Peakabu s Spiny Nubby Slimy Yummy Bubbly Friendly Wavy Splashy Tide Pool Tour with bonus illustrations
by John Cayden
Peakabu s Spiny Nubby Slimy Yummy Bubbly Friendly Wavy Splashy Tide Pool Tour Copyright 2021 By John Cayden All rights reserved www johncayden com No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews This book may be purchased for educational business or sales promotional use For information please write to johncaydenbooks gmail com First edition published 2021 Written Illustrated and Designed by John Cayden Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Is available upon request if applicable ISBN 979 8 9859029 4 5
for little protectors of earth in the making This is a work of fiction Animals trees rocks plants locales and incidents are either the products of the author s imagination or used in a fictitious manner Any resemblance to somewhat realistic illustrations living or dead or actual places or events or clams or googli eyed octopi or birds is purely coincidental For more information on other books for children and adults by John Cayden visit www johncayden com
No starfish were harmed in the making of this adventure
This is my playground my home and my school and the best part of all is it comes with a pool
Lappidy slappidy sound the waves as they come They thunder and splash As they roll one by one
Be db o a go ay od oy t a am m Yes
My mom says we re otters and we live in the sea I guess I was born here In this ocean so free Most call me Peakabu as all my friends do I can take you to see them If that works for you
When the water goes out but some stays behind The pools will be full With new life to find This pool has Brawny a mussel with hands he holds with his family to the rocks in the sand Hey B arney bu Hiy aka a Pe
u o G d oo m t orn u yo Pe b aka That s Tufty right there the one with red bill who eats rock fish and squid with anchovies and krill He s cute but he s tough as I know you ll agree Puffins hunt in the winter and they stay out at sea Nice hat you have today
Hey Leiloni In here is Leiloni An urchin she is Her spines are real pokey Like needles and pins
Hi Peakabu Her mouth is beneath her and right by her feet which are tube shaped and hollow and move slow to eat
Next here is Otto a sea slug sea hare He s black and he s shiny and smooth without hair s Dias Bueno Otto
He likes to eat algae and sometimes eats kelp The darkness of seaweed gives his color some help akabu Bu ias Pe enos D
Did you hea r so me thin gO ly These beauties show danger Full of color so bright They smell with their tentacles barely seeing the light uys g Hey
Nudibrach Nudie brak means naked Explaining their gills They use gills for breathing like a long nose with frills
Only t hirty to Those two have color to warn others of pain But Buga Wuga is slick brown with black and quite plain day Pe akabu
As a seal of the harbor as that s where he stays He s strong and he s fierce but he still loves to play Catch any fish for lunch Bug a
Over here are the limpets They live in those shells and when the water blast at them Their foot holds them quite well With plenty of teeth they grow more each day But don t pick them off They won t live long that way
pets Hello lim
On the rock there is Nobita A hermit like crab She borrowed that shell which was ok to grab She ll soon need another as her soft belly grows and she ll be on the look out for a new larger home ou Thank y its new
Hey Nob ita nice h ouse