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How Does AI Help Our Health?

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es Includ ing n r a e Fun l nd a s e c ien r e p x e ies t i v i t 4 Ac ds for ki HOW DOES AI HELP OUR HEALTH BY CHAI THE AI BOT

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Foreword A I I S H E R E A R E Y O U R K I D S R E A D Y Kids are already interacting with artificial intelligence AI in their daily lives But how much do they understand about the opportunities and potential of AI And what can parents like you do to help them grasp the implications applications and concepts behind it Those are big questions and AIClub is providing the answers in a fun book series that helps kids understand this emerging technology and help you as a parent guide them as they learn all that AI has to offer This book and others in this series are brought to you by AIClub a group of technology experts teachers and parents who are passionate about helping our kids learn enjoy technology and imagine what they can create with it for themselves and a better future Best Wishes Nisha Talagala CEO AIClub

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Hi I am Chai the AI Bot I am a bot that teaches kids Artificial Intelligence AI In this book we will learn about AI and how it helps us stay healthy You will discover how AIs are used in devices and in the field of medicine to help us stay healthy We will explore how AIs work in our devices and apps to do this

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Contents 1 W H A T 2 H O W 3 D I G I T A L O U R I S A I C A N A I H E L P H E A L T H H E A L T H 4 L I F E S T Y L E 5 F I N D I N G 6 W H A T L I V I N G M E D I C I N E B E T T E R N E W M E D I C I N E S H A V E L E A R N E D W E

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1 W H A T I S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E 1

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Humans are intelligent They can think and make decisions They can naturally recognize sounds objects around them etc and do things such as Make plans Play games See things and people Hear and understand sounds Read books Have conversations 2

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Machines on the other hand can be made smart by adding some intelligence to them to do specific tasks In this book we learn how machines that are made intelligent by using the technology of Artificial Intelligence AI can help keep us healthy 3

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y t i v i t Ac Time Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Adding two numbers Reading a book Playing music 4

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Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Yes This is AI Adding two numbers No Computers can do this without AI Reading a book Yes This is AI Playing music Maybe Sometimes this needs AI 5

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2 H O W C A N A I H E L P O U R H E A L T H 7

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Let s look at how AI can help keep us healthy AI can help detect diseases quickly It can help doctors read medical reports such as X Rays MRIs and Retinal Scans accurately and treat your illness faster 8

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AI can help find new medicines to cure new illnesses Drug Discovery For example A cure for Coronavirus Also find better cures for existing illnesses such as diabetes and high cholesterol 9

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3 D I G I T A L H E A L T H 11

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AI is used in a lot of electronics to help us make healthy choices Our smartwatches Fitbits and phones are devices that help continuously monitor our heart rate and glucose levels among other things The AI will then process this information and let us know how healthy we are and alert us if they notice anything different 12

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There are even beds that use AI These AIpowered beds track your body temperature and weight to adjust the mattress and give you a good night s sleep Smartwatches can even help detect COVID by monitoring heart rate before a person is diagnosed 13

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4 L I F E S T Y L E M E D I C I N E L I V I N G B E T T E R 15

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AI can help recommend nutritious food It takes in information like our weight and lifestyle to recommend small changes that can make our life better 16

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AI can also predict whether we can manage diabetes with food and exercise Mirror is a device created by Brynn Putnam which is a great example of AI and fitness The device much like a mirror lets you watch exercise routines while also seeing yourself 17

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5 F I N D I N G N E W M E D I C I N E S 19

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Finding new medicines AI can predict whether a new medicine is likely to work This is called Drug Discovery 20

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AI can help reduce the time and resources used to find new drugs AI also reduces trial and error by using data to better predict outcomes with great accuracy 21

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6 W H A T H A V E W E L E A R N E D 23

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What have we learned AI can help doctors read medical reports AI can detect diseases AI can detect when our body is not functioning right AI can help discover new medicines 25

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y t i v i t Ac Time Design your own AI Doctor

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Draw a picture of your AI Doctor What is the doctor s name ____________________ What can they do ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

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y t i v i t Ac Time Mix and Match What are the tasks that AIs and Doctors can do Monitoring heart rate Recommend healthy habits Discover new medicines Detect COVID Notice patterns in X rays Perform surgery

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Mix and Match What are the tasks that AIs and Doctors can do AI Doctors

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y t i v i t Ac Time Mix and Match What are the tasks that AIs and Doctors can do Monitoring heart rate Recommend and remind you of healthy habits daily Discover new medicines Detect COVID without tests Notice patterns in X rays Perform surgery

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Mix and Match Which activity is done by which AI AI Doctors

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y t i v i t Ac Time Word Search Lets find these words AIClub Device Heart rate Cholesterol Fitbit Smartwatch Medicine Patterns Discover Monitor Surgery Detect Exercise Healthy

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Glossary A glossary is a little dictionary at the end of a book Here are a few words that will help you through this book AI Computer programs that help computers do what human brains do Drug Discovery This is the process by which new candidate medications are discovered Smart Watch A wearable computing device that closely resembles a wristwatch AI Recommendations Computer programs that learn about you and suggest things you might like 19

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Scan the QR code below for more fun AI activities for kids

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