Tribe Couture by Lorenza Bozzoli Bluring the lines between Design and Fashion 2 3
The new TRIBE collection it s just like travelling discovering far away places diving in distant cultures tasting a diverse weather A colour blend and a mix of styles perfect to reproduce warmth and atmosphere candles and spices smells 4 La nuova collezione TRIBE un po come viaggiare scoprire posti lontani immergersi in culture diverse assaporare il clima della diversit Una fusione di colori e un mix di stili perfetti per ricreare calore e atmosfera candele e profumi di spezie 5
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection PIROUETTE the swivelling armchair is the main character of this new journey The spinning movement of the fringes evoke the dervishes of Anatolia s dances that while fluttering lap the fire of the soul a swirling impact in the space 6 La protagonista di questo nuovo viaggio la poltroncina girevole PIROUETTE un movimento roteante di frange che ricordano le danze dei Dervisci dell Anatolia che volteggiando lambiscono la fiamma dello spirito un effetto vorticoso nello spazio 7
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection On this page pouf CLEO with diameter 40 cm On the right page ETNO series the square one is sized 35X35 cm the roud one with diameter 50 cm 4 5
6 7
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection An exclusive luxury for you 8 Each piece is not just originally designed and customized for the single client but is signed stamped and numbered by the designer which certify the original authenticity an exclusive luxury for you Ogni pezzo non solo progettato e personalizzato in modo originale per il singolo cliente ma firmato timbrato e numerato dalla designer che ne certifica l originalit e l autenticit un lusso particolare esclusivo per te 9
10 11
Okra like cumin rust like African lands green like olive groves of the Mediterranean natural hues like expanses of desert sand and the deep blue of Eastern nights with the sparks of the new lurex fringes that light up like stars at the equator Ocra come la curcuma ruggine come le terre d Africa verde come gli ulivi del Mediterraneo colori naturali come le distese di sabbia del deserto e il blu profondo delle notti d Oriente con i bagliori delle nuove frange di lurex che si accendono come stelle all equatore On this page MALI bench with a lenght of 80 cm and depht of 40 cm On the right page LINE bench with a lenght of 130 cm and depht of 40 cm 12 13
14 15
Couture provides a complete tailor made service each piece reflects and interpret the client s vision The designer works closely with the client providing him sketches and high quality renders customizing shapes and colours exclusively for his piece Couture offre un servizio completo su misura ogni pezzo riflette ed interpreta la visione del cliente Il designer collabora con il cliente realizzando schizzi e rendering di alta qualit personalizzando forme e colori in modo esclusivo per ogni pezzo On the left page from the left ELI square pouf sized 35x35 cm ELI TRIBE pouf with a diameter of 30 cm and CLUNIS LINE pouf with a diameter of 40 cm 16 17
The fringes which decorate the poufs are hand cut with a sophisticated precision Each pattern can be realized following the client s suggestion creating unique and exclusive pieces Le frange che decorano i pouf sono tagliate a mano con una sofisticata precisione Ogni modello pu essere realizzato su suggerimento del cliente creando pezzi unici ed esclusivi On the right page ELI TRIBE pouf with a diameter of 30 cm 18 19
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The TRIBE collection introduces a textured fabric made of a wool boucl composition The boucl is characterized by a tridimensional surface given by soft and smooth little curls which are very delicate to the touch and are all declined in natural colours La collezione TRIBE inserisce i tessuti materici in misto lana boucl dalla super ficie tridimensionale con piccoli riccioli morbidi e soffici al tatto declinati nei colori naturali On the left page pouf MALI 24 with a diameter of 50 cm 25
Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 On this page CLUNIS LINE bench with a lenght of 130 cm and depht of 40 cm On the right page the new MALI design 26 27
On this page the new PIROUETTE ELI swivel armchair in bronze On the right page the new PIROUETTE ELI swivel armchairs in blue and in pink 28 29
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection On the left page and on this page PIROUETTE CLUNIS swivel armchair in pink 30 31
New jacquard fabrics with geometrical motifs inspired by Masai of East Africa tribes decorations which reproduce the typical textures of their beady fabrics Nuovi tessuti jaquard con motivi geometrici ispirati alle decorazioni delle trib Masai dell Africa Orientale che ripropongono le textures tipiche dei loro tessuti ad effetto perline On the right page the new ELI series in multiple colours and sizes 32 33
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection LR 331 20 Rayons ardents LR 331 40 Les grandes mar es LR 331 22 Terre primitive LR 331 70 Essaim de feuilles L R 3 3 1 3 5 Te r re d A f r i q u e L R 3 3 1 3 5 Te r re d A f r i q u e On this page the colour variants of the Elitis fabric 34 35
36 37
Ut a conecus sum res inverum enisit laut pari veles dem que dis elluptatem volores tioremo dolore doloritis aut acepuditat quoste pa ditatur inulla volore ex ea plaborum volupta quatius repe velis doluptam et laccae enimus min rae Apis adi arum vit nossecest aut rehent aut diti ratur ratesenim volor as esciassunt doluptatur conseri busandi gnimend eligenis alibus ento que omnihillam optat fuga Et quatas verum voluptatiis dolupta ipictem perrum ut exerio Temquam secatatam aborupi tatibusa ium On the right page ELI pouf with a diameter of 50 cm 38 39
40 41
On this page the new PIROUETTE CLUNIS swivel armchair in green and the PIROUETTE ELI swivel armchair in green and bronze 42 43
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection On the left page from the left MALI bench with a lenght of 85 cm On this page MALI ottoman with a diameter of 95 cm 44 and depht of 40 cm ETNO pouf with a diameter of 50 cm 45
46 47
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection CLUNIS LINE pouf with a diameter of 40 cm 48 49
ELI square pouf 35x35 cm 50 51
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Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection For the Tribal collection new beautifully fine fabrics have been introduced A boucl material produced with a high quality wool blend available in 18 colours and a jacquard fabric made with a superb composition of linen jute and wool available in 4 different versions Per la collez ione Tr ibal sono stati introdotti nuov i tessuti mer av igliosamente pregiati Un mater iale boucl prodotto con un misto lana di alta qualit disponibile in 18 color i e un tessuto jacquard realiz z ato con una super ba composiz ione di lino juta e lana disponibile in 4 diver se ver sioni On this page the new PIROUETTE CLUNIS swivel armchair in cognac On the right page our boucl colour chart 54 55
FRANGE COLORS FRANGE COLORS viscose fringe viscose fringe 2 3 4 5 36 37 38 39 40 6 7 8 9 10 41 42 43 44 45 11 12 13 14 15 46 47 48 49 50 16 17 18 19 20 51 52 53 54 55 21 22 23 24 25 56 57 58 59 60 26 27 28 29 30 61 62 63 64 65 31 32 33 34 35 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection 1 lurex fringe B light gold L copper H brown G lsilver D green Note Due to monitor and resolution differences the actual colors may wary slightly from what appears on screen and also differ from screen to screen F gold 56 H ramato E black C lpale green A blue 57
Lorenza Bozzoli Couture NewTribe Collection 58 Each bespoke piece is stamped at the bottom on the lining of the pouf signed numbered and dated personally by the designer Lorenza Bozzoli The original authenticity of each product highlights the artisanal quality and the art of a luxury dedicated design Ogni pezzo reca lo stmpo di autenticit sul fondo firmato dalla designer Lorenza Bozzoli numerato e datato L autentica originalit di ogni prodotto evidenzia la qualit della manifattura e l arte di un design dedicato al lusso 59
The circular poufs are available in 4 standard sizes are highly versatile The square poufs and benches are available in 4 standard sizes as well Poufs with 30 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc 35X35 cm square poufs with 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc Poufs with 40 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as seat for vanity table an extra seat for living room ottoman etc 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc Poufs with 50 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as a side table table for ser ving trays an extra seat etc Poufs with 95 cm diameter 35 cm height Ideal as a low seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces center table etc 60 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc 130X40 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as a seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces etc 61
CLUNIS SERIES ELI SERIES SKU ELI 002 30 Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Complete Customization Available 62 Beech wood Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Complete Customization Available SKU CLU 003 40 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC SKU CLU 004 40 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Lurex fringes Beech wood 15 CO 2 PA Viscose fringes Beech wood 15 CO 2 PA Viscose fringes Beech wood Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available SKU CLU LIN 001 40 Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Lurex fringes Swivel base in metal Dimensions W80 x D80 x H71 cm W 31 4 x D31 4 x H 27 9 Weight 30 kg 66 lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm SKU ELI 001 80 SKU ELI 006 50 Fabric ELITIS 48 PL 35 CO 15 PA 2 PC Viscose Lurex fringes W35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available SKU CLU 001 40 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available SKU ELI 005 35 LBGEODECOG G LB T Y 40TR SKU ELI 003 30 SKU CLU LIN 009 130 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions L130 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose fringes Beech wood Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 SKU CLU 002 30 L51 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 25 kg 55 lbs Complete Customization Available SKU CLU 001 80 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose fringes Swivel base in metal Dimensions W80 x D80 x H71 cm W 31 4 x D31 4 x H 27 9 Weight 30 kg 66 lbs Complete Customization Available SKU WIEN 001 80 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose fringes Swivel base in metal Dimensions W80 x D80 x H71 cm W 31 4 x D31 4 x H 27 9 Weight 30 kg 66 lbs Complete Customization Available 63
TRIBE SERIES MALI SERIES SKU MAL 001 85 SKU MAL 002 95 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions L85 x D40 x H46 cm L33 4 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 19 kg 41 8 lbs Complete Customization Available 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions L95 x D95 x H38 cm L37 x D37 x H18 Weight 26 kg 57 lbs Complete Customization Available Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Complete Customization Available ETNO SERIES Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Complete Customization 64 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions L102 x D48 x H42 cm L40 16 x D18 90 x H16 54 Weight 15 kg 57 lbs Complete Customization Available CLEO SERIES SKU ET 001 35 SKU TRI 002 102 SKU TRI 001 30 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC SKU ET 002 50 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Complete Customization Available SKU CLEO 001 40 Fabric 33 WO 25 PL 25 PC 15 CO 2 PA Viscose Lurex fringes Beech wood Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4lbs Complete Customization Available 65
Lorenza Bozzoli was born in Milan She attended the Academy of Brera and moved to New York to kick off her career in the fashion field with her first self produced lines Upon returning to Milan she soon star ted working with Elio Fiorucci and companies like Basile Camper Sergio Rossi Plein Sud Her interest then moved toward the world of interior design and she star ted ar ticulating her work through a vast series of collaborations with big brands such as Alessi Moooi Dedon Pomellato Dilmos Edition Mingardo Slamp Slide Tato Italia Col LondonAr t Natuzzi Fratelli Boffi Lorenza currently lives and works in Milan 66 67
Lorenza Bozzoli Design Address Piazza Castello 20 20121 Milano Italia Mob 39 339 892 7777 T 39 02 72018776 www lorenzabozzoli com lorenza bozzoli lorenzabozzoli com