The ultimate tortoise tablesTORTOISETABLESFOR SALETortoise Hotel
In BriefTortoise Hotel•Recyclable•High quality product•Strong rigid construction•No need to upgrade•Large enough to prevent pacing•Quick to assemble/disassemble•Portable•Chemical resistant•Heat resistant•Bio secure & impermeable•All surfaces are easily cleaned•Class ‘O’ Fire rating to BS$&^•Frost resistant, insulating with drainage•Enough depth to allow thermoregulation•Ideal to promote the creation of multiple•microclimatesThe very best quality tortoise tables for sale, at affordable prices. TheULTIMATE!Tortoise accommodation. Forget searching endlessly fortortoise tables on ebay or amazon. You will find everything you’ve everwanted, right here. Patented & manufactured in the EU.New to the market for 2018. The reputable!Tortoise Hotel!has now launched their very own bespoke recyclable, plastic tortoise tables,enclosures and fencing.Most noteworthy, these incredible products not only look good but arelong-lasting products. Often with a life-expectancy exceeding 60 yearsif looked after. Thanks to its unique polymer structure. Our tortoisetables are well suited for recycling.! No waste when they come to the end of their life.! They are by no means, a!one-use plastic! First-time tortoise owners are often seduced into buying totallyunsuitable tortoise pen and equipment. Leaving the tortoise with littleor no space to roam. They may look good with ornate balconies andstairs, but the unsuspecting new keepers have no idea the stress andfrustration it can cause their poor little pet. After all, you don’t see themliving like this in their own natural habitat now do you?Wood is cheap but unfortunately, it rots very easily. You may have topurchase a new tortoise table every year.! Our tortoise table is made from durable, modular, quality plastic. Therefore, is great for tortoisebiosecurity and won't rot if left out in all weathers.the ultimate Tortoise table
Tortoise Hotel TABLESOur latest addition to the Tortoise Hotel range is this bespoke tortoise table. Available in Slate Grey & Dark Brown colours and three sizes, this table hasproved to be very popular for indoor and outdoor use. Excellent to keep your tortoise safe and in an enclosed area. The base isloosely fitted and the table easily slots together. New to the market for 2018, the reputable tortoise hotel launched their very ownbespoke recyclable, plastic tortoise tables. These incredible products not only look good but are long-lasting products, often witha life-expectancy exceeding 60 years. Thanks to its unique polymer structure, they are well suited for recycling when they come tothe end of their life and they are!by no means a!one-use plastic!
To place an order for a tortoise table please click here
Available Sizes
180 x 90 x 38 cms160 x 90 x 38 cms130 x 90 x 38 cms
Tortoise Hotel PenSThis style pen was our very first in the Tortoise Hotel productrange. We successfully used these pens to board tortoises atthe hotel while people were away on a long holiday, movinghouse or simply having a weekend break. They are practical,washable and totally safe for all tortoises.These pens are ideal for indoor and outdoor use. ! To aiddrainage!our!tortoise table comes with pre-drilled holes on!theunderside of the edges.!With the tortoise table being modular. Water will naturally!seep through each section!should!the tablefill with water! in a sudden downpour.! We have tested the enclosures ourselves by pouring buckets of water into themempty and!we have!used ours!outside in all weathers.DrainageHere are some tips to help drainage and to prevent itbecoming water-logged. Ensure you have enough large rocksand stones to allow water to drain. Keep a close eye on yourtortoise during flash downpours. Many like to burrow and canfind themselves in a few cms of water quite unexpectedly. Provide a central mound of soil or rocks.! Tortoises love to climb, and they would do this in their! natural! habitat.! A mound or small hill would double up as a dry area for thetortoise. This will help keep your pet out of danger if yourtable or other outdoor!tortoise!enclosure were to get water-logged. We have experienced flash downpours and ourtables have drained wellLocationYou’ll need to plan a safe and secure outdoor place tosituate your new tortoise table.! Theft!of!tortoises is becoming more prevalent.!Make!sure your tortoise enclosure is away from public view so!as!not to attractunwanted attention.
To place an order for a tortoise PEN Click here
Available Sizes
180 x 90 x 38 cms160 x 90 x 38 cms130 x 90 x 38 cms
Tortoise Hotel ENCLOSURESIn its simplest form, this particular range in the TortoiseHotel is a four-sided tortoise enclosure.! This type of enclosure comes without a floor so your tortoise can safelyroam securely and graze freely. With a flexible, modulardesign means that it can be added to or adapted at a laterstage. Your enclosure can be made larger and it can alsotake on different shapes to suit your needs.! In fact, there are few limits to what size and shape it can beYour tortoise enclosure can be designed to fit aroundgarden sheds, greenhouses and ornaments or around yourfurniture inside your home.The tortoise enclosure is designed to be easy to assembleby one person. Not screws needed.! It can be easily flat packed for storage during hibernation or transportation.Some people even take their tortoises on a UK basedholiday with them!Our Tortoise Hotel enclosure has a sleek and contemporarydesign, comes in three colours and can enhance anygarden or indoor room.! Our tortoise tables, enclosures! have an impermeable surface,! are very easily cleaned and of a loose slatted construction to allow additional! drainage.! ! At first glance, you would never notice the small details. !
Available Sizes
180 x 90 x 38 cms160 x 90 x 38 cms130 x 90 x 38 cms
To place an order for our enclosures please click here
How to order