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Vision Booklet

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johnson ferrya studywe are.

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this journal belongs to:

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we are so glad you’re a part of this series.

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johnson ferry.welcome to your personal “we are” devotional guide.sermon notes. for Sundays to take notes during worship servicesdaily devotions.for each weekday to encourage and equip you throughout the week • scripture• questions to help you dig deeper *try to base your answers on the Scripture you read• reection• table talk questions designed to facilitatediscussion with family, friends, roommates, or your small group throughout the weekinside you’ll nd:

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We exist to help people nd...mission statement.

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truth, belonging, and purpose in Jesus.

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we are johnson ferry.

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week one

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Jesus ministers to a Samaritan woman at a well. She is a picture of all humanity because she depicts what we are all longing for: truth, belonging, and purpose. Ultimately these longings are met in Jesus and in the gospel, but this human need is the motive of God’s heart and our mission. John 4:1-40.

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day 1message notes.

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daily devotion. day 2READ JOHN 14:1-6“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” VS. 6What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.Metro-Atlanta is lled with people looking for truth, belonging, and purpose. Our world is jam-packed with competing voices. Your job, school, sports, money, hobbies, relationships. The list goes on. It’s exhausting. Everyone and everything claim to have answers. Yet most people live lost, unfullled lives. For Johnson Ferry, our mission is simple. The mission is not always going to be easy, in fact, it will often be a great challenge. But it is simple. Our mission is to show the world, starting with metro-Atlanta, that Jesus is the truth. Our mission is to share that a relationship with God through Jesus, and relationships with other believers, provide belonging greater than any other identity or afliation. And our mission is to show that a life devoted to spreading Jesus’ name provides purpose that is eternally fullling.table talk.1. Jesus says He is THE way, THE truth, THE life. Talk about how you live that out as a follower of Jesus in 2022.2. Jesus says no one can come to God the Father except through Him. How does that highlight the need for us to share our faith with friends, neighbors, and co-workers who are far from Jesus?

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daily devotion. day 3READ JOHN 8:31-36“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” VS. 31-32What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Have you ever played “Two Truths and a Lie”? The smartest players usually pick a lie that contains a half-truth – something more believable than the two real truths. In John 8, Jesus has just declared Himself the Light of the World and the Son of God. This passage tells us that there were some in the crowd who believed these two truths about Jesus, but when Jesus presents a third truth to them (that we are all slaves to sin), they respond to Him with a half-truth that they believed more. The Jews declare that their heritage is their freedom and that they have never been slaves to anyone.The passage goes on to describe Satan as a cunning liar, and there is no one better at telling half-truths than him. At times, we all believe his half-truths - especially when it comes to understanding who Jesus really is and who we are as His followers. Consider the cost of following these lies. table talk.1. What half-truths have kept you from following Jesus seriously? 2. How can others pray for you in these areas?

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daily devotion. day 4READ MICAH 6“He has told you, mortal one, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you. But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” VS. 8What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Have you ever walked into a new season of life and asked yourself “What Now?” Maybe it was a new school, a new job, a new city, a new church. What now? What do I do now? What is expected of me? At some point we arrive at that same question when it comes to how we follow God. What does He expect of me? What now? In Micah 6:8, we are told that the Lord looks to His people to step into a sacred calling of being people of justice, people who love to practice kindness, and people who walk in humility with God.In short, we are to practice the habit of continued submission to God from whom we draw our strength and hope. In addition, you were not meant to be a passive participant of life, rather God desires for you to be a change agent and to resiliently follow the example of Christ.table talk.1. How are you “doing justice” these days?2. How do you love kindness?3. How do you walk humbly like Jesus?

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daily devotion. day 5READ 1 JOHN 1“If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” VS. 6-7What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Why?....This a critical cultural question that everyone is asking explicitly or implicitly. Why do we do this? Why do we do it this way? Why don’t we do that? Why would I do that?It is so much easier to discern purpose once we stand in a place of truth. So often our contemporaries seek purpose assuming certain truths. Then they get frustrated because these assumptions turn out to be erroneous or aky. Our world is longing for truth, belonging, and purpose.As John points out in today’s text, great hope and purpose ow from walking in the light. This hope ows from being set free from darkness by Christ and in walking by faith in the great community of believers. table talk.1. Is there any reason why you are not walking in the light?2. Is there sin to confess? Read v. 93. How will you choose to walk in the light?

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daily devotion. day 6READ PHILIPPIANS 4“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” VS. 8What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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We are excited to continue our “we are” series this Sunday! Be praying that God would give you a teachable spirit as we look at what it means to be people of truth.In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently? reection.Living out the good life begins by thinking the good life. A good life is one that is truthful, honorable, right, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise. In the same way that we are called to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; we are called to let Him transform our whole being for the glory of His matchless name. This transformed life will be one that is overowing with the presence of God. A life of purpose, is a life lled with truth. There is one truth and it is Christ.table talk.1. Does your life’s every moment reect your desire for the fullness of God? 2. Is yearning for His presence a constant in your thinking and being? 3. How can others pray for you in these areas?

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WE BELIEVE WE ARE CALLED TO MOREOur vision, over the next ve years, is to become a multi-generational, multi-ethnic church, multiplying across metro Atlanta and the world. This vision will be accomplished strategically through our individual (disciple making), corporate (church campusing), and global (unreached sending) initiatives. With God’s help, we will seek to accomplish His purposes for His glory. vision 2022.give to the vision.JOHNSONFERRY.ORG/GIVE

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we are people of truth.

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We believe that there is one truth and in it is freedom and fullness of life. We invite you on the journey of discovering what it means to be a follower of Christ. week two

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Matthew 4:18-22.Jesus calls his disciples and gives them an identity bigger than they could have imagined. By centering their lives on His truth, they were changed and used to change the world.

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daily devotion. day 9READ MATTHEW 4:18-25“And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you shers of people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” VS. 19-20What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.What does it mean to follow someone? When I think of following someone, it often is in the context of social media. Following a person on social media is simple and easy. It requires no sacrice and there is no commitment. In fact, I can unfollow them whenever I choose. We see in Matthew 4:19 that Jesus calling the disciples to follow Him is different. He is calling them to abandon everything they know, their old way of life. Jesus is calling them to sacrice and commit wholly to Him. The best part is He promises to transform them! He says, “I will make you shers of men” meaning He will give them a new identity and a new purpose. So, the question remains, “Are you committed to wholly following the Lord?” table talk.1. What are ways we can better follow Jesus at work, school, and home?2. Are you being changed by Jesus? Are you becoming more and more like Him?3. The disciples threw down their nets in order to follow Jesus. What are you holding onto that is preventing you from truly following Jesus in your everyday life?

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daily devotion. day 10READ 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 17“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.Living in the truth is remembering what is false. And then rejecting any lie. Our world has so many mixed messages, it’s a challenge to know what is true. Paul, in today’s verse, reminds you that as a follower of Jesus you are a new creation. The things of your past life, before Jesus, no longer have a hold on you. Your sin has passed away. Things that previously brought you worth have passed away. On days when you feel pulled toward your previous life, remember this is not who you truly are. You are listening to a lie. You are a new creation in Jesus! Jesus is your new identity. Choose daily to believe the truth about who you are in Christ. table talk.1. What is a lie that is hard for you to overcome?2. How does being a new creation encourage you?3. How can we encourage each other in this broken world?

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daily devotion. day 11READ ACTS 2“You have made known to me the paths of life; You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.” VS. 28What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.Peter at Pentecost explained that Jesus is not a king in a tomb like David, but the long-awaited Messiah who humbled Himself to esh and lived among us to make known the way to life everlasting. Through the cross, Jesus made this way available to us all. He asks us to deny ourselves and carry our personal cross as a way to show others that He is our salvation (Matt. 16:24-26). Early believers were known as “the Way” as they spread the good news of Jesus. Their lives were characterized by joy as they boldly proclaimed Jesus to the world. Take a moment and ask God to show you “the way” He wants you to personally follow Him.table talk.1. What are some of Jesus ways? What did He model for us?2. How have Jesus’ ways lled your life with joy and given you life?

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daily devotion. day 12READ PHILIPPIANS 2:1-18“…but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross.” VS. 7-8What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Emptiness is typically perceived as a negative thing. If your gas tank is empty, you won’t get very far. If your heart feels empty, it’s hard to nd motivation to make it through the day. We don’t like to feel empty or to acknowledge the pain of humiliation that accompanies emptiness.But in Philippians 2, we learn that Jesus willingly emptied Himself and humbled Himself in order to serve others. He was willing to become a human, forsaking His heavenly privileges, so that mankind could know God. His emptiness became the path by which we experience salvation and true fulllment.When Jesus asks us to follow Him, it is also following Him in His humility. As we humble ourselves, we glorify Him and experience the true joy of growing closer to Him.table talk.1. Most of us are not royalty, so what does it mean to humble yourself like Jesus?2. What areas of pride can you identify that would make humility in your life a challenge?

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daily devotion. day 13READ ROMANS 6“But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benet, resulting in sanctication, and the outcome, eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” VS. 22-23What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Freedom. It is something that every person desires, yet no one has it without Jesus. Scripture teaches that all humans are enslaved to sin. It weighs you down and separates you from God, but the beauty of the gospel is that if you are in Christ, He will set you free from your sin and make you alive in Christ! That is not all… the gospel should completely change the way you live your life. It should change your thoughts, your actions, and your motivations. As we realize the vast difference between our slavery to sin and our freedom in Christ, our hearts should desire change more and more.table talk.1. How has the gospel changed you?2. Are there areas in your life that still feel like slavery to the world?3. How do we live a life that communicates to others that we have been rescued from our sins?Everyone desires to belong. Is there someone you know that you could invite this Sunday as we hear what it means to belong to the family of God.

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PEOPLE OF TRUTH MAKE DISCIPLESWe will develop 1000 relational disciple makers who will lead the way to connect, equip, and multiply the next generation of disciple makers. We endeavor to expand discipleship across the places where we do life together through intentional conversations and personal relationships. disciple makers.1000vision 2022.WE BELIEVE WE ARE CALLED TO MORE

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we are a place to belong.

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week threeWe believe the church is a place where you do life together. At Johnson Ferry, we have something for the whole family and we want every person to belong here.

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Mark 13:13-35.Jesus came to unite a new people together with stronger bonds than anything the world can offer. His family is not tied together by blood or religion, but by their commitment to Him as His disciples. “For whoever does the will of God, He is my brother and sister and mother.”

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daily devotion. day 16READ JOHN 15“Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself but must remain in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, apart from Me you can do nothing.” VS. 4-5What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.The book of John is lled with so much great teaching from Jesus! In our verses for today we (the branches) are called to remain connected to Jesus (the vine). Jesus uses those who are connected to Him to bear fruit (live out the gospel).A plant typically has many branches connected to one vine. As a believer in Jesus, you were created to be connected to Christ alongside fellow believers. One of the reasons Christ gave us the Church is because we need each other. We encourage one other, serve one another, and teach one another. We belong to one another in Christian community. And the world will take notice that there is something special about those connected to Jesus, our vine! table talk.1. How does a vine with many branches make a good analogy for “belonging”?2. What is the greatest thing the branches have in common with one another?

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daily devotion. day 17READ JOHN 17“I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but on the behalf of those whom You have given Me, because they are Yours.” VS. 9What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.It is astounding to see Jesus’ personal prayer for His followers. He knew that it would not be easy to be light in a dark world, but there is such incredible hope and belonging found in this prayer. While you may feel like an outsider in a dark world, there is a kingdom coming that will only be lled with light, and you belong there. Until that day comes, you have a Savior who is interceding on your behalf with the Father and the Holy Spirit who is with you at all times. God is with you right now, and you are His! Be encouraged today, you have a permanent place of belonging in the powerful prayers of Jesus.table talk.1. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus is specically praying for you?2. As Jesus prayed, how can others in your family/small group pray for you this week?

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daily devotion. day 18READ JOHN 17“I am no longer going to be in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, so that they may be one just as We are.” VS. 11What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Before Jesus’ crucixion, he prayed for his friends. Jesus knew that his time on earth was coming to a close and his disciples would need a place to belong after he was gone. Jesus prays that all of his followers would experience two things: true belonging with God and with one another. It’s important that belonging with God comes rst. It is because we have a secure relationship with God the Father that we are able to become a place of belonging for others. When we know that nothing can separate us from God’s love, we can welcome others into that joyful relationship. As followers of Jesus, we are all united by the everlasting love of God. table talk.1. How does Jesus view our relationship with Him in this prayer?2. What does Jesus say our unity is based on? Why is this important?

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daily devotion. day 19READ JOHN 17“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” VS. 15-16What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.In John, we see Jesus praying for His followers to be unied and set apart. While they are not of the world, they are called to live in the world on mission together. As the people of God, we are called to be different, separate from the world. Likewise, we are also called to leave our handprint on all aspects of society, culture, and our communities. In order for us to do that successfully, we need to put away divisiveness and be unied together by our commitment to Christ. table talk.1. As followers of Jesus, where do we belong?2. Why is it important to know where we belong while we are somewhere else?

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daily devotion. day 20READ 1 CORINTHIANS 12“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.” VS. 12What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Remember the life-size skeleton in science class? Kind of creepy, but a reminder of all the different parts of the body. Each part has a purpose, each part needs the other parts to be fully functional. This truth is the same for the Church. Today’s verse reminds us we all need each other. As a Christian you were given unique gifts with the ultimate purpose of serving other believers in the context of the Church. If Johnson Ferry is your church home, how are you using your gifts, your personality, your passions…to serve others? Just as each individual body part needs the rest of the body, Johnson Ferry needs you. And you need others at Johnson Ferry. We are a place to belong, to serve one other.table talk.1. What are some of the ways God has gifted you?2. How are you currently using these gifts?3. Are there new ways God may be growing you to serve, disciple others, worship, share the Gospel?As Christians we have a purpose. As a church we have a purpose. Join us Sunday to learn how our individual and corporate purpose align for the Glory of God.

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ADDITIONAL SITES ALLOW A BROADER PLACE TO BELONGWe will launch 2 church campuses in metro Atlanta. This interdependent network of churches will all share the same mission, vision, and values, while adapting ministry to best t the culture of the area being reached. We envision these neighborhood churches becoming the hub of meaningful community and making Christ known in our city. vision 2022.WE BELIEVE WE ARE CALLED TO MOREadditional campuses.2

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we are living with purpose.

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We believe that every person is created with a purpose and we want to walk beside you as you live out your specic purpose for the Glory of God. week four

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John 20:19-29.Jesus sends out his disciples. Thomas struggled to believe, but was blessed and assured by touching the resurrected Christ, and we are more blessed for believing without seeing. The whole world needs to hear the gospel and we are sent to share it with the whole world.

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daily devotion. day 23READ ACTS 1“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.” VS. 8What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.Jesus’ last words to His followers contained a promise with incredible purpose. He promised them the Holy Spirit. With this promise, they will have what they need to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. They will spend the rest of their lives simply telling others what they experienced with Jesus (1 John 1:1-3). The only reason that you know Jesus’ name is because these followers took their witness to the ends of the earth. We live in a region of the earth that was beyond their comprehension at the time, but not beyond God’s. Consider those that have never heard Jesus’ name in today’s world and how the Holy Spirit is prompting and empowering you to change that. table talk.1. What was your life like before you were a follower of Jesus?2. When did you decide to put your trust in Jesus and follow him? Why?3. What is your life like now as a follower of Jesus? Who can you share this with?

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daily devotion. day 24READ COLOSSIANS 1“For this reason we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be lled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” VS. 9-10What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?

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In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?reection.What is your purpose? Your initial response to this question might be a pressing list of tasks to accomplish. But purpose goes much deeper than a to-do list. As followers of Jesus, our purpose is to know God better and better. It isn’t to try harder at religion or work longer hours to please God. As Brother Lawrence once wrote, “The more we know God, the more we will truly love Him.” Knowing God will lead to loving God. And loving God will change the way that we live. Our love for Him will transform our desires, so we will want to please Him with our daily decisions. And our daily decisions will direct our lives. So what is your purpose today? It’s simple. It is to know God and be shaped by His love. Everything else ows from this truth. table talk.1. What does it mean to bear fruit in every good work?2. What is the difference between knowing about God and knowing God?

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daily devotion. day 25READ HEBREWS 10:19-39“For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” VS. 36What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.The world is a tough place. Can I get an amen?! No one is immune to the challenges and issues that this lost and broken world brings. Even as Christians, we will face trials and tribulations. Though in the midst of trials, we are expected to be living on mission. In Hebrews 10:36, we see a church that has faced tough persecution for their faith. In spite of persecution, they were encouraged to have endurance for their future promise, a life of eternity with Christ. The same is true for us today. You will face trials and tribulations for your faith, but you are called to walk with endurance knowing your future promise, a life of eternity with Christ. table talk.1. What are some trials you are currently facing as a follower of Jesus?2. If you want to build endurance to run a 10k race, you can train. How can you work on your spiritual endurance?3. How does the promise of eternal life with Jesus encourage us for the future and in the present?

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daily devotion. day 26READ HEBREWS 11“Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.” VS. 1What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.This week’s focus is ‘purpose’. As a Christian and as a church, our purpose is birthed out of faith. Hebrews 11 is known as the Hall of Faith. The chapter gives a list of faithful, Old Testament men and women. They are our ‘cloud of witnesses surrounding us (Hebrews 12:1).’ Their stories of faith call us to x our eyes on Jesus.Those listed in Hebrews 11 lived by faith, but it wasn’t just intellectual faith. They lived out their faith through action. They lived with purpose. We are a church of truth and belonging. But we must always remember our call to be a church whose purpose is to love God and people. And to share the message of Jesus with everyone. table talk.1. How do your hopes affect your actions?2. What promises of God affect your actions/purposes the most?

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daily devotion. day 27READ REVELATION 4“Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,for You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created.”VS. 11What does the passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?What does the passage say specically about the other people in the story?Are there any promises made, commands to obey, examples to follow, sins to avoid?In light of what you read, how should you think or act differently?

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reection.This passage gives us a glimpse of the throne room of Jesus our King. In this moment, every creature and esteemed attendee in the throne room is in absolute awe of Jesus. God gave John an incredible revelation to share with us, a picture of the throne room and the new creation. God also created us with an imagination that can be used to visualize the throne room in our mind’s eye. Even imagining the faintest glimpse of Jesus’ glory will create a greater desire in our hearts to live purposefully for His coming kingdom. Consider listening to Andrew Peterson’s song, “Is He Worthy?” After worshiping in song, ask God to fuel your imagination of His glory and to renew your heart for His purposes.table talk.1. What is the difference between glory, honor, and power? How do we give the Lord all three?2. How does your response to question 1 impact how you worship God this week at church, school, the ofce, and your neighborhood?Pray that Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, would shape us to be people of truth, belonging, and purpose.

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vision 2022.WE BELIEVE WE ARE CALLED TO MORELIVING WITH PURPOSE CALLS US TO SENDWe will send 35 “Global Sent Ones” to make disciples among unreached peoples through strategic mid and long term assignments. We desire to be a church who embraces God’s heart for all sent ones.35

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thank you for joining us on this journey.Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what it means to help others nd truth, belonging, and purpose in Jesus Christ. However, this is just the beginning! We believe that we all continually grow in our knowledge, understanding, love, and passion for God. Simply put we desire to help others know Jesus and grow in Jesus.

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johnson ferry.NEXT STEPSwe grow better together.• Join a connect group or 419 discipleship group for meaningful Christ-centered community.For information contact or david.anderson@jfbc.orgwe grow better on rm foundations. • Develop a habit of joining our church family in corporate worship for teaching and growth in the Word.we join God on his mission.• Pray the B.O.B. (burden, opportunity, boldness) and learn how to have a gospel conversation where you live, work, and play. For resources contact• Train as a 419 group leader to make disciples of others. For information contact• Help care for our Global Sent Ones or explore a calling to be sent to the unreached.For information contact Know that you are prayed for and that we are here for you. We are people of truth, a place to belong, and living with purpose. We are Johnson Ferry.

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follow us as we follow Christ.@johnsonferry1 CORINTHIANS 11:1pray about giving to the vision.JOHNSONFERRY.ORG/GIVEWe hope you’ve been encouraged and strengthened through this series and the Lord has shown you your role in the vision of Johnson Ferry. To give to the vision of disciple making, church campusing, and sending global sent ones please specify Vision 2022 when you give. Don’t miss out on being a part of all that God is doing at Johnson Ferry.

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