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Three Rivers LSD Superintendent Search

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OUR COMMUNITYThree Rivers Local School DistrictApplication Deadline:March 1, 2025www.threeriversschools.orgSUPERINTENDENTSEARCH  THREE RIVERS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTCORE VALUESCULTIVATE EXCELLENCE.INSPIRE INNOVATION.NURTURE INCLUSION.BOARD OF EDUCATIONGaryne Evans ..................................... President Ryan McDonald ..................................Vice PresidentSusan Miller ........................................ MemberStephanie Staord ........................... MemberChristina Hughes ............................... MemberThe Three Rivers Local School District is an excellent learning community of approximately 2,000 students (grades PK–12) and a sta of 300 in one beautiful state-of-the-art facility. The District is approximately fifteen miles from Fountain Square in Cincinnati. It borders the corporation line of Cincinnati on US 50 (along the Ohio River) and is in the extreme southwest corner of the state.Students enrolled in Three Rivers are residents of Addyston, Cleves, North Bend and adjoining unincorporated areas in Miami Township. Three Rivers Local School District includes all of Miami Township.

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CHARACTERISTICSFINANCIAL PROFILETHE SEARCHThe Butler County Educational Service Center in cooperation with the Three Rivers Local Schools Board of Education is conducting a search for the next Superintendent. To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, copy of your current Ohio Superintendent License, and two letters of recommendation to:Chris Brown, BCESC Superintendent 400 N. Erie Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio 45011AND complete the online application found at For additional information, contact Mr. Brown at (513) 887-5529.Candidates are not to contact Three Rivers Board Members or Administrators.*Three Rivers Local School District is an equal-opportunity employer. Any applicant who needs specialaccommodations to interview should contact ChrisBrown, BCESC Superintendent, at (513) 887-5529.Total Valuation ............................. $524,945,690 Mills (eective) Inside ........................................ 3.4 Outside ............................................ 41.5 Income Tax ............................................ (n/a)AppropriationsGeneral Funds .............. $28,696,359 (FY2025)All Funds ....................... $45,308,977Expenditure Per Pupil ....... $15,117Revenue Source (Percentages) Local ................................................. 46% State ................................................. 32% Other ................................................ 22% Full-Time Employees ....................... 246The ideal candidate has a valid Ohio School Superintendent License. Experience is preferred, central oce experience is required. A successful candidate will demonstrate the following:• Demonstrates a commitment to embeddingthemselves within the diverse communitiesserved by the district.• Values and respects the traditions of thedistrict while oering innovative ideas todrive progress.• Actively engages with stakeholders, includingstudents, sta, families, and the community atlarge.• Exemplifies the highest standards of honestyand integrity in all professional interactions.• Practices transparency in decision-makingprocesses, ensuring that stakeholdersunderstand the reasoning behind decisions.• Builds trust by being approachable, authentic,and consistent in actions and communication.• Works collaboratively with the Board,employees, and community members,fostering a culture of mutual respect andshared purpose.• Maintains a strong presence in the districtby being accessible and visible at schools,events, and community functions.• Possesses a thorough knowledge of schoolfinance, particularly in the context of Ohio’sregulations and requirements.• Balances professional responsibilities with anunderstanding of the importance of work-lifebalance for themselves and their team.• Excels in articulating the reasoning behinddicult decisions, ensuring the public andsta remain informed and involved.• Actively listens to all stakeholders, creating asense of inclusiveness and respect.TIMELINEPosition Posted: January 17, 2025Application Deadline: March 1, 2025First-round Interviews: March 10 - 14Final Board Interviews: March 17, 2025Candidate Approval: TBATentative Start Date: June 1, 2025

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CHARACTERISTICSFINANCIAL PROFILETHE SEARCHThe Butler County Educational Service Center in cooperation with the Three Rivers Local Schools Board of Education is conducting a search for the next Superintendent. To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, copy of your current Ohio Superintendent License, and two letters of recommendation to:Chris Brown, BCESC Superintendent 400 N. Erie Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio 45011AND complete the online application found at For additional information, contact Mr. Brown at (513) 887-5529.Candidates are not to contact Three Rivers Board Members or Administrators.*Three Rivers Local School District is an equal-opportunity employer. Any applicant who needs specialaccommodations to interview should contact ChrisBrown, BCESC Superintendent, at (513) 887-5529.Total Valuation ............................. $524,945,690 Mills (eective) Inside ........................................ 3.4 Outside ............................................ 41.5 Income Tax ............................................ (n/a)AppropriationsGeneral Funds .............. $28,696,359 (FY2025)All Funds ....................... $45,308,977Expenditure Per Pupil ....... $15,117Revenue Source (Percentages) Local ................................................. 46% State ................................................. 32% Other ................................................ 22% Full-Time Employees ....................... 246The ideal candidate has a valid Ohio School Superintendent License. Experience is preferred, central oce experience is required. A successful candidate will demonstrate the following:• Demonstrates a commitment to embeddingthemselves within the diverse communitiesserved by the district.• Values and respects the traditions of thedistrict while oering innovative ideas todrive progress.• Actively engages with stakeholders, includingstudents, sta, families, and the community atlarge.• Exemplifies the highest standards of honestyand integrity in all professional interactions.• Practices transparency in decision-makingprocesses, ensuring that stakeholdersunderstand the reasoning behind decisions.• Builds trust by being approachable, authentic,and consistent in actions and communication.• Works collaboratively with the Board,employees, and community members,fostering a culture of mutual respect andshared purpose.• Maintains a strong presence in the districtby being accessible and visible at schools,events, and community functions.• Possesses a thorough knowledge of schoolfinance, particularly in the context of Ohio’sregulations and requirements.• Balances professional responsibilities with anunderstanding of the importance of work-lifebalance for themselves and their team.• Excels in articulating the reasoning behinddicult decisions, ensuring the public andsta remain informed and involved.• Actively listens to all stakeholders, creating asense of inclusiveness and respect.TIMELINEPosition Posted: January 17, 2025Application Deadline: March 1, 2025First-round Interviews: March 10 - 14Final Board Interviews: March 17, 2025Candidate Approval: TBATentative Start Date: June 1, 2025

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CHARACTERISTICSFINANCIAL PROFILETHE SEARCHThe Butler County Educational Service Center in cooperation with the Three Rivers Local Schools Board of Education is conducting a search for the next Superintendent. To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, copy of your current Ohio Superintendent License, and two letters of recommendation to:Chris Brown, BCESC Superintendent 400 N. Erie Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio 45011AND complete the online application found at For additional information, contact Mr. Brown at (513) 887-5529.Candidates are not to contact Three Rivers Board Members or Administrators.*Three Rivers Local School District is an equal-opportunity employer. Any applicant who needs specialaccommodations to interview should contact ChrisBrown, BCESC Superintendent, at (513) 887-5529.Total Valuation ............................. $524,945,690 Mills (eective) Inside ........................................ 3.4 Outside ............................................ 41.5 Income Tax ............................................ (n/a)AppropriationsGeneral Funds .............. $28,696,359 (FY2025)All Funds ....................... $45,308,977Expenditure Per Pupil ....... $15,117Revenue Source (Percentages) Local ................................................. 46% State ................................................. 32% Other ................................................ 22% Full-Time Employees ....................... 246The ideal candidate has a valid Ohio School Superintendent License. Experience is preferred, central oce experience is required. A successful candidate will demonstrate the following:• Demonstrates a commitment to embeddingthemselves within the diverse communitiesserved by the district.• Values and respects the traditions of thedistrict while oering innovative ideas todrive progress.• Actively engages with stakeholders, includingstudents, sta, families, and the community atlarge.• Exemplifies the highest standards of honestyand integrity in all professional interactions.• Practices transparency in decision-makingprocesses, ensuring that stakeholdersunderstand the reasoning behind decisions.• Builds trust by being approachable, authentic,and consistent in actions and communication.• Works collaboratively with the Board,employees, and community members,fostering a culture of mutual respect andshared purpose.• Maintains a strong presence in the districtby being accessible and visible at schools,events, and community functions.• Possesses a thorough knowledge of schoolfinance, particularly in the context of Ohio’sregulations and requirements.• Balances professional responsibilities with anunderstanding of the importance of work-lifebalance for themselves and their team.• Excels in articulating the reasoning behinddicult decisions, ensuring the public andsta remain informed and involved.• Actively listens to all stakeholders, creating asense of inclusiveness and respect.TIMELINEPosition Posted: January 17, 2025Application Deadline: March 1, 2025First-round Interviews: March 10 - 14Final Board Interviews: March 17, 2025Candidate Approval: TBATentative Start Date: June 1, 2025

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OUR COMMUNITYThree Rivers Local School DistrictApplication Deadline:March 1, 2025www.threeriversschools.orgSUPERINTENDENTSEARCH  THREE RIVERS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTCORE VALUESCULTIVATE EXCELLENCE.INSPIRE INNOVATION.NURTURE INCLUSION.BOARD OF EDUCATIONGaryne Evans ..................................... President Ryan McDonald ..................................Vice PresidentSusan Miller ........................................ MemberStephanie Staord ........................... MemberChristina Hughes ............................... MemberThe Three Rivers Local School District is an excellent learning community of approximately 2,000 students (grades PK–12) and a sta of 300 in one beautiful state-of-the-art facility. The District is approximately fifteen miles from Fountain Square in Cincinnati. It borders the corporation line of Cincinnati on US 50 (along the Ohio River) and is in the extreme southwest corner of the state.Students enrolled in Three Rivers are residents of Addyston, Cleves, North Bend and adjoining unincorporated areas in Miami Township. Three Rivers Local School District includes all of Miami Township.

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OUR COMMUNITYThree Rivers Local School DistrictApplication Deadline:March 1, 2025www.threeriversschools.orgSUPERINTENDENTSEARCH  THREE RIVERS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTCORE VALUESCULTIVATE EXCELLENCE.INSPIRE INNOVATION.NURTURE INCLUSION.BOARD OF EDUCATIONGaryne Evans ..................................... President Ryan McDonald ..................................Vice PresidentSusan Miller ........................................ MemberStephanie Staord ........................... MemberChristina Hughes ............................... MemberThe Three Rivers Local School District is an excellent learning community of approximately 2,000 students (grades PK–12) and a sta of 300 in one beautiful state-of-the-art facility. The District is approximately fifteen miles from Fountain Square in Cincinnati. It borders the corporation line of Cincinnati on US 50 (along the Ohio River) and is in the extreme southwest corner of the state.Students enrolled in Three Rivers are residents of Addyston, Cleves, North Bend and adjoining unincorporated areas in Miami Township. Three Rivers Local School District includes all of Miami Township.