by John Cayden
WILTON Home In a Wet Wet Land Copyright © 2022 By John Cayden. All rights reserved. www.johncayden.com No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book may be purchased for educational business or sales promotional use. For information please write to: johncaydenbooks@gmail.com First edition published 2022 Written, Illustrated and Designed by John Cayden. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Is available upon request if applicable ISBN 979-87933581-7-0
for little protectors of Earth in the making This is a work of ction. Animals, trees, rocks, plants, locales and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a ctitious man-ner. Any resemblance to actual critters, living or dead, or actual places or events is purely coincidental. For more information on other books for children and adults by John Cayden visit www.johncayden.com.
A wee time ago in a watery wet landstood the home of a chipmunk named Wilton La’DashHis home fell over with the power of windand hit the ground in a storm with a crashHis small tidy house was inside a treethat grew by the water where the sunlight was free
Not sure what to do or where to go nextHis friends were coming to help to rebuild his nestThey would each take a turnto show what they brought all items were foundwith none that were bought
They’re bringing items so newand some items oldand some items naturaland one item in goldWilton will stand grateful about each of his friends and the items they’ll offerto help his home mendBut for now - it’s a wreck
First there was Kano a red-legged frogwho lives with six shat the end of a logHe offered a cap from the top of a drinkAs he handed it over he gave Wilton a wink
I thought you could use this for many a needfrom table to storageor even a sinkThank you kind KanoWilton said to the frogwho hopped off a rockand sprang back in the bog
He set the cap down and looked at the trunkto see a salamander named Callanwith stripes like a skunkHello there, dear friend I heard you’re in needI brought you a good thingI think you’ll agree