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VisionServe Alliance 2025 Conference Prospectus

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2025 Leadership Conference & Year-Round Events & Activation April 28 - May 1, 2025Scottsdale, AZDoubleTree Resort by Hilton Paradise ValleyVisionServe Alliance 2025 Leadership ConferenceSponsor and Exhibition Prospectus

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Partner with VisionServe Alliance on our 2025 Leadership Conference - Adapt andThrive: Igniting Change in a Dynamic World. Our conference will be hosted inScottsdale, Arizona, April 28 - May 1, 2025. We expect this conference to be attended by more than 200 member leaders andtheir executive teams, and provide professional development, networkingopportunities and more. This prospectus provides important conferencesponsorship information and highlights additional visibility and engagementopportunities throughout 2025.Why Become a VisionServe Alliance Sponsor? In addition to supporting our work to advance the entire field, you can also enjoy:Year-Round Access to Decision Makers Your sponsorship includes year-round opportunities to reach decision makers –organization CEO’s, Executive Directors and their leadership teams. In addition toengagement with conference attendees, sponsor acknowledgement extends todigital communications reaching many more - such as your logo on our website,acknowledgement on enews communications sent to 2,000+ in our field, and ourdiverse social media base. We can also highlight select resources in the Blindness& Low Vision Resources page of our website.Crucial Lead Generation Enjoy access to our conference attendee list and attendee profiles and analyticsfor continued follow-up with conference attendeesIn-Person and Online Engagement OpportunitiesView all of the sponsorship benefits (on page 4) to choose the best combination ofin-person and online benefits such as an exhibit hall table, dedicated sponsorlisting on our virtual conference website, and event app with instant messagingand a meeting scheduler. Growing Conference Attendance Annual conference attendance continues to grow with our 2024 Kansas Cityconference being our largest attendance to date. Unique Visibility & Engagement Opportunities

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Enjoy this short VisionServe Alliance Conference video to hear more about the importance of this event from industry leaders.Hear from Industry LeadersClick image or here to watch the video. The video is also available with audio description & captions

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Available Benefits & Year-Round Engagements $25,000 Diamond Level $10,000 Platinum Level $6,000 Gold Level $3,000 Silver Level $1,800 Bronze Level Presenting Sponsor - cobrandedconference with your logoembedded in conference logo √     Featured Live demo duringExhibitor Showcase 20 min 10 min 5 min   60 or 30-minute Sponsorpresented session *pending VSAapproval 60 min 30 min    Length of session intro 5 min 5 min 3 min 2 min 1 min Exhibit Table in break area √ √ √ √ √ Virtual Exhibit Booth √ √ √ √ √ Branded Sponsor Opportunities(See page 10) √ √ √ √ Not included Sponsored sessions & clickableBanner ads 2 2 1 1 1 Provided attendees list pre-conference √ √ √ √ √ # of full conferenceRegistrations (admission for 1person to the WelcomeReception, all meals andattendance at learning sessions) 4 3 2 1 1 Benefits by Sponsorship Level

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Available Benefits & Year-Round Engagements $25,000 Presenting Sponsor $10,000 Platinum Level $6,000 Gold Level $3,000 Silver Level $1,800 Bronze Level # of Booth Staff registrations (for staff access of your onsite and virtual Exhibit Booth only; NOaccess to the Welcome Reception,meals or attendance at learningsessions) unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited # of customized email blasts before or after 3 (anytime) 2 (before & during) 1 (before or during) Not included Not included Company name/logo on VSAwebsite, event registrationpage and in all event emails √ √ √ √ √ Year-Round Advertising Benefits Level 1 Advertising Package (See page 6 for details) √√  Not included Level 2 Advertising Package (See page 6 for details)   √  Not included Level 3 Advertising Package(See page 6 for details)  √ Not included

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High Impact Benefits Diamond Level Sponsor - $25,000 (limit one sponsor)Make a tremendous impression as the title sponsor of the entire VisionServeAlliance 2025 Leadership Conference. Your company’s logo will be incorporated intothe official conference event logo “Presented in partnership with [Your company]” onall signage. Discuss with us how you would want the event co-branded with yourcompany.2025 Conference BenefitsCo-branded conference with your logo embedded in the conference logo Featured 20-minute live demo during the Exhibitor Showcase 60-minute Sponsor presented session5-minute session intro Exhibit Table in break area with unlimited Booth Staff (for staff access for youronsite & virtual Exhibit Booth only; booth staff does not receive access to theWelcome Reception, meals or sessions) Virtual Exhibit Booth Choice of Branded Sponsor Opportunities 2 Clickable Banner ads on sessions and in the appProvided with attendees list pre-conference4 full conference Registrations (admission for 4 people to the WelcomeReception, all meals & sessions)3 customized email blasts (before, during and after) Company name/logo on the VisionServe Alliance website, event registrationpage and key conference emails Year-Round Benefits6 Social Media postsLive commercial (3-minutes)2 VisionServe Alliance webinar sponsorships 2 eNews sponsorship acknowledgements (Member and Public eNews sent to2,000+ recipients) 1 Banner Ad in the VisionServe Alliance Member PortalKey placement of logo on VisionServe Alliance website homepage

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Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 Platinum Sponsors receive benefits for the 2025 Leadership Conference, plusYear-Round Benefits.2025 Conference BenefitsFeatured 10-minute Live demo during Exhibitor Showcase 30-minute Sponsor presented session5-minute session intro Exhibit Table in break area with unlimited Booth Staff (for staff access for youronsite and virtual Exhibit Booth only; booth staff does not receive access to theWelcome Reception, meals or sessions) Virtual Exhibit Booth Choice of Branded Sponsor Opportunities 2 Clickable Banner ads on sessions and in the appProvided attendees list pre-conference 3 full conference Registrations (admission for 3 people to the WelcomeReception, all meals & sessions)2 customized email blasts (sent before and/or after the conference) Company name/logo on VisionServe Alliance website, event registration pageand key conference emails Year-Round Benefits6 Social Media customized postsLive commercial (3 minutes)2 VisionServe Alliance webinar sponsorships 2 eNews sponsorship acknowledgements (Member and Public eNewsdistributed to 2,200 recipients) 1 Banner Ad in the VisionServe Alliance Member PortalLogo on VisionServe Alliance website homepage

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Gold Sponsor - $6,000 Gold Sponsors receive benefits for VisionServe Alliance’s 2025 LeadershipConference, plus Year-Round Benefits.2025 Conference Benefits5-minute live demo during Exhibitor Showcase3-minute session intro Exhibit Table in break area with unlimited Booth Staff (for staff access for youronsite and virtual Exhibit Booth only; booth staff does not receive access to theWelcome Reception, meals or sessions) Virtual Exhibit Booth Choice of Branded Sponsor Opportunities 1 Clickable Banner ad on sessions in the appProvided attendees list pre-conference 2 full conference registrations (admission for 2 people to the WelcomeReception, all meals and sessions)Exhibitor Showcase (Monday & Tuesday) 1 customized email blast (sent before or after the conference) Company name/logo on VisionServe Alliance website, event registration pageand two conference emails Year-Round Benefits4 Social Media posts acknowledging sponsorship1 VisionServe Alliance Webinar sponsorship1 Live commercial at virtual event (3-minutes)1 eNews sponsorship acknowledgement (Member or Public version distributedto 1,000 recipients) Logo on VisionServe Alliance website homepage

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Silver Sponsor - $3,000 2025 Conference Benefits 2-minute session intro Exhibit Table in break area with unlimited Booth Staff (for staff access for youronsite & virtual Exhibit Booth only; NO access to the Welcome Reception,meals or learning session attendance)Virtual Exhibit Booth 1 Clickable Banner ad on sessions in the appProvided attendees list pre-conference 1 full conference registration (admission for 1 person to the WelcomeReception, all meals and attendance at learning sessions)Company name/logo on VisionServe Alliance website, event registrationpage and two conference emails Year-Round Benefits 2 Social Media posts acknowledging sponsorship1 Video commercial included on recording of virtual event1 eNews sponsorship acknowledgement (Public version distributed to 1,000recipients)Logo on VisionServe Alliance website homepage Bronze Sponsor - $1,800 2025 Conference Benefits 1-minute session intro Exhibit Table in break area with unlimited Booth Staff (for staff access for youronsite and virtual Exhibit Booth only; NO access to the Welcome Reception,meals or learning session attendance)Virtual Exhibit Booth 1 Clickable Banner ad on sessions in the appProvided attendees list pre-conference 1 Booth Staff Logo on VisionServe Alliance website homepage

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Select from the following branded sponsorship opportunities included with yoursponsorship level. These are available while quantities last, so please reach out tous as soon as you can to reserve your desired selection. Registration is set to openin early December. Branded Sponsorship Opportunities will be acknowledged witha clickable logo/banner in the event app and on the virtual event website.Off-Site Dinner (2 Platinum or 1 Diamond level sponsor) - new for 2025!VisionServe Alliance will host an exciting group dinner for all attendees on thesecond night of the conference. During this 2-hour event, enhance the connectionbetween your brand and attending leaders from the podium (5 minutes). Brandedsponsor signage is also included at the event.Welcome Reception - (2 Gold, 1 Platinum or Diamond Level sponsor)VisionServe Alliance welcomes all attendees with a highly attended opening nightreception with a buffet and cocktails. During this 2-hour event, enhance theconnection between your brand and attending leaders from the podium (5minutes). Branded sponsor signage is also included at this welcome event.First-Time Attendee Happy Hour - (Gold Level & above)*Use this time to demo your latest innovative products as attendees mix, mingleand grab a beverage and some snacks. Includes a spotlight for your companyrepresentative to say a few words of welcome. *Extra catering costs to be coveredby the sponsor.Day 1 Keynote Session - (2 Silver or 1 Gold Level)Get off to a quick start to the conference by sponsoring our keynote speakerpresentation. This sponsorship includes 5 minutes at the podium to address allattendees, and includes your company’s logo on all signage, printed and onlinelistings and additional branding opportunities in the event app. Event Preview Sponsor - (Silver Level & above)Get early name recognition by sponsoring the educational virtual session to walkattendees through getting ready for the conference before the event. Added Leadership Conference Branded Sponsorship Opportunities

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Conference Tote Bag Sponsorship - (Gold Level & above)Stand out with your company logo featured on our useful tote bag given to ALLattendees when they check-in.Tote Bag Inserts - (Silver Level & above, 4 available)Supply a custom item to excite attendees to visit your booth during the conferenceConversation Tables (Silver Level & above, 4 available)Lead a discussion at a table at lunch that ties in with your products/services.Discussion table topics will be shared with attendees in advance. This is a great wayto meet attendees and collect leads!Attendee Passport Game (Silver Level & above)Who doesn’t love a fun game...and a chance to win prizes? Attendees who visit allExhibitor booths and get their passports stamped will be entered to win a drawingfor a prize announced at the end of the conference.Breakfast or Lunch (Silver Level & above)Showcase your company during breakfast or lunch on Monday or Tuesday. Themeal will feature dedicated signage for your company during a catered breakfast orlunch at our venue. Includes a spotlight for your company representative to say afew words of welcome. Coffee Break - (Bronze Level & above)Be the center of attention by sponsoring attendees’ morning or afternoon coffeepick-me-up! Tag your company as an industry leader including your company’s logo on all signage, printed and online listings and in the event app.

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Sponsor Networking Activities at the 2025 Leadership Conference Sunday Welcome Reception Breaks, Meals & Happy HourRestaurant Dine-AroundOff-Site Group Dinner

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Sponsors receive additional online engagement:Large logo on event landing page, during Opening Session, before a speaker,and on the app.Customizable Virtual Exhibit Booth branded with your company’s logo andsignage where you can upload materials like On-Demand video content to beviewed before, during, and after the conference to highlight your product orservice offerings; refresh content anytime you want.Message and make appointments with attendees and your companyrepresentatives; set up one-on-one meetings with attendees or link to a virtualroom anytime to talk directly with attendees. Expanded access to the event platform, event app, and On-Demand video library2 weeks before the event and 60 days after the event.Complimentary Preliminary and Post-Show Attendee ListOnline Engagement

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Hotel InformationReserve your branded sponsorship opportunities today by completing this quicksponsorship form or contacting Wendy at or (314) 257-0530. Branded sponsorship opportunities are available while quantities last, and formaximum exposure, select your sponsorship opportunity as soon as possible beforeattendee registration launches in early December. Next StepsOur venue is theDoubleTree Resort byHilton Hotel ParadiseValley, a relaxing getawaylocated near Scottsdale’shistoric Old Town andFashion Square shoppingdistrict, and just 12 milesfrom Phoenix Sky HarborInternational Airport.Hotel phone is (480) 424-4064 A booking link to reserverooms at our group rateof $229/night will beposted on our conferencepage this fall.

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Please become a sponsor to support VisionServe Alliance, more than 130 member organizations, and the entire field. Thank you!Lee Nasehi President & CEOVisionServe AllianceWendy HymesDirector of Membership & ConferencesVisionServe AllianceWe Look Forward to Seeing You in Scottsdale!

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Your Support Matters! When you support VisionServe Alliance you support the entire vision loss