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High Tech Crime

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Havana Syndrome is what they call it now… High Tech Crime is what it is There is more to Havana Syndrome than you know

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© 2021 by A.W. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. ISBN: [Insert ISBN]

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Disclaimer This is a work of expository nonfiction. This book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this book provides information only up to the publication date, so it may not account for any new changes relevant to the subject discussed herein. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

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A secret society exists, and is living among all of us. They are neither people nor animals, but something in-between. —Karen White

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About the Author A.W. is a native of Texas and a graduate of the University of Houston. She resides in California. With a master’s in psychology, A.W. has worked in social services, helping those struggling with homelessness, mental health issues, drug addictions, and criminal circumstances. A.W. is an activist in her own right, but more importantly, she is a woman, a mother, and an American. Her objective is to bring awareness to a hidden high-tech crime referred to as the “Havana Syndrome” and motivate law enforcement and policy makers to take action to resolve it for all. Besides being an activist, also personally familiar with wireless crime, as are law enforcement agents in the City of Houston. A.W. started reporting a wireless and hidden high-tech network of criminals that were using wireless technology to violate children and women in their homes in Houston to the Houston Police Department beginning in 2008. Upon reporting, officers at the time refused to address the crime and concealed it, claiming that it was an “impossible crime” at points. Moreover, many law enforcement agencies claimed they did not have the resources or time to investigate it. She spoke at City Hall and forwarded members of the City Council critical information on the crime network and its activities requesting an investigation, but law enforcement refused to accept that the crime was occurring and did nothing. As a result, now the international division of a dangerous transnational network of criminals is involved in the commission of crimes against federal government employees and their families. A.W. was forced to relocate to California solely due to law enforcement’s responses over the decade since she began reporting the wireless crime. Law enforcement has responded to reports of wireless crime bizarrely. Officers have tried to detain her for mentioning the wireless crimes at points, despite the solid evidence she provided

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showing proof that an “unknown source” was indeed using wireless and energy-based weapons for violent crimes against people, specifically children and women. She then attempted to reach out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the City of Houston in an attempt to report her knowledge of and direct encounter with members of a wireless network who had hacked her computer and threatened her for reporting their activities. During her attempt to report the incident to an FBI agent, she was met with the agent’s hysterical laughter as he dismissed her complaint and disconnected the call. In January 2020, A.W. turned to the FBI in Oakland, and after several failed attempts, an agent finally documented a mostly accurate report of the crime, but to date she has received no contact from the agency regarding her complaint ; inquiries appear to not have been made into the report. A.W. followed up with Oakland FBI after a surge in news reports related to new cases of federal agents stating they were attacked by stealth energy and did mention that the hidden wireless crime she reported in the United States is connected to the attacks on federal agents overseas. The agent appeared to access her file and stated, “I have no idea how the report was forgotten and that message would be sent to the agent on the case. ”In 2021, almost a year after her complaint, several reports flooded the news of government personnel from the United States and all over the world describing their encounters of being subjected to remote assaults in various ways via wireless and energy-based technologies. Instead of taking any action and fighting these crimes, law enforcement agents in Texas have placed government and public safety at risk. Not only have they kept reports of this very heinous crime under the wrap, but they have also forced victims to keep quiet and endure abuses or lose their freedom. In some cases, Texas law enforcement officers even expressed fear of the wireless crime network, and although the Californian law enforcement agencies were willing to

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take reports, it appears they have also taken a backseat to this crime. For the better part of many years, A.W. has been repeatedly told by law enforcement that they do not have the resources to police this type of crime. As a result, this public safety threat in the form of a wireless criminal network lingers and actively engages in a class of hidden crimes from coast to coast against children and women, specifically in the United States but also abroad. The unknown sources using wireless technology for remote crimes in the United States is related to the source of the crimes referred to as “Havana Syndrome,” but due to the negligence, failure to take reports, and concealment of the crime, it appears that federal agents have yet to connect these crimes to the international reports by government agents, diplomats, and their families. For decades the wireless network has remained hidden using wireless and energy-based technologies to violate businesses, homes, governments, children, and adults. It is easy to see how their technologies pose a threat to our entire economic structure and certainly public safety. The network has wireless weapons at their disposal that can impact airplane functionality, vehicle operation, computers, cell phones, in-home electronics, street lights, traffic signals, gas pumps, alarms, and cameras. This wireless technology can also cause injuries to the brain, impact neurological function, various body systems, organ functions, and cause other major health conditions to arise. In an effort to speed up what should have been enough motivation to look into this crime, A.W. has drafted this book. Over the last fourteen years, she has spoken\to hundreds of victims about this wireless crime, spoken at events involving traditional human trafficking to raise awareness, listened to the stories of non-government and former government victims, viewed their photos, and observed undeniable evidence of violence by a wireless network. She is very

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familiar with the extent of the brutality the network subjects its victims. Recent news reports have revealed the experiences of government personnel and the injuries they sustained, some of which have resulted in many agents retiring early and attest to the evolving boldness of the criminal source . The purpose of this book is not to frighten people, nor is it based on conspiracy theories. Instead its objective is to report real crimes that A.W. has direct knowledge of, in an attempt to raise awareness and encourage action. Until government officials were attacked, the crime was said not to exist, and unfortunately it is still being concealed. The Havana Syndrome has wreaked havoc on the lives of many innocent civilians. Bearing in mind that law enforcement agencies and policy makers are our only resource capable of investigating crimes, this book’s goal is also to motivate them to remain steadfast to finding the true source of the crimes. Law enforcement officers have an important role in our society. A crime of this nature cannot be marginalized. Although having been reported throughout the United States for decades ,only now has the topic of energy based weapons and wireless crimes become open for discussion. Sadly, government has yet to acknowledge its constituents across the country that are actively living while being attacked and in some cases oppressed by a crime network . This book is purposed to cast this crime in a light that makes the reader understand that though this network’s crimes seem futuristic and may have been portrayed by the media as a “new,” the reality is that it has a long and tragic history. There are aspects of wireless crime that are being overlooked. For example, there are persons in nearly every state that have made attempts to report wireless attacks similar to the reports made by government agents, and some significantly more violent. Though the public is being led to believe that the “Havana Syndrome''

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reports are crimes that have occurred outside the United States and are solely being carried out against the government personnel and its agents, the reality is that the network has spent decades violating persons across the world. A clear understanding of the threat cannot be achieved without acknowledging persons that reported the crime who are not affiliated with federal agencies. For most, this crime may appear to be new information, to its victims, action from the government is long overdue. This book was written during the COVID-19 pandemic. While most were taking time to put the importance of life, health, and family into perspective, victims of this crime have been violated and abused excessively. This network has used this crisis as an opportunity to cause more harm and trauma and cover its tracks .It appears that the network's members have no intention of ceasing criminal activities. Instead, it appears as if this network is expanding by the day. According to many of the non-government victims, recent reports of attacks on the government have not reduced the incidences of violence but instead have exacerbated them. We are not meant to live in a world where invasions and oppression, administered high-tech or otherwise of this nature exists, where our service- men and women can be rendered powerless, where children and our homes are not safe, where law enforcement elects to look over a crime of this magnitude and places victims and themselves in positions where they are utterly helpless.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights…

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Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: Hidden High-Tech Crime Network Chapter 2: Red Rooms on the Dark Web Chapter 3: High-Tech Crimes against Children Chapter 4: Technology Paired with Organized High-Tech Crimes Chapter 5:Who Are the High-Tech Criminals? Chapter 6:Use of Wireless Energy Technology Chapter 7:Link between Mass Shootings and Wireless Crimes Chapter 8: Victims Chapter 9: Dealing with the Threat

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Introduction Hidden from the public, a high-tech transnational criminal organization exists that has established an illegal network that makes use of technology to carry out their major privacy violations, human rights abuses, aggravated wireless crimes, and other criminal activities. Its members appear to have subsidies in the United States and abroad. They should not be confused with what is already known about cyber-based crimes, for it is an entirely different engagement in all aspects. It is a hidden crime made so secret that most are not even aware of its existence, and as of today, law enforcement is still refusing to acknowledge this level of advanced high-tech criminal activity that has been going on in our communities secretly for decades. Acknowledgement of wireless and energy-based crimes has been limited to federal employees, including diplomats, military personnel, their spouses and children. Citizens within the United States that are victims of wireless attacks have been disregarded as “mental cases,” yet federal employees are not. Weaponizing interactive technology with excellence, the hidden high-tech network actively engages in wireless crimes against unsuspecting persons globally. This wireless crime, now dubbed “Havana Syndrome,” incorporates more than wireless and energy-based attacks on government personnel. However, without the acknowledgement of the crimes reported by victims across the United States and abroad, a true understanding of these dangerous criminal incidents cannot be reached. There is more to the crime than you know, and it’s not just a crime occurring against government employees. For decades, this hidden crime has been going on globally, and its victims are regular people, children, men, and women, who have had to live while an anonymous network of transnational criminals has been violating its victims remotely

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inside their homes and as they go through their day, using varying forms of stealth wireless energy and power, or some derivative. As it stands today, individuals on the hidden network have used a variety of stealth and energy-based technologies to engage in crimes remotely and its members secretly have violated the privacy of government and individuals alike, but what is not mentioned is that its members have been managing an entire hidden and high-tech wireless black-market network involved in numerous organized and high-tech crimes, including profiteering from wireless exploitations of the victims they violate and various organized crimes. The network uses its technologies for many criminal activities, including trafficking of narcotics, weapons, and traditional human trafficking. This crime network also carries out interactive and wireless offenses that involve the remote and in-home sale of access to children and adults for a variant of “hurt core” activities involving selling voyeuristic shows for viewership, victims for wireless ownership, and predation to persons on their secret network and has acted as a meeting place for dangerous domestic and international crime groups that have appeared to unify their efforts to secure their hidden network and its continued success. Though you may think that the recently publicized crimes against the government are the only crimes being committed by the anonymous group that is actively involved in wireless crime activities, it must be understood that its network has flown under the radar and successfully maintained an established crime organization that the government should not continue to overlook. Using technology that has been referred to as “directed energy” but may also be wireless power or another derivative, the hidden network has freely engaged in organized criminal activities and deemed themselves a “sub government” that transitively works together managing a global crime network. The recent reports of crimes against government employees and diplomats barely scratch the surface of the network’s

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activities, The use of wireless technologies allows the network’s members to gain access to homes, businesses, government agencies, facilitating crimes against children and adults, murders, criminal espionage, fueling the network’s practice of sedition freely and covertly. The network of criminals has approached their activities carefully. Their standard of conduct has been to engage in wireless crimes across the United States and abroad, violating businesses and government and seeking out vulnerable people to violate for long-term wireless crimes. The ongoing “symptoms' ' reported experienced by federal employees are not the result of injuries entirely but instead align with the network’s practice of active and wireless aggravated assaults that its members are notorious for subjecting its victims to using stealth and energy-based technologies. Government persons may believe that the wireless attacks cease once they leave their post, but according to reports of hundreds of victims, the crimes will continue, often secretly and escalate over time unless addressed. These crimes involve the network’s members utilizing acts of wireless violence to impact brain and body health, over time which according to its long-time victims have caused cancers to develop, conspiracies are carried out to oppress, lives are under secret surveillance, forced to endure and ignore wireless harassment, computer and cell intrusion, psychological abuse ,and other major offenses that occur actively in real-time. Using conspiracies ,the network has been able to conceal the crimes against citizens by using law enforcement to suppress the crime reports by classifying any reports made under “mental health” rather than “aggravated crimes.” Though this crime is not well-known today, it will be in the coming years. As the internet is flooded by recent news reports of government diplomats and personnel who have reported that they have been assaulted by stealth wireless energy the symptoms associated with the anomalous health incidents are referred to as “Havana Syndrome”. It is clear

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that the network has expanded its criminal interest to government actors. But what the government and public does not know is that this is not a new crime but has existed for decades and gone on under the noses of the American people. This crime is a threat to public safety and national security. This book seeks to explore the network, its organization, and its activities from information based on the accounts of overlooked victims who are not all past or present government workers (but instead are members of the general population), research, and reports. It discusses the public safety threat from the perspectives of its hidden class of victims, pulling from reports and interviews of former federal employees featured in the news and several anonymous sources from a less technical perspective. To date, there is limited information about the hidden crimes and the experiences of the victims that are actively living, at present while the crime goes on. The public should know that for decades the network has operated secretly, engaging in race, class, and gender-based crimes, conspiracies, violating persons, children and adults, locating and violating unsuspecting persons in their homes using wireless technologies that allow wireless touch, aggravated crimes, and even the use of technology for wireless sexually violent crimes. The hidden network is not simply engaging in crimes against the government, it is managing a network that caters to child predators, narcotics traders, black market gamers, and dangerous international criminal organizations and groups. They have divisions of their organization in countries worldwide and victims in nearly every country, confirming their reaches are global. What should be known is that every year countless lives of victims of this crime are lost to either suicide or to circumstances that have not yet been realized are related to this specific wireless crime. Victims who endure violations of their homes, lives, and bodies,

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impacts to their health, and invasions of their privacy with no solutions or means of law enforcement intervention, are truly rendered helpless. Though you may believe “Havana Syndrome” is a new threat that only poses a risk to the government, what you should know is that there are thousands of child and adult victims that have been living while a network of anonymous men and women using computers that direct wireless energy weapons to violate their homes, lives, and bodies– regular people. What you should know is that the technology used by the anonymous criminals can not only violate privacy but it also can impact one’s health, brain function, cause an array of health conditions. In fact, several of its long-term victims have developed cancers, neurological injuries such as “increased white matter,” cognitive issues, and other major health conditions. Those victims who remain alive have suffered immensely—an unthinkable tragedy, yet one very real and happening around us at present. Though most victims of this crime have not reported the crime and simply live while wireless crimes are committed against them, these undocumented experiences are more relevant now than ever. The use of wireless technology gives the network the ability to intrude on any foreign or domestic government agency, individual, home, or business, leaving all at risk of being at the receiving end of a crime. Their technology can drain cell phone, vehicle, and computer batteries. It also allows cell phone signals to be blocked. Hackers on the network can intercept emails, interrupt internet signals, and can hijack transmissions, and transmit in ambient air. It gives its members access to all personal and financial information, information about children and health through wireless in-home secret violations of persons and environments. Unless someone speaks up about this crime and casts it in its appropriate light, it will continue to go unabated, and more lives will be unnecessarily ruined. We must consider that the network is growing and increasing in numbers, and if they are allowed to continue as they have, what it would mean for us all.

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This is by far not an ordinary crime. A group of anonymous men and women located in the United States and abroad have maintained a secret network that uses wireless technologies to watch people secretly, spying on homes and the persons within them. It also permits “wireless aggravated physical and sexual assault” by stealth energy and allows the branding of one’s skin under the dermis, pulsating energy coupled with impacts to the brain and its cognitive processes, mobility, organs, and health. This is a threat that cannot remain overlooked. Its members can possess wireless communication systems, and when they elect to they can transmit their sound through the air subjecting one to menacing and frightening harassment and sounds transmitted through ambient air, or muting it as its members secretly eavesdrop as they prepare to engage in unimaginable predation. The wireless technology also allows voyeurism, accessing video and cell phone cameras, and interference with electronics and other invasions without triggering warning systems. It is important that this crime is no longer misrepresented as a “theory” or “delusion” of persons who are mentally unstable as it has been. Wireless crimes were said not to be possible 10 years ago, but they were secretly going on for many years. The ever-growing networks kept their technologies and crimes hidden, apparently lying in wait for the appropriate time to surface. Given that according to one reputable newspaper, “over two hundred government personnel have reported being attacked while working or on assignment, several spouses and their minor children by energy-based technologies,” it is apparent that this crime has shown to be more than possible but also that it is growing, and its victim base will continue to increase and with it other crimes if proper action is not taken. There are thousands of non-government victims of this hidden crime, particularly children and women, but men as well who have lived for years while members of a crime network violate them wirelessly daily. They cannot go to the police as they will be detained or

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protect themselves as the crime is carried out by wireless energy sources. So, they live in states imposed upon them by the criminals, often the most deplorable and inhuman circumstances as a means to deter reporting of the criminal incidents by good Samaritans. Though many of these victims are longtime victims, the reality is that their circumstances could easily be those of any individual who this network elects as a target of its violence. This high-tech crime is like nothing you have ever heard about but is certainly a public safety threat that could make its way to your front door. The crimes of the anonymous persons belonging to the network, “the source” of Havana Syndrome, should be viewed as acts of domestic terrorism and treated as an insurgency.

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Chapter 1: Hidden High-Tech Crime Network Many unlawful activities in this world have remained hidden from the public eye. Crimes such as the Ariel Castro kidnappings and Epstein’s private island offer us a mere hint of the vast underground dealings and interconnected criminal world involving crimes against women and children. Such crimes are often kept hidden from the public even when they occur within our own communities; others are concealed by the corrupt and the powerful. There remain countless other underground crimes that have yet to be exposed. One nameless and rather concealed high-tech crime network that stands out in its prolific use of advanced technologies to engage in a class of wireless crimes and the violation of people, homes, businesses, and the government, using technology, remains undetected. It is a network that engages in a variety of organized crimes that threaten public safety and national security. Most recently, it is very likely that the network initiated crimes against government actors and their families using wireless and energy-based technologies. The crime dubbed “Havana Syndrome '' is more than likely the result of the anonymous hidden high-tech crime network and their attempts to advance their criminal agenda beyond their current victim base. Though the recent reports from government persons appear to be new crimes, in reality, the network has been operating clandestinely within the borders of the United States and outside of it for decades. Given that the technology being used is not yet available to an abundance of criminals, it is likely that the individuals that make up the hidden network are part of a large-scale criminal enterprise that is now targeting the government along with the people they serve. Their criminal operations are not like any you might have heard. As our society becomes increasingly digitized, becoming dominated by computers, wireless communication, haptic, laser, ambient technologies, and data, the network has clandestinely expanded its tendrils ever

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deeper into our daily existence, all-pervading in its reach toward undermining our human, legal, and privacy rights. For decades a secret crime has existed. The crime is high tech and may involve the use of wireless power, directed energy, radiofrequency, and other types of wireless and interactive energy based systems that, even though are becoming more well known today, have been in existence for over a century . These methods are being exploited by a group of anonymous individuals located within the United States and abroad that work jointly managing a crime network that operates using wireless and energy-based technologies outside of the computer and instead in our environment. They have an established criminal operation with an extensive resume. Similar to how pedophile and sex trafficking rings manage their black market human rights abuses, the hidden and wireless network of criminals has adopted methods that allow them to engage in their large-scale human rights abuses discreetly, among other activities. The means through which this network operates are substantially more advanced than other criminal groups. Whereas other hidden crime networks operate through decentralized and encrypted private server networks, this network has incorporated the use of sophisticated and less well-known technologies. The use of advanced technology has incentivized these anonymous individuals to engage in more sinister, ongoing, and sadistic crimes. The use of wireless technology has given this network capabilities that extend outside of those associated with computer intrusion. It has allowed the network’s members to gain access to more avenues to violate individuals, businesses, and the government more aggressively with minimal risks. This crime is one that victims have been reporting for decades only to be ignored. Warning people that an unimaginable threat was looming. Though opinions may vary, reports of the wireless crimes made by its disregarded victims for decades appear to have been ignored and

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dismissed , negligently and at times fraudulently by individual law enforcement actors giving the wireless criminals the time they have needed to imbed themselves within our community and to wage an attack against our government employees. Victims contacted about this crime from coast to coast in the United States state that for decades they have made attempts to report the crime to law enforcement agencies to no avail. It appears that law enforcement agents across the U.S. have adopted the practice of penalizing persons who attempt to report the crime discouraging persons from coming forward or facing potential detainment. Attempts made to report the crime have been met with lawlessness. It is time that this crime is acknowledged and prioritized. As a direct result of the failure to acknowledge this aspect of high-tech and violent crimes, technology is actively being used freely as a black market weapon by a dangerous network of anonymous individuals who maintain an operation extending from one coast to the other. Rather than the technology being used for communication and data transmissions, for quite some time, it has been exploited for the network’s criminal interest for: gang crimes, organized crimes, perverse and predatory violent remote crimes against children and adults, terroristic crimes, major privacy violations, racketeering, and now crimes against government officials and even their children. Advanced technology has incentivized the anonymous individuals responsible for the commission of thousands of crimes against children and adults daily and resulted in impacts on the health, mental states, careers, families, communities and now government security and its ability to function at maximum capacity. There are long-time non-government victims of the crime who have spent years being terrorized and living with their liberties restricted. It appears that once the crime is commenced, its members have no barriers that interfere with their activities or motivation to terminate their criminal behaviors. Therefore, continuing their

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damaging activities. Though these victims appear to be free citizens, they are subjected to ongoing high-tech violence by an anonymous criminal group that spends their days violating them for sport. Until recently, the media often overlooked these crime victims as disturbed. Given that the reports of federal employees align with those made by non-government victims is evidence enough to prove the existence of the network. The network of anonymous criminals has weaponized, energy-based technologies. They are currently using them secretly for major crimes. Until now, high-tech weapons were often associated with science fiction books. But real-world use of wireless technologies and weapons is documented in military publications, journal articles, and the media. The reports of government personnel and non-government personnel related to their energy-based attacks are very much non-fiction. Many readers may well be aware of the infamous Silk Road. For years this network served to facilitate criminals and their clients in their activities to solicit murders, sell personal information, traffic narcotics, sell child pornography and weapons, and coordinate acts of terrorism. By using computers with layered encryption and cryptocurrency, their activity remained untraceable and unknown to the common public. However, Silk Road suffered a huge blow when law enforcement finally identified and apprehended its founder. Known under the moniker “Dread Pirate Roberts,” Ross William Ulbricht was convicted by the US court in 2015 and sentenced to double life sentences plus forty years without the possibility of parole. Justice was served. Silk Road is just one of the many black-market networks that exist in our society that have transcended out of cyberspace and made impacts outside the digital realm. It provides an example of the nihilism that exists for criminals who can disconnect from humanity by hiding behind technology. The nameless high-tech crime network and the members that make up the

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criminal organization, while vaguely similar, are by many characteristics drastically different from Ulbricht. The network is involved in wireless crimes. Advanced technology has equipped the criminals to commit crimes outside of the computer using technology that transmits stealth energy that is non-visible and wireless while they remain in some hidden locations, guided individuals behind advanced computers. According to reports of victims, the network also manages a Darknet market, and like with most other criminal organizations, can be presumed given the technological advancements at their disposal that some of its members come from backgrounds much like Ulbricht, who attended an Ivy League school and worked in the field of computer science, and much like those that congregated on networks like Silk Roads, persons from less prominent backgrounds. The network is not solely involved in the narcotics trade and racketeering, illegal surveillance, weapons trading, cybercrimes, terrorism, international and traditional human trafficking. According to reports of many victims, the network is actively involved in a variety of wireless sex crimes against children and adults, peonage, black-market gaming and gambling, conspiracies to murder, murders, conspiracies based in race, class, and gender, high-tech gang activities and organized crime, impersonating government agencies, blackmail, theft of information, privacy violations, domestic terrorism, schemes, scams, fraud, and white-collar crimes like insider trading etc. But this may be the surface of their activities. For quite some time, the network has carried out crimes in the high-tech parameter using stealth technologies and energy that is not visible to the naked eye yet enables these violent offenders access into any home, business, and government building. Monopolizing the use of their black market technology for crimes outside of cyberspace – their crimes involve more than

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wireless intrusions offline. A lesser-known part of their crimes involves the network carrying out individualized reoccurring acts of terrorization on its victim’s lives using its stealth technologies to transmit energy from some location to the location they designate. These crimes appear to be broadcasted on a hidden server, where access is provided by the network for persons with access to it to watch live or participate, engaging in a black-market phenomenon that is best described as “pay-to-play” activities. This is not just a human rights violation, but it appears to be a means of racketeering for criminals. These criminals appear to be organized and have introduced competitive gaming as crimes that involve monetary wagers paired with coordinated acts of violence to increase profits, morale, encourage participation and viewership while carrying out conspiracies with underlying objectives for each victim. Anonymous victims reported that the network’s members have been broadcasting their activities for others on their network view in real-time. These crimes reportedly involve victims being subjected to aggravated physical and sexual violence by wireless energy technology, psychological abuse, wireless harassment, sleep deprivation, and pain. What is more disturbing is that until recent reports from government employees, wireless crimes were said to not be possible by the media, law enforcement, and many psychologists. If this were the case, how would a class of hidden victims have reported that wireless and anonymous individuals were using some form of energy-based technology to subject them to unimaginable abuses, impacts to their health, mental states, and life for decades. This black-market crime is not the type of crime people openly discuss. Especially with a dangerous invisible threat peering into one’s life, abating any attempt to expose its existence. Explaining one’s experience is certainly no simple task. As the first of its kind, this crime has never been addressed, and the members of this long-running network have successfully

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maintained it over many decades by keeping their existence screened by drawing questions to one mental capacity at the sheer mention of their organization . Victims of the hidden high-tech crime are rendered defenseless. They cannot see the perpetrator, yet they can be burned or lacerated, pulsated, penetrated or even shocked by some form of stealth energy technology. The duration of the violence is completely at the discretion of the anonymous criminals behind the technology, as is the selection process of those violated. With complete control over the acts the network carries out their means of ensuring silence has reported to be grotesquely violent. In an article that explored the experiences of the Canadian Diplomats and their children who reported they were assaulted by wireless energy in 2017, the victims stated that they continue to experience cognitive problems and headaches. Their children reported hearing sounds, noises, and experiencing physiological symptoms. Non-government victims have asserted that the members of the hidden network’s technology can see inside of their homes, workplaces, transmit wireless sound, electing to allow the audio of its members to be transmitted and as easily, turn it off and their technology can transmit sound and painful forms of energy while they are in moving modes of transportation thru what appears like air acknowledging that the aggravated abuses by energy is occurring today. This crime threatens liberties on many levels, including privacy and democracy, and provides an advantage for the hidden persons behind the technology. They are able to carry out crimes both inside and outside of cyberspace using technology that appears has government mystified and afraid. This is evident by the dozens of reports that claim law enforcement officers have acted bizarrely and halted normal policing activities , in cases of reports of this crime. The members on the network use of wireless and undetectable technology have given them many advantages in crime and an upper hand that makes their activities more of a threat, enabling them

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to impact an individual's health and technological devices, systems, vehicles, airplanes, medical equipment, and media devices. Imagine being made to suffer from a severe headache so painful, burning and electric high powered shocks that burn your skin externally but also impact your organs internally leaving you unable to function at work or needing to make a call to 911. Imagine needing to contact 911 and the wireless criminals blocking your cellphone signal so your phone could not connect during an emergency. Imagine watching your child play, and then suddenly he loses his balance and is seemingly throw into the corner of a table by some unseen energy used to encourage injuries that would not have occurred otherwise. These acts could render you helpless. This is a reality of some of the experiences reported by non-government victims of these wireless crimes. Utilizing technology that is significantly more advanced than most are even aware exists outside of research institutions, government, and medicine, for quite some time, this heinous crime has enabled criminals to liberally and secretly carry out abuses, organized crimes, and injustices throughout this country and abroad. The black-market technology has added other elements to other crime industries such as sex trade, crimes against children, human rights abuses culpability, high-tech crimes, risks for national security, mass violence, murder, and new forms of domestic terrorism. There are aspects of this crime that will be shocking, sound bizarre, and impossible, but this crime is still being explored. The victims of it are a resource. They provide information about a class of crimes that every American should consider a threat to public safety. Unknown persons have access to multiple stealth energy based technological weapons that can have major impacts on one’s health and presumably even result in death. Its members subject persons to exposure to energies that have been proven to be toxic to the body and brain environment. We

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know from the most relied up and supported reports of energy based attacks supplied by the diplomats and federal agents that sought medical care that the wireless energy causes brain damage, impacts hearing, inflicts varying levels of pain, impacts memory, and causes extreme lethargy. What neither the public nor diplomats acknowledge is the length of time wireless crimes have been reported in the US extends well beyond 2015 when the first federal employee reported being attacked. Regardless of the language used by the victims that are non-government for a long time citizens that attempted to report the crimes were futile. Attempts to get law enforcement and policymakers to acknowledge it was possible. Victims have reported that the network’s members' criminal behaviors involve using wireless technology to subject victims to wireless assault, psychological abuse, coercion, manipulation, threats or blackmail demanding that they keep their silence or face more act of violence, harm or harm of their loved ones. It must be acknowledged that the network’s crimes vary from victim to victim . What most also be considered is these criminals have affinity for children, in which they have unlimited access to sexually abuse and violate and have been secretly exploiting and abusing those most vulnerable. Reports from victims that were affiliated with the government reported in an article that they “observed their children thrashing, moving violently at night”. Other victims not belonging to government reported observing red areas in the private areas of their infants that were not due to a diaper related issues, brand like markings on their buttocks and private areas that were derived from the wireless criminals technology being used on the children secretly as they slept. Moles near their private areas , from UV exposure by the wireless criminals subjecting babies to aggravated abuses by energy (moles are in children according to research occurs almost always due to UV exposure to the area) .

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Many victims reported the same experiences that government personnel did, while others have stated their experiences are far more invasive and involve more advanced methodologies. Wireless harassment is common in this crime, though diplomats have claimed they only heard sound in news reports. Anonymous criminals on this network also use wireless technology to communicate. They use some form of this technology to transmit their sound, allowing members to speak from what sounds like mid-air but results from energy carrying their sound through the air over long distances. These crimes are reported to be menacing, excessive, inescapable, frightening, and threatening. This aspect of the unknown sources of these wireless attacks have been downplayed and reports of this part of the crime has been disregarded. Victims report that the anonymous criminals engage in obscene and abusive harassment for the purpose of interfering with their lives, to harass, confuse, distract, disorient, humiliate and threaten them. Over time reporters state that its members use schemes, trying to convince them they are government agents and persecute them claiming they have committed an act that warrants the abuses they are subjected to. Other victims claim that criminals involved in this subject them to psychological abuse, negative commentary, insults, and racially-charged statements and sedition to encourage violence. Moreover, the wireless criminals also use other psychologically abusive tactics purposed to drive victims to act out, shape their thinking, encourage negative, high-risk, or criminal behaviors, disrupt one’s ability to work, engage in life, function normally, cause mental decline, and lead people to believe they have schizophrenia when they are actually victims of a crime that is targeted, predatory and goal oriented. There is no time to beat around the bush because this crime has disabled people.. New reports state that many government persons have been rendered disabled and have had to retire due to the crimes. There are also numerous victims outside the government that have

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documented their experiences on social media platforms. Some of these victims provide timelines showing that they were initially healthy before the crimes were enacted against them. Others reported state victims fell ill later on and some also reported terminal health problems. Additionally, many victims were also reported to have committed suicide or been driven to carry out acts of violence. Though the topic has been neglected, it should be quite concerning that several mass shooters claimed that they were victims of “electronic harassment” prior to their acts of violence and had previously reported or attempted to report such incidents. Some of the incidents reported that the online post by mass shooters offered details that are very similar to many of the reports made by government personnel in news articles. It would leave one to easily correlate the crimes with one another, or at least raise enough questions for inquiries. Though many may believe this association must be researched and explored more in-depth by law enforcement agencies, an anonymous source states that members of the wireless criminal network admitted their responsibility for dozens of mass shootings during the victimization. The individual also reported that they attempted to report such incidents to law enforcement as early as 2012, yet law enforcement refused to take the reports. Those reports that were taken were classified under “mental illness”, as result no investigation was advanced. Though one may not believe that the rise in mass shootings could be related to a hidden criminal network use of wireless and energy-based technologies, the claims are further validated by mass shooters who left video logs and other evidence stating that they were being violated daily by wireless crimes. For the recent incidences, due to reports of mass shootings being correlated with wireless crimes the criminals appear to have elected to now have been less obvious with their incidence. Not all mass shootings have been related to this wireless crime network but abundance of them appear to have been, based on reports from credible and

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anonymous sources. Given that, today, wireless crimes have been openly acknowledged by persons deemed “credible individuals” such as federal employees, law enforcement and their families, one should wonder why this information has not been enough to spark law enforcements interest in investigating the leads, given the risk to public safety. Many of the reports related to unseen and high tech criminals using stealth and energy based technologies were made years before the reports made by government personnel, which would only be possible if the crime was known prior to reports of attacks from government persons. This would mean it was indeed occurring - secretly. Living victims of the crime report being subjected to rigorous abuses over the years, and, in many documented cases, such as mass shooters Aaron Alexis (a military contract worker) and Myron May (an Attorney), in the video logs left after heinous acts of violence, both persons stated they were “driven” to carry out mass violence due to the abuses they were suffering by “electronic” means. Though at the time in which the two highly publicized mass shooters carried out their crimes, discussions of “Havana Syndrome” were not occurring. What is clear is that their claims were disregarded as reports from delusional persons. What is not yet correlated is the interdependence of the hidden wireless crime and its relationship with several incidences of mass gun violence ( and other criminality), though evidence left by the shooters clearly shows that a relationship exists. The question now should be how many people have the persons responsible for “anomalous health incidents” harmed, what other types of crimes are they involved in, why this domestic threat to public safety is not being acknowledged as a threat to the American people on a terrorist level and why has government not addressed it adequately.

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Until recent news reports involving White House personnel and government diplomats being assaulted by wireless energy-based technologies, referenced as “direct energy weapons” and “Havana Syndrome,” reports of persons claiming to be terrorized by wireless energy-based technologies were solely associated with mental health diagnoses rather than a hidden and high-tech crime. Which one should find rather odd given the fact that most of the technologies utilized by modern society includes : electromagnetic energy, radio frequency, radio waves, light, magnetic energy, microwave, sound waves etc. The use of WIFI for example utilizes “stealth energy” powering our internet , cable and other technologies. The use of radio waves also a form of stealth energy is utilized for communication and music. These same energy sources are also used by military grade weapons for long range communication and transmissions. Yet, until government persons began reporting their attacks it was unfathomable to many that criminals would exploit the same types of energy for criminal purposes. Another peculiar fact is that the reports of thousands of citizens which include government personnel , some former military persons, medical professionals, teachers, case managers, parents, students, service workers and others were not sufficient enough to be investigated by the government at any point. Only now, due to the repeated attacks on federal agents and diplomats, the government has elected to investigate this looming high tech threat. Wireless crime victims across the country and world have been reporting identical and more gruesome and invasive wireless crimes for decades than those reported by government personnel Many of these victims state they have been attacked by wireless energy daily while in their homes many reports state the persons reported being subjected to wireless and aggravated assaults to their heads, body and even penetration by the unknown source as they are asleep in their beds. They have reported being woken up by burning sensations, pressure and pulsating

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energy that is not visible but causes increased levels of pain, lethargy, memory issues, impacts to motor function and has even resulted in the development of chronic health issues that have left many unable to work. Some of the reporters that have tried to report the crime to their local and state law enforcement agencies in their cities claim they were detained and subjected to mental health evaluations for mentioning the wireless attacks, while others had their children taken, lost their jobs, suffered in their personal life, and faced financial consequences upon the attempts to speak publicly about this wireless crime. Many reported that they live in fear of mentioning the crime and have not made attempts to report it given the experiences of other victims who were treated harshly by law enforcement. Now the Pentagon, Homeland Security ,the CIA, and the FBI are reportedly making serious inquiries into crimes involving government actors who have reported they sustained injuries and became ill after encounters with unknown wireless technology. In 2021, Senators Collins, Warner, Rubio, and Shaheen introduced and approved the HAVANA Act, providing financial and medical assistance for injured government employees. But what about the thousands of hidden victims of the wireless crime that are actively being violated daily at present? Not addressing this level of crime for all has given the criminals the time to cause further harm to its non-government victims, children and adults, prolonging abuses that need to be addressed now. It may be a difficult pill to swallow, believing that a crime of this magnitude is going on under the nose of the public and government, but this is the case. The threat that is the wireless crime network does not appear to be intimidated by the interest of federal agencies in the recent attacks. According to victims, the crimes have continued. The network is actively violating thousands of persons, including children and adults in the United States and abroad, violating human rights, privacy, federal, state, and local laws, and it appears that they do not intend to

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cease without force. It is unlikely that a network of criminals secretly using wireless energy technology for crimes across the US and the world did not plan the attacks on government persons without an objective in mind. For decades, individuals have made attempts to report the wireless network; each attempt was met with acts arranged and successful at deterring reports from being taken and investigated. The question should be: why now? Why would a network that has desperately worked to conceal their organization suddenly start attacking federal agents and their families after making consistent efforts to keep their technology and organization hidden? Could it be possible that those utilizing the wireless technologies have an adversary? Well, this may be the case. Such technological abilities would not be easily accessible to the average high-tech criminal, nor would it be feasible for an international crime network to engage in large-scale crimes globally without the resources and manpower to do so. Not every criminal group has the financial capability to design stealth technologies, as it would take a specialized set of skills, large amounts of money, and military-grade supercomputers, blockchain technology or a working knowledge of wireless energy transmission, physics, aerodynamics, neuroscience, laser, stealth technologies, electrical and/or mechanical engineering. It would be reasonable to state that only an isolated group of criminals would have access to such advancements. The acts committed against government personnel may result from a homegrown, high-tech, nameless domestic terrorist threat and their transnational counterparts located in various countries abroad. This is certainly a crime that requires law enforcements commitment and ongoing government action for the safety of the American people and its allies. We must encourage law enforcement and policymakers to validate the reports of this bizarre crime from non-government victims, as these victims may hold the key to finding the “sources” of the wireless crimes.

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News reports have portrayed the use of wireless and energy-based technologies for aggravated crimes as “new crimes'' to the public. There are aspects of this wireless crime that should be known. According to victims, the wireless energy crimes occurring in communities around the country and world against regular people, specifically children and women are of a different nature. These crimes involve the use of wireless energy for high-tech human rights abuses, tortious acts, exploitation and are sexually perverse and violent remote criminal activities. In nearly every state across the United States and several countries, women with children can be found that have shared experiences involving wireless energy attacks and have reported being assaulted physically, sexually and even branded entirely remotely by anonymous persons using wireless technologies. The wireless crime reported by these citizens with no government affiliations has been taken with restraint. It appears the hidden network is managing a wireless pedophile ring and a racketeering business that sells access to children and adults for long-term exploitation and carrying out conspiracies to deprive its victims of access to liberties and opportunities, not only attacking decorated government personnel. The network is reportedly violating entire family units, those with increased vulnerability levels appear to disenfranchised to report the crime and therefore they are living while they are terrorized. Governments have no idea the danger the individuals on this network pose to public safety, to children, women, our government, military and its infrastructures. Reports from government persons who shared with the media that their children were also assaulted provide only a peek into another aspect of the wireless energy-based crime and the uses of the wireless energy for other types of criminal acts, those involving minors. Many people who died due to these crimes maintained social media sites where they logged their experiences as victims of wireless attacks. Many of these individuals committed

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suicide or died unexpectedly. The crimes were reportedly occurring up until the day they died. This would mean the network of criminals contributed and was more than likely responsible for the deaths and suicides of those persons. The question is whether the number of people are thousands or more, that secretly died directly due to a crime that was not acknowledged until the attacks on the government actors were publicized beginning in 2015. The suicides and other similar crimes have not yet been associated with the wireless attacks on the government personnel and may not be without public awareness, intervention and assistance. An anonymous source who was contacted about the wireless energy attacks discussed the account of longtime victims who stated the network has been utilizing its wireless technologies for secret crimes that in their opinion should be classified as acts of domestic and international terrorism. The reporter also added that the hidden criminals secretly have been using wireless stealth technologies to impact airplanes, telephone systems, emergency broadcast and communication systems, vehicles and medical equipment. The government must be prepared to brace itself because the network of high-tech criminals has been engaging in crimes for a long time, which has given them the advantage to control the narrative. It appears that this network does not take resistance for an answer, which is why law enforcement force is required. In this crime, criminals have complete discretion about their activities and the duration of the crimes they commit. With technological weapons and AI computing systems far more advanced and established than governments use, the network is free to carry out crimes indiscriminately. Their crimes involve wireless in-home and business invasions and the violations of the persons within them. Impacts to the brain, neurotransmitters, temperament, emotions and behaviors using stealth energy allows this to affect the individual in ways that harm the person without their knowledge. This network appears to be growing, and with that

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comes a group consisting of different generations of criminals bringing their skill-sets and an ever-expanding network that like most organizations will continue to grow in numbers and diversify its organization, technologies, and skills to ensure the continuity of their operations. Victims report that many of the persons heard during the networks use of wireless energy for harassment in their immediate environments belong to various age groups and backgrounds and are from different countries, most reports claim that the vulgar and abusive criminals are clearly from the USA and others from as far as the UK, Russia, Asian Countries and Australia. These individuals appear to have been given access and employment on the network for lucrative pay, which has aided them in evolving in their criminal practices and motivated them to commit themselves to these unthinkable crimes. Those familiar with the crime organization suspect that this organization was once a white supremacist group but has since expanded to include hackers, minority street criminals, researchers, black market physicians and psychologists, scientists, child sex criminals, cartels, terrorist groups abroad, street criminals, students and gangs. These persons work separately and engage in crimes collectively. This unification has made the network more powerful and increased its numbers. They have a lengthy criminal resume, one that has remained elusively concealed. According to one source, a victim, the network has been involved in major crimes, such as the use of technology for the secret assassins of people, organized mass shootings using victims of their crimes and random persons selected to kill and are conditioned secretly to carry out mass acts of violence, as well its network is heavily involved in orchestrating conspiracies based on race, class, and gender, organizing the in-person rapes of women, children and men, commissions of other crimes, violent acts, vehicular deaths and they maintain an ongoing surveillance of government agencies, are just a few of their activities.

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The criminals’ crimes are getting bolder and more flagrant. They have shifted from concealing their network, the existence of its wireless technologies, and preventing all reports of any crime involving the use of “directed or wireless energy” to allowing reports to succeed and even be reported on the news. This may very well be a scheme concocted as a devious ploy to commit other illegal acts. In “The Purloined Letter,” Edgar Allan Poe said, “The best way to hide is in plain sight”. It is exactly what this network has been doing. It must be considered given the history of the wireless criminals that have secretly operated for an unknown amount of time, and the networks documented sadist practices that it is possible that the decision to expose the use of wireless technology criminally by attacking diplomats, CIA, Intelligence Officers and their families is related to recent developments in the areas of neurotechnology, wireless communication technology and science. It appears that the worldwide network has remained hidden for decades, yet now there is a surge of attacks within years . Intentionally exposing their crimes before they are investigated may mean that the anonymous persons have already prepared themselves by hiding their members, traces of money, developing alternate means of engaging in their crimes, allowing evidence to be lost and have established themselves in a safe position so that moving forward, its members would be difficult to locate and stop. The government is likely to look to Russia, China, or other countries and governments for the source of the recent attacks but allocating investigation resources solely outside of the United States—given that there are thousands of United States citizens who have been living as “remote” chattel —would neglect the homegrown crimes here. Though a significant number of the reports of attacks on government employees have occurred outside of the United States, the government may be being directed to look outside its borders. The crime network is a transnational group of criminals and they have divisions across the world with persons who are

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also violating individuals and governments in other countries. It is known though not widely acknowledged that a secret network of criminals has actively engaged in crimes in the US for decades violating certain children, infants and adults. Needless to say, it can be assumed they have been preparing for the moment crimes involving wireless energy are openly discussed. It can only be hoped that the government is prepared to manage the threat and remain committed to locating the sources of these well concealed crimes and eliminate them. But without accurate knowledge about the network, its other activities , the refusal of individual law enforcement officers to acknowledge regular citizens as victims, take reports accurately and departments refusing to address constitutional violations related to this emerging threat, how can they be? The wireless network’s members are prepared to wage a high-tech war that the United States government seems ill-prepared for, and given the way reports of this wireless crime have been handled by law enforcement in prior years and currently, this problem is going to get much worse if not addressed appropriately. The bad news is the criminals have already started; they have just proceeded quietly through discreet acts of high-tech domestic terrorism, individualized crimes, targeting specific communities, persons of low socioeconomic status in higher numbers, use of intimidation, blackmail, extortion, coercion, allowing different types of criminal groups and organizations access to their network freedom to engage in a class of secret crimes that are so invasive that they render the individual helpless. Law enforcement officers, policymakers, judges, and their families and children are not safe, and neither is the public. No one is off-limits for these criminals. The network’s technology permits them to gain access to any person, home, or place and interfere with any technology. It can be speculated that if they elect to, they can access warfare information, military equipment, plane or boat systems—without ever stepping foot within thousands of miles of the areas. The network is not a friendly gathering of people that

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are using potentially deadly technologies as weapons; they are murderers, predators, con-artist, young, old, male and female perverts . They are high tech terrorists. They are not simply engaging in advanced “Peeping Tom” activities (as if that is a lesser offense) , watching people as they go about their daily lives, and broadcasting random persons on a hidden network for profit; they are molesting children and adults on a daily basis as they are in their own beds and homes using energy based systems that allow remote touch, branding, penetration and other aggravated acts. They are depriving persons of their legal rights and liberties and are willing to kill to keep those that speak out about their crimes honestly silent. On the network, its members use wireless and energy based technologies that enable its members to remotely subject unsuspecting people to psychological abuses, employing practices that align with those notoriously used by government agencies described as , “psychological warfare”, encouraging high-risk behaviors, inciting violence , introducing drug use, impacting emotional states, impacting physical and mental health, driving people to suicide, committing reoccurring acts of aggravated wireless sexual abuse and assault, murders, arranging for people to contract diseases like HIV and other STIs, conspiracies that focus on oppressing certain races, classes, sexual orientations, and denying people the right to work or obtain housing. The network attacks destroys lives and futures , one person at a time. These wireless crimes have been occurring right under the noses of the government and the American people. Unless the networks activities are casted in the light that openly exposes their crimes and government addresses the acts, their crimes will continue. Victims of this level of severe human rights violation could be anyone; this crime is not isolated to “certain” people though certain people do appear to be at higher risk of becoming victims. It is important to understand that this unmanaged criminal threat has complete discretion

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about who they violate. For decades , citizens have been forced to remain silent and as a result remain unacknowledged as victims. Though hundreds of government persons have come forward about the stealth wireless energy attacks, even in the face of medical evidence many have been forced to defend their accounts of the crime. The long disregarded capabilities of wireless, and stealth energy technologies and weapons have now revealed themselves to be a current issue rather than a future one. Recent news accounts featuring statements made by government personnel confirm that wireless energy-based attacks using invisible energy impacts brain function, health, breathing, and coordination. It appears that the “unknown source” using the wireless technology and the secret organization that has represented itself to its non-government victims during their crimes as “government agencies'' have pitted their victims and the government against each other in a brilliant scheme developed to ensure their crimes remain hidden. If the government thinks that victims of potentially the most dangerous crime in history are mentally unstable, and the victims think that the horrible crimes committed against them are carried out by the government, there exists a conflict. Victims do not report the crimes, and law enforcement ignores victims when they attempt to report these high tech atrocities. The criminals remain unaddressed and free to continue their activities. Before government actors disregard the countless attempts made by bold victims over decades to report the wireless crimes, consider that the anonymous people on the network have controlled the narratives of the victim’s lives as they violate them without circumscription. How would it be possible that thousands of individuals reported wireless energy based attacks by stealth energy more than two decades ago, if the first incidences involving wireless energy attacks according to the media and federal agencies occurred in 2015? That is unless the crime

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was occurring before that time – and it appears it was. However, these acts are not being acknowledged by government and law enforcement at this time. It appears that the idea that the only victims of this wireless and high tech crime are those associated with government and that non-government persons are not perceived as victims and cannot be victims, and are instead “mentally ill persons” , though the same claims as those asserted by government persons have been asserted. It is seriously doubtful that a high-tech crime network has developed a taste for only government employees and their families and no one else. It is quite bizarre that this thinking has not been aggressively challenged and deemed ludicrous. We should all question why government persons have allowed the public to believe that there are no other victims being violated and at risks of violations by this crime network, aside from government personnel. Without a resource in place to protect non-government persons , government personnel will remain at risk. They must realize that their lives extend beyond their appointments and if this level of crime is to be addressed then it must be investigated properly. A number of former and current government personnel and their family members are now disabled due to their attacks. Many of the regular citizens that have been complaining about this crime are also disabled due to the attacks and the trauma of living as an active threat that is not acknowledged for them, and therefore is inadvertently allowed to continued crimes against them. Government actors may be in a state of confusion about whether the reporters of this crime are mentally sound or unstable. Enduring abuses to the degree of those that have shared their experiences on social media, in interviews, the news or in the paper is bound to have impacts on the entire person. It appears causing mental decline and injury is an ulterior motive for the wireless source. This can be theorized by facts. Nearly all victims of this crime now have

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mental health problems or neurological problems, most were healthy prior the onset of the crimes. It is also true that it appears most long-time victims begin being violated in their youth, the normal process of aging , combined with the wireless attacks they have experienced are thought to have reduced the life expectancy of individuals that may have very well lived much longer. Declines in their heart function, development of cancers, strokes, and seizure disorders have been frequently reported. Victims of this crime are left with problems that impact their ability to work, recall information, think, function and live . It is reported that victims are expected to endure the crime, intrusions of their personal spaces, to watch as the criminals abuse and torture their children and keep silent. Although mental health problems are quite common, in this type of crime it appears the threat has acknowledged the value of injures to the brain and it should not be shocking. Society has treated mental health issues like plagues. The slightest trace trauma appears to disqualified a person from being able to discern if they are being attacked, specifically pulsated by stealth energy or being subjected to unwanted exposure to sounds, persons who appear to have developed a long range technologies that can transmit and isolate sound for menacing harassment thru the air, when they elect to. Several reports from persons who have made attempts to report the crime prior to government personnel and currently, all claim at some point for disclosing that they were being assaulted and terrorized by some unseen technology they were labeled “mentally ill” and then ignored, medicated, detained in some cases, and shunned in others. Such acts have inadvertently trained law enforcement to respond to the very real public safety threat that is the crime in a way that silences and penalizes reporters. Whatever happened to “See Something Say Something” ? Is that law enforcement initiative still active? Treating crime victims like they belong in a sanitorium has dug a hole for victims and sent a message to a

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wireless terrorist network that they can get away with their human rights crimes as long as they are able to get their victim labeled as mentally ill. It has also prevented a thorough investigation of their crimes and interfered with law enforcement, the media and policy makers ability to function according to the law and abolishing the threat as they have others that emerged historically. Victims who have reported their experiences over many years shared the horrors they have suffered through are exponentially worse than those recently documented in the news from government persons. As stated above, the anonymous victims contacted have shared stories that all involve constant, relentless, wireless, and aggravated physical and sexual assault paired with wireless harassment, psychological abuse, and actual conspiracies structured as “games” played by the patrons on the network using unwilling persons as pawns. Though victims do not view the acts of crime and abuse impressed upon them as “games,” apparently the members of the wireless network have inducted their victims into a for-profit racketeering circuit where they are not only use wireless stealth energy for the assault of their physical persons, while engaging in coercive verbal abuses that are purposed to drive victims to act out. It has been reported that its members use victims for actual live sports-like exploitation interchangeably. Different groups of criminals reportedly log on the wireless network, taking turns engaging in randomized abuses. Though you may not be familiar with such black market activities, on the dark web these types of happenings are well-known. Hidden deep in the dark web criminals play predatory games frequently using live broadcast feed . They stream live videos, where persons pay to gain access , and the most grisly of pursuits are sold to viewers. The dark web crimes are part of a lower class of hidden and high tech crimes in comparison to the ongoing activities of the hidden network. The network would like you to believe that their crimes are dark web crimes but the

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crimes of the hidden network are far more advanced, occur offline and in the homes of unsuspecting persons, and have reaches from one continent to the other. These sick persons view human rights abuses as “games” and entertainment and enjoy inflicting pain , suffering and agony while broadcasting live on minor children and adults as performances. Victims state they are being treated like property. A new form of revolutionary high tech crime now exists and the criminals are seeking to assert themselves to the population as a group that is to be feared – a regime of sorts. Few understand the serious implications of this crime and its challenge to democracy, government, human rights and liberty. For far too long the network and the technology its members use have been treated like a fairy tale rather than an imminent threat. The network exists, government accounts have now given credibility to reports from persons that have spent decades attempting to get law enforcement and government to take wireless and energy based crimes seriously and address the hidden network of criminals violating them. Many have reported that its members are using technologies that wirelessly allow their homes, technologies and bodies to be violated remotely by unseen groups of criminals that log on and off throughout the day and night as they are trying to live their lives. These victims with small child describe observing nightly abuses of their infants and toddlers, who spend their nights thrashing as they try and sleep as the stealth technology being used to violate them is assaulting their bodies. These reports have frequently been dismissed as “night terrors” and other sleep issues but many of these victims have documented UV like brands on the bodies of their children – which too are often dismissed as “dermatological problems”. In the face of evidence, these markings which often form letters, shapes, cartoons, emblems and words, would hardly be the result of nature – unless nature knew the American alphabet. Victims are tired of excuses and cover ups , dishonesty and fear . This threat has revealed itself to be one that has no regard for

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even the most vulnerable of lives. Many cannot wrap their minds around the idea of a person being deprived of their rights, privacy, having their physical person, brain and technologies violated , concurrently but this is no ordinary high tech crime . It is clear that the technological capabilities of the network extend far beyond those most would even be familiar with. What should also be apparent is the risk this crime poses for more than the isolated group of victims the network has violated. As this crime becomes more understood we will see that this network has been directly connected with the success of several acts of mass violence around the United States and abroad. The technologies used by the network transmits and exploits wireless energy, that is stealth in nature, interactive, possibly traveling thru walls, windows, the ground or ambient air and with their technologies the network can interact while physically in another location as if they were in same room with their victim using stealth energy. It is true that this crime defies the laws of what researchers and specialists in the field of technologies admit is possible. But it can be presumed that some of the professionals in the related fields of this crime have omitted information , for fear of their own safety. It is questionable whether we can rely upon the truth to be told when a network of violent persons can instantly access ones home , workplace, while they are mobile or in flight. The unknown capabilities include the networks technologies ability to simulate touch, smell, allows sound to be captured and transmitted and permits its members to the option to beam invisible forms of electromagnetic energy or use some relatively hidden black market system that allows them to feel and be felt from afar. Numerous victims interviewed reported that the networks members can transmit a wireless and entirely remote digital representation that can transmit , faces and arms that enable them to actually simulate touch from afar. Which means this has introduced a new means of aggravated sexual assault and abuse of

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children. Naturally, the value of such technologies would impossible to gauge. We know that in the past groups like NAMBLA attempted to push the appalling idea that adult men should be allowed to engage in sexual relationships with children. This network has groups that operate on that are forcing the idea that the wireless aggravated sexual of abuse of children should be acceptable because the criminals are using high tech technologies. Other members on this network who have similar interest in the violation of young and older women and men have similar beliefs. With their interactive technologies , its members invade homes of unaware persons engaging in aggravated sex crimes , leaving traces of their abuses , but most would not know where to look. This is more than a crime, this is a form of predation that can remain ongoing over years or decades if its members elect to continue crimes against those they violate. Therefore, entrapping victims into their crimes seems rather uncomplicated , especially when the crime cannot be reported . Depending on how the newest of high tech threats is managed by government and law enforcement , deprivation of human rights by wireless criminals may be the norm for many if this crime remains improperly managed. The reality is that the persons responsible for the heinous crimes have created innovative means to harm human beings. Failing to mention the thousands of persons that are non-government that have been reporting violations by wireless and stealth energy has truly placed the public at a disadvantage. But more importantly, it has downplayed a public safety threat that remains active until it is addressed. It is clear that for the anonymous persons responsible for the wireless crimes that their activities are about more than merely profit. Instead this crime appears to be derived from objectives to oppress certain groups, challenge governments power, perversions and control of the masses – subtly of course.

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Those persons that openly speak out about the crime claim they are forced to share their lives, children and families, and instead of simply living one life, they are forced to live two. They are being terrorized by a wireless threat that can transmit while they are sitting in a meeting at work or lying in bed and they nor the people around them can visually see the attacks and rather than reacting to the pain, they instead are forced to bear it, lest they want to be deemed mentally unstable and shunned. They still have all the responsibilities that persons fortunate enough not to be a victim of the crime have. When its members elect to they can make their presence known. The use of wireless sound transmission technology allows the network to communicate , not simply transmitting sounds or single words as described by several diplomats in interviews documented by the media. Non-government victims interviewed stated that at points members of the crime network have been heard making wagers. They claimed they heard actual communications from the anonymous members talking amongst themselves , bidding on outcomes, making jokes, auctioning victims and even disclosing what they planned to do to them. Which does not sound farfetched at all. Non-government victims have been deemed unreliable sources long before the attacks on government persons. This means there was and is no risks for the criminals encouraging more open abuses. Victims presume the sound is left to intimidate but also when the networks members are comfortable with the victim they are violating and they are assured that they are in positions where they are utterly powerless, its members proceed steadfast with their crimes. Until wireless energy crimes were reported by government the crime was said not to be possible by government and law enforcement agencies across the United States. Victims are expected to ignore the wireless harassment, pretending as if the very obvious audio of the criminals is not being transmitted. The criminals are described as being menacing, vulgar, racist,

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creepy, vindictive, persecutory, manipulative and intimidating. Acknowledging them incites wireless violence by the criminals. It appears the network is emulating features described in the mental illness schizophrenia which has helped conceal the crime. Mentally health people do not want to be classified as delusional and the criminals who can freely turn their sound on and off simply turn off their sound when needed, With no way to prove the criminals can transmit sound the victim is rendered helpless. Who carry on until they are acknowledged in a confusing cat and mouse game where they try and get their victim to react. The crimes, according to adult victims are exhausting, debilitating, traumatic, psychologically abusive, menacing, and inescapable. But consider what the child victims of this crime are going thru. Adult men and women violating them, being subjected to their bodies been prodded and tampered with by predators in their own homes and being forced to listen to the sick supporters of the disbanded group (NAMBLA (National American/Boy Love Association) and other international child predator groups, and have no way of their parents protecting them. Many may wonder where members of the group founded in 1978 have went. It is probable that they went underground and many of its members and supporters are now members of this wireless network. Law enforcement must open an investigation to find out. Otherwise, they are allowing this crime which indirectly shows support of it, according to opinions. How does one escape energy-based technology that is invisible? Exactly. Which is why victims need law enforcement and government intervention, or else they simply suffer and then die victims. With a crime network that has no barriers to deter their incidences of crime and no risk factors or penalties for their activities, there exist no motivation to cease their criminality. Victims with small children were contact and shared the horrors of watching their children thrash around at night, scream, sleep trying to protect their bodies, heads, privates and observations of

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markings, brandings, redness and scarring in areas where there should be none. They attribute the things they have observed to the wireless attacks and all claim they have experienced similar events at points during their abuses. The wireless criminals’ technologies can see, hear, and interact. It is doubtful that criminals would be able to cause brain injuries to CIA agents, diplomats and their families without visually being able to see their target. As complex as the brain is fragile, injuries could result in immediate death. Government personnel who reported this crime remains alive to day. This network has access to wireless black-market and noninvasive neurotechnology. Which creates an entirely new parameter of crime. Though you may be reluctant to accept that a criminal and dangerous group of predators has access to technologies and can violate anyone, their other interest is beyond major privacy violations but psychological abuse and victimizations that stem from such activities. In traditional violent crimes it is common after physical and sexual assaults that victims are frequently killed to ensure no witnesses remain. In this level of crime death can be considered a last option. There are methods used by this network to deter reporting , impacts to memory, concurrent abuses, threats of harm of children or family, causing disabling conditions, impacting livelihood, discouraging investigations by convincing law enforcement officers to refuse to take reports and to treat reports abusively. Such advance technologies utilized on unsuspecting persons is dangerous, and though you may be unaware of it, it has also had deadly consequences for victims and the public alike, secretly. Black-market wireless and non-invasive brain computer interface technology or the same of wireless energy for neuromodulation one of the criminals most hidden and dangerous weapons. Much like the technology they are using to carry out wireless energy-based assaults, the network also has and uses progressive wireless and noninvasive neurotechnology for not only assaults of the brain but

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to impact its function and the behavior and thinking of its victims. Its members have acquired technologies that allow them to intrude upon brain activity , translating brain activity into speech without wires, need for chips , over long ranges and entirely wirelessly. These methods have increased their criminal capabilities and their abilities to engage in human rights abuses in ways that are detrimental to their victims. But it has also enabled them to remain steps ahead of the government and its victims' attempts to stop their crimes. Developing identical technologies may be the only solution to prevention , as the answers to who the criminals are may lie deep within the subconscious of its victims without their knowledge. Neurotechnology may not be familiar to all but for quite some time it has been a table topic of neuroscience communities and various government projects. For just as long if not longer a crime network has utilized such technologies secretly for wireless human rights abuses aiding them in numerous crimes. The network’s neurotechnology can impact brain function causing aggression, depression, panic, anxiety, drug use, hypersexual activity, amnesia, erratic behaviors, and perversions, along with suicidal ideation and propensity for violence—and they have. It allows the anonymous users of the technology (in this case – referred to as “criminals”) to trigger states that are uncontrollable, impacting neurotransmitters, cognitive functions, memory, and emotional states without awareness of such violations. They can impact victims while they are awake or sleeping soundly within their homes, and since many of their most impact acts occur when unsuspecting persons are sound asleep, one would not be the wiser that they have been violated. Supplementing the use of their wireless technologies for aggravated offenses has aided the network in arming themselves with not only technologies that have aided them in the commission of their large-scale crimes but also the application of advanced psychological practices that, when used together, can cause significant harm to the individual

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and others. The crimes could be considered coercive in nature but considering that the criminals use stealth technologies that transmit wireless energy at certain frequencies that are not sensed because they are extremely low, maybe compulsion is a more appropriate description of the experience – according to reports. Regardless of what professionals in the field say about the existence or nonexistence of such developments that are wireless and noninvasive, consider that the criminals are running a hidden crime operation and they have many technological assets that have aided them in not only hiding their existence and activities but in carrying out crimes in ways that present no risk for them only those they violate. It is unlikely that researchers and scientists would have the knowledge about a hidden criminal enterprise that maintains an advantage such as the criminals on this network given that its members have the ability to turn their technologies at their discretion . Concealing the crime would be as simple as its members turning off the technologies they are utilizing during periods of attempts to detect their activities. Self-report has been key in this crime. It has been the reports of government personnel that has substantiated a crime that many non-government persons have been attempting to report for decades to no avail. It is also unlikely that many researchers would place themselves in a position for a dangerous wireless network to began preying on them, which explains why the data provided by scientist has been skewed , conflicting and contradictory on this particular crime , and almost always conflicts with logic. It is not farfetched that a network of criminals would develop and be actively using stealth systems that enabled its members to remotely carry out intrusive and even predatory crimes. In fact, it would likely that criminals would seek out more elusive means of engaging in crimes to reduce the risk of being caught and to increase their profits. Ultimately technology is only as limited as the persons who can take their ideas and bring them to life, which this network

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has certainly done. As it is known, criminals have access to unlimited amount of capital , a gritty labor force of willing participants that would welcome the opportunity to make money at any cost. Whereas research institutions are limited by red tape and funding in the areas of development of brain technologies and wireless systems, the criminal network does not have such problems and therefore has sped past the government and the private sector and is using technological developments—which published journal articles from prestigious institutions claim they’ve just invented or will not be possible for years to come—for secret crimes against individuals and the government. Advanced black market brain technologies have given the network an unmeasurable advantage in their crimes to carry out the violation of one’s neurological rights—anyone, anytime, anyplace. Before you become a skeptic, know that it is doubtful that a hidden criminal network and its activities would be known if they are hidden. Which according to government, up until 2015 this crime did not exist at all. Though this information is more than contradictory to the numerous journals exploring innovative wireless, technologies, photographs of non-government victims, research, complaints, books, FBI reports, video logs and social media accounts of regular citizens, who over decades reported identical and comparable incidences to those of federal employees, yet they remain completely unacknowledged publicly as “real victims” of wireless energy attacks. One might say the ability the wireless criminals have to invade privacy on a mass level has truly impaired the governments leverage over this threat. The criminals’ use of wireless technology to watch, listen, assault, communicate, and access all technologies utilizing any form of electromagnetic energy in environments at will is only the surface of their abilities. With the use of other technologies, this network does not only abuse, set up, traumatize, conspire and

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maintain long-term victims which they violate concurrently over years remotely, they disable and kill - slowly. With developments that enable access to not just one’s environment but one’s body and brain, well—there is nothing they cannot do. It is up to law enforcement to take a special interest in this level of crime if they are combat it—as its continued growth and expansion could mean terror on a much larger scale. The network is established and has managed its organization so well that for decades their activities have been mystified and casted as conspiracy theories, not by accident but by design. But the secret murders they have been responsible for and covered up are real, along with many of the victims who died in several mass shootings that were linked to persons who previously reported living as victims of this hidden crime and though this information has yet to be acknowledged , sources say they were selected and groomed to carry out violence for hidden motives that they themselves may not even be aware of. Mental health has been highlighted but what has been neglected is that many of the mass shooters over the last decade reported they were being assaulted by wireless technologies and some unknown source . It a tragedy that the loss of innocent children and adults who unnecessarily left their loved ones in mourning has not been enough to motive our government to delve deeper into this level of crime, even given the interest of public safety and national security. But there is a looming threat that persist that surely must be looked into. What should also be a major concern is that many non-government victims of this crime that remain alive have developed cancer in areas they are assaulted in, major health issues or died suspiciously. These are not mere coincidences or anomalies. But without investigation or research into these claims, this information is likely to be viewed as obstinate.

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In a documentary aired by 60 Minutes in 2019, diplomat Catherine Werner reported she was assaulted by wireless energy based technology in her hotel room ( also deemed “Havana Syndrome,” )while on assignment in Asia. She described her experiences being assaulted by the wireless technology, providing details about hearing sounds inside of her hotel room. During her interview she stated she woke up “with headaches every day, woke up tired every day, and the symptoms grew worse daily.” She described oscillating pressure and pain during the attack. She highlighted that other diplomats had experienced hearing loss and other impairments due to the use of wireless technologies in separate incidents and countries. Werner was simply doing her job for her country, and she was attacked by wireless technology. Though most would like to attribute what occurred to international threats solely, what is known is that in the United States, for decades individuals have reported that they are forced to live while they are beamed by some unknown energy-based technology daily. Often victims are not permitted to report the occurrences to law enforcement so statistics on these matters may be difficult to acquire. Countless victims have reported having their freedom threatened and being intimidated with commitment , experiencing patterns of abuse socially , impacts to their children’s behavior and lives that discourages future attempts to report the crimes. Victim contacted for commentary about such experiences agreed that they experienced the same circumstances though they have had no direct contact with one another. What is evident is the persons belonging to the high-tech crime network that are engaging in crimes in the US has used wireless technologies for crimes 365 days a year from coast to coast. It appears that thousands of individuals, at minimum are living while being subjected to wireless crime experiences far more violent and predatory than that of Werner and other government personnel daily—for some, twenty-four hours a day. Our homegrown high-tech

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problem is certainly not to be overlooked, rather explored, inquiries made, investigations initiated, and action taken by government to neutralize this increasing threat . Victims of this hidden crime, like Werner, were just living their lives and were preyed upon. Except victims of this crime have no platform and connections to the government or its resources. They are parents, siblings, children, seniors, young adults, students, and individuals who have no way to speak out. They are simply trying to live in peace. Many have expressed that they have made attempts to report the crime and failed, but for now, there has been no real success in getting law enforcement to launch an investigation into the crimes within their states and local jurisdictions even with the recent six-figure payments to government personnel injured by wireless attacks. In this crime a single act of wireless violence will almost always evolve to an individual being subjected to aggressive wireless crimes and surveillance , wireless stalking and terrorization to ensure they do not report the encounters they have experienced after the initial report is made, if it is successful. But surveillance is not the limitation of the networks intrusive actions by far. Its members arrange harmful circumstances to hinder the victim in many aspect of their personal and professional life. Waging an attack that is personal, overwhelming and violent. Reports state that the anonymous criminals arrange the most conniving events, from technological failures, to impacts to vehicles, sudden illnesses, car accidents, physical altercations and attacks by strangers , extreme lethargy and pain, to injuries, stalking, defamation , impacts to social relationships, incidences of infidelity, financial and emotional issues that are derived from both stress and wireless neurological assaults. This is not an ordinary crime involving a single motive or objective. This is instead a crime of a predatory nature. The objective is sadistic and sinister. If the network violates an adult with children, victims state they

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almost always violate the minor child and others within the family unit . It appears the anonymous criminal are not only opportunist but the goal is also to eliminate potential reporters . The crime, according to victims, is one that one can expect to learn to live with and will include regular: wireless aggravated assault by energy that burns, brands made by stealth beam that leaves markings , shapes, emblems, under the dermis, and penetration of the body(sexual organs, heart, lungs, breasts, private areas, kidneys, etc.); brain assaults ,causing varying levels of pain, headaches, blackouts, and impacts to memory and all other cognitive functions, attempted murder and wireless harassment twenty-four hours a day by individuals who use stealthy wireless sound transmission to transmit their audio through ambient air. Part of their psychological abuse involves the anonymous persons subjecting the persons they violate to anonymous individuals screaming profanities, racial slurs, berating statements, threats of harm to family or friends, perverted and obscene commentary, and persecutory statements claiming the victim has committed some wrong that has warranted the networks intrusion (scams) and menacing chanting of whatever its members wish to say . According to reports the network has been emulating features of the mental illness schizophrenia as a means of violating persons in the open by aligning their abuses with a well known mental health diagnoses to corner victims in their crimes. Mental illness has been use as a scapegoat to cover up the networks existence for decades. This reference does not include persons suffering from genuine mental health issues. It has also been reported that along with the wireless transmission of its members voices thru free space by way of energy, that frightening and ghostly sounds are transmitted, combined with rather advance laser-like displays. Victims have described being allowed to see projections of their neighbors inside their homes created by wireless energy, actual holograms, shadows, vortex like digital representations that suspend in midair and even interactive holograms depicting the

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shadow like figures of the criminals physical persons right in their own homes entirely using wireless energy . Its members can transmit hologram like digital interactive images mid-air, can see thru walls of neighbors and even colored lights, include the infamous description of pink-lights described by infamous Author Phillip Dick in the 1970s. Whether the victim is showering, driving, walking, flying, or sleeping, the network can transmit while eavesdropping anywhere a person travels. Its members subject victims to ongoing abuses that are relentless, sleep deprivation, psychological abuses, use schemes to confuse, technology to disorient and even try to force the victims to act in non legal ways – setting them up. For the fearful person simply seeking to be left alone, desperation to be left alone almost always results in this network convincing the victim that if they keep quiet or comply they will be left alone – which of course is never their intention. Victims state that the network has enough anonymous criminals logged on to subject persons to reoccurring abuses all day, in several states and around the world. Victims perceived as problematic are abused more frequently than others. This is certainly purposed to impact mental and physical health, interfere with liberties, and naturally it reduces life expectancy over time. The human body can only withstand so much abuse, lack of sleep, mental exhaustion and increased heart rate and blood pressure before health issues arise. It can be suspected that many victims remain silent and make no attempts to report the network because they are convinced it will only encourage the criminals to exacerbate their crimes. Those that have children are easy targets. They do not want to encounter situations that they cannot financially or legally take on or that place their children in increased danger. But the reality is that safety is impossible with a network of criminals that have no risk and high tech weapons at their disposal. It appears that often the network needs no motivation to proceed with their crimes but certain minority groups,

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those from low income households, single parent homes , minimal education, multiple children, poor whites and persons that have preexisting emotional and mental health issues are targeted for crimes at higher rates. The network is actively violating children and adults across the country, and no one is doing a damn thing about it. Recently Senators from several states appear to be putting pressure on the Biden administration to find out what and who is responsible for the mysterious attack on government officials, according to a CNN report. Victims seem grateful that Senators have taken bold acts and at least acknowledged the crime legally. This is at least a step in the right direction, however their constituents require stricter legislation that also protects them along with federal employees and just compensation for the failures of government on this matter. Non-government persons that are victims of this crime have been enduring life altering abuses and simply have been left to suffer. The source of the problem is what this book is about, or at least a major part of it. The source that the government is looking for crimes are not isolated to attacks on the government but also to attacks on the American people that government employees serve. Let’s hope that government officials grasp the seriousness of their recent attacks and take the proper steps. The crime network has apparently been misrepresenting themselves as government agencies to its victims, convincing victims that the government agencies in place to protect them are responsible for the crimes against them. As part of their many schemes , it appears that the wireless criminals have also used other schemes shifting the blame to other countries like Russia and China, making others believe they are responsible for the wireless energy attacks . It is not known whether other governments are using wireless technologies to attack the government but what is known is that a group of wireless criminals are managing a wireless international crime

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network that also engages in a new form of terrorism for crime and are using wireless technologies across the United States and are more likely responsible for the attack of government persons. Though other governments may own technologies that enable energy to be transmitted wirelessly, the crimes carried out against victims in the United States are the result of transnational high-tech network of dangerous criminals , some of which are American. Reports of government personnel being assaulted have breached contradictions into past suspicions. Many victims of the hidden network have been led to believe that the energy attacks they have suffered was due to whistleblowing, retaliation, malevolence or it’s the government. It is reported that the wireless criminals often use such schemes. It is revealed only now to be an attack on the government, its personnel, and the constituents whom they serve. Law enforcement and policy makers should be concerned; this network is ruthless, and they have done far worse than cause headaches, nausea, and oscillating pressure in one’s head—they also run a wireless child sex ring and an adult exploitation ring that tortures remotely, in which people on the network pay to take part in using the wireless technology to violate children and adults in their homes and as they drive, walk, and fly, inside, outside, and even in the air. The human rights abuses and related criminal activities of the hidden high-tech network require exploration and investigation. The crimes committed and the methods employed by this network are of a different nature—more sinister yet more discreet, intrusive, violent, and long-term. They have no risk of being identified and no legal motivation to stop their crimes, so they simply continue them secretly. Pressurizing or manipulating people into remaining silent using threats, intimidation and violence is one reason in which the crime is not well known. Without reports of the crime, it cannot be addressed. Criminals rarely stop committing crimes without law enforcement intervention.

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Though hacking is the most familiar computer-based crime today, this crime can hardly be considered a computer based crime. It is far more developed than that, though computers are used. It appears the network has paired actual devices, and physical technologies that transmit and/or exploit varying forms of wireless energy. The network is not exclusively involved in computer intrusion. The network engages in both cybercrimes and crimes outside of cyberspace—offline, in our communities, violating people within their homes and outside of them using interactive wireless technology. Their technologies transmit thru the air and have the ability to kill, making them a weapon. They never have to step foot in your environment. With complete freedom and virtually no risk, the network is actively maintaining a wireless black market crime organization that profits in many ways. A lesser known crime and one certainly that needs more attention is the network use of their wireless systems to engage in voyeurism and remote assault using energy. Several attestations from non-government victims state that the network has been selling access to children and adults remotely in their own homes for secret, nightly abuses and remote assaults by international and domestic predators who have formed a hidden group. With progressive technology that many of us would only think of existing in fiction, this network can accomplish criminal feats that few can imagine even to be possible today—using technology. Their advanced technology has removed the limitations that once confined criminals to cyberspace. Their black market technologies have enabled them to carry out crimes offline using digital processes. Using technology that is wireless, long-range, and interactive, the nameless criminals engage in acts to violate privacy, assault, traumatize, oppress, and harass remotely. Their technology is not limited and is instead limitless. It has helped the network to remain elusive, freely attacking and watching unsuspecting persons, children specifically, who are defenseless

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and have no way of escaping or protecting their physical persons. It is true that the anonymous criminals are committing many crimes, but the crimes against individuals should be most concerning. With wireless technology, the network can cause major health complications and loss of life, and given that they remain hidden, its members could easily cause health condition to develop and stage it to appear as if it were derived from natural causes or random external circumstances. Government personnel experiencing illnesses and disabilities was a prelude to what the network can really do. Longtime victims reported that they were healthy before the network begin their overt abuses, following which they developed major and minor health problems with their hearts, lungs, and thyroid, as well as headaches, cancers, digestive problems, breathing problems, and blood clotting issues. Some have had strokes and heart attacks; others report living exhausted daily. But there is a part of the crime that is not known to the government; victims of it have been sharing photographs of laser-like brandings and markings that have been left on the faces and bodies of the child and adult victims that they state result from the wireless network use of their technologies . The markings left on the faces and bodies of child and adult victims appear to be under the dermis in most cases. Photos of the victims under different lighting have unexplained lacerations, scarring, discolored tan lines in their nether regions that resemble UV lines normally obtained from sun exposure or tanning machines. These victims report never sun bathing naked and state in the areas where these skin discolorations are there is no explainable reason for the skin except for being exposed to energy of some sort. When photos are taken of these areas, upon photos of the area being exposed to various filters that are darken, lightened, the color, tint and saturation of the photos ( using techniques similar to a forensic photographer would use) reveal areas that were assaulted under the skin. Designs appear to be present along with actually

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letters and numbers.These abrasions of sorts, are reported being made by the wireless criminals energy based technology, more than likely purposed to identify ownership, catalog, communicate about, and publicly humiliate the victim. At first glance, if not identified, these laser-like marks left below the dermis might be overlooked as “normal” scarring however upon closer inspection the photos of victims under different filters (best when taken with a forensic UV camera) reveal letters, numbers, words, shapes, designs, racist emblems, and pictographic shapes left by the criminals for others on their network to view. This crime is not simply abusive; for some it has been deadly. The network has a number of old and young hackers who are involved in regularly accessing government computers and personal computers secretly, planting evidence, stealing information, setting people up, tapping cell phones, and committing other technological crimes. But given that their technology allow accessing of computers and cellphones without triggering notifications from intrusion protection programs it is probable that the network is using methods that model practices notably used by government agencies in the past. These practices include using radio waves and frequency transmission (forms of wireless power) rather than traditional hacking methods. RF is acclaimed for its ability to gain access to nearly any form of technology without requiring passwords or being detected. But they may be using other wireless energy means in combination with RF. The network does not need to gain access to a person’s computer or other devices to gain access to one’s private life or home. This is not that type of crime. This crime is more of a physical threat as the network uses methods outside of computer intrusion and instead in our environment. The criminals may never enter the environment of their victim physically. Nor do they need to with long range technologies. Instead , the network has adopted technologies that

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enables them to use some forms of energy-based systems that do not require wires or connections and do not require devices to be present within the environment of their victim. Interest in their child and adult victims lies not in simple data theft but in wireless, in-home and environmental exploitation and major privacy violations. The network’s members have been running a wireless exploitation network that profits from inhumane crimes including torture, selling access to children and adults for sexual exploitation, conspiracies, oppression of groups based on race, class, and gender, murders, keeping victims as their remote pets (it appears) over years. To add to their crimes its network engages in honey trapping schemes, scams, fraud, frame-ups, competitive victimization, depriving their victims of their liberties, etc. But this is only the surface of their activities. This network has turned human rights abuses into sport. The persons who make up this network never physically enter the environment of their victim, nor do they have to. Wireless and energy-based technology has equipped them with the ability to interact, communicate, and abuse remotely. The network is interested in treating their victims like digital property rather than people. Thus far they have done just that for decades. Secretly they have maintained a group of persons whom they have violated concurrently, some of whom state the crimes began when they were minors and have extended into their adulthood. Quite a long stretch of time to spend being abused. But with a crime that people do not yet know is established and actively poses a risk to their personal safety, the network maintains the upper hand. Victims still maintain the responsibility of sustaining their life through work, paying bills, and trying to keep some form of normalcy and sanity as a band of predators invades their space and body liberally without any escape, defense, or ability to speak out—these crimes have simply just gone on. What is alarming is that it has taken the reports of multiple persons that

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work in government for wireless and energy based crimes to be acknowledged as if the thousands of victims that have made attempts over decades are not “credible sources”. For lack of any other word, victims are actively being held as hostages by wireless criminals, and they can do nothing about it. But government officials and law enforcement can. The real question is: will they? Will they ignore the hidden victims who have been driven to financial ruin because of the network's conspiracies and violent crimes? Will they ignore the health symptoms imposed upon persons daily – headaches, lethargy, cognitive problems and pain? Will they ignore the connection this crime has to several mass shooters, who reported prior to acts of violence they were being assaulted by “directed energy weapons”? Let us hope not. Victims cannot just leave a situation in which a gang of wireless offenders is transmitting through the air in every place they frequent. Over time the network impacts their lives and isolates them to ensure they are in a state where the crimes can continue and the persons will not speak out ,their physical health declines, and their mental states crumble due to recurring violence and abuses. One of the most bizarre aspects of the network’s human rights abuses is that several victims have reported that various persons on the network stake ownership over them, referring to them as their property- slaves, and multiple victims state it appears that the technology is being used for not only voyeurism of them in their homes but their children, other families, and allows the criminals to have access to all personal information ( not simply social security numbers, but account numbers, investments, identity numbers, personal documents, work information and all information ones stores privately). The network's members have complete access to their victims' bodies, homes and children. It is reported that its members liberally use its technology to violate their victims, and at any time could harm them or their families fatally.

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The criminals are anonymous and they have complete discretion over what they do to victims and their lives. The use of wireless neurotechnology gives the network's members access to more personal information and allows them to take their psychological abuse to new levels. Numerous reports from victims state that they are subjected to verbal abuses by wireless communication technology (actual sound transmitted from afar into their immediate environment), and other forms of conditioning that overtime is purposed to make them neurotic and violent, and the goal is to drive them to mental instability, to commit suicide, crimes, to act out, to have mental breakdowns and in some cases they have encouraged victims to arm themselves, chanting phrases during their wireless harassment and aggravated assault using wireless technology, “If you kill the pain will stop” is a statement one anonymous reported the wireless criminals using. In addition to the use of wireless communication technology one should be concerned that this network is reportedly also using black-market wireless and non-invasive technology. Though this may seen very progressive science and research already has documented that such technological developments have been existence for quite some time. These technologies combined with wireless systems gives the network the ability to gain access to the brain and gives the network the ability to manipulate, impair , confuse and disturb normal brain function. The impacts though not studied at present, are can be theorized to be more detrimental to the individual than we can conceive. Victims state that on the network, persons select child or adult victims to buy time with for abuses and it appears that via computers and other technologies ( interactive systems that are haptic and simulate touch similarly to a VR system)victims can be interacted with remotely – victims can feel simulated touch of the wireless criminals remotely. This crime has advanced well beyond stealth beams for neurological injuries such as those described by the diplomats.

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Which given all the reports detailed in this book, one would wonder why criminals would dedicate their time to such long term abuses. As we know, there are persons in the world that are gratified by sadistic and perverted crimes involving harming others. The most well known individuals are often referred to as serial killers. The expansion of technology and its connective ability has seemingly spawn a new threat that is more modern and advance than those used in the past. The anonymous group of criminals appears to have adopted traits from those groups and infused them with sport-like activities. This network engages in black market games – racketeering. According to several victims the network competes against its members using their victims. They are involved setting up situations and hazards for their victims for amusement , money and other objectives as the persons watch and even cheer in the most extreme cases (sound is transmitted through ambient air and is audible). Victims have reported that they appear to be broadcasted for all persons logged in on their network to view and watch their private lives and suffering. This book seeks to shed light on a crime that for decades has impacted our communities secretly. This crime is more than just crimes against the government. It has other elements that are being concealed. It is also crimes against the public , our children, government , way of life, democracy and liberties. Law enforcement and policy makers have responsibility to make the proper inquiries into this uncharted territory that is wireless high tech crime.