inSIGHT Through Education, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization that raises funds to beused for the education of teachers and studentsin Palm Beach County using lessons learnedfrom the Holocaust and other genocides.Our dedicated board has done an amazing jobcontinuing our mission during this unprecedentedyear. Thank you to everyone that has participated inour fundraisers & Speaker Series. It is appreciatedmore than you know!Retrospect: 10 Years ofMaking a DifferenceA MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENTSCarole Rosen • Co-Founding President, Chair Champagne CampaignLinda Berlin and Nancy Cook, Co-Presidents
MEMBERSHIPTEAElaine LewisVP MembershipTheM A Y 2 0 2 1V O L . 1
DECEMBER: Personal JourneysJANUARY: Margaret McMullanA grant from inSIGHT providedPalm Beach County Schools therights to this powerful film basedon Anne Frank's life fromtestimonies of those who knewher. The film was shown to more than 5,000 students in Palm Beach County. Members of inSIGHT watched the production virtually andparticipated in a Q & A withRachael McClinton, the artisticdirector/actress with Living Voices.Covid changed our lives in too manyways to count. We plunged head firstinto the challenge of creating aninteresting, successful programmingseason for inSIGHT…thus our SpeakerSeries became a reality. Here is a recap if you wish tolearn more about any of thesewonderful speakers: Irma Blauner VP Programming Carol Greifer VP Special ProjectsOCTOBER: Lauren MargolinSEPTEMBER: Talia CarneNOVEMBER Bryan Mark RiggTHROUGH THE EYES OF A FRIEND
2022 TEACHER OF THE YEAR - Toshimi Abe-Janiga2022 TEACHER OF THE YEAR - Toshimi Abe-Janiga2022 TEACHER OF THE YEAR - Toshimi Abe-JanigaThe Jewish Foundation for the Righteousis an organization that provides financialsupport to aged and needy non-Jews thatshowed their immense courage andbravery by rescuing Jews during theHolocaust. To preserve their legacy, theFoundation offers teacher training inhistoriography of the Holocaust.For the upcoming year five of our localteachers will be attending two sessions.They will study and discuss the book"Why?", by Dr. Peter Hayes, that poses ninequestions about the Holocaust. Teacherswill have the opportunity to engage withone another to feel more comfortable andconfident in teaching this difficult subject.We hope to offer four sessions in 2022.and lecturers, educators have benefitedthrough special training sessions at JFRSummer Institute at Columbia University inNew York City. inSIGHT has generouslyfunded these trips since 2010, as we believeit our responsibility ensure proper teachereducation.Teacher EducationMaureen Carter - Education/GrantsThrough the JFR’s esteemed historians
Ruth Bell - VP FundraisingS H PinSIGHT Through Education, Inc. is a not-for-profit non-sectarian 501(c)(3) all volunteer organization. Itspurpose is to inspire and educate, using lessons learned from the Holocaust and genocides worldwide;to recognize and oppose hatred and bigotry, and to encourage tolerance, acceptance and respect.NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE:Elaine Lewis, Susan Shoham, Lynn Lippman, Erika BarrDESIGNER/EDITOR: Judy KarpVISITTo Make a General Donation... OR donate in honor of, in memory or or just to celebratesomeone special!inSIGHT Through Education, Inc.P.O Box 33054Palm Beach Gardens, FL To Volunteer - We need you! To Become a Member To Learn More About Us...We do great things!!V I S I T O U R