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URBAN TRENDSETTERS NEWS MAGAZINECELEBRATING FREEJANUARY 15 - 31, 2025Randy Parker: LeadingHyundai and GenesisNorth America Into theFuture Page 30The ADS FoundationDeposits $5 Millioninto Adelphi BankPage 19Black College FootballHall of Fame HonorsClass of 2025 InducteesPage 28Let Us Put Your Business in the Streets!THE DREAMER Message

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OUR TEAMPublisherCEO Sharon S. Gordon Interim Editor-At-Large Tracy M. HeardV.P. Sales & Marketing Kevin PaceCreative Director Mykayla Bryant Graphic Arts DirectorIvory Payne Food and Dining EditorW. Cobre’ GordonOutreach CoordinatorLisa Freeman WilliamsonUrban Trendsetters Television & Media Call 614-526- UTS1 (8871)Copyright-Urban Trendsetters News Magazine is published and distributed bi-weekly by Myshbre’ Media and Communications, LLC DBA Urban Trendsetter Television and Media. Our offices are located at 1890 EastMain, Columbus, OH 43205. Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at any time. Publisher will not be responsible for checking the accuracy of items submitted-ted forpublication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy. All contents of this publication are copy written 2024 by Myshbre’ Media and Communications. I AM1 IN AMILLIONShop Black Owned BusinessesSupport Black Owned & Voice TourFacebook/Groups/1Million1TrendsettersJoin the 2025 TourJoin the Facebook GroupRegister Your Buisness on The List1 Million consumers who willtake the pledge to spend $1 A Day ($365) Annually with Black-Owned Businesses. THE POWER OF one!Local Libraries Beauty and Barber SalonsBeauty Supplies Book Stores City Offices State Offices County Offices Non-Profit OrganizationsRestaurants and Venues Would You Like Urban Trendsetters in YourBusiness Location? Contact us today.Call Us Today 614-714-3404Visit Our Website for a Full List of DistributionLocations WWW.URBANTRENDSETTERS.COM URBAN TRENDSETTERS Neighborhood Stores Drug Stores Professional OfficesChambers of CommerceChurches Media Outlets Corporate Offices Spirit Stores & LocationsRecreation Centers DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS National Expansion DirectorsDawn Redman, Columbus, OHIvory Payne, Baton Rouge andNew Orleans, LARosalind Rhodes, Detroit, MIAntquan Potts, Las VegasRobin M. David, Nashville3 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comDigital Manager Sharon N. Lynch Media DirectorConia AlmonBusiness ManagerDawn Redman

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Page 8: YOUNG & TRENDY - New Orleans Artist “Queen Tahj”Becomes First Ever to Handcraft Super Bowl LIX Logo and ThemeArtPage 10: POLITICK’N - Congressional Black Caucus FoundationPartners with The Equity Braintrust to Advance Mental Health Equitywith New FrameworkPage 18: MONEY & WEALTH - Tax Tips for New Business OwnersPage 49: ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - NAACP AnnouncesNominees for the 56th NAACP Image AwardsPAGE 27: TRAVEL TRENDS - Celebrating Afrofuturism: Ruth E.Carter Exhibit Opens at The Children’s Museum of IndianapolisCopyright-Urban Trendsetters News Magazine is published and distributed bi-weekly by Myshbre’ Media and Communications, LLC DBA Urban Trendsetter Television and Media. Our offices are located at 1790 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43205.Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at any time. Publisher will not be responsible for checking the accuracy of items submitted-ted for publication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy. Allcontents of this publication are copy written 2023-2030 by Myshbre’ Media and Communications. COMMUNITY OUTREACHOneUnited Bank Launches First-Time Homebuyer Program inCelebration of MLK Jr. Day 2025PG 20MONEY & WEALTHThe ADS FoundationDeposits $5 Million intoAdelphi Bank PG 19THE JOURNEYBusiness and the Bible:Applying BiblicalPrinciples for BusinessSuccessPG 9SPORTSBlack College FootballHall of Fame HonorsClass of 2025 InducteesPG 28FH&eaturesighlightsAUTO TRENDSRandy Parker: LeadingHyundai and Genesis NorthAmerica Into the Future -Page 304 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 •

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PSharon S. Gordon - Founder / CEO, Publisher sharon@urbantrendsetters.comublisher's Photo Credit: Ian Alexander Photography NoteHonoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.5 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comAs we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s essentialto reflect on how we, as Black Americans,can continue his dream in a meaningfulway. Dr. King’s vision was never aboutelevating a single leader but ratherempowering all of us to takeresponsibility for our collective progress.Much like other ethnic groups—Latino,Asian, Chinese, and others—do not relyon a singular figurehead, we too mustembrace the idea that leadership resideswithin each of us.The strength of our communities lies inunity and collective action. It is not aboutfinding another Dr. King; instead, it’sabout every Black American stepping upas a leader in their neighborhoods,communities, and families. Leadershipdoesn’t have to be monumental; it beginswith small, everyday actions—mentoringa child, supporting Black-ownedbusinesses, voting, or organizingresources for your community. The powerto shape our future lies within us.One of our greatest strengths, and yetoften untapped resources, is our economicpower. Collectively, Black Americanshave an estimated $1.6 trillion in buyingpower. Imagine the impact we could make if weprioritized spending within ourcommunities, supporting Black-ownedbusinesses, and using our dollars to buildeconomic equity. Dr. King’s dream of justiceand equality can only be fully realized whenwe harness this financial power and use it touplift and transform our neighborhoods.The dream is achievable, but first, we mustcome together as a unified force.In this issue, we dive into stories that inspirethis kind of collective action andempowerment. From Dawn Staley’sgroundbreaking achievements to celebratingBlack-owned restaurants and exploring theimportance of Black professionals inmedicine, these stories remind us of theincredible talent and potential within ourcommunities. They also highlight theurgency of working together to ensure thatevery child, entrepreneur, and professionalhas the tools and support they need tothrive.Let us honor Dr. King’s legacy not bywaiting for the next great leader but byrecognizing that the leaders we need arealready here—in each of us. Together,through unity, purpose, and economicempowerment, we can bring the dream tolife.

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COMMUNITY OUTREACHBy Sharon S. Gordon6 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comALL URBAN MUSIC & TALK RADIOA Soulful Gumbo of R&B, HIP-HOP, Funk, Jazz, Gospel, and Talk radio, isserved on a platter in a 24-hour / 7 Day format schedule.The Voice of America's Urban Trendsetters 24-7TUNE IN!STREAMING BE HEARD.LISTEN IN @ WWW.URBANTRENDSETTERS.COM/RADIOTO ADVERTISE I   SPONSOR.ADVERTISE.COLUMBUS, OH - Urban Trendsetters and iHeart Media are teaming upto honor Black culture with the "What Black History Means to Me"campaign. Running from February 1 through February 28, the initiativewill be hosted on Central Ohio's 106.7 The Beat and 105.3 Throwbackstations. Local iHeart Influencers will lead the celebration, sharing theirpersonal reflections on Black History Month and inviting listeners to jointhe conversation. Consumers can submit their thoughts on the campaignpage at THEBEAT1067, with selected entries featured on-air throughoutthe month. This campaign highlights the importance of Black history andfosters community engagement.Urban Trendsetters and iHeart Media Partner to Highlight the Community duringBlack History MonthAuthors at the Library - New format to bring authors to ColumbusCOLUMBUS—Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) is introducing Authorsat the Library, a new format to connect library customers with authors they loveas well as up-and-coming authors working in a wide variety of genres.Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries | Saturday, Jan. 25 at 10:30 a.m.Lisa Genova | Sunday, Jan. 26 at 2 p.m.Amber McBride | Friday, Jan. 31 at 10 a.m.Rick Steves | Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. (paid event at MershonAuditorium, presented in partnership with 11 other central Ohio libraries)Mary Robinette Kowal and John Scalzi | Sunday, March 23 at 2 p.m.Vashti Harrison | Saturday, April 5 at 10 a.m.Loung Ung | Tuesday, April 15 at 6 p.m.Additional author programs will be added throughout the year. for the most current schedule. Most programs will be held at Main Library, 96 S. Grant Ave. Author talks at CML are free and open to the public, however registration isrequired to reserve seating. CML will share registration details in the weeksleading up to each program on its Authors at the Library page.By Sharon S. Gordon

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FAMILY TRENDS7 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.com10-Year-Old Blind Boy and His Family Who Lost Their Home in L.A. Wildfires Have Raised $350KNationwide — Grayson Roberts, a 10-year-old boy from Los Angeles,California who is legally blind due to achromosomal disorder, lost his home inthe destructive Eaton fire in Altadenaon January 7th. Grayson, his motherTerica, and his two brothers wereforced to evacuate when the fire spreadquickly.Terica recalled the moment they sawflames in the nearby mountains andsmelled smoke. “At the rate the windwas blowing, I knew we had to go,” shesaid, as reported by People.The family evacuated with what littlethey could carry. The following day,they confirmed their home had beendestroyed.In an Instagram video shared by thenonprofit Big Talk, Grayson described his heartbreak. “I lost all my Braille stuff,my Legos, my instruments,” he said, adding that losing his neighborhoodhurt the most. “I just love where we lived,” headded.Grayson’s positivity shines despite the loss.He has undergone 37 surgeries to improvehis vision and continues to inspire others.Grayson also dreams of traveling the world,funding his goals by selling lemonade. Lastyear, he raised money to donate 200 canes toblind individuals in Ghana.In 2023, Grayson caught the attention ofmusician Travis Barker, who met him whilehe was selling lemonade and jammed withhim.To help the family rebuild, they have alreadyreceived more than $350,000 in donationsfrom GoFundMe campaign and anotherdonation site called Dream Machine USA.BY BLACKNEWS.COMGrayson Roberts raised $350,000 for California fire victims.CALLING ALL CONTENT CREATORSUrban Trendsetters is looking for talented content creators toshowcase their work! *FILMMAKER *WRITER *PODCASTER, *PHOTOGRAPHER*BLOGGER *YOUTUBBERSUBMIT YOUR CONTENT TODAY!Get national exposure and featured across Urban Trendsetters'media platforms—news, radio, television, print, and digital—Join a community of creators making a real impact.Submit your content now and be part of the movement! Email: Today!

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YOUNG & TRENDY8 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comNew Orleans Artist “Queen Tahj” Becomes First Ever to Handcraft Super Bowl LIX Logo and Theme Art(Black PR Wire) NEW YORK – TheNFL announced recently that renownedNew Orleans artist Tahj ‘Queen Tahj’Williams will be the first ever tohandcraft both the Super Bowl logo andtheme art for Super Bowl LIX. Followingher debut as the first artist to create aSuper Bowl logo, the NFL has unveiledQueen Tahj’s Super Bowl LIX theme art. For both pieces, Queen Tahj brings thespirit of New Orleans to life through herintricate, hand sewn beadwork, whichreflects her Black Masking culture andcombines her tribe’s heritage with thevibrant energy of Super Bowl in theCrescent City. The NFL captured herjourney and artistry in a hero video thatspotlights the beadwork that defines herartistry (watch it here). For the recently released Super Bowltheme art, Queen Tahj’s inspiration camefrom her passion for preserving the BlackMasking tradition while bringing freshcreativity to its craft. Her designs featurebold pinks, deep reds, chartreuses andlush greens, blending traditional elementswith modern creativity in her intricate,hand-sewn beadwork. These colorssymbolize the vibrancy of New Orleansand honor the Black Masking tradition,rooted in the deep cultural connectionsbetween African and Native Americanheritage. It originated as a celebration onthe backstreets when African Americanswere initially excluded from mainstreamMardi Gras festivities.Super Bowl LIX Celebrates New Orleans’ Legacy, Spotlighting Community’s Black Masking Tradition and Rich LocalHeritage Local Artist’s Beaded NFL Artwork Featured Throughout Crescent CityThis partnership is a dream come trueand an opportunity to share the beauty ofBlack Masking culture with the world,”said Queen Tahj. “Being the only girl andcaptain of my middle school football team,football has played a tremendous role inmy life by teaching me to focus on mydreams without worrying about whatsociety thinks is for girls or boys. It’s thesame spirit of determination that shapesmy work today. Just as the NFL connectscommunities around the world throughfootball, I hope my work brings peopletogether to celebrate the history of NewOrleans and inspires future generations tokeep our traditions alive.”Queen Tahj, a member of the GoldenEagles Tribe, is a master in the intricateart of Black Masking suit design—atradition deeply rooted in the Indigenousand African heritage of New Orleans.These suits, often created over a year ofmeticulous hand-sewing and beadwork,are a central part of Mardi Gras, St.Joseph’s Night, and Super Sundaycelebrations.Queen Tahj’s Super Bowl theme art willbe prominently featured on digital gametickets, the official program cover, and ona grand display on the exterior of theHyatt Regency New Orleans, bringing thecity to life throughout the week’scelebrations.“We knew from the start that we wantedthis year’s theme art to capture the “We knew from the start that we wantedthis year’s theme art to capture theessence of New Orleans,” said MarissaSolis, NFL senior vice president of globalbrand and consumer marketing. “QueenTahj’s deep connection to her communityand extraordinary talent made her theperfect artist for this project. Her workauthentically honors the cultural roots ofNew Orleans while celebrating the city’svibrant spirit, and we’re excited tospotlight it on the Super Bowl stage andhonor the communities that make NewOrleans so special.”The NFL’s partnership with Queen Tahjhighlights the league’s commitment tocelebrating local culture and ensuringthat Super Bowl LIX allows the NewOrleans community to see itself reflectedon one of the world’s biggest stages.Super Bowl LIX will take place atCaesars Superdome in New Orleans,Louisiana, on February 9, 2025. Fans canlook forward to seeing Queen Tahj’sunique artwork as part of this historiccelebration.For more information on Super BowlLIX, visit: “Queen Tahj” Becomes First Ever to Handcraft Super Bowl LIX Logo andTheme Art

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THE JOURNEYBY SHARON S. GORDON9 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comThe Bible offers timeless wisdom not only for personalgrowth but also for guiding ethical and successfulbusiness practices. Entrepreneurs and business leaderscan draw from its principles to build a foundation ofintegrity, stewardship, and service.1. Integrity is KeyProverbs 11:1 states, “The Lord detests dishonest scales,but accurate weights find favor with Him.” This remindsbusiness leaders of the importance of honesty andfairness in all dealings. Whether negotiating contracts,pricing products, or communicating with stakeholders,integrity builds trust and a positive reputation that leadsto long-term success.2. Stewardship MattersColossians 3:23-24 advises, “Whatever you do, work atit with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not forhuman masters.” Business leaders are called to view theirwork as an act of worship and stewardship. This meansmanaging resources—time, finances, and people—wiselyand responsibly. Good stewardship fosters sustainablegrowth and demonstrates respect for God’s provision.3. Serving OthersMark 10:45 teaches that “even the Son of Man did notcome to be served, but to serve.” This principle ofservant leadership is central to Biblical businesspractices. Prioritizing the needs of employees, customers,and the community fosters an environment of mutualrespect and collaboration. A service-first approach oftenleads to stronger relationships and loyalty.Business and the Bible: Applying Biblical Principles for Business Success5. Avoiding Greed1 Timothy 6:10 warns, “For the love of money is the rootof all evil.” This is not a condemnation of wealth but areminder to prioritize purpose over profit. Businesses thatfocus solely on financial gain risk losing sight of theirvalues and mission. By prioritizing ethical practices andthe well-being of others, leaders can achieve successwithout compromising their principles.6. Embracing Hard WorkProverbs 14:23 states, “All hard work brings aprofit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Hardwork, diligence, and perseverance are necessary forsuccess. Businesses thrive when leaders and teamscommit to giving their best effort.ConclusionThe Bible provides a blueprint for ethical andimpactful business practices. By embracingprinciples like integrity, stewardship, service, anddiligence, business leaders can build enterprisesthat honor God, benefit their communities, andachieve long-lasting success. When faith and workintersect, the result is not only profit but purpose.4. Planning with PurposeProverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever youdo, and He will establish your plans.” This encouragesentrepreneurs to seek God’s guidance in their businessdecisions. While strategic planning is essential,recognizing God’s sovereignty ensures humility andtrust in His timing.

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10 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comCongressional Black Caucus Foundation Partners with The EquityBraintrust to Advance Mental Health Equity with New FrameworkPOLITICK’N Congressional Black Caucus FoundationWashington, DC — In recognition ofDr. Martin Luther King Jr.’sbirthday, The Congressional BlackCaucus Foundation (CBCF) and TheEquity Braintrust proudly announcethe release of the National MentalHealth Equity Framework, atransformative blueprint aimed atdismantling systemic inequities inmental health care and promotingequitable access for all. Inspired byDr. King’s call to address healthcareinjustice as “the most shocking andinhumane” form of inequality, thisgroundbreaking framework tacklescritical barriers to receiving mentalhealth care and championsactionable solutions rooted in thepolitical and social determinants ofhealth.The Equity Braintrust, a coalition ofadvocates, policymakers, and mentalhealth experts, developed theframework in collaboration withCBCF’s Center for Policy Analysisand Research. The frameworkunderscores the intersectionality ofsystemic inequities, such as racialbias, fragmented systems, and insufficient resources thatdisproportionately impactmarginalized communities,particularly Black populations.“Mental health is foundational tooverall well-being, yet systemicinequities continue to block access toquality care for far too manycommunities,” said Dr. JonathanCox, Vice President of CBCF’sCenter for Policy Analysis andResearch. “Our partnership with TheEquity Braintrust has beeninstrumental in releasing thisframework, which provides a boldroadmap to ensure equitable access,cultural humility, and patient-centered approaches critical tofostering resilience and improvinglives.”The framework emphasizes keypriorities, including:Access to Quality Care: Addressingdisparities in care navigation andtransitions in care settings.Workforce Development: Expandingthe mental health workforce throughdiversification, debt-free educationinitiatives, and the integration health workers and peersupport programs.Decriminalization of Mental Health:Eliminating punitive practices andinvesting in community-based crisisresponse systems.Cultural Humility and PatientEducation: Fostering trust throughculturally responsive, patient-centeredapproaches and acknowledging theinterconnectedness of physical andmental health.“Our approach, within thisframework, highlights the importanceof policy reforms, community-drivensolutions, and actionable strategies totransform mental health equity froman ideal into a tangible reality,” saidCourtney Billington, Chair of theEquity Braintrust. “Achieving mentalhealth equity requires more thanaddressing systemic barriers; it callsfor a fundamental rethinking of caredelivery.”The National Mental Health EquityFramework also highlights the urgentneed to support workforce wellness byaddressing burnout, ensuring faircompensation, and fosteringsupportive workplace policies. Byadvancing policy solutions, advocacy,inclusive practices, and community-driven interventions, the frameworklays a solid foundation fortransformative change.To learn more about the NationalMental Health Equity Framework oraccess the full report, please visit UrbanTrendsetters TVWatch and Win Contest Your Prize is inthe Vault!WATCH& WINBIG!

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EDUCATION TRENDSBy Sharon S. GordonUniversity of Phoenix Is a Top 100 Degree Producer for Minority Students in 2024 Rankings by Diverse:Issues In Higher Education11 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comThe University of Phoenix has achieved aprestigious position as a Top 100 DegreeProducer for minority students, accordingto the 2024 rankings by Diverse: Issues InHigher Education. This honor recognizesinstitutions awarding the highest numberof degrees to minority students based onU.S. Department of Education data.Notably, the University ranks #23 overallfor bachelor's degrees, #2 for AfricanAmerican undergraduates, and #1 forNative American students in businessadministration.Additionally, the University excels ingraduate education, ranking #13 formaster’s degrees awarded to minorities,including top spots for African Americanand Native American students. Theseachievements highlight the institution’sdedication to fostering equity andaccessibility for working adults and first-generation learners, with 60% of itsstudents identifying as ethnic minoritiesand 70% as women.“Many of our students are working adult learners from diverselife experiences tackling multiple life challenges and forgingnew paths for themselves and their families,”sethnic minorities and 70% as women.“Our mission is to empower diverselearners to succeed in life and theircareers,” said Dr. John Woods, ChiefAcademic Officer. Key to this mission isthe University’s innovative, flexible onlinelearning environment and supportservices, including its Career Services forLife® initiative, tuition guarantees, andcredit for prior learning experiences.The University’s Tribal Operations teamalso plays a vital role, tailoring support toNative American students by addressingtheir specific challenges. This personalizedapproach exemplifies the University’sbroader commitment to creating equitablepathways for all.Through inclusive strategies and career-focused programs, the University ofPhoenix continues to empower minoritystudents, positioning them for long-termsuccess while shaping a more equitablefuture in higher education.

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Smiling FacesNow hiringCome find out why McDonald’s is a great place to work! shared what our employees are saying!fast newgood jobhelp peoplebenefitstryteamcustomerscrewworkinghardlearn flexibleableeveryonefriendlybettermcdonald’sopportunitiesopportunities worksthinknicetimedifferentservicebestothersexperience givecustomer carefewlifeforwardbusyawesomefoodtogetherfirstaskcoworkersText “APPLY” to 3800012 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 •

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C.E.O. JOIN US FOR A LIVE TAPING OF CAREERTOWN TV SHOW.As 2025 approaches, refreshing your resumeis crucial for staying competitive in a fast-evolving job market. A well-updated resumereflects not only your skills but also youradaptability to current hiring trends.Top Trends to IncorporateSkills-Based Resumes: Highlighttransferable skills and core competencies,especially for career changers or tech-focused roles.Digital Proficiency: Include proficiency in AItools, automation platforms, and advancedsoftware relevant to your industry.Data-Driven Impact: Use quantifiableachievements to demonstrate your value,such as “boosted sales by 20%” or“streamlined processes, saving 10 hoursweekly.”By STAFF WRITER13 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comRefresh Your Resume for 2025: Top Trends and TipsSTAFF WRITERCareer. ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Opportunities.www.careertown.netCAREER FAIRS NATIONWIDE Diversity Recruiting Your Way!POWERED BYHYBRID+ VIRTUALREGISTER TODAYCrowne Plaza -Worthington 6500 Doubletree Avenue, Columbus, OH 43229 Join us for a day of networking, workshops, job opportunities, and careergrowth as we connect jobseekers with top employers in the area. Connect 1-on-1 with recruiters for your dream job at virtual career fairs.Attend workshops to help you catapult your career!REGISTER AS AN OPPORTUNITY SEEKERMeet, engage, and hire the best candidates via personalized virtual careerfairs. Market and advertise your opportunities on our new show!REGISTER AS A RECRUITERYOU TUBESAVE THE DATE!THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2025 11:00 AM - 2:00 PMList your business in our business directory in the UTSNews Magazine distributed in print /online.Get Listed!! $149.00 REG. $250.00DEADLINE 01-06-25WWW.URBANTRENDSETTERS.COM/PRINTPRINT & INTERACTIVE DIGITALBUSINESS DIRECTORY LISTINGStandard Business Card Size ADBLACK OURSTORYBLACK LOVE - VALENTINES DAYWOMEN’S HISTORY MONTHMINORITY HEALTH MONTHPersonal Branding: Add links to youronline portfolio, LinkedIn profile, orpersonal website to showcase yourexpertise.Essential Tools and TipsATS Optimization: Tailor your resume withjob-specific keywords to pass ApplicantTracking Systems (ATS).Modern Formats: Use clean, minimalistdesigns with clear sections and readablefonts. Avoid clutter while emphasizingaccomplishments.Keep It Brief: Stick to 1-2 pages and focuson recent, relevant experiences.Soft Skills Matter: Highlight teamwork,communication, and problem-solving skills,which remain highly sought-after byemployers.Regularly revisiting your resume ensures it remains apowerful tool for showcasing your professional growthand matching market demands. A compelling,modernized resume can set you apart as an innovativeand prepared candidate for 2025!

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14 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comWWW.THINKVETERANFIRST.ORGNationalVirtual & HybridCareerfairs

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15 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comHEALTH & WELLNESSThe Decline and Importance of BlackDoctors in AmericaBy Staff WriterThe representation of Black physicians in Americaremains alarmingly low, with Black doctors makingup less than 6% of the workforce despite BlackAmericans accounting for 13% of the population.This disparity persists due to systemic challengeslike racial bias, financial barriers, and limited accessto mentorship and resources for aspiring Blackmedical professionals. The lack of diversity in thefield exacerbates health disparities and createsmistrust in healthcare systems for Black patients,further worsening outcomes for marginalizedcommunities.Black doctors are uniquely positioned to improvehealthcare equity. Research shows that Blackpatients have better health outcomes when treatedby physicians who share their cultural background.For example, Black doctors are more likely toaddress issues like hypertension, diabetes, andmaternal mortality, which disproportionately affectBlack Americans.Mela Vitamins Teams Up with WNBA Stars to Champion Wellness for Womenof Color Mela Vitamins, creators of DailyEssentials, the first multivitamin designedspecifically for women of color, hasannounced a groundbreaking partnershipwith WNBA champions Azurá Stevens(LA Sparks) and Dana Evans (ChicagoSky). Together, they aim to inspire healthequity and holistic wellness forcommunities of color.The athletes, now Investors and BrandAmbassadors for Mela, are joining forceswith the brand to address persistent healthdisparities impacting women of color.This collaboration focuses on raisingawareness about vital health concerns,like vitamin D deficiency, which affectsover 80% of Black women and is linked toincreased risks of heart disease,autoimmune disorders, and diabetes. "As an athlete, I’ve seen how access to theright resources can make all thedifference," said Stevens. "Partnering withMela Vitamins allows me to advocate forBlack women and ensure they have theresources needed to thrive."By Staff WriterCEO Ashley Harmon, who founded Melaafter her own battle with vitamin Ddeficiency, highlighted the significance ofthis mission, stating, "This partnership isabout creating meaningful solutions toempower women of color to take controlof their health."Mela Vitamins aims to transform thewellness industry by addressing the uniquenutritional needs of women of color. Itsflagship product, Daily Essentials,combines essential nutrients, probiotics,and adaptogens to support holistic health.Beyond products, Mela’s commitmentextends to advancing health equity andaccessibility.With Stevens and Evans as passionateadvocates, this partnership is set to sparka movement that prioritizes inclusivewellness, equity, and communityempowerment.For more information, or follow@melavitamins on Instagram.Founder and CEO Ashley Harmon (left) and Azurá Stevens (right) Photo: High, Wide & HandsomeAdditionally, they help build trust in the healthcaresystem by understanding and addressing the historicaland cultural factors that have contributed toskepticism and disparities in care.Efforts to increase the number of Black doctorsinclude pipeline programs, scholarships, andmentorship initiatives aimed at supportingunderrepresented students throughout their medicaljourneys. Medical schools and institutions are alsobeing encouraged to diversify admissions and providemore equitable opportunities to students frommarginalized backgrounds.Addressing this issue is not only a moral imperativebut also a critical step toward improving public healthoutcomes. Expanding representation in medicineensures that healthcare becomes more inclusive,equitable, and responsive to the needs of allcommunities. By prioritizing diversity in the field, theU.S. can make strides toward closing the health gapand fostering a system where everyone has access tocompassionate, competent care.

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Founded in Stevensville, Maryland,BlacknificentAF is a Black-owned fashion andlifestyle brand dedicated to celebrating AfricanAmerican heritage and empoweringcommunities. The company, led by foundersJoshua Timms and Rodriquez McGruder,combines high-quality design with culturalpride to create products that inspire inclusivityand amplify Black voices worldwide.BlacknificentAF’s mission transcends fashion,offering a platform that honors Black ancestry,fosters creativity, and cultivates resilience.With collections tailored to reflectindividuality and heritage, the brand strives toconnect with its audience on a deeper level. AsCEO Joshua Timms explains,“BlacknificentAF is more than a brand—it’s amovement.”Beyond apparel, the company is committed topromoting cultural pride and connectionthrough its work. By integrating representationand inclusivity into its core values,BlacknificentAF aims to unite communitieswhile showcasing Black excellence on a globalscale.Looking ahead, the brand plans to expand itsofferings with curated collections for all agesand occasions. BlacknificentAF also envisionshosting community events to strengthenrelationships, promote collaboration, andencourage cultural appreciation. These effortsreflect the brand’s dedication to uplifting theBlack community and creating a space wherepride and creativity thrive.Co-founder Rodriquez McGruder shares, “Weaim to provide more than fashion; we offer aplatform where pride, strength, and creativityconverge, uplifting Black voices through everystitch and thread.”With its unwavering focus on empowerment,BlacknificentAF continues to establish itself asa leader in culturally inspired fashion. Thecompany’s commitment to authenticity,quality, and representation is evident in everyproduct, making it a trusted destination forindividuals seeking to express their culturalpride.To explore their collection or learn more aboutBlacknificentAF, visit their website orLinktree. This inspiring brand not onlycelebrates heritage but also fosters a globalconversation about the beauty of culturaldiversity.BEAUTY & STYLE TRENDS17 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comUTS SHOP BLACK: PRODUCT SPOTLIGHTBlacknificentAF: Celebrating Black Excellence Through Fashionand LifestyleBy Sharon S. GordonLe'Noir Skincare: Revolutionizing Clean Beauty withVegan, Cruelty-Free SolutionsFounded in 2023 by Master Cosmetologist Rebecca Davis,Le'Noir Skincare has become a trusted name in cleanbeauty, offering vegan and cruelty-free products designedto brighten, hydrate, and refresh. With an emphasis onnatural ingredients, the brand’s essentials are tailored totransform daily skincare routines into self-care rituals.Among its top-selling products are the Exfoliating FacialScrub, featuring Organic Brown Sugar Cane andHawaiian Lava Sea Salt for radiant skin, the antioxidant-rich Serum C to brighten and smooth, and the Vitamin CCleanser, which deeply cleanses without stripping naturaloils.Le'Noir Skincare is committed to promoting skin healthand sustainability, catering to all skin types whilecelebrating diversity. Its carefully curated Essential andLuxury Collections prioritize quality and results. Davis, apassionate advocate for enhancing natural beauty,highlights the brand’s mission: “To help people put theirbest skin forward with products that are kind to both skinand planet.”Available on, Amazon, and TikTok,Le'Noir Skincare continues to empower its customers withhigh-performing, eco-conscious skincare solutions.Le'Noir Skincare: Revolutionizing CleanBeauty with Vegan, Cruelty-Free SolutionsRebecca Davis, CEO of Le'Noir SkincareBlacknificentAF is a Black-owned fashion and lifestyle branddedicated to celebrating African American heritag

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MONEY & WEALTHTax Tips for New Business OwnersUrban Trendsetters Money & Wealth contributorCarla Gwinn is an entrepreneur and owner of aLiberty Tax Franchise located in Columbus, Ohio.In addition, Carla is the president of the GreaterLinden Business Association.For more information visit/ a new business is exciting, butit also comes with tax responsibilitiesthat can feel overwhelming. Here aresome tips to help new business ownersnavigate taxes effectively:Choose the Right Business StructureDecide if you'll operate as a soleproprietor, LLC, corporation, orpartnership. Each has different taximplications.Register for an EINObtain an Employer IdentificationNumber (EIN) from the IRS for taxreporting purposes, even if you don’thave employees.Understand Your Tax ObligationsLearn the taxes you’re responsible for,including income tax, self-employmenttax, payroll tax (if you haveemployees), and sales tax.Separate Personal and BusinessFinancesOpen a dedicated business bankaccount and keep all transactionsseparate to simplify bookkeeping andtax filing.Keep Accurate RecordsMaintain organized records of income,expenses, invoices, and receipts. Useaccounting software or hire abookkeeper.Carla Gwinn. EAcarla@libertytax.comor call 614-918-4231.By Carla Gwinn, EA18 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comTrack DeductionsBe aware of tax deductions, such ashome office expenses, mileage,equipment, and business meals. Ensureyou keep detailed documentation.Pay Estimated TaxesIf you're self-employed, makequarterly estimated tax payments toavoid penalties.Consult a Tax ProfessionalWork with an accountant or taxadvisor who specializes in smallbusinesses to ensure compliance andtake advantage of all availabledeductions. Plan for Payroll TaxesIf you hire employees, understandpayroll tax requirements, includingSocial Security, Medicare, andunemployment taxes.Stay Updated on Tax LawsTax regulations change frequently.Stay informed or rely on a professionalto keep you compliant.By being proactive and organized, youcan minimize stress and focus ongrowing your business. Investing inprofessional guidance early on cansave you time and money in the longrun.

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HILLIARD, Ohio -The ADS Foundationtoday announced a $5 million depositinto Adelphi Bank, a Black-ownedfinancial institution with a deepcommitment to serving the community.The ADS Foundation is fundedprimarily by Advanced DrainageSystems, Inc. (NYSE: WMS), a leadingprovider of innovative watermanagement solutions in thestormwater and onsite septicwastewater industries and one of thelargest plastic recyclers in NorthAmerica.From its location in the King-LincolnBronzeville community to the root of itsname, their focus is to uplift centralOhio’s communities of color throughaccess. The African Americancommunity in Columbus has a richhistory in faith, the arts, sports, andpolitics, yet many may be unaware ofthe community's history in finance.This partnership aligns with the ADSFoundation’s mission to create resilientcommunities with equitable access toBUSINESS TRENDSBy Business WireThe ADS Foundation Deposits $5 Million into Adelphi Bank 19 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comBrand VideoEmail MarketingClient Testimonial Create a video for yourbrand to BAM! yourbusiness, products orservices.Create stunning videos toboring text emails. Addingvideo to your campaigns andincrease engagement.Nothing helps you gain newclients like a satisfied currentclient. Send video testimonyrequests .REGISTER FOR YOUR FREE ACCOUNT TODAY!GET THE PAY AS YOU GO OR VIDEOS UNLIMITED MONTHLY PLAN - $49 PER MO.!Case StudiesFixing problems are what youdo best! Let your clients tellothers how you saved themtime, money and m ore!WWW.BESTBAMVIDEOS.COMVideo MessagesEngage your customers withVideo Messages. Create avideo message and paste aunique URL and Animated image anywhere.“At ADS, we believe that investing in the communities we serve iskey to our mission of sustainability and empowerment”Adelphi Bank and ADS executives gather to celebrate ADS Foundation $5M donation tothe bank. From left to right: Kevin Talley, EVP and Chief Administrative Officer at ADSand President of the ADS Foundation; Margaret Finley, Head of Culture & Engagementand Corporate Affairs at ADS; Jordan Miller, co-founder and CEO of Adelphi Bank; KevinBoyce, co-founder and Vice Chair of Adelphi Bank; Scott Barbour, President and CEO atADS. (Photo: Business Wire)innovative and impactful programs thatsupport recycling, education, mentalhealth, housing, and water.“At ADS, we believe that investing in thecommunities we serve is key to ourmission of sustainability andempowerment,” said Kevin Talley,President of the ADS Foundation. “Ourcollaboration with Adelphi Bank is anextension of our dedication tosupporting local businesses, creatingjobs, and fostering economic equality.”Adelphi Bank shares in this mission andis dedicated to reinvesting these fundsback into the community through loans,financial services, and support for smallbusinesses, with a particular focus onthose that are minority- and women-owned.Together, the ADS Foundation andAdelphi Bank are proud to make alasting, positive impact and to drivemeaningful change in the communitieswe are part of.For more information visit

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By STAFF WRITERIn celebration of Martin Luther KingJr. Day 2025, OneUnited Bank, thenation's largest Black-owned bank, haslaunched a new initiative to supportfirst-time homebuyers. The bank isparticipating in the Lift UpHomeownership Program, a downpayment assistance program offered bythe Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)of Boston. The program offers grantsof up to $50,000 on a first-come, first-serve basis, designed to assist buyerswith down payments and closing costs.This new initiative seeks to address thefinancial barriers many Americans facewhen trying to purchase a home,particularly communities of color, whohistorically encounter obstacles inhomeownership. By participating inthe Lift Up Homeownership Program,OneUnited Bank aims to providecrucial support to individuals incommunities that have long beendisadvantaged in the housing market. The program is open to Black,American Indian/Alaska Native,Hispanic, Asian, and NativeHawaiian/Pacific Islander individuals,with a focus on those who meetspecific income and educationalrequirements.OneUnited Bank Launches First-Time Homebuyer Program in Celebration ofMLK Jr. Day 2025REAL ESTATE TRENDS20 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comTo qualify, applicants must meetincome guidelines (no more than 120%of area median income), complete aHUD-approved homebuyer educationcourse, and contribute at least $1,000toward the purchase. OneUnited Bankwill also offer an additional $1,500 tocover appraisal, credit report, andother lender fees.This move underscores OneUnited’songoing commitment to bridging thewealth gap, particularly throughhomeownership—a proven means ofbuilding generational wealth. TeriWilliams, President & COO ofOneUnited Bank, emphasized therising cost of homes and theimportance of these assistanceprograms in making homeownershipaccessible.The Lift Up Homeownership Programis set to begin on April 1, 2025, andOneUnited encourages all eligiblebuyers in Boston, Los Angeles, Miami,and surrounding areas to apply. Formore details on eligibility andregistration, visit OneUnited's website.NAREB Study Reveals Devastating Impact of Heirs’ Property on Black Families and WealthBy STAFF WRITERThe National Association of Real EstateBrokers (NAREB) recently released agroundbreaking study shedding light on thesignificant economic and cultural lossessuffered by Black families due to heirs'property issues. The report, titled "Heirs’Property in the United States: Its DestabilizingStructure and Contribution to Black Propertyand Wealth Erosion," delves into howdiscriminatory policies and practices have ledto the forfeiture of valuable land, particularlyfarmland once owned by Black families in theyears following emancipation.The study, conducted by experts James Carrand Michela Zonta, reveals that the loss ofBlack-owned land has been a long-standingissue, with roots tracing back to the post-CivilWar era. In its findings, NAREB highlights thedisproportionate loss of land among Blackfamilies—land that, historically, was a vitalsource of economic empowerment and culturalidentity. The majority of this land was farmland, and its loss has had far-reachingconsequences for Black wealth accumulationand generational stability.One of the key issues highlighted in the study isthe concept of heirs' property, where land ispassed down through generations withoutclear legal titles. In these cases, multiple familymembers may own fractional shares of theproperty, leaving it vulnerable to legaldisputes, forced sales, or exploitation byoutside parties, including developers. Theresult has been the loss of significant amountsof Black-owned land, particularly in the South,where much of the farmland was originallyacquired by newly freed Black families in thelate 19th century.Dr. Courtney Johnson Rose, NAREB’sPresident, emphasizes that discriminatorypublic policies have played a major role infacilitating the illegal acquisition of Black-owned land. These policies, compounded bylimited access to legal resources and systemic racism, have stripped Black families of millionsof acres of land. "As this study demonstrates,public policies have aided in the unscrupulousand predatory acquisition of land owned byBlack families, creating a long history of landtheft from the Black community," says Dr.Rose.The study points to examples such as KiawahIsland in South Carolina, once home to asignificant Black community, but now a luxuryresort area. This case serves as one ofthousands where Black families have lost landto White owners, often absorbed into largerestates that attract wealthy investors anddevelopers. The loss of such property isparticularly devastating when considering thatthese lands were vital sources of livelihood,economic mobility, and community stability.The study further underscores that Blackfamilies owned millions of acres of farmland acentury ago but now hold significantly less. Continued on Page 25LISTEN LIVE NOW

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WebsitesEmail MarketingSocial MediaCoursesFormsMobile TextUNLIMITED$297 Per Monthwww.bam24-7.comUpgrade Your Reading Experience! Subscribe to Urban Trendsetters News Magazine Just 24 Issues for only $35.00/Year Receive Your Print Copy Delivered to Your Doorstep!I want my subscriptionUTS SHOP BLACK TV & MARKETPLACE *INTERVIEWS ON SET, ON LOCATION, & VIRTUAL SELL YOUR PRODUCTS *SUPPORT BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES *BUSINESS RESOURCES, TOOLS & TIPSBE ON TV! A VENDORADVERTISE22 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 •

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TRENDY PALATEChef Cobre' Gordon is a Chefand Professional Caterer inaddition to Food Editor forUrban Trendsetters Media. By Chef Cobre’Tips for Picking the Right Caterer for Your 2025 EventSelecting the perfect caterer canmake or break your event. Whetherit’s a wedding, corporate gathering,or birthday celebration, the foodand service are critical to creating amemorable experience. Here aretips to help you pick the rightcaterer for your 2025 event:1. Define Your Needs:Start by identifying your event type,guest count, and budget. Considerdietary restrictions, theme, and mealpreferences, such as plated dinners,buffets, or passed hors d'oeuvres.2. Research and Referrals:Ask friends or colleagues forrecommendations, or read onlinereviews. Focus on caterers with astrong reputation for quality,reliability, and professionalism.3. Menu Customization:Ensure the caterer offerscustomizable menus to align withyour event’s theme or culturalpreferences. A good caterer isflexible and willing to accommodatespecial requests.By W. Cobre’ Gordon23 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.com4. Tastings Are Key:Request a tasting before finalizingyour choice. This allows you toassess the presentation, flavor, andfreshness of the food.5. Consider Experience:Choose a caterer with experience inhandling events similar to yours. Forinstance, a wedding requiresdifferent expertise than a corporateevent.6. Verify Licenses and Insurance:Make sure the caterer is licensed andfollows food safety regulations.Insurance coverage is also importantfor liability purposes.7. Check Service Options:Inquire about their staff’sprofessionalism, setup, and cleanupprocesses. Exceptional service is justas important as great food.8. Understand Costs:Request a detailed quote, includingfees for food, staffing, equipment,and extras. Transparency preventsunexpected surprises.9. Communication is Key:Choose a caterer whocommunicates effectively andresponds promptly to yourquestions. Good communicationensures smooth planning.By following these tips, you canconfidently select a caterer whowill deliver delicious food andseamless service, ensuring your2025 event is unforgettable.Ask A Chef

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arts and entertainmentThe NAACP has unveiled the nomineesfor the prestigious 56th NAACP ImageAwards, set to air live on Saturday,February 22, 2025, at 8 PM ET/PT onBET and CBS. Hosted at the PasadenaCivic Auditorium, this year’s eventcelebrates the theme, “Our Stories, OurCulture, Our Excellence.”Top contenders include Cynthia Erivo,Keke Palmer, Kendrick Lamar, KevinHart, and Shannon Sharpe, all vying forthe coveted Entertainer of the Year title.Standout works such as The Piano Lesson(14 nominations), The Book of Clarence(6 nominations), and Fight Night: TheMillion Dollar Heist (9 nominations) leadin film and television categories, whileNetflix dominates with 64 nominations.Musical artist GloRilla shines with sixnominations, while Keke Palmer alsomakes waves across multiple categories,including for her podcast Baby, This isKeke Palmer.NAACP Announces Nominees for the 56th NAACP Image Awards25 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comBY UTS STAFF WRITERPenguin Random House leads inliterary nominations, and RCARecords boasts the most nods inthe music recording categories.NAACP President DerrickJohnson stated, “We celebrate thebrilliance of Black creatives whosestories shape culture and ignitechange.” Scott Mills, CEO of BETMedia Group, emphasized theawards’ significance in showcasingthe impact of Black excellenceacross industries.Public voting for select categories isopen at naacpimageawards.netuntil February 7, 2025. Winnerswill be revealed during the livetelecast, with additional honorspresented during the CreativeHonors Ceremony on February 21.American Black Film Festival Honors Announces 2025 Honorees7th Annual ABFF Honors RecognizesBlack Excellence in Film and TelevisionThe 2025 American Black Film Festival(ABFF) Honors will spotlight theaccomplishments of Black creatives in filmand television at its seventh annual awardsceremony on Monday, February 17.Presented by NICE CROWD, the intimate,non-televised dinner will be held at the SLSHotel in Beverly Hills, California, withactress and comedian Zainab Johnsonhosting the evening.This year’s honorees include:Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (Excellence in theArts Award – Female): An Oscar-nominated actress acclaimed for herrole in King Richard, Ellis-Taylor willsoon star in Nickel Boys and has beencelebrated for her work in LovecraftCountry and If Beale Street Could Talk. ABFF Honors Celebrates Legendary Performers AunjanueEllis-Taylor, Giancarlo Esposito and Keke PalmerThe Piano receives 14 nominations for the prestigious NAACPImage Awards.Giancarlo Esposito (Excellence in theArts Award – Male): Known for hisiconic portrayal of Gus Fring inBreaking Bad and Better Call Saul,Esposito has an extensive filmography,including Do the Right Thing and TheMandalorian. He continues to inspirewith his versatile performances.Keke Palmer (Renaissance Award): Amultitalented Emmy-winning actress,producer, author, and advocate,Palmer’s career spans from Akeelah andthe Bee to the hit film Nope. She alsoleads efforts in championing diversecreators through her ventures likeKeyTV.NICE CROWD CEO Jeff Fridayhighlighted the honorees’ groundbreakingcontributions, stating, “It’s a privilege tohonor their extraordinary achievements thathave shaped our cultural landscape.” The ABFF Honors, established in 2016, celebrates Black artists’contributions to entertainment and advocates for diversity inHollywood. It is an extension of the American Black Film Festival,which has amplified Black storytelling since 1997.For more information, visit or follow ABFF on socialmedia.BY UTS STAFF WRITER

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NAREB Continued from Page 21arts and entertainmentBY UTS STAFF WRITERThe 2025 Black Romance Book Fest(BRBF) is set to captivate readers,authors, and literary enthusiasts fromMay 30 to June 1, 2025, in Atlanta,GA. This transformative event willbring together over 1,800 attendeesand more than 125 authors, making ita monumental celebration of Blackstorytelling in romance literature.Featured authors include literary iconssuch as Beverly Jenkins, KennedyRyan, Jasmine Guillory, and TiaWilliams, among others, showcasingthe vast talent and creativity within theBlack literary community. Throughpanels, workshops, book signings, andengaging activities, BRBF promises animmersive experience celebrating love,culture, and creativity.Black Romance Book Fest 2025 to Celebrate Black Voices in LiteratureSince its announcement in May 2024,BRBF has grown from a grassrootsinitiative into a vibrant movement,gaining momentum through platformslike Instagram (Bookstagram) andcreating excitement among readers.“The Black Romance Book Fest ismore than just a festival—it’s atestament to what can beaccomplished when a communitycomes together with purpose andpassion,” said event organizer andauthor Lauren Lacey.In addition to celebratingliterature, BRBF is committed tofostering future generations ofBlack creatives. The festival willaward scholarships to fourstudents attending HistoricallyBlack Colleges and Universities(HBCUs), reflecting itsdedication to communityinvestment and equity.BRBF’s growth highlights thepower of grassroots movementsand community-driven advocacyin transforming the literarylandscape. For more information about the2025 Black Romance Book Festor sponsorship opportunities, orfollow the festival on Instagramat @BlackRomanceBookFest.Don’t miss this extraordinarycelebration of Black voices inromance!One of the central missions of BRBF isto uplift Black authors whose workoften faces systemic marginalization.By providing a platform for thesestorytellers, the festival amplifies theirvoices and connects them with anaudience eager to celebrate and supporttheir contributions.The erosion of this wealth hascontributed to the widening racialwealth gap, alongside otherdiscriminatory policies like redliningand biased housing practices.Furthermore, the lack of proper estateplanning and legal documentation hascontinued to leave heirs' propertyvulnerable, making it difficult forfuture generations to preserve andbenefit from the land.NAREB’s report calls for urgentreforms to address these inequities. NAREB’s study sheds light on theurgency of addressing these issuesand ensuring equitable opportunitiesfor future generations.The report underscores theimportance of both legal andgrassroots efforts to preserve Blackland ownership, protect generationalwealth, and honor the legacies ofthose who struggled to acquire andmaintain this property. Byhighlighting the devastating effects ofheirs’ property issues, NAREB hopesto catalyze meaningful change andprovide Black families with the toolsto secure their land and financialfuture.Dr. Rose advocates for acomprehensive approach to protectBlack landowners and help reclaimlost property. NAREB supportslegislation like the Uniform Partitionof Heirs Property Act, theEmpowerment and InheritanceRights (HEIR) Act, and other legalmeasures designed to safeguard landownership for Black families.In addition to policy changes,NAREB has partnered with theNational Bar Association (NBA) tohelp Black families navigate heirs'property issues. Through initiativeslike the Black Wealth Tour andworkshops such as "What to Do withBig Mama’s House," NAREB aimsto raise awareness and provideresources for families facing thethreat of losing their property.The ongoing loss of heirs’ propertycontinues to undermine the economicpotential of Black communities,eroding not only individual wealthbut also collective prosperity.26 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 •

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TRAVEL TRENDSOn March 22, 2025, The Children’s Museumof Indianapolis will unveil Ruth E. Carter:Afrofuturism in Costume Design as part ofits Centennial celebration. Thisgroundbreaking exhibit will feature morethan 60 original costume designs by Carter,the trailblazing, two-time Academy Award-winning costume designer known for herwork in Black Panther, Selma, Roots, andmore.The exhibit delves into Carter’s 40-yearcareer and highlights her contribution toAfrofuturism—a cultural movement thatblends African heritage with science fiction,technology, and speculative storytelling.Carter defines Afrofuturism as a celebrationof African traditions and a reimagining ofBlack futures, emphasizing empowerment,innovation, and reclamation of agency.Through costumes that seamlessly blendtraditional African elements with futuristicdesigns, Carter has redefined storytelling onscreen and elevated representation in cinema.Jennifer Pace Robinson, president and CEOof The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis,expressed her excitement about the exhibit.“Carter’s celebrated storytelling throughcostume design takes us on a transformativejourney through the narratives of our past,present, and future, inspiring young minds,igniting creativity, and shaping imaginationsin ways that profoundly influence lifetrajectories.”BLACK MUSEUM SPOTLIGHT For tour details Children’s Museum of Indianapolis will unveil Ruth E. Carter: Afrofuturism in Costume Design Celebrating Afrofuturism: Ruth E. Carter Exhibit Opensat The Children’s Museum of IndianapolisMADAM C.J. WALKER MUSEUM27 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comHighlights of the exhibit include rare hand-drawn sketches of iconic characters, Carter’schildhood sewing machine, and insight intoher creative process. Visitors will learn howCarter’s meticulous attention to detail hasshaped unforgettable characters incollaboration with legendary filmmakerssuch as Ryan Coogler, Spike Lee, and AvaDuVernay. The exhibit provides a windowinto the cultural and historical significance ofher work, including the groundbreakingdesigns for Black Panther, which madeCarter the first Black person to win anAcademy Award for Best Costume Design.She continued this historic streak with BlackPanther: Wakanda Forever, becoming thefirst Black woman to win multiple Oscars inany category.The museum collaborated with Indianapolis-based organizations such as GANGGANGand the Madam Walker Legacy Center toshowcase the city’s vibrant arts and culturescene. GANGGANG, known for theBUTTER Fine Art Fair, and the MadamWalker Legacy Center have beeninstrumental in celebrating Black artists andconnecting communities to culturalinnovation. The exhibit aligns with the city’srobust lineup of 2025 arts and cultureinitiatives, further cementing Indianapolis asa hub for creativity and diversity.The Children’s Museum’s partnership withorganizations like Riley Children’s Health, BY UTS STAFF WRITER Old National Bank, and Ice Miller LLPensures the success of this monumentalexhibit. It also offers young audiences anopportunity to engage with Afrofuturismthrough Carter’s designs, inspiring futuregenerations to dream big and imagine newpossibilities.Ruth E. Carter’s illustrious career spansmore than 70 credits in film, television, andtheater, with her designs reflecting acommitment to honoring Black history whilereimagining its narratives. This exhibit,along with her recently published book, TheArt of Ruth E. Carter, solidifies her legacy asa visionary artist whose work continues toinspire.For more information, visit The Children’sMuseum of Indianapolis and follow@childrensmuseum on social media.The Madam Walker Legacy Center, built in1927, honors the legacy of Madam C.J.Walker, America’s first self-made femalemillionaire. Initially designed as a hub forher hair care products, it became atrailblazing multipurpose facility with adrugstore, salon, school, restaurant, offices,ballroom, and a 1,500-seat theater. Locatedin Indianapolis, the center celebratesWalker’s entrepreneurial success andtransformative impact on the beautyindustry, preserving her story as a pioneerand cultural icon. The historic WalkerTheatre remains a key part of this inspiringlandmark.The Madam Walker Legacy Center617 Indiana AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46202(317) 236-2099

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SPORTS TRENDSBlack College Football Hall of Fame Honors Class of 2025 InducteesBY UTS STAFF WRITER28 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comDawn Staley Makes History as Highest-PaidBlack Female Basketball CoachDawn Staley, a trailblazer inwomen’s college basketball, hassigned a monumental 7-year, $22.4million contract, making her thehighest-paid Black head coach inwomen’s college basketball. As headcoach of the South CarolinaGamecocks since 2008, Staley hastransformed the program into apowerhouse, leading them tomultiple Final Four appearancesand securing a nationalchampionship in 2017.This groundbreaking deal includes abase salary of $1 million annually,with outside compensation startingat $1.9 million in the first year,increasing by $100,000 yearly. Staley joins the ranks of the highest-paid women’s basketball coaches,alongside Geno Auriemma of UConn.Staley views this achievement as morethan personal success—it’s abenchmark for greater investment inwomen’s basketball programsnationwide. “This contract representsthe University’s commitment... andserves as an example for otheruniversities,” she shared.Beyond her collegiate career, Staleyalso led the U.S. Women’s NationalTeam to Olympic gold in 2021, furthersolidifying her legacy. South CarolinaAthletics Director Ray Tanner praisedher exceptional leadership, stating,“She has built our women’s basketballprogram from the ground up.”Staley’s historic contract not onlyhonors her accomplishments but alsopaves the way for equitable investmentin women’s sports. It’s a significantstep forward for both women’sbasketball and representation in sportsleadership.BY UTS STAFF WRITERDawn Staley, Head Coach of theSouth Carolina GamecocksThe Black College Football Hall ofFame (BCFHOF) has announcedits Class of 2025, recognizing sixtrailblazing players and a coachinglegend for their contributions tofootball at Historically BlackColleges and Universities(HBCUs). Selected from acompetitive list of finalists, theseinductees embody the rich legacy ofHBCU athletics. “This contract represents the University’scommitment... and serves as an example forother universities,”About the BCFHOF and Legacy BowlFounded in 2009 by James Harris and Doug Williams, the Black CollegeFootball Hall of Fame preserves and promotes the achievements of players,coaches, and contributors from HBCUs. The Legacy Bowl, a postseason all-stargame, highlights top HBCU players and showcases Black culture and history.Visit Black College Football Hall of Fame for more details. Recognition and EventsThe inductees will be formallyhonored at the 16th Annual BlackCollege Football Hall of FameInduction Ceremony, presented bythe Atlanta Falcons, on June 7,2025, in Atlanta, GA. They willalso be celebrated during halftimeat the Allstate HBCU LegacyBowl on February 22, 2025, atYulman Stadium in New Orleans,LA, broadcast live on NFLNetwork. List of Honorees Continued on Page 29

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Copyright-Urban Trendsetters News Magazine is published and distributed bi-weekly by Myshbre’ Media and Communications, LLC DBA Urban Trendsetter Television and Media. Our offices are located at 1890 East Main Street, Suite 201 Columbus, OH 43205.Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at any time. Publisher will not be responsible for checking the accuracy of items submitted-ted for publication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy. Allcontents of this publication are copy written 2023-2030 by Myshbre’ Media and Communications. BillboardsPodcastingVideo MarketingMobile GeofencingTargeted Email Website DesignPaid SocialCreative Services TVContestingSEM/SEOStreet TeamUTS RadioTargeted DisplayOur new online radio station is aGumbo of music from and for the soulmixed with news, information, and talk. Indoor and OutdoorBillboards in every majormarket.UTS UnPlugged on iHeart Radio. Advertise on1000 of podicasts.Create a video marketing strategyutilizing video testimonials, surveys,emails, promo videos, and more.Website Development, Design, &Audit and Other Services AvailableSEM Campaigns includingSearch-Based Display/ SearchEngine Optimization help AD placement on websites and apps whileusers surf the web.Acquisition & Targeted EmailCampaigns with Audience,Behavioral & Geo-targetingLocation-Based Targeting, ReachConsumers Based on Where TheyAre & Where They Have Been Distribute your collateral. atlocation drops, events, anddoor to door.Copywriting, Video and AudioPublishing, Recording &Production, Graphic Design Watch & Win, Sweepstakes, Social ContestBroadcast, OTT, (Over-the-Top) CTV (Connected TV),Pre/Post Roll VideoPaid Social campaignmanagement on Facebook,Instagram, Tiktok, and LinkedinYOUR REACH AND OUR CAPABILITIES AT-A-GLANCENews Magazine UTS News Magazine is publishedbi-weekly in print and digitally. MonetizationLanding Pages, Courses,Membership and Affiliate MarketingWorkshop & Sponsor Guide DesignProductionVideo and Audio productionincluding images and voiceovers.THE AGENCY - MEDIA BUYING AND PLACEMENTAs a media owner and buyer we have formed strategic relationships with networks, broadcast channels, radio stations,publications and other media partners throughout the world. We can create a comprehensive outreach strategy and negotiate the placement of your content on your behalf .EventsAlign your brand locally,regionally, and nationally. W: AGENCY.URBANTRENDSETTERS.COM E: P: 614-714-340429 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comSPORTS TRENDSThe Black Student-Athlete Summit(BSAS), an influential event dedicatedto the empowerment of Black student-athletes, is set to celebrate its 10thanniversary in a big way. Thismilestone event will take place fromMay 21-24, 2025, in Chicago, markingthe first time the summit will be held inthe city. With a projected 1,700attendees, the summit promises to bean unparalleled gathering of student-athletes, industry leaders, anduniversity professionals.Founded in 2015 by Dr. Leonard N.Moore, a distinguished professor at theUniversity of Texas, BSAS has growninto the premier conference designed toprovide personal and professionaldevelopment resources to Blackstudent-athletes. Throughout itshistory, the summit has emphasized theimportance of preparing these athletesfor life after their sports careers,focusing on critical areas such asacademic excellence, mental health,professional development, andfinancial literacy.This year’s summit will be held at theexpansive McCormick PlaceConvention Center, the largest venueto date for the event, reflecting its ever-growing reach and impact. Theconference will feature a variety ofprogramming, including careerdevelopment workshops, financialliteracy sessions, and wellnessprogramming designed to support theholistic development of attendees. Astandout event, Pro Day, will provide abridge between collegiate athletes andprofessional success, offeringmentorship and advice from successfulBlack professionals in various fieldssuch as technology, healthcare,entrepreneurship, marketing, and realestate.BSAS has been a significant force increating a supportive community forBlack student-athletes. The conferencehas welcomed notable figures such asBaron Davis, Jemele Hill, Matt Barnes,and Rich Paul, offering attendeesopportunities to learn from andnetwork with industry leaders. 10th Annual Black Student-Athlete Summit Heads to Chicago for Its Milestone YearBY UTS STAFF WRITERThis year’s event is expected to be evenmore impactful, with continuedpartnership from Playfly Sports, whichhas supported the summit for the pastfour years.“We’re excited to see what the 10thanniversary brings,” said JillianForbes, Director of Client Strategy andPartnerships at Playfly Sports. “Thesummit has continued to grow, and itsmission of supporting Black student-athletes is something we are proud tobe a part of.”The Black Student-Athlete Summitcontinues to be an essential platformfor developing the future leaders oftomorrow, helping student-athletestransition from collegiate life tosuccessful careers while providing theresources and support they need tothrive. Registration for the 2025 eventis now open, and interestedparticipants can learn more at theofficial BSAS website.For more information,

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AUTO TRENDSUrban Trendsetters is proud tocelebrate the achievements of RandyParker, a trailblazer in the automotiveindustry. Effective January 1, 2025,Parker assumed the role of CEO forHyundai and Genesis Motor NorthAmerica, overseeing operations in theU.S., Canada, and Mexico. This marksanother historic milestone for Parker,who became the first AfricanAmerican CEO of a major OEMregional market in 2022 when he wasappointed CEO of Hyundai MotorAmerica.Parker's leadership has drivenremarkable success at Hyundai, withrecord-breaking sales andunprecedented growth. Joining thecompany in 2019, he steadily rosethrough the ranks, showcasing hisability to transform performance andbuild strong relationships with dealerpartners and customers. Under hisguidance, Hyundai achieved threeconsecutive years of record-settingretail sales, establishing itself as one ofthe fastest-growing automotive brandsin the U.S.In his new role, Parker emphasizesinnovation and customer experience,saying, "We have a clear vision todeliver outstanding products andelevate the customer experience whileadapting to market dynamics." Hisleadership extends to overseeingHyundai's manufacturing facilities inAlabama and Georgia, furthersolidifying North America's RANDY PARKER: LEADING HYUNDAI AND GENESIS NORTH AMERICA INTOTHE FUTURE30 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 • www.urbantrendsetters.comBy Sharon S. Gordonimportance in Hyundai's globalstrategy.With over 30 years of experience,including key leadership roles atGM, GMAC, Nissan, and Infiniti,Parker's career is a testament to hisexpertise and vision. Recognized asan industry leader, he has receivedaccolades such as AutomotiveNews All-Star, Automotive Hall ofFame Influencer, and AutomotiveNews Champion of Diversity.Randy Parker’s journey reflects the Randy Parker, New CEO of Hyundai and Genesis North America growing diversity and excellence inleadership, inspiring the nextgeneration of automotiveinnovators. His vision for Hyundaiand Genesis ensures continuedgrowth, innovation, andempowerment in the automotiveindustry. Urban Trendsettersproudly applauds Randy Parker’sachievements and his commitmentto breaking barriers in businessleadership.The HBCU Football Hall of FameHonorees:Henry Dyer (Grambling StateUniversity): The first 1,000-yard rusher in Grambling'shistory.Rashean Mathis (Bethune-Cookman University): Adominant defensive back,Mathis set FCS records forinterceptions (31) andinterception return yards(682). Jacquay Nunnally (FloridaA&M University): Knownfor his receiving prowess,Nunnally ranks second all-time in NCAA Division IFCS history with 317receptions for 4,239 yardsand 38 touchdowns. Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie (Tennessee StateUniversity): A shutdowncornerback, Rodgers-Cromartie allowed opponentsto complete only 34.16% ofpasses against him during hiscollegiate career. Jay “Sky” Walker (HowardUniversity): Walker ledHoward University to anundefeated season in 1993,earning MEAC OffensivePlayer of the Year honors. Coach Fred “Pop” Long(Wiley College): A legendarycoach, Long led WileyCollege to 10 SWACchampionships and threeBlack College FootballNational Championships inhis 35 seasons. His 224 careerwins included stints at PaulQuinn College, Prairie ViewA&M, and Texas College.Honorees Continued From Page 29

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2025 EDITORIALCALENDAR833-373-4UTS (4887)ADVERTISEwww.URBANTRENDSETTERS.comsales@urbantrendsetters.comUTS News Magazine is printed Bi-Weekly on Thursdays on the 1st and the 15th. Insertion deadline Fridays before drop dates.Multiple Issue Discounts AvailableJANUARY 2025Happy New Year Dr. King Holiday Celebration FEBRUARY 2025UTS Anniversary Edition -This is our biggest edition of the year!Black History MonthBlack Brides GuideBlack Future MovementMARCH 2025Women’s History MonthUTS Travel Guide 2025APRIL 2025 Minority Health MonthEaster CelebrationMAY 2025 Mother’s Day / Graduation Season National Small Business MonthSpecial Young & Trendy EditionJUNE 2025Black Music Month Women Wellness Day - UPLIFT Her Special EditionJuneteenth / Father's Day JULY 2025Independence Day Black Family Celebration UTS Annual Summer Sizzler Event GuideAUGUST 2025National Black Business MonthAnnual African American Wellness Walk Special EditionSEPTEMBER - 2025Back to School Black Family CelebrationOCTOBER - 2025Breast Cancer Awareness Domestic Violence Special EditionsChampions of Diversity EditionNational Women in Business Month Special EditionThe Election Guide NOVEMBER - 2025Special Savvy Seniors EditionSalute to VeteransThanksgiving & Shop Black Holiday Gift Guide DECEMBER - 2025Celebrate the Holidays31 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS •JANUARY 2025 •

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