My Poems My gift to you Poetry writing class 12-1-2022:6:30pm -8:00pm By: Victoria Tori Virden Instructor: Mrs. Cervantes Gift | Hands holding a gift box isolated on black background… | Flick r by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y
Table Of Contents: My poems my gift to you! 1. Reflective essay 2. Thank- you page 3. Life’s journey section of poems 4. The real story 5. The brick blockade of life 6. Ice Monkey 7. Awake 8. The future I hope for the world and myself 9. Let there be peace! 10. Addiction and ending struggles 11. Another sip in 12. Closing page picture comment 13. The end Two Brow n - an d - red Gift Boxes on Red Surface · Free Stock Phot o by Unknown Author
Reflective Essay: My Poems, My gift to you. These poems are my gift to this world! I truly believe this is one of my life’s purposes. To help others with similar struggles, get through it and laugh or cry at my attempts at it and learn! Some of the most fun to do this semester to do were, “Ice Monkey” and “Men”, because they show my range in subject matter and emotions. I have been writing poems, since I was 10 or 11 years. To help my emotions and the stresses of my life. I didn’t even know I was writing poetry, but I wanted to do more of it I couldn’t stop, until one day my mom told me I wrote a poem. Then I felt I could help others like me! Now I won’t ever stop! I have a book of poems published by Mosaic. But I wish all of these could have been in it! I like these better, I have really grown as a writer, you can see that now! I hope you enjoy reading my gifts to you! My lessons my ways of how I got through it, maybe not the right way every time but, it was my way! I will always write poems in some way. it’s my love! But I don’t want to be called a poet. So, enjoy these gifts, they are all I can offer you! I will just say enjoy them. happy reading! Article: Offer options while giving gifts at the workplace — People Matter s by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - S A - N C
Thank-You page First, I want to thank Mrs. Cervantes and Mr. Jim Brown for making this class possible for me and all my classes! And of course, Mary and Jeff Gann who witnessed me writing some of these, and were patient enough with me to wait, for some of my chores to get done, after a line was written down first! And Mary, for helping me get into this class saying I could when it got tough! and keeping my fire for the arts lit! My mom for reading me Shel Silverstein poems when I was younger, and putting the fire for reading, Poetry and the arts in me! My stepfather Kevin, who deals with all my lost feelings, in both where I am going and in life and all the many aftermaths. My dad John Virden, who showed me what being a writer is and what it is all about, because he is a very talented Poet! My grandpa Joe Beecham my hero, may you rest forever in my heart and work also! Finally, I thank you, the reader of this work of mine. These are my gifts to you enjoy! Happy reading!
Life’s Journey
The real story, As my tears flood like glass, Over, my life, And the shoe that just, Couldn’t fit, My fat and throbbing feet, She has it all, That girl, I madly, Call sister, Is dancing, Her dance of wedded and, Marital bliss, She was my slave, Now, she’s his, Why oh why, Did this shoe not, Fit my precious feet, But her feet are smooth as an angel’s, Why does she have it all, All I want, All I need, A better life, And a future, Without my, Mother.
My Future Wishes for the world and myself This Phot o by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - N C - N D
The brick blockade of life, Hitting into my hundredth brick wall, On a dead-end street, On the highway of my life, I am searching, For new roads and, A better life, It took half of my, Life to get to this wall and blockade, Of bricks and steel, Oh, life is so frustrating and real, I travel and I drive off, Each time the hard parts come cruising round, My fuel light just turned on, I’m running on gassy fumes, My life feels so worn down, I’m done, Is this all I have, All I have to offer this great world, But, a brick wall and a blockade, I turn round with a sigh, And I pray to God, He says, “Get out” “Walk,” “The best is yet to come” to walk the rest”, “And you have and let me help’! -----
Ice Monkey, I used to be a, Ice monkey, Cold and stressed, As a gloomy winter’s day, Used to swing from thought to thought, In my stressed-out brain, Used to eat dozens of bananas every day, Ice monkeys can’t hide their feelings or their pains, Now, I’m a roaring strong Tiger, Just ready too never give up on, My dreams, No longer cold or stressed out, Just roaring trying to make it my best life. This Phot o by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - N C - N D
Awake, Free at last, Finally, I am freed from my temporary death, Alive, Awake, blood pumping in my veins, Heart pounding as I try to look, Quickly, At the cute man walking my way, Awake, I’ll seize this day, Take it on head and heart, As I move on, And away from the injured, Raven at the park, Circling round me, In the daylight, As I contemplate, Whether or not to, Slumber back, Or just daydream away. This slow mundane life, Yeah, I’ll just stay awake, Till the dark night, Pulls and tugs me away, Then the morning light, Pulls me up again, Alas. This Phot o by Unknown Author is
Another sip in, I drink you in, My early morning-tired blues, I drink you in the stresses of the afternoon, I drink you, Because I love how you make me feel, Alert and very happy, Then, I took too much of you, And I got fragile and anxious, But I can’t stop, This thirsty love affair, You are always there, As long as I can pay for you, You are here, Floating down My blood cells in my brain, And I am happy again, As I take another sip in.,
Addiction And Ending Struggles This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Let there be peace, Let there be peace, Peace, let the world, Live freely and soar like a bird, Let there be peace, For all, The free, And the enslaved, Peace, let there be, I want to see it, Someday, As, the church bells, And choirs sing, And birds of peace fly high, Peace is not just a childhood fantasy, Peace is the future too me, Peace is flying and soaring, Above me now, Amen. This Phot by Unknown Author is
The End! Thanks!!!!!!For Reading My works!!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!! This Phot o by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - S A This Phot o by Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - N C - N D