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UTA | Catalogue: Latitudes

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D I G I T A L C A T A L O G U EB O O T H B 6 | 2 0 2 4

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R M B L a t i t u d e s A r t F a i r 2 0 2 4A b o u tA r t i s t sA r t i s t - B u q a q a w u l i T h a m a n i N o b a k a d a A r t i s t - H a n e e m C h r i s t i a nA r t i s t - M b u l e l o L o k o t o A r t w o r k I n d e xC o n t a c t0 30 50 60 71 82 63 53 6

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RMB Latitudes Art Fair returns to Johannesburg, for its second edition.Brought to you by the team behind Latitudes Online, and in partnershipwith Rand Merchant Bank, the fair offers visitors a unique artexperience that brings together the art community from across thecontinent and diaspora.Over the course of the Fair, galleries and artists from across Africashowcase their art throughout Shepstone Gardens, a magnificentthree-acre property, and visitors are invited to discover and exploreall corners of the indoor-outdoor venue, as they wander throughmarble halls, secret gardens and rooftop pavilions, enjoying a diverseprogramme of exhibitions, talks and more.RMB LATITUDESART FAIR202424 - 26 MAY 2024SHEPSTONE GARDEN, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA03

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Founder & DirectorUnder The Aegis ANELISAMANGCU

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Founded in 2020, Under The Aegis is a curatorial and art advisory company that produces exhibitionsand facilitates the relationship between artists, collectors and institutional collections from theAfrican continent and the diaspora. Our programme focuses on the exploration of intersectionalAfrican identity, challenging established paradigms and drawing connections between the historicaland the contemporary. Conceptually linking historical, traditional, modernist, and contemporary artin Africa, while holding space for a polyphony of ideas and positions that expand globally. Under the Aegis, founded in 2020 by curator Anelisa Mangcu, is a pioneering art advisory servicebased in Cape Town, South Africa. Specializing in curatorial services, exhibition production, and artfacilitation, Under the Aegis is dedicated to fostering connections between artists, collectors, andinstitutional collections from across the African continent and the diaspora. Under Mangcu's leadership, Under the Aegis aims to empower artists to realize their full potentialand challenge societal norms through their work. The company's advisory services provide artistswith the support and resources they need to thrive in a competitive industry, while its exhibitionproduction arm creates opportunities for artists to showcase their work on a global stage. With a commitment to amplifying diverse voices and celebrating intersectional African identities,Under the Aegis represents a new era of inclusivity and innovation in the art world. Throughexhibitions like 'BODYLAND: A Site For Contemplation' and the Stellenbosch Outdoor PhotographyExhibition, the company invites audiences to engage with thought-provoking themes and explorenew perspectives on identity and belonging. Driven by a passion for social change and artistic expression, Under the Aegis is more than an artadvisory service—it's a catalyst for transformation within the global art community. As the companycontinues to grow and evolve, its founder, Anelisa Mangcu, remains dedicated to leaving behind alegacy of empowerment and inspiration for generations to come.FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B605

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THE ARTISTSFOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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Buqaqawuli Thamani Nobakada (b. 2000-) is an emerging contemporary mixedmedia artist born in the Western Cape and raised between Philippi township and aremote village in Lady Frere, Eastern Cape called Cumakala. Nobakada was firstintroduced to Fine Art in Johannesburg in the beginning of her adolescence anduses her academic background in architecture to create elaborate paintinginstallations featuring materials that play into themes of black opulence andluxury, namely lace and various gemstones. Her primary medium is acrylic painton hand prepared laced paper, often with the use of custom clay or goldjewellery. This is the medium through which much of the passion in her work isdemonstrated; as she creates a delicate environment designed to affirm thebeauty and gentleness with which she sees herself whilst simultaneously teachingthe world how to see her, and anyone else who sees any part of themselvesreflected back as they engage with the black female protagonists portrayed inNobakada’s domestic moments of exaggerated abundance and intimacy. Nobakada’s work reflects the regal performances of femininity and beauty shefinds herself surrounded by as she navigates tensions between traditional andmodern expressions of beauty in a postcolonial world, and its relationship withthe growing socioeconomic autonomy of women. Her elaborate figurativepaintings of herself and the women around her display women in soft moments ofnon-sexual intimacy, this strategic self-disclosure allows black women to bearwitness their own (and each other’s) “complex personhood” and to their richinteriority. Nobakada is currently completing her Honours degree in Fine Arts at the Universityof the Witwatersrand and is partaking in 2 online shows in the overall LatitudesCurator Lab group exhibition, whilst working towards the RMB Latitudes art fair inMay 2023. Nobakada’s craft extends outside of the fine art discipline and into theworld of fashion through collaborative work with the renowned Levi’s Haus. Shehas exhibited in the “I Am & Nothing Else,” group exhibition with Affinity artgallery in Lagos, Nigeria and in the “Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt”Open City group exhibition by Anelisa Mangcu and Jana Terblanche for FNB ArtJoburg. “Black feminism is distinctive in its commitment to love as a political practice.” - Nash, J: Love in the time of death FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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SOLO EXHIBITIONS2023‘Turbine Art Fair’ (solo presentation), Hyde Park Corner,Johannesburg, South Africa (July)SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2024Investec Cape Town Art Fair, Under The Aegis, Cape Town,South Africa (February) 2023‘Interwoven Identities: Lace, Legacy, and Liberation’ by OriginArt, Keyes Art Mile, Johannesburg, South Africa (November –February 2024)‘Hiatus’ group show, Ebony/Curated, Cape Town, South Africa(September- November)‘All that she carried’, Latitudes Centre for The Arts,Johannesburg, South Africa (August - September)‘After Paradise’, Womxn’s month group exhibition, USURPAGallery, Johannesburg, South Africa (August) ‘INDEX curated by Nkhensani Mkhari’, RMB Latitudes Art Fair(group exhibition), Shepstone Gardens, Johannesburg, SouthAfrica (May)‘An Endless Night’, curated by Anelisa Mangcu, Mount NelsonHotel in partnership with Investec Cape Town Art Fair, SouthAfrica (May-August)‘To Eat Burnt Toast’, curated by Motheo Mamabolo, LatitudesCurator Lab, Johannesburg, South Africa (May)‘Intimate Histories’, curated by Denzel Nyathi, LatitudesCurator Lab, Johannesburg, South Africa (April)2022‘HERstory, an all-women art exhibition’, Cromwell Ngobeni ArtStudio, Johannesburg, South Africa (August)‘Calculus of Joy’, Rare Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa(August)‘I am &…Nothing Else’, Affinity Art Gallery, Victoria IslandLagos, Nigeria (March - April)‘SOMA – Body tolerance and transcendence in the 21stcentury’, curated by Corps Artistik, Paris, France (January)2021'Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt’, curated byAnelisa Mangcu and Jana Terblanche, FNB Art Joburg (OpenCity), Johannesburg, South Africa (October – November)09

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FEATUREDARTWORKSBUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000-)FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )When love visits, 2023, Acrylic Paint on Hand Prepared Lace PaperH160 x W202 x D3.5cmZAR 161,000.00 (INCL VAT)11

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )Where dreamers go to rest II, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand-Prepared Lace PaperH100 x W130 X D3.5cmZAR 65,500.00 (INCL VAT)12

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )MamGcina leading the people (1830), 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand Prepared Lace PaperH130 x W130 x D3.5cmZAR 115,000.00 (INCL VAT)13

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14BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )Olympia (1863) giving herself flowers: A Reverence for self adoration, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand Prepared Lace PaperH130 x W130 x D3.5cmZAR 115,000.00 (INCL VAT)

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )Les Demoiselle De Johannesburg, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand-Prepared Lace PaperH135,5 x W151 x D3.5cmZAR 100,000.00 (INCL VAT)15

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )When women are alone, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand-Prepared Lace PaperH102 x W129 x D6cmZAR 68,000.00 (INCL VAT)16

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADA (2000 - )Where dreamers go to rest I, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand Prepared Lace PaperH151,5 x 92cm x D4cm (stretched not framed)ZAR 52,000.00 (INCL VAT)17

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Haneem Christian (b.1996-) is a visual poet from Cape Town, South Africa.Working through lens-based media, their practice centres and archivesQueer and Pan-African narratives, histories and storytelling – holdingcommunity as sacred, divine and critical to their photographic ethics.Christian has exhibited in notable exhibitions such as International CapeTown Art Fair, 1-54 New York, AKAA, Unseen photo Fair, and Taylor Wessingat the National Portrait Gallery, London. In February 2022, Christian wasannounced as the winner of the Pride Photo Award 2022. Christian iscurrently in residency with Magnum Photos. Christian was awarded theNational Portrait Taylor Wessing Portrait Award 2022. Christian is now strongly committed to creating curricula for students whouse art as a means of education and emancipation. Bubblegum ClubMagazine 2019 states, "Haneem is one of the leading forces of the SouthAfrican future".19FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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RESIDENCIES:PhotoVogue x Voice NFT Residency, 2022Artist residency at Cove Park, Scotland, 2022MENTORSHIP:“Re-presenting the Archive” hosted by Magnum Photos incollaboration with VANSACOLLECTIONS:UCT Works of Art Collection, University of Cape Town, CapeTown, South AfricaUnisa Gallery, Pretoria, South AfricaSELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2023‘Embodying Her’, Muholi Art Institute, Cape Town, South Africa Akaa Photo Fair, Paris, FranceTaylor Wessing Portrait Exhibition, National Portrait Museum,Scotland‘Incantations’, Eclectica Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa2022‘A Point of Departure’, EBONY/CURATED, Cape Town, SouthAfrica Investec Cape Town Art Fair, EBONY/CURATED, Main Booth B3,South Africa‘Pride Photo Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands‘Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize Exhibition’ National PortraitMuseum, London, United Kingdom2021'In Flux’, First Floor Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe‘Unseen’ Photo Fair, Amsterdam, Europe1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair (visual representation)EBONY/CURATED, New York, United States of America2020FNB Art Joburg, EBONY/CURATED, Johannesburg, South Africa‘Feminist Utopia’, curated by Anelisa Mangcu,EBONY/CURATED, Cape Town, South AfricaThe Otolith Group Xenogenesis, The Institute of ContemporaryArt, Richmond, Virginia

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FEATUREDARTWORKSHANEEM CHRISTIAN (1996-)21FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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HANEEM CHRISTIAN (1996 - )The Lover I, 2022, Medium Format Photography True Rag Archival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cmZAR 25,300.00 (INCL VAT)22

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HANEEM CHRISTIAN (1996 - )The Lover II, 2022, Medium Format Photography True Rag Archival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cmZAR 25,300.00 (INCL VAT)23

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HANEEM CHRISTIAN (1996 - )The Lover III, 2022, Medium Format Photography True Rag Archival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cmZAR 25,300.00 (INCL VAT)24

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HANEEM CHRISTIAN (1996 - )The Lover Not Shown , 2022, Medium Format Photography True Rag Archival Paper,Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cmZAR 25,300.00 (INCL VAT)25

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Mbulelo Terrance Lokoto (b. 2000-) is a visual artist who is based in CapeTown. He was born in East London, Eastern Cape in South Africa. Hegraduated with a diploma in Fine Art at Ruth Prowse School of Art,specialising in painting. He developed a desire to paint as a child, butquickly had to abandoned this passion due to the lack of resources andexternal support. Almost 20 years later, Lekoto found himself sketching andrepolishing his artistic skills, as a way of coping with his severe depression.Painting reimagined scenes of his environment became his therapy. Heexplores foretold stories of his childhood, metaphorical expressions thatwere often used around him as well as investigating fictional narratives heread about and told through oral history. In Lokoto’s work, he enables people he documents to share their stories intheir own words, their own voices and through his skill, preserves thesepersonal and significant events. Themes closer to his personal experienceare the Hlubi and street pantsula culture.His figurative work explores theconcept of a ‘spirit animal’, merging two different species in one frame. Heoften refers to his work as “magical surrealism”. His use of a warm colourpalette is how hedemonstrates his desire for happiness and joy, despite it beingcontradictory to his reality. His use of animals in his frame is a directcommentary on the characteristics, nicknames and mirroring of the peoplehe paints.27FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONSGroup shows2023‘Kwelika Moya/In the spiritual realm’, Graduation Show, RuthProwse School of Art, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa‘Art of Listening’, Youngblood Africa Gallery, Cape Town, SouthAfrica2022‘Brushstokes’, Open Heart Gallery, Langa, Cape Town, South Africa Mbulelo Lokoto is the Everard Read Artangels Scholarship Student atthe Ruth Prowse School of Art.

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FEATUREDARTWORKSMBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO (1990-)29FOR 82 669 775317 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, No. B6

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MBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO(2000 - )Idela Kufa (The Brave One), 2024, Oil on CanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cmZAR 25,710.00 (INCL VAT)30

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MBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO(2000 - )Iroto elity'ucheese ngenkani (The Street Hustler II), 2024, Oil on CanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cmZAR 25,710.00 (INCL VAT)31

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MBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO(2000 - )Umqali wohambo olutsha (The beginner of a new path), 2024, Oil on CanvasH80 x W100 x D3.5cmZAR 32,000.00 (INCL VAT)32

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MBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO(2000 - )Umnukisi weNyanyi (The Truth Detector), 2024, Oil on CanvasH80 x W100 x D3.5cmZAR 32,000.00 (INCL VAT)33

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MBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTO(2000 - )Isisila senkukhu sibonwa mhla kugquthayo, 2024, Oil on CanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cmZAR 25,710.00 (INCL VAT)34

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BUQAQAWULI THAMANI NOBAKADAINCL VATWhen love visits, 2023, Acrylic Paint on Hand PreparedLace Paper,H160 x W202 x D3.5cm161,000.00 ZARWhere dreamers go to rest II, 2024, Acrylic Paint onHand Prepared Lace PaperH100 x W130 X D3.5cm65,500.00 ZARMamGcina leading the people (1830), 2024, AcrylicPaint on Hand Prepared Lace PaperH130 x W130 x D3.5cm115,000.00 ZAROlympia (1863) giving herself flowers: A Reverence forself adoration, 2024, Acrylic Paint on Hand PreparedLace PaperH130 x W130 x D3.5cm115,000.00 ZARes Demoiselle De Johannesburg, 2024, Acrylic Paint onHand-Prepared Lace PaperH135,5 x W151 x D3.5cm100,000.00 ZARWhere dreamers go to rest I, 2024, Acrylic Paint on HandPrepared Lace PaperH151,5 x 92cm x D4cm(unframed)52,000.00 ZARWhen women are alone, 2024, Acrylic Paint on HandPrepared Lace PaperH102 x W129 x D6cm68,000.00 ZARHANEEM CHRISTIANThe Lover I, 2022, Medium Format Photography True RagArchival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cm25,300.00 ZARThe Lover II, 2022, Medium Format Photography True RagArchival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cm25,300.00 ZARThe Lover III, 2022, Medium Format Photography TrueRag Archival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cm25,300.00 ZARThe Lover IV, 2022, Medium Format Photography TrueRag Archival Paper, Edition of 5H59,4 x W73 x D4cm25,300.00 ZARMBULELO TERRENCE LOKOTOIdela Kufa (The Brave One), 2024, Oil on CanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cm25,710.00 ZARIroto elity'ucheese ngenkani (The Street Hustler II),2024, Oil on CanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cm25,710.00 ZARIsisila senkukhu sibonwa mhla kugquthayo, 2024, Oil onCanvasH60 x W80 x D3.5cm25,710.00 ZARUmnukisi weNyanyi (The Truth Detector), 2024, Oil onCanvasH80 x W100 x D3.5cm32,000.00 ZARUmqali wohambo olutsha (The beginner of a new path),2024, Oil on CanvasH80 x W100 x D3.5cm32,000.00 ZARINDEX

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THANK YOU.RMB Latitudes Art Fair22.05─26.05.2024FORENQUIRIES:Email: info@undertheaegis.coContact: +27 82 669 7753ZAR prices includeVAT Visit Us: 17 Jamieson St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001@___undertheaegisw w w . u n d e r t h e a e g i s . c oBooth No. B6