always wanted for your wedding day. Introducecolour to your wedding day with Fireworks! Its moreaffordable than you think. I know right!!Did you know that you can have your fireworkscolour coordinated to match your wedding colourscheme.

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PAINTBY NUMBERThe first couple of colour schemesthat make you swoon are the onesyou need to seriously think about.Through the process of elimination,pick the colour palette and then, itstime to move on. Overthinking andbeing indecisive will keep youawake at night. When researching colourcombinations for your weddingyou might end up going down aPinterest rabbit hole for hours onend. Trust me we've all beenthere. There is so much to choosefrom and so many ideas. It can befun in the beginning to a point. But...For most of us, colour is the onething that our brain does notretain. So once you've decided onyour colour scheme, head off to thepaint store and pick up some paintswatches to match your palette.They are also really useful whentrying to identify additional shadesof colour that add that designerdimension look and feel. Keep them handy by putting themin a small plastic bag in your purse.Now when you're out shopping andyou happen to see something thatyou think would work for youwedding - you can pull out yourcolour deck and do a colour check.Its a clever trick that never fails.Colour Deck Check. Avoid becoming overwhelmedand frustrated when trying todecide on your colour's. Go withyour gut instinct. Colour evokesemotion and your gut feeling isthe first natural response whensomething resonates with youLike - 'Colour Me Happy' What's our favorite colourcombinations? One Rabbit holecoming up!

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Yellow is the hot colour for2021. You either love yellow oryou don't. But for all you yellowlovers - it's taking center stagein the fashion world and it's apop star worthy colour that'sunapologetically bold andbeautiful.With so much vibrant color,details can be kept minimal—think simple vases, smallerbouquets, a few bright cakeflowers. Add in different shades of pinkto lend dimension to anotherwise simple colorcombination. Or..Continue on that colour trainand punch it up with morecolour - This light and brightpalette would pair perfectly withvibrant green on your table top,signs, or invitations.ROSE QUARTZ + COTTON CANDY + LEMON YELLOW Fresh & Tropical

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Shades of sorbet and mint combine for a fresh takeon modern whimsy. This palette feels like a happydance party with its analogous berry hues andcomplementary tints of mint! MINT + PINK + CORAL + MAGENTA These colors bring bold graphics, playful elements,and unique florals to life, and can be used in anyconcentration you’re comfortable with—from a hintto a perfusion of colour. For a nostalgic feel - Don't forget the pearls Girls. Modern Whimsy

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LAVENDER + LILAC + SKY BLUES Whether you choose Lavender and Lilac as your prominentcolour or introduce another complimentary colour of sage,grey or yellow, you can't go wrong. Lavender, Lilac, Sky Blues are key colors in 2021 / 2022, butnot in a traditional form. Instead, we will see them washedout providing a softer, sophisticated feel. Lavender is known as the grown up version of pink. It'salso the soft, romantic shade of purple that works wellwith almost any other colour combination. Water Coloured Romance

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You can expect to see green toneseverywhere and we are loving thispopular wedding color combination:Peony Pink and Bottle Green. It’s so feminine, fresh and easy toadore! The warm pinks look lovelybalanced out with any green butespecially a bottle green hue, whichtakes on a much more eclectic - andalmost retro - garden vibe. And don't get us started on pinkpeonies which are one super popularwedding flower and it’s no wonderwhy. Fluffy and delightful with theiryellow centers, peonies look fabulouspretty much anytime. Add in green vines and any othershade of pinks or even dark pink/rubyreds and you've got all the makings ofa beautiful garden wedding. BOTTLE GREEN + PEONY PINK Garden Party

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Apple green and vibrant cherryred is just the ticket for the couplewho want that chic edgy feelAnd...There's not a Christmas Treein sight. Think spring, bright and cheeryenough for a casual outdoor affair,or it could also be used with amore minimal style for a modernloft, gallery, or museum wedding. We love how the bright pops ofgreenery and flaming poppy redmake this palette sophisticatedand fun. It’s very versatile andwould work for a variety ofseasons and venues.If your girlfriend told you that shechose red and green as herwedding colour scheme - what isthe first thing that comes to mind? Christmas right! Not these redsand greens. CHERRY + POPPY + GREEN Classy & Kicky

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And don't forget the men's navy blue tailored suits whichhave recently been modernized, making them versatileenough for that boho casual weddings or if your going for amore sophisticated feel. Move over Black Tuxedo - the NavyBlue suit has arrived! RED PLUM + NAVY + DUSTY BLUE Plum, burgundy and navy have always beenpopular with fall and winter weddings. But addin dusty blues and you've got a colour schemethat works for anytime of the year. It's moodyand elegant. Using just few tones or shades of the samecolour, you can tie in both feminine andmasculine elements with your bridesmaid'sgowns and florals.Moody Elegance

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EMERALD + SAPHIRE+ PEACOCK BLUE Don't forget to add atouch of Peacock totie all the colourtones together. Notto mention that itadds another layer oftexture and interestThen look no further. Thisstrong and vibrant color scheme of jewel tones speaks ofShakespeare's - 'MidsummerNights Dream' a romanticfantasy. Jewel tone weddingsare base on different shades andtints of a few chosen hues -Cobalt, Emerald, Violet, and Teal.Are you inspired by the lure ofromantic period piece movies. The ones with the flowing fabricsand tables heaped in gold décor,brilliant striking flowers featuringbountiful vessels of fruits,candles and over the toptableware? MidSummer Nights

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SAGE GREEN + METALLIC'S You can dress it up or plan a laid backsoiree - this one offers a charmingarray of refreshing greens with thesoftness of sage and silver, which is aperfect fit for a Bohemian and/orelegant setting. You can punch this palette with anunexpected element...It is one of theonly colour combinations that can bepaired with any metallic - Copper, Silveror Gold to take it to the next level. When it comes to colors for springweddings, most people think of lightcolors like light blue , blush pink, yellow,mauve and dusty rose. Have youconsidered the richness of Sage Greenand earth tones? It's a timeless classicthat's so versatile. But don't underestimate the soothing effects of thiscolour.Timeless ClassicFeel free to add in a variety of soft pinksor even orange hues to mix in a littlemore of your personality with thispalette. Or just leave it as is - it'sstunning on its own.

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BLUSH + BROWN + GOLD Retro Glam AffairThe elegant neutral wedding palette in shades ofbrown, blush, and sunny gold with touches of mangois devine. This retro glam look is great for an eveningwedding, but would also be quite chic for anafternoon wedding on the beach. This colour palette is so unique and there are somany fantastic ways to play up brown in yourwedding design. Compliment your theme with lightgold, paired with creamy pearl bridesmaid jewelry tofinish the look perfectly.These are great colour's that work beautifully for anyvenue from a ballroom to a restored barn.

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BLACK + WHITE = Sophisticated And Finally - Black and white is classic andsophisticated. It’s popular in any timebecause this color scheme makes anythingstylish and to the point. Everyone looksgreat in black. A black and white wedding is agreat choice as it’s rather simpleto stick to the scheme and veryfashionable.You can also add anycolour accent to thiscombination as Blank &White take on asupporting role, makingyou third colour choice thestar of the show. Keepingit elegant, you can useyour flowers to do all theheaving colour lifting.

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You can choose any colour combination you love - be consistent in how you usethem. Introduce shades of your colour scheme to add that designer feel. Select 1, 3, 5 colour's to work with as odd numbers will help to keep yourpalette balanced - blend blend blend.Pick a colour scheme and theme that reflects who you are as a couple.Don't let the seasons dictate what colour's you choose - throw out the rulebook. There's no such thing as too much colour. As I write this note, I can't help but be excited for you as you plan yourbeautiful wedding day. Something that I tell all of my couples... On your weddingday, make sure you steal away for just a few moments together and take in thismagical time in your lives. You don't want to miss it!Here's hoping you enjoyed V & R Weddings Summer 2021 Issue. I jotteddown a few take-away's for you to ponder.And now to all your trend setters.... I'd love to hear how you are going to usecolour for your wedding. Drop us a line and give us the scoop. And if there is atopic that you would like us to explore or you have a question about yourwedding colour's, let me know I'd love to hear from you. My closing advice on planning your wedding - Go bright and beautiful. but mostof all, do what makes you happy. Your Day Your Way! Cheers Gillian vogueandrogueweddings@gmail.comA Note F R O M G I L L I A N ' S D E S K Dear Lovely

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