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How Does AI Help The Earth?

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es d u l c n I ning r a e l Fun and s e c n ie exper ities v i t c 4A ds i k r o f HOW DOES AI HELP THE EARTH BY CHAI THE AI BOT

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Foreword A I I S H E R E A R E Y O U R K I D S R E A D Y Kids are already interacting with artificial intelligence AI in their daily lives But how much do they understand about the opportunities and potential of AI And what can parents like you do to help them grasp the implications applications and concepts behind it Those are big questions and AIClub is providing the answers in a fun book series that helps kids understand this emerging technology and help you as a parent guide them as they learn all that AI has to offer This book and others in this series are brought to you by AIClub a group of technology experts teachers and parents who are passionate about helping our kids learn enjoy technology and imagine what they can create with it for themselves and a better future Best Wishes Nisha Talagala CEO AIClub

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Hi I am Chai the AI Bot I am a bot that teaches kids Artificial Intelligence AI In this book we will learn about how AI can help protect the earth You will discover how AIs are used in different ways to help reduce environmental pollution We will explore different ways that you too can use AI in your daily life to help save the environment

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Contents 1 W H A T 2 H O W I S C A N A I W E H E L P O U R E A R T H C L I M A T E C O N S E R V A T I O N 3 H O W 4 H O W C A N P L A N T C H A N G E A I H E L P D E T E C T D I S E A S E C A N A I H E L P A I H E L P C L I M A T E C H A N G E 5 H O W 6 W H A T C A N I N R E C Y C L I N G H A V E W E L E A R N E D

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1 W H A T I S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E 1

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Humans are intelligent They can think and make decisions They can naturally recognize sounds objects around them etc and do things such as Make plans Play games See things and people Hear and understand sounds Read books Have conversations 2

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Machines on the other hand can be made smart by adding some intelligence to them to do specific tasks In this book we learn how machines that are made intelligent using Artificial Intelligence AI can help us protect the earth 3

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ity v i t c A Time Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Adding two numbers Reading a book Playing music 4

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Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Yes This is AI Adding two numbers No Computers can do this without AI Reading a book Yes This is AI Playing music Maybe Sometimes this needs AI 5

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2 H O W C A N W E H E L P O U R E A R T H 7

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How can we help our Earth Reduce Climate Change Add solar panels to your house Solar energy is free Solar panels collect sunlight and turn it into electricity even on cloudy days Reduce your water waste It takes a lot of energy to pump heat and treat the water you use Hence saving water will reduce carbon pollution So take shorter showers turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and wash clothes together in bulk 8

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How can we help our Earth Reduce Climate Change Recycle We can take old trash and make it into something new We can recycle glass bottles aluminum cans plastic bags and paper Reduce food waste Food waste releases methane gas when it decomposes which is very harmful to the environment When food wastage is reduced we can help the environment save money and also help people in need 9

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How can we help our Earth Conservation Reduce reuse and recycle Cut down on what you throw away Choose sustainable food options Reduce your intake of meat and seafood Fishing and animal husbandry are a big cause of global warming 10

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Plant a lot of trees Trees provide food and oxygen They give us oxygen to breathe keep the air clean and help combat climate change Switch to electric or hybrid vehicles and start carpooling This will help reduce vehicle pollution 11

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3 H O W A I H E L P S D E T E C T P L A N T D I S E A S E 13

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Let s look at how AI helps farmers detect Plant Disease Farmers can use an AI App which identifies the disease and provides the best ways to manage it 14

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The app can be installed on a farmer s smartphone to easily identify the plant and its disease It can also be installed on a drone to scan the entire field and increase coverage when inspecting the area 15

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4 H O W A I H E L P S C L I M A T E C H A N G E 17

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Let s look at how AI helps tackle climate change AI helps to develop new ways to generate energy like managing solar power AI can process information like tweets and help us better manage environmental disasters AI can track wildfires and other environmental problems and help us avoid and prevent them 18

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Let s look at how AI helps tackle climate change With AI we can better understand where pollution occurs how it is evolving and what the causes are AI can study climate patterns such as how weather patterns are changing and notify us Example AI can analyze satellite images and see if land patterns are changing It can also find out whether erosion patterns in the mountains are changing as the climate changes 19

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5 H O W A I H E L P S R E C Y C L I N G 21

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Let s see how AI can help Recycling Recycling can be a tedious task AMP Robotics is an artificial intelligence and robotics company that decided to change the way we recycle AMP Neuron is a robot that uses AI and computer vision to identify commonly found recyclable materials in garbage center conveyer belts Once identified and cataloged the AMP Robotic systems can then remove the specific piece of material from the conveyor system and place it into the appropriate recycling bin 22

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Let s see how AI can help Recycling There are AIpowered apps available today that can identify waste from images AI robots may even be able to identify symbols of specific brands 23

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6 W H A T H A V E W E L E A R N E D 25

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What have we learned Earth is our home we should protect it AI can help agriculture recycling and reducing climate change Artificial Intelligence is a set of programs that help computers do the kinds of things that human brains can do 27

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ity v i t c A Time Let s save an animal with AI Step 1 Choose an animal Example whales Step 2 Draw a picture of the animal on the space given on the next page Step 3 How can AI save this animal examples can be reducing pollution in the ocean improving water quality etc List 3 ways we can use AI to help this animal _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

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The Animal you would like to save

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ity v i t c A Time Mix and Match Match ways to help the environment with AI solutions Ways to help Recycle Reduce wildfires Clean up oceans Reduce traffic

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Mix and Match AI solutions Identify plastic See fires in satellite images Predict traffic patterns Identify glass

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ity v i t c A Time Answers Ways to help Recycle Reduce Wildfires Clean up oceans Reduce Traffic

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Answers AI solutions Identify plastic See fires in satellite images Predict traffic patterns Identify glass

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ity v i t c A Time Word Search Lets find these words Earth Climate Pollution Recycling Wildfire Global Warming Disasters Temperature Images Patterns Alerts Storms Forest Ozone

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ity Activ Time

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ity Activ Time Answers

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Glossary A glossary is a little dictionary at the end of a book Here are a few words that will help you through this book Global warming Heating up of the Earth which negatively affects humans and nature Deforestation The removal of forests and trees to make space for human needs Recycling Converting waste into new products Solar Panels Panels that absorb sunlight and convert it into energy 21

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Scan the QR code below for more fun AI activities for kids

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