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ViewPoint on Demand®

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ViewPoint ON DEMAND MEET OUR NEWEST ADDITION WELCOME VIEWPOINT ON DEMAND PROBLEM SUMMARY ELECTRICAL SAFETY MADE EASY ViewPoint On Demand is a mobile companion to SEAM Group s award winning ViewPoint web based software Americas Europe Asia INSPECTION SUMMARY REQUEST REPAIR SERVICE EQUIPMENT SEARCH REPAIR ENTRY seamgroup com back to Table of Contents ViewPoint ON DEMAND predictiveservice com

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Login Screen 4 Site Selection 5 Home Screen 6 CONTENTS Problem Summary Tile 7 Site Selection 8 Inspection Summary Tile 9 Equipment Search Tile 10 Repair Entry Tile 11 Request Repair Service Tile 12 Menu 13 Asset Matrix 14 Asset Matrix Filter 15 Location Filter 16 Severity Status Filters 17 Equipment Detail Page 18 Equipment Detail Asset History 19 Inspection History Details 20 Problem Detail Page 21 Problem Information Data 22 Repair Icon 23 Repair Information Screen 24

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WELCOME PROBLEM SUMMARY INSPECTION SUMMARY REQUEST REPAIR SERVICE EQUIPMENT SEARCH REPAIR ENTRY VIEWPOINT ON DEMAND ViewPoint On Demand is a mobile companion to SEAM Group s award winning ViewPoint web based software application ViewPoint On Demand accesses information on individual assets simply by scanning the asset s QR code with a mobile device Once the asset is identified in the inventory access to current status inspection history problem details arc flash hazards and required Personal Protective Equipment PPE will be available directly on your mobile device ENHANCE YOUR ELECTRICAL SAFETY DOWNLOAD THE APP TODAY Available for iPhone iPad and Android devices Requires current login credentials to ViewPoint ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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LOGIN SCREEN Enter your existing ViewPoint user name and password If you do not have a user name or password please contact our office for assistance ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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SITE SELECTION Type in the name of the site in the search box or select the site from the sorted list Choose the sorting by option Distance use the mobile devices GPS to find nearest facilities Inspection sorted from most recent Name alphabetically The system will remember your last site and give that option the next time you access the app ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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HOME SCREEN Touch any tile to launch the action Touch outside the tile to close Touch the three bars on the top right hand corner to activate the menu Touch the down arrow to the right of the site name to select another site if applicable ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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PROBLEM SUMMARY TILE Plot contains the most recent data as of the date listed Touch any of the severity icons left hand side to launch a list containing problems within that category Touch any of the status icons top row to launch a list containing asset within that status category Touch any of the numbers within the plot to launch a list of asset for that problem category Touch any of the numbers listed as totals to launch a list of the appropriate status or severity ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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SITE SELECTION Touch the down arrow to the right of the site name to return to the site selection screen ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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INSPECTION SUMMARY TILE Summary of inspection data for the selected site Counts are current as of the listed date Touching any of the displayed numbers will launch the asset matrix filter to the specific number chosen ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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EQUIPMENT SEARCH TILE Touch inside the text box to manually enter the QR code Launch the Touch to Scan button to initiate the devices camera to scan the QR code located on the equipment panel The result of the search or scan will go to the specific asset s equipment detail page ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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REPAIR ENTRY TILE Touch inside the text box to manually enter the QR code Launch the Touch to Scan button to initiate the devices camera to scan the QR code located on the equipment panel The result of the search or scan will go to the problem detail page for the specific asset s If an asset has more than one problem the search or scan will result in a list to select the specific problem of interest 10012204 ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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REQUEST REPAIR SERVICE TILE This tile will direct the user to the Predictive Service web site and launch a request repair form Once submitted the form will be directed to one of our associates to contact the user for scheduling ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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MENU Menu items Return to the Home Screen Launch the Asset Matrix Set user preferences Set site settings Logout of the app ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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ASSET MATRIX List of all inspected asset If a specific asset has or had a problem there will be a number representing the number of problems found Touching the number will bring a sub list down listing each of the problems Touching the action icon will launch the problem detail page ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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ASSET MATRIX FILTER Touching the filter button enables the user to filter the asset matrix by the following criteria Location Severity Status ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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LOCATION FILTER The location filter will bring up the site s location tree The tree is made up of specific location and sub location created during the inspection Selecting a location will filter the asset matrix list to only assets within that specific location The number circle are an indication of problems found at that specific location or sub location The circle color indicates the highest severity of problem within that group color code match the color of the severity icons ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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EQUIPMENT DETAIL Asset Information Inspection History ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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INSPECTION HISTORY DETAILS Touch the plus sign to show history information Touch the minus sign to collapse the history information Touch the View Details button to launch the problem detail page for the item in history ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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PROBLEM INFORMATION DATA Scrolling the screen down will display specific information regarding the selected problem Problem information Measured data Repair information Asset information Component information ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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REPAIR ICON Touching the repair icon will launch the repair entry and information screen ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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REPAIR INFORMATION SCREEN For entering repair information Ability to enter changes for a problem including Repair Technician Repair Time Hours Minutes Repair Date Repair Notes Change status to repaired by touching the change status button Add images from your mobile device ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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ViewPoint ViewPoint is where approach management and results of predictive maintenance technologies come together This innovative software program provides access to information about your facilities and individual assets from anywhere at any time ViewPoint provides numerous benefits to clients of any size or any industry in any part of the world Web based interactive with 24 7 global access Multi user multi access multi currency language support Over 10 000 users within 4 000 customer facilities or sites Cost Benefits and ROI calculations Year over year trending Benchmarking of failures by equipment class ViewPoint ON DEMAND SEAMGROUP COM

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seamgroup com viewpoint Americas Europe Asia