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Upper School Cocurricular Guide

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audiences for tomorrow. All dancers (in the Woodward Dance program) are eligible for the NationalSociety for Dance Arts aer one year of participation and 30 earned points.DANCE ENSEMBLEDIRECTOR: Jenny GouldThe Dance Ensemble is a select group of dancers who perform in the WA community, locally andnationally. It is limited to the dedicated student with an advanced level of training in Ballet, Modern,Jazz, Choreography and Improvisation. Students in this course receive Honors credit and are alsoeligible for a letter jacket in Dance aer 2 years of commitment and 40 points. Membership in thisgroup is by audition only. Auditions are held in the Spring. The class meets during school, andrehearses aer school twice a week for two hours.MARCHING BANDDIRECTORS: Lauran Hunt & Valerie MorganThe Woodward Academy Marching Band is known as the Robert W. Woodruff Marching Band aer thewell-known Coca Cola Company President who graduated from Georgia Military Academy (Woodward)and was a member of the first band at the school. Today the marching band plays in the stands andfor half-time at every football game. In addition, you will see the band marching in parades andcompetitions in various locales. In competitions, the marching band oen receives the “Best in Class”award for music and marching excellence. The musical selections of the band are a mixture of fun andpageantry with the goal of supporting the team and entertaining the home crowd. Students inmarching band are in the 9th through 12th grade and benefit from social and leadership developmentbecause of the discipline and hard-work necessary to be a member of the group. BIG BAND DIRECTOR: Lauran HuntA jazz group in the style of the traditional Big Band: 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, piano, guitar, bass, drum set and percussion. The group performs tradition swing classics, rock and funk. The groupperforms various concerts and events throughout the year. This is a year long membership.Membership is mainly students within the band program, but, some exceptions can be made.Rehearsals are Tuesdays aer school.JAZZ BANDDIRECTOR: Lauran HuntA jazz group performing jazz standards with a focus on improvisation. This is a smaller group with aopen instrumentation: orns players, piano, guitar, bass and drums. The group performs variousconcerts and events throughout the year. Semester membership. Membership is mainly students10

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within the band program, but, some exceptions can be made. Rehearsals are during AAAA atdesignated times.COLOR GUARD/DANCE TEAMINSTRUCTORS: Lori Fenzl & Anna SteltenpohlThe Guard/Dance Team performs with the marching band at all football games, and select pep rallies. Members are eligible to receive letters for their participation. Auditions are held in the spring andopen to all Upper School girls. Dance training and gymnastic abilities are not a pre-requisite but are aplus.HONORS CHORAL ENSEMBLESCAMERATA SINGERS DIRECTOR: Steve RotzJAZZ CHOIR DIRECTOR:Membership in the Vocal Ensemble is by audition only. The groups meet using a combination ofTuesday evenings and late start mornings to rehearse. Camerata Singers is open to 11thand 12thgraders, and Jazz Choir is open to 9th-12thgraders. The groups perform at the Choral Concerts and inthe community. The ensembles are featured on Experience the Arts Day. Students in the ensemblesreceive honors credit for their choir class.WA CAPELLADIRECTOR: Steve RotzThis male a cappella group is student led and sponsored by Mr. Rotz. Songs are oen pop or othernon-classical genres. Participants are members of the choral program. Please see Mr. Rotz for moreinformation.PublicationsTHE BLADE/BUTTERKNIFESPONSOR: Emily HeilkerThe Blade and the butterknife are our student-run, advisor-assisted news outlets here in the UpperSchool. the butterknife consists of a website and newsletter sent out to the US student body, staff andfaculty each week. The Blade is our magazine, which publishes longer feature articles once or twice asemester in addition to a special Senior Issue at the end of the school year. Students lead all aspects ofthe publication process, and there are many roles for those who are interested in leadership positions.They are published as part of the Student Publications/ Journalism Course, which can be taken for EPor HP credit. Any student may also choose to produce content on either a regular or one-time basis for11

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possible publication. The staff seeks students with interests in writing, photography, graphic design,web design, cartooning and editing. Membership in the class is by application. Students interested inthe class or freelance participation should contact Mrs. Heilker ( PHOENIXSPONSOR: Jenny KaferThe Academy-wide yearbook called The Phoenix is a project-based, year-long student publicationscourse in journalism. Students interested in the course should demonstrate superior writing andorganizational skills. In yearbook class, students will master skills required to be successful ininterviewing, reporting, writing, graphic design, photography, and time management while meetingthe standards of both state and national scholastic press associations. Interested students should seeMs. Kafer in Jane Woodruff Hall, room 113.SILENT VOICES LITERARY ARTS MAGAZINESPONSOR: Emily HeilkerSilent Voices publishes a national award-winning literary arts magazine and web supplement featuringstudents' creative writing, visual art, musical compositions and choreography. Members of the clubwork to get submissions for the magazine and then read, view and curate the best of the best forpublication. In the spring, students work in InDesign and Photoshop to cra the final product which isreleased around graduation.Religious Clubs & Affinity GroupsBLACK STUDENT UNION CLUBSPONSOR: Lorri Hewett & Laquinta MontgomeryThe Black Student Unity Club (BSU) - a safe space for black students to discuss pressing or currenttopics that concern the Black community, and for allies to listen and learn from group discussion.Students are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings about controversial subjects whilebeing open-minded to the statements of others. The goal of the club is to foster an environment whereblack students feel free to speak their mind, but will be respected for their opinion. Club members willalso work collaboratively on service projects, Black History Month activities, and with the 5 PointsDiversity club for broader group discussions.12

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CATHOLIC IDENTITY CLUBSPONSOR: Jenifer Baro & Jeanne Ann RatliffThe Catholic Identity Club will meet twice a month during lunch. The Club's purpose it to help Catholicstudents and teachers connect with one another and meet to discuss issues relevant to their faith andthe Catholic community locally and world-wide. The Club seeks to help students explore andstrengthen their faith, to consider how it affects their daily life here at Woodward, and to learn how tolove and work productively with those of other faiths while remaining true to their own faith.Dues: $10.00FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETESSPONSOR: Jim Minor & Chad RossFellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a Christian organization encouraging athletes to impact theworld for Jesus Christ. FCA meets most Tuesdays, during lunch and in the gym. Lunch is alwaysprovided, and there is either a guest speaker or student-led talks and discussions to challenge you andhelp you grow in your faith. Other activities include a spring retreat, weekly bible study, and otheropportunities to volunteer. FCA's purpose is "to serve local communities around the globe byengaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the worldthrough the gospel."Dues: $10.00GENDERS & SEXUALITIES ALLIANCESPONSORS: Seth Meyer, Maria Mays & Rachel NorwoodThe GSA offers support to Woodwardʼs LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & inclusive of allidentities) population and educates Woodward students and faculty about LGBT+ issues. Acting as asafe zone for LGBT+ students and allies, the club serves as a place for students of all orientations andgenders to support each other. An important goal of the GSA is to make Woodward a more inclusiveand understanding place for everyone.JEWISH STUDENT UNIONSPONSORS: Traci Lerner & Chris Lewis The Jewish Student Union encourages Woodward's Jewish students to participate in club meetingsand events, and to explore their Jewish identities. Every other week, Rabbi David Silverman, fromAtlanta Scholars Kollel, hosts a Lunch n' Learn session where students meet to discuss Jewish issuesrelevant to our community. Other club activities have included community service programs, guest13

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speakers, attending the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, participation in the Daffodil Dash, and building asukkah on campus. Students of all backgrounds are welcome to join the club.Dues: $20.00MUSLIM AWARENESS CLUBSPONSOR: Lorri Hewett The Muslim Awareness Club will focus on the cultural as well as religious aspects of Muslimism. Whilethe club is open to both Muslim and non-Muslim students, the club will focus on how Muslim studentscan celebrate their fondness for America while maintaining their Muslim heritage.SOUTH ASIAN AFFINITY CLUBSPONSOR: Traci LernerThe South Asian Affinity club association is a cultural association for those of South Asian descent butis welcome to all. We will help share our rich culture throughout the school community through fun,engaging events. We will also foster discussion about issues pertaining to the South Asian population,such as mental health in the South Asian community and other student-selected topics.Leadership & Service GroupsSCOUTS BSA TROOP 631SPONSOR: WA Parent SponsorsFor youth who would like to participate in a premier leadership and outdoors program – for both boys(since 1969) and girls (since 2019). Youth leaders of the troop decide what they will do, like weekendand summer camping, caving, scuba, canoeing, hiking, biking and other trips, advised by adults. Troop631 plans to meet most Mondays during the school year at 6 p.m., except on Mondays aer overnighttrips, which are held once a month usually. Yes, girls can be Eagle Scouts too!INTERFAITH COUNCILSPONSOR: Chaplain Megan Lloyd JoinerThis leadership group works to plan interfaith religious events throughout campus. The group meetsregularly to plan interfaith activities, services, trips and other campus-wide events promoting religious14

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literacy and understanding. Please speak with Chaplain Megan for permission to become a part of thisinterfaith leadership group.HONOR COUNCIL & DISCIPLINE BOARDADVISOR: Anthony ThomasDean Thomas takes nominations from upper school teachers in the spring, and then students vote onnominated individuals.HONOR GUARDSPONSOR: Pete Fritts, Jr.This high-profile group is open to Upper School students by invitation and audition. It performs at allhome football games, Upper School Convocations, Baccalaureate, graduation ceremonies, andoff-campus functions as approved by the administration.PEER LEADERSHIPSPONSORS: Mark Carrington, Lee Sellers, Sara Elliot, Nellie Jackson, Swannee Park, Tad Sahara,Chris Myers & Tonia WebbThis select group is open to juniors and seniors only. The group works with the ninth grade class toensure a smooth transition to high school. Applications and tryouts are in the spring.ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP COUNCILSPONSORS: David Widener & Gene PattersonThis group of student athletes meets regularly with members of the Athletic DepartmentAdministration to discuss issues facing todayʼs student athletes but also to aid in improvingWoodwardʼs Athletic Department through the sharing of ideas and open dialogue. In addition,members will participate in a variety of leadership development training sessions designed to furtherthe Woodward Athletic Departmentʼs PRIDE motto (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determinationand Excellence). Student athletes will be invited to attend based on recommendations from varsityhead coaches. Monthly meetings will take place prior to the start of the school day or duringlunchtime.STUDENT ADMISSIONS AMBASSADORSSPONSORS: Holly Ferguson, Nija Meyer & Gregory SmithAdmissions Ambassadors are a select group, open to Upper School students by application. Thosechosen will earn their Woodward requirement for 20 service hours, in addition to building leadershipskills that will strengthen college and scholarship applications. Students in this role must representthe very best of Woodward Academy, interacting with prospective families as tour guides, experts on15

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every aspect of the Woodward education, and the friendly face of the school. To apply, students musthave an open period in their schedule (Study Hall, R Period, or PE) and should be excited to share theirWoodward experience, bolster their leadership and communication skills, and connect with a diversearray of families.STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATIONSPONSORS: Dana Reker, Chad Ross & Chris MyersSGA is open to all students in grades 9-12. Campaigns and elections for all positions are held in thespring. The organization functions as a liaison between the student body and administration.SERVICE LEADERSHIP BOARDSPONSORS: Jennifer Green, Marianne Lecesne, Chad Ross, Bill Nicholson, Liz Griffin, Alexis Horder,Melissa Lawhon & Mo LotfyThe Service Leadership Board allows community service to be a student driven initiative -- not afaculty or administrator-driven program. Service Leaders are the force behind how we coordinatecommunity service in the Upper School. Service Leaders plan, execute, advertise, and advocate forspecific community service projects at Woodward Academy. They are the ambassadors of communityservice to the school and in the larger community and are responsible for educating their peers andyounger students about the issues for which they care enough to design service projects. ServiceLeaders are charged with setting the agenda for Woodward Serves club meetings and connectingservice club members to hands-on opportunities for service.To be a member of the Service Leadership Board, a student must be in the 11th or 12th grade. Members are selected through an application process that begins in early to mid April each spring. Qualified applicants will show a commitment to serving the greater community, especially throughprojects connected to Woodward Serves. Members also participate in a leadership retreat prior to thestart of school in August.WOODWARD SERVESSPONSORS: Jennifer Green, Marianne Lecesne, Chad Ross, Bill Nicholson, Liz Griffin, Alexis Horder,Melissa Lawhon & Mo LotfyAlong with the athletics and arts programs, the service learning program is a cornerstone of theco-curricular programming at Woodward Academy. At the heart of Woodwardʼs Vision Statement isdeveloping students into ethical problem solvers who engage in opportunities to serve the local,national, and global community. In the Upper School, we believe that coordinated community-serviceefforts develop students and ultimately the Academy into a member of a stronger community, and itis, therefore, our goal to cultivate an understanding of the importance of giving back to ourcommunities.16

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This development of an awareness of the needs of others comes about by connecting Upper Schoolstudents with local, national, and global community service projects. As an Academy, we arecommitted each year to providing for others through three different service projects: (1) The CannedFood Drive in partnership with several Atlanta Area Food Banks; (2) The Terranova School, oursister-school in Zambia, Africa; and (3) The Jesse Draper Boys and Girls Club, located on WoodwardʼsMain Campus.Specific to the Upper School, two projects are selected each year to be a focus of our giving efforts. Inthe past, such projects have included Habitat for Humanity, Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, and theAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive, among others. Oentimes it is difficult, if not impossible, for astudent to do service work by him or herself. Therefore, it is with the concerted effort of WoodwardServes that we bring together one organization to manage, advertise, and organize our efforts towardserving those in need.All US students are encouraged to join Woodward Serves, a unique student-led club where service isprioritized above self. Through Woodward Serves students can learn about specific needs in ourcommunity and beyond and connect to specific projects serving those needs. Students can alsoreceive guidance in meeting their Upper School service-hour commitment through the manyopportunities coordinated by Woodward Serves.Dues: $20CHICK-FIL-A LEADERSHIP ACADEMYSPONSOR: Dale StahlThe Chick-fil-A Leader Academy provides leadership and service training for students and is sponsoredby a local Chick-Fil-A restaurant owner. The seven-month program focuses on making an impactthrough action and training leaders within local communities. Each fall, students kick off the programby engaging in a service project. Then throughout the school year students will take part in monthly“Leader Labs,” where they are guided through an interactive curriculum covering topics like vision,values, and servant leadership. Students will put what they learn into action by completing threeservice projects that make a real difference for members of their local communities. Near theholidays, the students will participate in “Do Good December,” applying what theyʼve learned byplanning and implementing a service project for community members in need. Not only do thestudents become more aware of problems their local communities may be facing, but they are alsogiven the opportunity to actively be a part of a solution. In the spring, the program comes to an endwith students leading their own Impact Projects. This project will be developed and implemented bystudents based on fulfilling a specific community need they have identified. The program is fullyfunded through generous sponsorships from local Chick-fil-A restaurant Operators, Chick-fil-A, Inc.,and Coca-Cola. Chick-fil-A Operators oen serve as business coaches to the students involved as theyimplement their service projects to better their communities. Learn more about Chick-fil-A LeaderAcademy at www.chickfilaleaderacademy.com17

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Special Interest ClubsA-OK CLUBSPONSOR: Lee SellersThe Acts of Kindness Club is designed to allow students to spread kindness and spirit around campusthrough random acts and projects throughout the year.Dues: $10BUSINESS & ECONOMICS CLUBSPONSOR: Dale Stahl & Debra StahlThe Business & Economics Club is now an officially recognized chapter of DECA. The DECA experienceenables students to learn business concepts in preparation for college and careers. DECA preparesemerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in all aspects of business. DECA members put theirknowledge into action through rigorous project-based activities that require creative solutions withpractical outcomes. Partnerships with businesses at local and broader levels provide DECA membersrealistic insight into industry and promote meaningful, relevant learning. In our inaugural year as aDECA chapter, students will choose which of the variety of educational programs are the mostengaging and motivating as they consider their future business and entrepreneurial opportunities.Options include business management, finance, marketing and hospitality and tourism.CHESS CLUBSPONSOR: Jennifer WillisThe Chess Club meets weekly for those interested in competitive or friendly games. All levels areencouraged to join. The club will offer opportunities for tournament play in the Atlanta area.TECHNOLOGY CLUBSPONSOR: Tim Hipp & Tenneille PattersonThe technology club offers an exciting opportunity for students to explore the realm of innovation andinvention. Inspired by creativity and a desire to create solutions to everyday problems, members willexplore hands-on projects aimed at tackling real-world challenges using technology. From coding andelectronics to design thinking, prototyping, and 3D printing, students will gain invaluable skills while18

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working collaboratively in a focused, yet supportive and casual environment. Whether it's developinga groundbreaking app, engineering a device to assist those with disabilities, or craing solutions forenvironmental sustainability, students will have a chance to share their work with the broadercommunity, opening doors to entrepreneurial opportunities and potential industry partnerships.Dues: $20COOKING CLUBSPONSOR: Swannee ParkThe cooking club is for anyone who is interested in the culinary arts. Throughout the year the clubwill learn cooking techniques, host cooking classes & contests, share recipes between club members,hear from local chefs, and provide food for events around campus during the school year.Dues: $20CREATIVE WRITING COLLECTIVESPONSOR: Emily HeilkerThe Creative Writing Collective meets monthly to provide a space for students to generate material,play writing games, share writing and offer each other constructive criticism in a workshop format.The club invites participation from students working in all genres: poetry, fiction (including genrefiction!), essays, plays, screenplays, comics, graphic novels, etc.DOLLHOUSESPONSOR: Monique Williams & Tekia TimmonsThe Dollhouse Club is a mentoring and service club. This organization mentors students at theacademy and in the WA community. Club members also provide support to organizations that servethe community. Participation in this club is a great way to give back and assist others in need. Dues: $20ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CLUBSPONSOR: Hannah Campbell & Brande JonesThe Environmental Awareness Club is for any student interested in promoting awareness ofenvironmental issues or in learning more about environmental issues themselves. The club is involvedin projects that help the environment on all WA campuses (like educating students about recycling and19

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At Woodward Academy we feel that learning and growth occurs not just in the classroom, but alsothrough club activities, on school trips, through service projects, on sports fields, and more. One ofthe key components of our school motto is ʻOpportunityʼ – we are proud to offer a large array ofco-curricular programs and athletic teams for our students to choose from. By participating in clubs, service projects, arts groups, academic teams, and athletic programs,students experience personal growth in areas outside of the classroom. Each group provides thecamaraderie and sense of belonging important in the high school experience. Further, as studentsinvest time and energy into a club and team, they oen find opportunities to develop their leadershipabilities. There are numerous opportunities for these skills to develop, and student leaders are invitedto participate in the Student Leadership Institute at the beginning of each school year.The Student Life department encourages our students to review the many offerings and considercarefully what programs to participate in. While there is no limit to the number of activities that you asa student may join, it is important to recognize that one person canʼt do everything. Joining a groupor team is a commitment. Sometimes these commitments require two or more hours each aernoon,as it is with a sports team. Sometimes these commitments involve just an hour or so each month.Regardless, these commitments of involvement are not to be taken lightly. Students, faculty, andcoaches all rely on their group members to honor these arrangements.If you find that you have an idea for a new group that furthers the Academyʼs mission and is not beingmet by one of our current offerings, we encourage you to speak with Coach Myers about the new clubproposal process.In closing, the Student Life department encourages all students to get involved. The relationshipsdeveloped between students, and between coaches and faculty members and students outside of theclassroom are the ones that last longest. When Woodward Alumni return to campus, they are mostlikely to reminisce about a particular game, social activity, or service project. Itʼs in theseopportunities that excellent character is developed and long-lasting friendships and memories aremade.Our best for the best year yet!Chris MyersDirector of Student Activitieschris.myers@woodward.eduACADEMIC CLUBS & TEAMS | PERFORMING & VISUAL ARTS GROUPS | PUBLICATIONS | RELIGIOUSCLUBS | LEADERSHIP & SERVICE GROUPS | SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS | ATHLETICS

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idling in their cars) and in the community (through cleanups and outreach). The club is also active inplanning Earth Week activities that are a fun way to get all students involved in protecting our planet.EQUESTRIAN TEAMSPONSOR: Hannah CampbellThe Woodward Academy Equestrian Team is an off-campus team that allows the opportunity forexperienced and beginner riders to compete against other schools and teams at their skill level. Ridersdo not have to own or lease their own horse or have their own tack. Each student must compete in atleast 4 shows during the season and may compete in a maximum of 5. During these shows riders canqualify as individuals and/or as a team for post-season competition. Woodward has two teams, a middleschool team for grades 4-8 and a high school team for grades 9-12. Students should plan to take lessonsyear round on their own time, but the shows are typically during the fall semester (with the exception ofpost-season shows which are in the spring). If students already take lessons at another barn they areonly required to take two lessons a month with the team coach, otherwise 4 lessons a month with theteam coach is required during the season. The Woodward Academy team is an IEA (InterscholasticEquestrian Association) team ( This organization allows students to experienceequestrian competitions without the expense of owning a horse. All students must register with IEA inAugust to be a part of the team, and they are responsible for their own show and lesson fees. For moreinformation contact faculty sponsor Hannah Campbell at & FIBER ARTS CLUBSPONSOR: May EngelhardtThe Fashion & Fiber Arts Club is for students who are interested in all facets of the fashion industry aswell as the creation of clothing through fiber art. Activities and discussions will cover all areas offashion & fiber arts. Students interested in fashion as a hobby or as a career are encouraged to join!FILM CLUBSPONSOR: Nick WidenerDo you like cinema and all things involving film? You should join Woodward Academy's Film Club! Wemeet twice a month to watch and analyze films and participate in fun activities. We're open toeveryone so invite your pals to enjoy popcorn and a fun place to appreciate film! for more information.20

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K-POP APPRECIATION CLUBSPONSOR: Swannee ParkThe K-pop Appreciation Club is a non-judgmental, inclusive-to-all club that expresses appreciation forK-pop and Korean culture. Whether you are a die-hard fan or new to the genre, an experienced danceror a beginner, all are welcomed and appreciated.Dues: $20LEGAL STUDIES CLUBSPONSORS: Jodi HesterThe Legal Studies Club is open to students interested in exploring issues related to the legal systemand learning more about careers in the legal field. The club invites speakers from the legal communityto discuss their careers and share insights about the education and training needed to pursue a legalcareer. The club hosts discussions about court cases and how the legal system can be used to resolveissues and conflicts.MAGIC CLUBSPONSOR: David WidenerThe Magic Club is for anyone interested in learning magic with cards, coins, rope, and other ordinaryobjects. Members will learn effects and presentation techniques, as well as have the opportunity toperform and see guest magicians perform. The club will meet twice a month at different times. Nodues are required for the club.MY MIND MATTERS CLUB (M3)SPONSORS: Elizabeth Carter & Tonya DedeauxOpen to sophomores, juniors, and seniors and the student planning committee for the Mental HealthAwareness Week events. Weekly and/or monthly meetings will be required to plan the M3 events forthe year. An application process takes place in early fall semester and is required for entry toparticipate on the planning committee. Examples of past events have been therapy dogs, therapeuticpainting, stress-less room, special assembly speakers, and the silent disco.MUSIC APPRECIATION CLUBSPONSOR: Gina CallowayThe music appreciation club is a place for students with a deep appreciation for music of diversegenres, from rap and pop, to classical and jazz, to have a place to share their interests and collaborate21

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with other students who share the same passion for music. The club will host small performances,host guest speakers, and facilitate group discussions.Dues: $10OUTDOORS CLUBSPONSOR: Chris MyersThe Outdoors Club is open to all students. Club members have opportunities to learn skills and attendtrips camping, backpacking, river raing, skiing and other various outdoor activities. All trips comewith an added cost. Club dues go towards trip deposits and group equipment used during trips.Dues: $10.00WA SPIRITSPONSOR: Chelsea Hagan, Sara Elliot & Malia MyersWA Spirit helps to build enthusiasm and spirit for athletic, performing arts, and student life eventsthroughout the year. The club meets at least once a month to discuss upcoming events and plan waysto improve student involvement and attendance.UNICEF CLUBSPONSOR: Maggie BerthiaumeThe UNICEF Club is a youth-led initiative rooted in a belief that students in the United States have avital role to play as the voice for children everywhere. The club partners with the U.S. Fund for UNICEFto support their lifesaving work. Through fundraising, awareness, and community service, we willwork to make a difference in childrenʼs lives both in our community and around the world. We willlearn about various international issues and members will have opportunities to earn service hours.This club is student-led, and membership is open to anyone who has a passion for helping others anda special interest in human rights.WA GLOBALSPONSORS: Jamie Spetseris & Alisha WhiteWA Global provides a space for students to gather and share their cultural beliefs and traditions, and tolearn about other groups that may not be directly represented by a WA club. It aims to buildcommunity amongst a diverse group of students with varying backgrounds and cultural traditions, aswell as welcome new long-term international students and short-term exchange students as theyexperience and learn about the culture of Atlanta, Georgia and Woodward Academy. The club iscommitted to developing a global mindset, global competencies, and global citizenship through22

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exposure to various cultures, beliefs, and experiences. *Students pursuing the Global StudiesDistinction are encouraged to participate in WA Global.WA READSSPONSORS: Brian HutchisonWA Reads is made up of students and teachers who enjoy reading, especially diverse, contemporary,young-adult fiction. The club meets once a month during lunch to discuss books it has read togetherand as individuals. We encourage all students to join the discussions, whether they are officialmembers or not. The club is committed to fostering a life-long love of reading.AthleticsDirector of Athletics: Jose FernandezAdministrative Assistant: Kelli WybleAssociate Director of Athletics: David WidenerAssistant Director of Athletics: Gene PattersonCertified Athletic Trainers: Laura Taylor, Jordan Olson & Kyle SantoCertified Strength & Conditioning Coaches: Ty McCard & Chris LoweATHLETIC TEAM MANAGERS (ALL SPORTS)Students wishing to serve as a team manager for any of our offered sports, should contact the headcoach about available managing opportunities.Fall SportsCROSS COUNTRYBoys & Girls Varsity Head Coach: Nicholas WidenerAssistant Coaches: Pete Fritts , Michael Farry, Leslie Widener, Jimmy Hyder, Sam Barrody, IsabelaRomeroTryouts will begin August 5th. Meet at the Willingham Track and bring a watch and water bottle. Beprepared to run for at least 30 minutes without stopping.23

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FOOTBALL/GAMEDAY COMPETITION CHEERLEADINGVarsity Head Coach: Malia MyersAssistant Coaches: Summer Thompson, Elece LawrenceTryouts for all squads are held in mid-April for current students. New to WA students try out during thefirst week of summer.FOOTBALLVarsity Head Coach: John HuntAssistant Coaches: Jim Minor, Ryan Davis, Bill McGarrah, Darin Schneider, Lee Sellers, MarquellBeckwith & Mario AllenSpring Practice starts Late April. Summer Workouts will begin the 2nd week of June, 1st officialpractice starts July 22nd. Anyone interested please contact John.hunt@woodward.eduVOLLEYBALL - GirlsVarsity Head Coach: Tim GroomsAssistant Coaches: Rhana Mitchell, Tan DangTryouts and practice begin July 29th, and the season runs through early November.SOFTBALL - GirlsVarsity Head Coach: John HurstonAssistant Coaches: Shannon Balthaser, Eileen McWhorter, Joey Jordan, Bre Copeland, JosephJordanTryouts will be held July 29th & July 30th at the Sutherland Soball Complex.RIFLERYVarsity Head Coach: Paul BoenigAssistant Coaches: Annie WestlundThe Woodward Riflery Team is a co-ed Varsity Sport for Upper School students (grades 9-12). With theguidance of adult coaching and supervision, student athletes begin training for the sport of 3 Position– 10 Meter Air Rifle in mid-September and tryout for team positions at the end of October. The RegularSeason is November through March with qualified Teams and Individuals competing in the postseasonduring March and April. New to Woodward or interested students please contact Coach Boenig( for more information.24

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CLAY TARGET TEAMHead Coach: Luke UnderwoodAssistant Coaches: David Widener, Andy Morris & Tonya WhitmireWoodard Academy Sporting Clays provides the opportunity for boys and girls in the Upper School(grades 9 -12) to participate in the exciting and challenging sports of Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays ina supportive environment taught by trained and supportive adult coaches focusing on the safehandling and use of firearms. Tryouts are held in August for all currently enrolled Woodward Academystudents. New-to-Woodward students will have the opportunity to tryout in August and shouldcontact Coach Underwood ( if interested.Winter SportsBOYS BASKETBALLVarsity Head Coach: Anthony ThomasAssistant Coaches: Mike Mousadis, Tim Coats, Rob Lawrence, CJ Williams, Sean Scroggs, JulianCameron & Tre WimbyTryouts begin in late October. See one of the coaches in order to determine which team to try out for.GIRLS BASKETBALLVarsity Head Coach: Kim LawrenceAssistant Coaches: Mike Wylder, Rob Lawrence & Fred BurnamPre-season conditioning begins in September. Tryouts are in late October.BASKETBALL CHEERLEADINGVarsity Head Coach: Elece LawrenceAssistant Coaches: Krystle CopelandTryouts are held in the spring for both fall and winter seasons.BOYS & GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVINGVarsity Head Coach: Tom Quitzau & Lucy SeidelAssistant Coaches: Anna Mathis, Brett Reichert, Rachel ChouSeason starts in mid- October and runs through mid-February.25

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BOYS WRESTLINGVarsity Head Coach:Assistant Coaches: Bill McGarrah & Terry MyrickGIRLS WRESTLINGVarsity Head Coach:Assistant Coaches: Shawn Stratton & Chris LewisWRESTLERETTESSponsor: Malia MyersThe group serves as timers, scorekeepers, and pep squad, etc., for the wrestling team.Spring SportsBOYS SOCCERVarsity Head Coach: Matt HolmesAssistant Coaches: Jack Fischer, Trent RossTryouts are in January. First game is in February.GIRLS SOCCERVarsity Head Coach: Sara ElliotAssistant Coaches: Izzy Romero, Tyler Sherman, Cristina Guilarte, Brande Jones, Deairra HobsonTryouts are in January. First game is in February.BOYS GOLFVarsity Head Coach: Kevin GreaneyAssistant Coaches: Lee SellersSeason starts late February and runs through early May.26

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GIRLS GOLFVarsity Head Coach: Bill McGarrahAssistant Coaches: Melissa Sneed-McCardThe Golf Team is open to anyone in grades 9-12 interested in playing competitive golf. Tryouts begin inlate February. The season lasts through early May.BOYS TENNISVarsity Head Coach: George WestlundAssistant Coaches: Michael Farry, Reed JohnsonGIRLS TENNISVarsity Head Coach: Tucker GriffinAssistant Coaches: Ann Whitten BourneTryouts for tennis begin in mid to late January. An announcement will be made before tryouts begin.Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to try out.BOYS & GIRLS TRACK & FIELDVarsity Head Coach: Ryan DavisAssistant Coaches: Tad Sahara, Alida Abdullah, Tom Bourne, Chase Parker, Leslie Widener &Nicholas WidenerTryouts begin in late January. Anyone interested please contact,BASEBALLVarsity Head Coach: John HurstonAssistant Coaches: Payton Christensen, Joey Jordan, Joseph Jordan, Darin Schneider, David Alvord& Jimmy HyderTryouts will be held in January.27

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BOYS LACROSSEVarsity Head Coach:Assistant Coaches: Glenn Milton, Jonathan Overman, Bill Coats & Chris MyersTryouts are in late January. First game is in mid-February.GIRLS LACROSSEVarsity Head Coach: Caitlin CochranAssistant Coaches: August UyTryouts are in early February. First game is in mid-February.BOYS ULTIMATE FRISBEEVarsity Head Coach: Ken KirschnerAssistant Coaches:Ultimate teams are open to all students in grades 9 – 12. The teams play schools in Atlanta & attend afew tournaments in Atlanta as well as other states.GIRLS ULTIMATE FRISBEEVarsity Head Coach:Ken KirschnerAssistant Coaches:Ultimate teams are open to all students in grades 9 – 12. The teams play schools in Atlanta & attend afew tournaments in Atlanta as well as other states.ESPORTSVarsity Head Coach: Daniel WagesAssistant Coach: Trent Ross, Michael Lawrence, Tre Wimby28

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ACADEMIC CLUBS & TEAMSASL CLUB (AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE)SPONSOR: Megan JoinerCHINESE CLUBSPONSOR: Sherry ChengThe Woodward Chinese club celebrates Chinese language and culture. It opens to all WA US students.Students will participate in Chinese festivals and activities such as Lunar New Year, Mid-autumnFestival, Chinese calligraphy, shuttlecock/Ping-Pong contest, dumpling making, etc. The club officersand the club sponsor will do most of the planning, while members just show up at events and havefun. Members must pay the dues for officially signing up.Dues: $20DEBATEHEAD COACH: Maggie Berthiaume & Becca SteinerASSISTANT COACHES: Laquinta Montgomery, Matt Tilford & Lesley CarnesWoodwardʼs nationally competitive Debate Team—the 2021 and 2022 State Champions and the 2012National Champions—is open to all Upper School students who are taking the “Debate” class as partof their course schedule. Debate sharpens oneʼs ability to research and analyze problems, think andlisten critically, express thoughts clearly and fluently and better understand public affairs. It increasesoneʼs confidence and poise and provides constant intellectual stimulation. Tournaments are held fromSeptember through May with competition opportunities tailored to meet student needs. For moreinformation: or NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYSPONSOR: Seth MeyerMembership for German National Honor Society is based on scholarship in German classes. Membership is by invitation only.3

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MATH COMPETITIONSSPONSOR: Jeff FloydWe have opportunities for students to participate in math competitions conveniently on our campusaer the school day. These include:1. The Kennesaw University Math Competition, with round 1 in October and (for qualifiers) round2 in February2. The AMC 10/12 A and B tests, which are aer school two days in November.3. The AIME (for qualifiers thru AMC 10/12 scores) in MarchAll of these will take place aer school in room F374. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. Interestedstudents should email Mr Floyd at to be added to the Math CompetitionsVeracross group and to be added to the Math Competitions google calendar. On Veracross will becopies and solutions from previous years competitions-over 250 pdf files. The math competitionsgoogle calendar will always contain the most recent updates concerning the schedule of thesecompetitions.MATH CLUBSPONSOR: Swannee ParkStudents who might not think they are good at math or lack confidence in math, but still love it, areperfect for Math Club. High schoolers from all walks of life are welcome to join. At Math Club, we willtalk about simple proofs to complex problems, history of math, axioms, properties of numbers,everyday math and so much more. Participating students will be able to foster a love for math in anon-strenuous environment that does not require a deep understanding of math. Every two weeksMath Club will meet up to discuss math and solve fun math riddles. Students should be prepared tolearn math while having fun.MOCK TRIAL COACHES: Jesse Bowen & Lori FenzlAre you interested in learning more about the law and what really happens in a courtroom? Do youwant to develop your critical thinking, problem solving, and public speaking skills? WoodwardAcademyʼs Mock Trial team offers students the opportunity to do all of these things at once. Bylearning from real lawyers, Mock Trial team members learn how to develop and argue a legal courtcase by assuming the roles of attorney and witnesses in a mock trial. We welcome any student whohas an interest in legal studies, acting, performing, or who simply wants to learn more! Contact Mr.Bowen or Ms. Fenzl for more information (;

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MODEL UNSPONSOR: Matt Tilford & Linda WyattStudents simulate United Nations committees by representing a country whose positions they haveresearched. Woodward's club typically participates in an Atlanta-area conference, one conference inanother state, and also hosts its own on-campus conference. Delegates acquire a practicalunderstanding of the way that the United Nations and other international organizations approachglobal issues and reach decisions. Participating students represent nations from around the world inactual debates and problem-solving negotiations.NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYSPONSOR: Stephanie StephensMembership is by invitation only. Criteria for membership is based on scholarship, leadership, service,character, and a minimum 3.8 Core GPA. Please see the Scheduling and Curriculum Guide for moredetailed information.Grades 11 and 12 ONLY.FIRST ROBOTICS TEAMHEAD COACH & MENTOR: Tim HippMENTORS: Tenneille Patterson & Monique WilliamsFIRST is More Than Robots. FIRST participation is proven to encourage students to pursue educationand careers in STEM-related fields, inspire them to become leaders and innovators, and enhance their21stcentury work-life skills. Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science andtechnology. FIRST Robotics Competition is the ultimate Sport for the Mind. High-school studentparticipants call it “the hardest fun youʼll ever have.” Under strict rules, limited resources, and anintense six-week time limit, teams of students are challenged to design a team "brand," honeteamwork skills, design, build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game againstlike-minded competitors. Itʼs as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Faculty mentorslend their time and talents to guide the WA Robotics team.FRENCH CLUBSPONSOR: Tara IngleFrench Club is open to all students who are interested in French and francophone culture, who sign upwith the sponsor.5

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GERMAN CLUBSPONSOR: Seth MeyerJAPAN CLUBSPONSOR: Tad SaharaSPANISH CLUBSPONSOR: Lori Beth Wiseman & Reyes Baena-CaracuelSCIENCE OLYMPIADSPONSOR: Gary Lawhon, Andrea Patterson, Lesley Carnes & John FaisonScience Olympiad is a competitive team of 15 students that compete against other schools in 23different events that cover science & engineering fields. Events consist of simple paper and pencil testsof knowledge, lab activities demonstrating skill and knowledge, and engineering events wherestudents build a device to be tested at the competition site. The team competes in at least threetournaments per year at the region, state and national levels.SENIOR PHILOSOPHY SEMINARSPONSORS: Tom Ehrensperger & Bryan RutledgeThe Senior Philosophy Seminar consists of about ten seniors, chosen by the sponsors aer anapplication process in the spring. The group meets in the early evening about 8-9 times per year todiscuss selected philosophical issues. A textbook, Philosophy: Paradox and Discovery, serves as aguide and is required reading over the Summer.SOCIEDAD HONARARIA HISPANICASPONSOR: Lori Beth Wiseman & Reyes Baena CaracuelThe Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish,sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). Membershipfor the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is based on scholarship in Spanish classes and is by invitationonly. The society hosts several cultural events throughout the year that all US students are invited toattend.6

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SOCIETE HONORAIRE de FRANCAISSPONSOR: Tara IngleThe Société Honoraire de Français is an honor society for high school students, sponsored by theAmerican Association of Teachers of French (AATF). Membership for the SHF is based on scholarship inFrench classes and is by invitation only. In the SHF, students can acquire leadership skills by serving asofficers, directing the initiation ceremony, and leading chapter events centered around Francophonelanguage, literature and cultures for the US student body. In addition, the SHF encouragesparticipation in the annual SHF writing contest, the SHF travel grant competition, and the DELF. Therewill be a one time fee for membership upon invitation to join.QUILL & SCROLLSPONSORS: Emily Heilker & Jenny KaferQuill and Scroll is an international honors society for high school journalists. Founded in 1926 at theUniversity of Iowa, members of this organization seek to encourage students to pursue careers in thefield and recognize students for achievements in journalism and scholastic publication. Since itsfounding, Quill and Scroll has expanded all across the United States and globally with members in11,300 high schools across the 50 states and in 29 countries around the world. Woodward Academyhas been a Quill and Scroll charter school since October 17, 1977. We continue to recognize the hardwork and dedication of the students in our Student Publications programs. This includes The Blade,the butterknife, Silent Voices and The Phoenix. Membership is by invitation only.QUIZ BOWL TEAMCOACHES: Ian Irwin & Melissa GilbertDo you enjoy Jeopardy, High-Q, and trivia games? Join the Quiz Bowl Team! We practice regularlyduring lunch to train for competitions and tournaments throughout the year. Successful teammembers are eligible for award letters and letter jackets. Any student in grades 9-12 with a competitivespirit are welcome. We are especially looking for underclassmen who are willing to learn and grow.Come play with us! To find out more, contact Mrs. Gilbert in the library.melissa.gilbert@woodward.edu7

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Performing & Visual Arts GroupsART CLUBSPONSORS: Andy Cunningham, Jon Grainger, May Engelhart & Natalie BrandhorstMembership in the Art Club is based upon outstanding ability, interest, service, and character. Members must take two semesters of art during the current school year or have been an activemember previously. The purpose of the club is to inspire and recognize students in the programdedicated to art as well as to further their creative abilities. The club also strives to bring art to theattention of the Woodward community. Members participate in and sponsor gallery shows andevents that require art in the gallery and other parts of the campus. The club also organizes and/orhosts the visiting artists workshop day, visits to museums and galleries, Experience the Arts Day, theArt College Visitation Day, and the Senior Art Show and awards presentation.Dues: $15.00 (includes T-shirt designed by member).COFFEE HOUSESPONSOR: Emily HeilkerCoffeehouse is a safe space for students to perform or read creative work for their peers. Held virtuallythis fall, coffeehouse will curate Zoom living room concerts and readings monthly and explore pop-upopen mic opportunities.THESPIAN CLUBSPONSORS: Erin Greenway & John BrandhorstThe Thespian Club is a branch of the International Thespian Society. The club meets once a month toorganize theatre outings, service projects, and other group events that take place throughout theschool year. In February, members attend a weekend State Theatre Conference; also available is aweek-long international conference during the month of June. At these conferences, the groupattends theatre performances and participates in workshops on acting, singing, mime, dance, lighting,costuming, stage management, etc. Eligibility is based on a point system. Points can be accumulatedby participating in the Woodward Theatre Department as an actor, stage manager, designer, or crewmember.8

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THESPIAN HONOR SOCIETYTROUPE DIRECTOR: Erin GreenwayThe International Thespian Society (ITS) is the Educational Theatre Associationʼs honoraryorganization recognizing the achievements of high school theatre students. Thespian troupes arechartered in public and private schools throughout the country, representing excellence in theatreeducation.A student can be inducted into the ITS aer earning 10 points – equivalent to 100 hours working inschool, community and/or professional theater both on and backstage. Inducted students are eligibleto compete at the state convention in Columbus, GA.FALL THEATRE PRODUCTIONDIRECTOR: Erin Greenway & John BrandhorstThe Upper School Theatre Department puts on two productions each Fall, one in mid September andthe other in mid October. Students may participate on stage as an actor or behind the scenes byassisting with the technical aspects. For more information, contact the theatre director.SPRING MUSICALDIRECTOR: Erin Greenway & John BrandhorstWoodward Academy Theatre Department produces a major musical in February of each year. Auditions for the musical are in late November or early December (listed on the school calendar). Eachstudent is required to prepare a song from a Broadway Musical and participate in a dance audition. There are also opportunities to assist with the technical production of the Spring musical. For moreinformation, contact the theatre director.MEN’S & WOMEN’S REGAL EAGLE TALENT COMPETITIONSDIRECTORS: Steve Rotz, Lauran Hunt & Ciara AutenThe Men's and Women's Regal Eagle Talent competitions take place in March of each year. If you areinterested in entering a solo or group act, announcements will be made about signing up in November.NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR DANCE ARTSSPONSOR: Jenny GouldThis group celebrates the artistic, academic and leadership achievements of exceptional dancestudents. Our goal is to promote a desire for life-long learning in the field of dance, encourage anunderstanding of and an appreciation for dance as an art form and to develop knowledgeable9