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How Do Digital Assistants Work?

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es Includ ing n r a e Fun l nd a s e c ien r e p x e ies t i v i t 4 Ac ds for ki HOW DO DIGITAL ASSISTANTS WORK BY CHAI THE AI BOT

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Foreword A I I S H E R E A R E Y O U R K I D S R E A D Y Kids are already interacting with artificial intelligence AI in their daily lives But how much do they understand about the opportunities and potential of AI And what can parents like you do to help them grasp the implications applications and concepts behind it Those are big questions and AIClub is providing the answers in a fun book series that helps kids understand this emerging technology and help you as a parent guide them as they learn all that AI has to offer This book and others in this series are brought to you by AIClub a group of technology experts teachers and parents who are passionate about helping our kids learn enjoy technology and imagine what they can create with it for themselves and a better future Best Wishes Nisha Talagala CEO AIClub

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Hi I am Chai the AI Bot I am a bot that teaches kids Artificial Intelligence AI In this book we will learn about how Digital Assistants work You will discover how AIs are used to help Digital Assistants carry out the tasks we ask them to do We will explore how they help us what they do and how they work

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Contents 1 W H A T I S A I 2 W H A T I S A 3 W H A T 4 W H Y 5 L E T S T A L K T O 6 F I R S T S T E P D I G I T A L A S S I S T A N T C A N A R E T H E Y T H E Y D O A T Y P E O F A I A N A I S P E E C H R E C O G N I T I O N 7 S E C O N D S T E P L A N G U A G E 8 T H I R D 9 F O U R T H N A T U R A L P R O C E S S I N G F I N D T H E A N S W E R I T S 10 S T E P S T E P R E P L Y I N V O I C E W H A T H A V E W E L E A R N E D

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1 W H A T I S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E 1

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Humans are intelligent They can think and make decisions They can naturally recognize sounds objects around them etc and do things such as Make plans Play games See things and people Hear and understand sounds Read books Have conversations 2

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Machines on the other hand can be made smart by adding some intelligence to them to do specific tasks In this book we learn about machines like Alexa which are made intelligent by using the technology of Artificial Intelligence AI 3

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y t i v i t Ac Time Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Adding two numbers Reading a book Playing music 4

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Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Yes This is AI Adding two numbers No Computers can do this without AI Reading a book Yes This is AI Playing music Maybe Sometimes this needs AI 5

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2 W H A T I S A D I G I T A L A S S I S T A N T 7

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What is a Digital Assistant Alexa Siri and Google Home are Digital Assistants 8

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You can find Digital Assistants in your home on your phone maybe even on your computer or in your car 9

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3 W H A T T H E Y 11 C A N D O

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Digital Assistants can Answer questions Play music Keep shopping lists 12

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Digital Assistants can Make calls Tell jokes And more 13

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4 W H Y D I G I A S S I T A T Y P A I 15 A R E T A L A N T S E O F

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Why are they a type of AI They can interact with you They can understand and answer questions They can remember things you told them 16

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Why are they a type of AI They can understand patterns They can recommend things to you And also make predictions 17

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5 L E T S T A L K T O A N A I 19

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What time is it The time is 7 45 AM Have a good morning 20

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What s the weather like today It s currently sunny and 84 F 21

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6 F I R S T S T E P S P E E C H R E C O G N I T I O N 23

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First Step Speech Recognition This is how an AI understands your voice It will listen and understand what you are saying just like humans do It can work even when you have an accent are speaking fast or unclear have a cold etc 24

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Speech recognition turns your speech into a sentence That the AI will then use to answer the question you asked Or carry out the task you mentioned 25

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7 S E C O N D S T E P N A T U R A L L A N G U A G E P R O C E S S I N G 27

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Second Step Natural Language Processing This is how it understands your sentence Ever wonder how Alexa or Siri are so fast to understand what you say 28 It s because the AIs within them have been trained

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Second Step Natural Language Processing They do this by studying tons and tons of sentences Which helps them to know what these sentences mean And understand what you are asking for 29

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8 T H I R D S T E P F I N D T H E A N S W E R 31

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Third Step Find the answer AIs may have access to a database lots of stored information over the internet This would make it easier for the assistant to have answers to questions we ask 32

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Digital assistants also know a lot of information about you For example they know where you live so that it can figure out your time zone They have access to your apps which helps them play your recent music when asked to 33

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9 F O U R T H S T E P R E P L Y I N I T S V O I C E 35

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Fourth Step Reply in its voice Digital assistants have their voice stored for lots of words 36

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It will use those to create the voice of the answer 37

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10 W H A T H A V E W E L E A R N E D 39

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What have we learned Digital Assistants use lots of AIs They also can access lots of information over the internet They know things about you that help them 40

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Fun things to try Can you confuse a digital assistant Does it know your name Does it remember what you told it yesterday 41

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y t i v i t Ac Time Design your own personal digital assistant

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What is its name __________________ Fill in 5 things your assistant should be able to do 1 _________________ __________________ 2 _________________ __________________ 3 _________________ __________________ 4 _________________ __________________ 5 _________________ __________________

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y t i v i t Ac Time Mix and Match The types of AI with what they do Speech Recognition Natural Language Processing

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Mix and Match Which activity is done by which AI Understand text and sentences Understand you when you speak Store information about you Remember recipes Play music

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y t i v i t Ac Time Answers Speech Recognition Natural Language Processing

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Answers Understand text and sentences Understand you when you speak Store information about you Remember recipes Play music

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y t i v i t Ac Time Word Search Lets find these words AIClub Alexa Siri Language Questions Answers Music Timers Recommend Weather Calendar Speech Digital Phone List

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Glossary A glossary is a little dictionary at the end of a book Here are a few words that will help you through this book Digital Assistants Voice activated software that can understand and carry out electronic tasks for you Speech Recognition The process that a computer uses to identify and respond to the sounds produced when a human speaks Natural Language Processing A branch of Artificial Intelligence that helps computers understand interpret and manipulate human language

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Scan the QR code below for more fun AI activities for kids

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