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Tia Isa Wants a Car

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Reading Makes Cents 2015-2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Tía Isa Wants a Car Written by Meg Medina Book Synopsis: One hot summer day Tía Isa makes a bold statement; she wants a car. Her niece, the story’s narrator, thinks this is a grand idea. Saving the money to buy a car is not going to be easy. Most of the money Tía Isa earns at the bakery is sent to help family members who are living on a faraway island. (This island could be Cuba. The author is Cuban-American.) The young girl wants to help her aunt. Resourcefully she finds jobs in the neighborhood and puts all of her earnings in a saving sock that grows into a “giant money sausage”. When enough is saved and the car is purchased the first thing Tía Isa does is tape a picture of the family on the car’s dashboard. Lesson Tia Isa’s Incentives to Save Introduction: Tia Isa wants a car so that she can drive her states-side family to the beach. Obtaining this dream will not be easy. She is already setting a large portion of her salary aside to send to the family members that remain on her island home. She is going to need help if she is going to save enough money for her long-term goal.  Time: 15-20 minutes Materials: ● Visual- Tia Isa’s Incentive to Save ● Activity Sheet- Incentives to Save ● Writing Tools Objectives: ● Students will be introduced to the benefits of saving. ● Students will discuss the opportunity cost of saving. ● Students will create a personalized list of “Incentives to Save”. Virginia Standards of Learning – History and Social Science 1 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education 1.9 The student will recognize that people save money for the future to purchase goods and services. 2.10 The student will explain that scarcity (limited resources) requires people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services.

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Reading Makes Cents 2015-2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Procedure: ● Introduce the lesson by telling the students they will be listening to a story about a young girl and how she was able to help her aunt accomplish her dream. ● Read Tía Isa Wants a Car to the class. A YouTube reading can be found here: ● Display the visual Tía Isa’s Incentives to Save. ● Read over the list of things Tía Isa would like to have, her incentives to save, with the students. Ask if they can think of other things to add to this list. ● Distribute the activity sheet. Students may work individually or in pairs. ● Ask students to circle the one item on their list that they think is the most important. ● Encourage class discussion concerning items listed on the activity sheets. 2 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015-2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Visual Tia Isa’s Incentives to Save  Buy a car  Send her niece to college  Prepare for Emergencies  Buy a house  Travel  Become an Entrepreneur (open her own bakery)  Investments  Set up for Retirement 3 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015-2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Activity Sheet Incentives to Save Directions: Create a list of reasons to save money. Be prepared to share your work with the class. 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. – 5. – 6. – 7. – 8. – 9. – 10.– Scoring: 10 points for each item listed. (The limit is 10!) 4 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015-2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car 5 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015 2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car T a Isa Wants a Car Written by Meg Medina Book Synopsis One hot summer day T a Isa makes a bold statement she wants a car Her niece the story s narrator thinks this is a grand idea Saving the money to buy a car is not going to be easy Most of the money T a Isa earns at the bakery is sent to help family members who are living on a faraway island This island could be Cuba The author is Cuban American The young girl wants to help her aunt Resourcefully she finds jobs in the neighborhood and puts all of her earnings in a saving sock that grows into a giant money sausage When enough is saved and the car is purchased the first thing T a Isa does is tape a picture of the family on the car s dashboard Lesson Tia Isa s Incentives to Save Introduction Tia Isa wants a car so that she can drive her states side family to the beach Obtaining this dream will not be easy She is already setting a large portion of her salary aside to send to the family members that remain on her island home She is going to need help if she is going to save enough money for her long term goal Time 15 20 minutes Materials Visual Tia Isa s Incentive to Save Activity Sheet Incentives to Save Writing Tools Objectives Students will be introduced to the benefits of saving Students will discuss the opportunity cost of saving Students will create a personalized list of Incentives to Save Virginia Standards of Learning History and Social Science 1 9 2 10 The student will recognize that people save money for the future to purchase goods and services The student will explain that scarcity limited resources requires people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services 1 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015 2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Procedure Introduce the lesson by telling the students they will be listening to a story about a young girl and how she was able to help her aunt accomplish her dream Read T a Isa Wants a Car to the class A YouTube reading can be found here https www youtube com watch v PP8YXWX8txk Display the visual T a Isa s Incentives to Save Read over the list of things T a Isa would like to have her incentives to save with the students Ask if they can think of other things to add to this list Distribute the activity sheet Students may work individually or in pairs Ask students to circle the one item on their list that they think is the most important Encourage class discussion concerning items listed on the activity sheets 2 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education

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Reading Makes Cents 2015 2016 Tia Isa Wants a Car Visual Tia Isa s Incentives to Save Buy a car Send her niece to college Prepare for Emergencies Buy a house Travel Become an Entrepreneur open her own bakery Investments Set up for Retirement 3 Lynne Farrell Stover James Madison University Center for Economic Education