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U.S. History Study Guide

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WHAT IS THE U S CONSTITUTION LEGISLATIVE BRANCH o Senate o House Of Representatives EXECUTIVE BRANCH o Presidents JUDICIAL BRANCH o Supreme Court THE BILL OF RIGHTS o Other Important Amendments

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WHAT IS THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES THE CONSTITUTION was written to establish the United States government in 1787 This document established a Separation Of Powers in creating the Executive Judicial and Legislative Branches of the government to maintain Checks and Balances The Constitution also contains the Bill of Rights which grants certain rights to U S citizens

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CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union establish justice insure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

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LEGISLATIVE BRANCH The Legislative Branch is responsible for making laws The legislative branch is made up of an upper Senate and lower House of Representatives level of Congress

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SENATE Is made up of 100 members two from each state that serve for a 6 year term Roles include Approves presidential nominations Approve Presidential appointments Approves treaties with 2 3 vote Jury in impeachment trials Selects Vice President if the electoral college fails to

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HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Is made up of 435 members depending on each states population that serve for a 2 year term Roles include Originates all tax bills Prosecute impeachment trials Selects President if the electoral college fails to

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EXECUTIVE BRANCH The Executive Branch is responsible for carrying out laws This branch consists of the President and under the president is the Vice President and Cabinet

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President Must be a 35 year old US Citizen of 14 years and serves a 4 year term President s powers include Directing government Commanding the Armed Forces Dealing with international powers acting as chief law enforcement officer Vetoing laws

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JUDICIAL BRANCH The Judicial Branch is made up of the supreme court and is responsible for evaluating laws

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Supreme Court Are the 9 justices that are nominated by the president and approved by the Senate The Supreme Court is responsible for Interpreting the Constitution Reviewing laws Deciding cases involving states rights

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THE BILL OF RIGHTS The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution 1st Amendment Freedom of religion speech press assembly and petition 2nd Amendment The right of bear arms 3rd Amendment Do not have to quarter of soldiers

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4th Amendment Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures 5th Amendment Right to due process of law freedom from self incrimination double jeopardy 6th Amendment Right to a fair and speedy public trial 7th Amendment The right to a jury when it is a civil case

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8th Amendment Freedom from excessive bail cruel and unusual punishments 9th Amendment Other rights not listed in the Constitution 10th Amendment Anything that the Constitution doesn t say that Congress can do should be left up to the states or to the people

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Other Important Constitution Amendments To Know 12th Amendment President and Vice President must be from the same political party 13th Amendment Outlawed slavery 14th Amendment All persons born or naturalized in the US are citizens of the US and of the state where they reside 15th Amendment Man of every race has the right to vote 16th Amendment Congress can collect income tax

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17th Amendment Direct election of senators 18th Amendment Abolishes alcohol 19th Amendment Gives women the right to vote 21st Amendment Alcohol is no longer banned 22nd Amendment President can only serve for two terms

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Jamestown Settlement 1607 British colonists founded the Jamestown Settlement on May 14 1607

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French Indian War 1754 1763 also known as the Seven Years War Fought between France and its Indian allies against British Americans to control North America Ended by Treaty of Paris in 1763

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Boston Massacre 1770 crowd of colonists protesting British troops in Boston Violence flared and five colonists were killed

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Boston Tea Party 1773 Tea dumped into the Boston harbor by the British colonists in rebellion against all of the new taxes imposed on them by Great Britain

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THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1775 1783 Started in 1775 as a response to the Stamp Act of 1765 Colonist thought it was unfair taxation from the British government so they rebelled and won

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SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1776 Benjamin Franklin John Adams Thomas Jefferson Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston drafted the Declaration of Independence This document asserted the colonists independence from the British monarchy

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LOUISIANA PURCHASE 1803 Thomas Jefferson purchased 828 000 000 square miles east of the Mississippi of territory from France

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WAR OF 1812 1812 1815 Due to trade restrictions and the British support of American Indians the Americans declared war of the British Empire Ended by the Treaty of Ghent

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Civil War 1861 1865 Fought between the Union states Northern states of the United States and the states of the Confederacy Southern States due to their differences between on the idea of slavery as well as trade tariffs and states rights The North won by general Robert E Lee surrendering

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Lincoln Assassination 1865 John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford s Theatre His assassination was part of a plot to help the Confederacy

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SPANISH AMERICAN WAR 1898 War between the United States and Spain due to America interfering with the Cuban War of Independence

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WORLD WAR I 1914 1918 United States did not join the war until 1917 This war involved the Allies Russia France and the United Kingdom and the Central Powers Germany and AustriaHungary This war broke out due to the policies of several European empires Ended by the Treaty of Versailles

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GREAT DEPRESSION 1929 Started because of the stock market crash that occurred in the United States and lasted 10 years

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WORLD WAR II 1939 1945 United States joined the allies power and declared war against the axis power in 1941 after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor Allies Power Great Britain The United States China and the Soviet Union Axis Power Germany Japan and Italy Allies Power won after Germany surrendered and later Japan surrendering after the U S dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

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PEARL HARBOR 1941 Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in an attempt to keep the U S Navy from interfering with Japanese military actions

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D DAY 1944 The Allies stormed the beach of Normandy France and were victorious

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COLD WAR 1947 1991 Nuclear treats between the United States and Soviet Russia in United States successful attempt in containing communism

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THE KOREAN WAR 1950 1953 War between the Democratic People s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea U S troops supported the Republic of Korea in this war

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VIETNAM WAR 1955 1975 In efforts to avoid the spreading of communism in Vietnam the United States helped South Vietnam forces against the communist North Vietnam

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JFK ASSASSINATION 1963 John F Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald

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MLK ASSASSINATION 1968 Martin Luther King shot and killed by James Earl Ray

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APOLLO 11 MISSION 1969 Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong first men to walk on the moon giving United States the edge in the space race against the Soviets

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WATERGATE SCANDAL 1973 Members of the Nixon administration participated in a break in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee Lead to the resignation of President Nixon

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9 11 2001 Terrorist attack on World Trade Centers and the Pentagon

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MARBURY v MADISON 1803 Court case that established Judicial Review by giving the power of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress or of the executive branch unconstitutional

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DRED SCOTT v SANDFORD 1857 Dred Scott slave from Missouri had been taken to Illinois a free state by his owner for several years so he sued for his freedom The Supreme Court ruled that African Americans whether enslaved or free were not citizens of the United States and therefore did not have the right to sue in federal court The Court also ruled that the federal government could not prohibit slavery in the territories

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PLESSY v FERGUSON 1896 Supreme Court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilities were equal

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BROWN v BOARD OF EDUCATION 1954 Supreme Court ruled separate but equal segregation was not equal in public education ending segregation of schools

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GIDEON v WAINWRIGHT 1963 Supreme Court ruled that a person who cannot afford an attorney may have one appointed by the government

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MIRANDA v ARIZONA 1966 Resulted in Miranda Rights Before questioning by the police suspects must be informed that they have the right to remain silent and the right to consult an attorney and that anything they say may be used against them in court

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ROE v WADE 1973 Prohibits state legislatures from interfering with a woman s right to abortion

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Magna Carta 1215 English Bill of Rights 1689 Mayflower Compact 1620 Common Sense 1776 Declaration of Independence 1776 Articles of Confederation 1781 1789 Constitution 1787 The Federalist 1787 1788

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Bill of Rights 1791 Emancipation Proclamation 1863 Gettysburg Address 1863 Zimmerman Note 1917 The Fourteen Points 1918 United Nations Charter 1945 Truman Doctrine 1947 Marshall Plan 1947

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MAGNA CARTA 1215 English agreement that guaranteed certain rights influenced the US Bill of Rights protection of individual rights the royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John

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ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS 1689 English agreement that guaranteed certain rights influenced the US Bill of Rights protection of individual rights

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MAYFLOWER COMPACT 1620 signed by many Pilgrims on their way to New World they agreed to create a new government and abide by its laws helped establish idea of self government

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COMMON SENSE 1776 influential pamphlet written by Thomas Paine urged Americans to declare their independence

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DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE July 4 1776 written by Thomas Jefferson announced the separation of the colonies from England

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ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION 1781 1789 1st US government eventually failed because the national government was too weak

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THE CONSTITUTION 1787 blueprint for the American government containing amendments

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THE FEDERALIST 1787 1788 series of essays about the nature of government by Alexander Hamilton James Madison and John Jay written to help get the Constitution ratified

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BILL OF RIGHTS 1791 first 10 amendments of the Constitution guaranteed individual rights

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EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Jan 1 1863 executive order given by Abraham Lincoln it freed all of the slaves in the Confederacy

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GETTYSBURG ADDRESS 1863 famous speech given by Abraham Lincoln on the site where the Battle of Gettysburg had been fought said that the Union was worth fighting for at any cost

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ZIMMERMAN NOTE 1917 telegram from Germany to Mexico offering help in recovering territory in the southwest US US entered World War I

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THE FOURTEEN POINTS 1918 President Woodrow Wilson s plan for peace after World War I proposed a League of Nations

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UNITED NATIONS CHARTER 1945 created a new organization of nations dedicated to world peace and international cooperation

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TRUMAN DOCTRINE 1947 US would support free people resisting takeover from hostile forces within or outside of their countries

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MARSHALL PLAN 1947 Secretary of State George Marshall s plan to provide aid to help Europe rebuild after World War II

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Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren James K Polk Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Andrew Johnson Grover Cleveland Woodrow Wilson

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Franklin D Roosevelt Harry S Truman Lyndon B Johnson Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton Barack Obama

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Andrew Jackson 1829 1833 and 1833 1837 7th U S President Tariff of 1832 Compromise Tariff of 1833 Indian Removal Act Known as Old Hickory Nullification crisis President for the Common Man Trail of tears

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Martin Van Buren 1837 1841 8th U S President Democrat Advocated lower tariffs and free trade Succeeded in setting up a system of bonds for the national debt Panic of 1837

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James K Polk 1845 1849 11th U S President Annexation of Texas California Start of Mexican War and ended it with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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Franklin Pierce 1853 1857 14th U S President Gadsden Purchase Kansas Nebraska Act Republican party formed Bleeding Kansas Conflict over slavery that drove North South further apart

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James Buchanan 1857 1861 15th U S President The Confederate States of America are formed in 1861 Failed to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions

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Andrew Johnson 1865 1869 17th U S President 13th 14th Amendment Passed Civil Rights Act of 1866 Reconstruction Tried for impeachment

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Grover Cleveland 1885 1889 and 1893 1897 22nd U S President Democrat Opposed governmental favors to business Railroad regulation and tariff reform Had a strictly limited view of the government s role in both economic and social matters Dawes Act and Pullman Strike

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Woodrow Wilson 1913 1917 and 1917 1921 28th U S President Passed the 17th 18th 19th Amendment Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti Trust Act Workingmen s Compensation Act Jones Act The Fourteen Points Paris Peace Conference Start of WWI and ended with the Treaty of Versailles League of Nations

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Franklin D Roosevelt 1933 1937 1937 1941 and 1941 1945 32nd U S President Passed the 21st Amendment Led the US out of the Great Depression with the New Deal programs World War II

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Harry S Truman 1945 1949 and 1949 1953 33rd U S President World War II Made the decision to use two atomic bombs against Japan Implementation of the Marshall Plan Created the CIA Korean War

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John F Kennedy 1961 1963 U S President 35th Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis Building of the Berlin Wall The Space Race Early Vietnam War Assassinated while in office

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Lyndon B Johnson 1963 1965 and 1965 1969 36th U S President Passed the 24th and 25th Amendments Social Security Act Civil Rights Act Vietnam War Paris Peace Talks Great Society

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Jimmy Carter 1977 1981 39th U S President Created the Department of Energy and the Department of Education Panama Canal Treaty Soviet war in Afghanistan Boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow Iran Hostage Crisis Massive fuel shortages

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Bill Clinton 1993 2001 42nd U S President War in Bosnia NAFTA Impeached after Monica Lewinski scandal and was later acquitted Cut spending lowered taxes decreased national debt

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Barack Obama 2009 Present 44th U S President First Black President Obama care START Treaty

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Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S Grant Rutherford B Hayes James A Garfield Chester Arthur Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt William H Taft Warren G Harding

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Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Harry S Truman Dwight D Eisenhower Richard M Nixon Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan George Bush George W Bush

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Abraham Lincoln 1861 1865 and 1865 16th U S President Emancipation Proclamation Passed the 13th Amendment Habeas Corpus Act Freedman s Bureau Assassinated by James Wilkes Booth

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Ulysses S Grant 1869 1873 and 1873 1877 18th U S President Passed the 15th Amendment Civil Rights Act of 1875 Credit Mobilier Scandal Yellowstone

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Rutherford B Hayes 19th 1877 1881 U S President Corrupt election Bland Allison Act Compromise of 1877

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James A Garfield 1881 20th U S President Assassinated in office

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Chester Arthur 21st 1881 1885 U S President Pendleton Act Chinese Exclusion Act

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Benjamin Harrison 1889 1893 U S President 23rd McKinley Tariff Act Increased Federal spending that reached one billion dollars Sherman Anti Trust Act Sherman Silver Purchase Act Forest Reserve Act

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William McKinley 1897 1901 25th U S President Declared Spanish American War Signed Treaty of Paris to end war Gold Standard Act Yellow Journalism

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Theodore Roosevelt 1901 1905 and 1905 1909 26th U S President Conservationism Meat Inspection Act Hepburn Act Pure food and Drug Act Square Deal Panama Canal Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick

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William H Taft 1909 1913 U S President 27th Passed the 16th 17th Amendments Mann Elkins Act Dollar Diplomacy

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Warren G Harding 1921 1923 29th U S President Return to normalcy Teapot Dome Scandal Corrupt allowed drinking in prohibition had an affair and used office for private gain Died in office

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Calvin Coolidge 1923 1925 and 1925 1929 30th U S President Cautious Immigration Act Dawes Plan Reduced Tax Burden Veto s the Bonus Bill Kellogg Briand Pact

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Herbert Hoover 31st 1929 1933 U S President Financially helped Europe after WWI Start of the Great Depression with the stock market crashing in 1929 Federal Home Loan Bank Act

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Harry S Truman 1945 1949 and 1949 1953 33rd U S President World War II Victory Made the controversial decision to use two atomic bombs against Japan Truman Doctrine National Security Act Containment NATO Red Scare Marshall Plan Nuremburg Trials Korean War

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Dwight D Eisenhower 1953 1957 and 1957 1961 34th U S President GI Bill of Rights Great Black Migration Suburbanization Suez Crisis Eisenhower Doctrine Alaska and Hawaii become states Brown v Board of Education I like Ike

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Richard M Nixon 1969 1974 37th U S President 26th Amendment Reduced troops in Vietnam and signed a peace treaty Watergate Scandal First President to resign from office

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Gerald Ford 1974 1977 U S President 38th Solely elected by a vote from Congress He pardoned Nixon Evacuated nearly 500 000 Americans and South Vietnamese from Vietnam

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Ronald Reagan 1981 1985 and 1985 1989 40th U S President Ran on a campaign based on the common man and populist ideas Reagan nomics the trickle down effect of government incentives Meetings with Gorbachev were the first steps to ending the Cold War Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall Iran Contra Affair

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George Bush 41st 1989 1993 U S President Berlin wall comes down Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait Persian Gulf War Americans with Disabilities Act War on Drugs

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George W Bush 2001 2005 and 2005 2009 43rd U S President 9 11 War on Terror No Child Left Behind Tax cuts high deficits major economic problems Great Recession Guantanamo Bay

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George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe William Henry Harrison John Tyler Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore

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George Washington 1789 1793 and 1793 1797 1st U S President No Party Father of the United States commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution

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John Adams 1797 1801 2nd U S President Federalist Party responsible for passing the Alien and Sedition Acts Prevented war with France after the XYZ Affair

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Thomas Jefferson 1801 1805 and 1805 1809 3rd U S President Democratic Republican Party Wrote the Declaration of Independence Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore it

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James Madison 1809 1813 and 1813 1817 4th U S President Democratic Republican Party The War of 1812 chartered the 2nd Bank of the United States Father of the Constitution

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James Monroe 1817 1821 and 1821 1825 5th U S President Democratic Republican Party The Missouri Compromise in 1821 The acquisition of Florida 1819 Panic of 1819 Monroe Doctrine 1823

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William Henry Harrison 9th 1841 U S President Whig Party Died in office

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John Tyler 10th 1841 1845 U S President Whig Party He was in favor of states rights and a strict interpretation of the constitution Opposed protective tariffs a national bank and internal improvements at national expense

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Zachary Taylor 1849 1850 12th U S President Whig Party Died in office

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Millard Fillmore 1850 1853 13th U S President Whig Party The Fugitive Slave Act was passed California becomes a free state Uncle Tom s Cabin Compromise of 1850

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Question 1 Which of the following are the inalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of Independence A Life liberty and property B Liberty health and community C Life respect and equal protection D Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

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ANSWER Which of the following are the inalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of Independence A Life liberty and property B Liberty health and community C Life respect and equal protection D Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

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Question 2 In 1933 the government programs started by Franklin D Roosevelt became known as A B C D The The The The Great Society Square Deal New Deal New Frontier

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ANSWER In 1933 the government programs started by Franklin D Roosevelt became known as A The Great Society B The Square Deal C The New Deal D The New Frontier

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Question 3 What are the three branches of government A Executive legislative judicial B Executive legislative military C Bureaucratic military industry D Federal state local

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ANSWER What are the three branches of government A Executive legislative judicial B Executive legislative military C Bureaucratic military industry D Federal state local

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Question 4 The United States Electoral College A Approves of all NCAA activities B Was established to supervise welfare during the Great Depression C Is otherwise known as the U S Congress D Is a constitutionally mandated assembly that elects the president

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ANSWER The United States Electoral College A Approves of all NCAA activities B Was established to supervise welfare during the Great Depression C Is otherwise known as the U S Congress D Is a mandated assembly that elects the president

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Question 5 The Bill of Rights explicitly prohibits A Prayer in public school B Discrimination based on race sex or religion C The ownership of guns by private individuals D Establishing an official religion for the United States

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ANSWER The Bill of Rights explicitly prohibits A Prayer in public school B Discrimination based on race sex or religion C The ownership of guns by private individuals D Establishing an official religion for the United States

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Question 6 What is one power of the federal government A B C D Make treaties Make zoning laws Maintain prisons Establish standards for doctors and lawyers

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ANSWER What is one power of the federal government A Make treaties B Make zoning laws C Maintain prisons D Establish standards for doctors and lawyers

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Question 7 Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment A B C D Right to bear arms Due process Religion Right to counsel

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ANSWER Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment A Right to bear arms B Due process C Religion D Right to counsel

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Question 8 What was the source of the following phrase Government of the people by the people for the people A The speech I Have a Dream B Declaration of Independence C U S Constitution D Gettysburg Address

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ANSWER What was the source of the following phrase Government of the people by the people for the people A The speech I Have a Dream B Declaration of Independence C U S Constitution D Gettysburg Address

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Question 9 Dr Martin Luther King Jr in his I have a dream speech talked about A Argued for the abolition of slavery B Advocated black separatism C Morally defended affirmative action D Expressed his hopes for racial justice and brotherhood

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ANSWER Dr Martin Luther King Jr in his I have a dream speech talked about A Argued for the abolition of slavery B Advocated black separatism C Morally defended affirmative action D Expressed his hopes for racial justice and brotherhood

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Question 10 Sputnik was the name given to the first A Telecommunications system B Animal to travel to space C Hydrogen bomb D Man made satellite

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ANSWER Sputnik was the name given to the first A Telecommunications system B Animal to travel to space C Hydrogen bomb D Man made satellite

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Question 11 Susan B Anthony started and lead a movement for A Guarantee women the right to vote in national elections B Guarantee former slaves the right to vote C Ensure that harsher laws against criminals were passed D Stricter gun laws

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ANSWER Susan B Anthony started and lead a movement for A Guarantee women the right to vote in national elections B Guarantee former slaves the right to vote C Ensure that harsher laws against criminals were passed D Stricter gun laws

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Question 12 The commander and chief of the military is A B C D Secretary of the army Secretary of state President Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

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ANSWER The commander and chief of the military is A Secretary of the army B Secretary of state C President D Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

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Question 13 Two U S enemies during WWII A B C D Canada and Mexico Germany and Japan England and Spain China and Russia

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ANSWER Two U S enemies during WWII A Canada and Mexico B Germany and Japan C England and Spain D China and Russia

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Question 14 In Oct 1962 the U S and the Soviet Union almost went to war over what A Control of East Berlin B Missiles in Cuba C Support of the Ho Chi Minh regime in Vietnam D Oil in the Middle East

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ANSWER In Oct 1962 the U S and the Soviet Union almost went to war over what A Control of East Berlin B Missiles in Cuba C Support of the Ho Chi Minh regime in Vietnam D Oil in the Middle East

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Question 15 Who was the first President of the United States A B C D John Adams George Washington Andrew Jackson Thomas Jefferson

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ANSWER Who was the first President of the United States A John Adams B George Washington C Andrew Jackson D Thomas Jefferson

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Question 16 How many colonies was the United States originally A B C D 11 12 13 14

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ANSWER How many colonies was the United States originally A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14

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Question 17 What war was fought on American soil from 1861 to 1865 A B C D War of 1812 World War I The Revolutionary War The American Civil War

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ANSWER What war was fought on American soil from 1861 to 1865 A War of 1812 B World War I C The Revolutionary War D The American Civil War

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Question 18 Who was the 16th president of the US A B C D Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S Grant James Buchanan Andrew Johnson

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ANSWER Who was the 16th president of the US A Abraham Lincoln B Ulysses S Grant C James Buchanan D Andrew Johnson

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Question 19 Who was the only president to serve two separate terms in office A B C D Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Grover Cleveland Chester A Arthur

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ANSWER Who was the only president to serve two separate terms in office A Benjamin Harrison B William McKinley C Grover Cleveland D Chester A Arthur

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Question 20 What are the two major political parties in the U S A Independents Dependent B Progressives Regressive C Federalists Patriots D Democrats Republicans

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ANSWER What are the two major political parties in the U S A Independents Dependent B Progressives Regressive C Federalists Patriots D Democrats Republicans

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Question 21 How many judges are there in the United States Supreme Court A B C D 5 7 9 11

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ANSWER How many judges are there in the United States Supreme Court A 5 B 7 C 9 D 11

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Question 22 Who was the president from 1933 to 1945 the only president to serve more than 8 years in office A Harry Truman B Franklin D Roosevelt C Herbert Hoover D Dwight Eisenhower

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ANSWER Who was the president from 1933 to 1945 the only president to serve more than 8 years in office A Harry Truman B Franklin D Roosevelt C Herbert Hoover D Dwight Eisenhower

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Question 23 How many Senators are in the US congress A B C D 50 100 150 200

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ANSWER How many Senators are in the US congress A 50 B 100 C 150 D 200