PROFESSIONALF A L LDEVELOPMENTPAPER ROBOTS: FINANCIAL CONVERSATIONSAND RESOURCESThe Paper Robots blog delivers biweekly humorous, research-based financial advice forparents and now includes FEE-designed lesson plans, showcased in a one-hour webinar onintegrating classroom and household finance learning with topics like “Spend Less or EarnMore? What Pro Athletes Can Teach Us.”SEP 19RESEARCH-BASED REASONS TO INTEGRATEENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS ECONOMICS,PERSONAL FINANCE & CTE COURSES (CONFERENCE)Save the date for a session reviewing the top 10 research-based ways to integrateentrepreneurship into courses, with 50+ free resources, professional development,and details on the U.S. Entrepreneurship Certification Exam for students.SEP 25-27ONLINE K-5 ECONOMICS & PERSONAL FINANCE INSTITUTEThis six-week asynchronous course is designed to enhance teachers' understanding ofthe K-5 economic and personal finance concepts in Virginia's Standards of Learning.OCT 07READING MAKES CENTS: WHAT’S NEW!Discover the joy of economics and financial literacy through children’s literature, withfeatured titles from the Reading Makes Cents program, including engaging stories like “WaterDay” and “The Fabulous Fannie Farmer,” paired with enriching lessons and exciting doorprizes for K-8 education.SEP 19CASKS FOR CAUSE: CELEBRATION OF YOU!Enjoy a complimentary drink. Food will be available for purchase, live music, plus excitingprizes throughout the night. Bring your whole family and explore our resources designed toenhance economics in your classroom. Don’t miss out on this memorable celebration of yourdedication and hard work!SEP 20HARVEST ECONOMICSExplore harvesting with books like “Tops & Bottoms” and “Jayden’s Impossible Garden,”and discover how land, labor, and machinery drive our economy. This workshop offersmarket-themed activities that teach students about productive resources, goods, andservices.OCT 02ELECTING ECONOMICS: UNDERSTANDING THEFINANCIAL IMPACT OF ELECTIONSExplore how elections influence economic policies and personal finances in this non-partisan workshop. Our friend, Patrick DeRosa from George Mason University will join usto present. Gain insights into market reactions, historical case studies, and theimportance of informed voting.This workshop is ideal for middle and high schooleducators.OCT 08
PROFESSIONALF A L LDEVELOPMENTPRACTICAL INNOVATIONS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIPEDUCATION FOR SECONDARY GRADESJoin us to learn easy yet highly engaging ways to prepare students for the Innovation & GigEconomy without teaching a traditional entrepreneurship class!OCT 24ONLINE PERSONAL FINANCE INSTITUTEThis six-week online institute is designed for high school teachers of personal finance,covering banking, credit, insurance, taxes, financial planning, and post-high school education.OCT 10JUMP$TART SUMMITThe Virginia Jump$tart Coalition attracts and brings together financial literacy practitionersto cultivate informative relationships and build a foundation of personal finance literacy forK-12 students in Virginia.OCT 11TEACHING ECONOMICS USING ROCKSTARCURRENT EVENTS RESOURCES & STRATEGIESEnhance your teaching toolkit with some of the greatest hits in current events resourcesand strategies!OCT 16ECON-CONCEPTS: OPPORTUNITY COSTIntroducing Econ-Concepts: A series for teaching economic concepts to elementarystudents, starting with opportunity cost. Includes engaging lessons and activities to helpteachers explain smart decision-making.OCT 22ECON IN YOUR BACKYARD: JOBS IN RURALCOMMUNITIES, PART 1This first webinar in a two-part series helps teachers guide students in thinking abouttheir community's economic future, job opportunities, and sustainable growth.OCT 30MINI-ECONOMY: CREATE A STARTUP CULTUREIN YOUR CLASSROOMProject based learning at its best! Tap into the endless creativity of young students using atime-tested template that makes setting up your classroom economy simple. This 18-hourinstitute takes place in three parts to best accommodate teacher’s schedules.NOV 05Teachers and students are invited to explore opportunities in agricultural economics andagribusiness at Virginia Tech, along with details on the newly Virginia Board-approved U.S.Entrepreneurship Certification Exam for high school students.EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES INAGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & AGRIBUSINESSNOV 06
PROFESSIONALF A L LDEVELOPMENTECON IN YOUR BACKYARD: JOBS IN RURALCOMMUNITIES, PART 2This second webinar in the series aids teachers in guiding students on community jobgrowth, empowering women and farmers, and shaping the economic future.NOV 13ECONOMICS PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT/FALL HYBRID INSTITUTEEnhance your economics classes by attending one day of in-person learning to get thecontent you need.NOV 16INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS LESSONS &RESOURCES—PLUS A FREE TRIP TO GERMANY!Join us for this informational webinar on the Transatlantic Outreach Program (TOP), apublic/private partnership that provides 5-star study tours to Germany for K-12 social studiesand STEM teachers.NOV 19 SPORTS TO TACKLE TEACHING ECONAND PERSONAL FINANCEThis hourlong webinar will give you the tools you need to have your students hurdleover any obstacles to learning econ and personal finance.NOV 20Explore LEGO’s journey from wooden toys to a global giant. This workshop equipseducators to teach trade, value, and markets through hands-on, entrepreneuriallessons.BUILDING AN EMPIRE: THE ECONOMICJOURNEY OF LEGOSNOV 07DON’T MISS OUT ON FREE FALLPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT!Empower your students with engaging lessons andpractical tools. Register now for our free fallworkshops to enhance your teaching skills and bringfresh, dynamic content into your classroom. Checkout our website to register today!