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03THE HONEST MILLER – OUR VISION FOR A COMMUNITY-LED PUBThis Vision Statement has been created by the Save The Honest Miller group in consultation with the residents of Brook village. Our Vision is supported by a detailed Business Plan (BP) which is to be read in conjunction with this Statement. Our BP clearly demonstrates that there is a commercially viable and sustainable future for The Honest Miller pub without the need for damaging enabling development. Our Plan: ▶ Includes for the sensitive repair and refurbishment of the pub to the highest conservation standards, placing the listed building at the heart of our vision for a community led pub and business model ▶ Protects the setting of the listed building and respects the Village Confines designated by Ashford Borough Council in August 2020 ▶ Strengthens the status of the Honest Miller as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) ▶ Does not rely on extending the pub to increase the number of covers. This means that current car parking in front of the pub will not overspill into Brook Street ▶ Maintains both Garden and Paddock for use by the pub. These are critical elements of the BP as well as being part of the setting of the listed building ▶ Protects the quiet and tranquil character of the AONBThis Statement outlines our shared vision for The Honest Miller, for which there is substantial local support in terms of both investment and goodwill.

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04A VIBRANT PUB RUN FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY ▶ We want to ensure that the pub is a community hub for the people of Brook, as well as the surrounding villages and towns, such as Ashford and Canterbury ▶ There is strong support for a community led pub in the local area (BP p10) and resistance to the development of the surrounding land (BP p10) ▶ The village of Brook itself has limited local amenities, so the pub is a vital place for villagers to congregate, develop relationships and feel connected to their place of residence (BP p12). Having a welcoming place to meet and connect is a benefit to villager’s health and wellbeing (BP p12) ▶ The additional buildings and land would be used for the benefit of our community, not purely driven by commercial incentives. This would include a village shop, monthly farmers’ market, prescription and online delivery drop-o points, parent + baby groups, a remote working hub, coee mornings and retaining the glamping facilities for which the land already has planning permission (BP p5) ▶ The pub and associated initiatives would provide opportunities for local jobs and volunteering (BP p13) and would drive additional revenues for the business (BP p17-21)

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05A DRAW FOR TOURISTS, WITH A PARTICULAR FOCUS ON SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ▶ Kent will remain a popular destination for tourists (BP p7) and we will, therefore, support Ashford Borough Council’s vision for tourism playing a key role in its Council Recovery Plan (BP p7) ▶ Brook village lends itself well to sustainable tourism, for which there is a growing preference. The village sits in the heart of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB), which is a key draw for local visitors, national and international tourists. There are numerous walking and cycling trails, including the North Downs Way and Pilgrims Way, allowing visitors to soak up the stunning scenery. (BP p7) ▶ The Honest Miller will operate in an environmentally conscious way, to keep its green credentials high and carbon footprint low. (BP p12) ▶ We will reinstate a glamping business in the paddock adjacent to the pub. Given the size of the grounds available, a well-run operation of 4 bell tents with a high occupancy rate will generate significant net profits per year on relatively modest start-up costs (BP p17)

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06A PUB THAT EMPHASISES AND LIVES IN HARMONY WITH ITS OUTSTANDING LOCATION, RATHER THAN TARNISHING IT WITH HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ▶ One of the key assets of the honest Miller is its historic setting, at the foot of the Kent Downs in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ▶ Maintaining the unique qualities of this setting and the grade II listed building are vital to the longevity of this community asset ▶ Our business plan allows for the substantial investment needed to return the pub buildings to their former glory, without the need for enabled development (BP p36-p46) ▶ A pub that hosts a village shop, farmers market and other amenities will reduce the carbon footprint of the village as a whole, reducing the need for people to jump in their cars to buy basic provisions or to go out for a meal or drink (BP p13)

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07FOOD FROM THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AND OUR OWN KITCHEN GARDEN ▶ Our pub will serve local beers and freshly prepared, locally based food. ▶ In addition to creating a great locals’ pub, we have a vision for a thriving restaurant serving fresh, seasonal dishes made with locally grown produce, a brilliant selection of Kentish wines, beers and ales and pop-up menus from guest chefs local to the region, celebrating the very best this brilliant county has to oer. (PB p5) ▶ We will develop a Kitchen Garden on the land to the rear of the pub including some of the Paddock. This Garden will serve the restaurant but will also have an educational role for visitors and local schools

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08A BUSINESS MODEL FOCUSED ON KEEPING THE PUB IN BUSINESS, RATHER THAN DRIVING COMMERCIAL LEVEL PROFITS ▶ Community pubs are known to be more resilient than other businesses due to the degree of community buy-in and ability of the business to be run with a more nuanced commercial approach (BP p8) ▶ We will encourage the widest possible community ownership of the pub and envisage broad local support for the tenant, who we would expect to run the pub in line with our vision (BP p12) ▶ Employing a professional tenant on favourable terms will support a sustainable business. We will charge a fair rent and insist on a free house, so that the tenant will be able to source local produce and beverages at competitive prices, as opposed to being tied to a brewery (BP p5 and p15) ▶ Keeping the surrounding fields free for a kitchen garden and to resurrect the previous glamping business would provide eciencies, additional revenue and serve as a draw to customers (BP p4 and p5)

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09A COMMUNITY DRIVEN BY A DESIRE TO SAVE ITS ONE AND ONLY PUBThe vision, business plan and community engagement plan for The Honest Miller have been developed by local residents. From journalists, accountants, small business owners and architects, to builders, web designers, hospitality experts, and many more; we have been amazed at the range of skills contained within our small village. We have been united by a strong desire to save The Honest Miller and the fields surrounding it to ensure its long-term viability as our local pub.

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