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Understanding South Asia

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Table of Contents Introduction 1 1 South Asia Mountains 1 2 South Asia Rivers 1 3 Monsoons 1 4 Geography Questions 2 India 2 1 India Questions 2 2 Ancient India 2 3 Hinduism 2 4 Reincarnation 2 5 Sadhus 2 6 The Caste System 2 7 Hindu Deities 2 8 Puja 2 9 Ancient India Hinduism Questions 3 Indian Empires to Independence 3 1 Ancient Indian Empires 3 2 The Mughals 3 3 The British Raj 3 4 The Revolt of 1857 3 5 Independence 3 6 Indian Empires Questions 4 Northern India 4 1 Northern India 4 2 Sikhism 4 3 Northern India Questions 5 Western India 5 1 Western India 5 2 The Arts 5 3 Western India Questions 6 Central India 6 1 Central India 6 2 Jainism 6 3 Centarl India Questions 6 4 Central India Reading Assignment 7 Southern India 7 1 Southern India 7 2 Southern India Questions 8 Eastern India 8 1 Eastern India 8 2 Eastern India Questions 4 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 42 44 46 48 50 52 56 56 58 60 66 66 68 70 72 72 74 76 78 80 80 82 94 94 96 9 Economy 9 1 India s Economy 9 2 Poverty 9 3 Begging Gangs 9 4 Economy Questions 9 5 Reading Assignment The Servant in the Indian Family 10 Hindu Festivals 11 Indian Foods 12 Ayurveda 13 Family Life 13 1 Family Life 13 2 Marriage 13 3 Culture Questions 13 4 Reading Assignment Arranged Marriage 14 Pakistan Bangladesh 14 1 Pakistan Bangladesh 14 2 The Kashmir Coflict 14 3 Pakistan 14 4 Bangladesh 14 5 Pakistan Bangladesh Questions 14 6 Reading Assignment Kashmir 15 The Maldives 16 Nepal 16 1 Nepal 16 2 Trans Himalaya 16 3 Ethnic Groups 16 4 Nepal Questions 16 5 Reading Assignment The Gurkha 17 Buddhism 17 1 Siddhartha 17 2 The Four Noble Truths 17 3 The Eightfold Path 17 4 Buddhism Questions 18 Sri Lanka 18 1 Sri Lanka Questions 19 Bhutan 19 1 Bhutan Questions 19 2 Reading Assignment Driglam Namzha 20 Project Assignment 88 88 90 92 94 95 100 104 106 108 108 110 114 116 118 118 119 120 122 124 125 126 128 128 130 132 134 136 138 138 140 141 144 146 148 150 152 153 156

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How to use this tool The Great World Adventure is a guide or tool intended to provoke interest based learning It is not an exhaustive study We suggest you add books and movies to expand on your understanding of each region but also delve deeper into topics you find interesting Please be prepared to spend between 8 and 12 weeks per module and take your time to get to know the people the culture the food the art and the history of each region You will also find flags of the countries covered in this study at the back of this book Cut them out laminate if you want to and use them to memorize the flags of each country You can A NOTE ON FILMS AND BOOKS also learn to name their capitals or other information you would Please use your discretion We each like to remember have different levels of tolerance where violence and or sexuality is concerned We suggest that you read through the your book and watch and our children are of different ages the suggested YouTube clips we have linked through QR codes Please take care to select what will be appropriate for your family s values We would also like to suggest that you subscribe to the Premium Edition of YouTube while working on this book so that you do not have to watch ads Learning the names of rivers mountains and water bodies are important only in the context of understanding their significance and what impact they have on the people and history The geographic maps in this portfolio can be copied for practice In highly detailed maps we suggest you number and re number what you are trying to memorize with each copy you make Advanced Assignment Optional Design an exciting 10 day cultural tour of South Asia for your family Develop a proposed itinerary and a presentation to convince them to take the trip you have planned for them research facts about the destination schedule an itinerary of activities mark the location of each place on a map calculate costs for this tour and submit a budget 4 Understanding South Asia

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Going above and beyond Research traditional meals and ingredients from one of the countries you have learned about and use the meal as an opportunity to present your research assignment to your family and friends Invite a family or person from South Asia to join in your feast and learn from them about their country and their culture Beautiful cookbooks we have found Made in India Meera Sodha 978 1250071019 The Indian Cooking Course Monisha Bharadwaj 978 1909487468 Chetna s Healthy Indian Chetna Makan 978 1784725358 Khazana A Treasure Trove of Indo Persian Recipes Inspired By the Mughals Saliha Mahmood Ahmed 978 1473678569 The Karachi Kitchen Kausar Ahmed 978 0692141342 Land of the Curry Leaf Peter Kuruvita 978 1743365120 The Great World Adventure 5

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Breathing India 6 Understanding South Asia

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South Central Asia Explained The Great World Adventure 7

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8 Understanding South Asia

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Why is Mount Everest So high Why is Pakistan s Karakoram range so special The Great World Adventure 9

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10 Understanding South Asia

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What is a Monsoon 12 Understanding South Asia

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The Asian Monsoon The Great World Adventure 13

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1 4 Practice Map South Asian Countries 14 Understanding South Asia

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1 4 1 What six countries make up Southern Asia 1 4 2 Which of these six countries mainly practice Islam 1 4 3 Which of these six countries mainly practice Hinduism 1 4 4 Which of these six countries mainly practice Buddhism 1 4 5 Name the countries that border South Asia The Great World Adventure 15

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1 4 Practice Map South Asian Mountains Rivers 1 4 1 How were the Himalayas formed 16 Understanding South Asia

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Geography Now India India s Geographic Challenge 18 Understanding South Asia The Red Dot on an Indian Woman s Forehead

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Welcome to India What is exactly is a dhoti or mundu The Great World Adventure 19

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2 1 India Questions 2 1 What is the capital of India 2 1 2 What makes India a country of great diversity 2 1 3 What does the dot on an Indian person s forehead mean 2 1 4 What is the tradtional dress for an Indian woman called 2 1 5 Can you research and list at least four langauges spoken in India 2 1 6 What climate zones can be found in India Can you describe the characteristics of each CLIMATE ZONE 20 Understanding South Asia MAIN CHARACTERISTICS

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2 1 7 What is a wet monsoon 2 1 8 What is a dry monsoon 2 1 9 How does the monsoon affect people who live in India 2 1 10 Why can a large population be a challenge for a country The Great World Adventure 21

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What Was The Indus River Valley Civilization 22 Understanding South Asia Sanskrit Language History and Origin

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History Summarized Ancient India History of India for Kids Playlist Hinduism Introduction Core Ideas of Brahman The Great World Adventure 23

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24 Understanding South Asia

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What is Hinduism Why Are Cows Sacred in India Indian Namaste Do s Don ts The Great World Adventure 25

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Hinduism Reincarnation 26 Understanding South Asia What is Dharma What is Samsara The Egg A Short Story

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India s Snakes Ladders The Great World Adventure 27

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28 Understanding South Asia

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4 Stages of Life in Hinduism The Way Home A Sadhu s Jouney The Great World Adventure 29

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Buddha and Ashoka Crash Course Is India s Caste System Still Alive 30 Understanding South Asia

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Why am I Untouchable The Great World Adventure 31

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Hindu Gods Overview 32 Understanding South Asia

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The Hindu Interpretation of Creation Overview of Hindu Gods Indian Pantheons Crash Course The Great World Adventure 33

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Why Puja Is Necessary to Maintain Hinduism What is Puja 34 Understanding South Asia

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Why Do Indians Hang Lemon And Chili in Front of Their Doors Rites Rituals Naiveda Prasad Significance of applying tilak The Great World Adventure 35

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2 9 Ancient India Hinduism 2 9 1 Who were the Indo Aryans that settled in India 2 9 2 Which people did they displace 2 9 3 Why was the civilization considered advanced 2 9 4 Why was it called the Vedic period 2 9 5 What deities did the Indo Aryans of ancient India worship 36 Understanding South Asia FILM DOCUMENTARY Ancient India Mohenjo Daro 2016 Baahubali The Beginning 2015 BOOKS The Illustrated Mahabharata The Definitive Guide to India s Greatest Epic DK 978 1465462916 Ramayana Divine Loophole Sanjay Patel 978 0811871075 Ancient India For Kids Baby Professor 978 1541917804 The Elephant s Friend and Other Tales Marcia Williams 978 0763670559 The Gita for Children Roopa Pai 978 9351950127 Vedic Stories from Ancient India Ananta Sakti dasa 978 8187812791

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2 9 6 Is Hinduism related to Christianity Judaism or Islam in any way 2 9 7 How can one god be represented in thousands of forms 2 9 8 What is polytheism 2 9 9 Why is Hinduism not polytheistic 2 9 10 What does the greeing namaste signify 2 9 11 What is reincarnation The Great World Adventure 37

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2 9 12 How would you define dharma 2 9 13 How would you define samsara 2 9 14 How would you define moksha 2 9 15 How would you define karma 38 Understanding South Asia FILM DOCUMENTARY Ancient India Mohenjo Daro 2016 BOOKS Classic Tales from India Vatsala Sperling 978 1591433866 Ancient India For Kids Baby Professor 978 1541917804 The Elephant s Friend and Other Tales Marcia Williams 978 0763670559

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2 9 16 What is a Sadhu 2 9 17 What do the hand symbols that Sadhu s use represent 2 9 18 How does Indian society feel about Sadhu s in their communities 2 9 19 What is a caste 2 9 20 In what way is one s caste linked to one s dharma 2 9 21 How would Hindus believe a person s karma affects the caste they are born into The Great World Adventure 39

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2 9 22 What impact does the relation with caste and karma have ton whether people can escape or move from the caste they were born into 2 9 23 Name and describe at least three of the Hindu Deities you are familiar with 40 Understanding South Asia

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2 9 24 What is puja and why is it practiced 2 9 25 What is a shrine 2 9 26 What happens to the food that is sacrificed to the gods The Great World Adventure 41

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Ashoka the Great Rise of the Mauryan Empire History Summarized Classical India Achievements of the Gupta Empire Indian War Elephants 42 Understanding South Asia Emperor Ashoka s Influence on Mauryan Art

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The Great Chola Dynasty of India Kings Dynasties of India That Time the Indian Kingdom Invaded Southeast Asia India During the Medieval Empire Sack of Delhi 1398 The Taj Mahal The Great World Adventure 43

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The History of the Mughal Empire Mughal Empire Under Akbar 44 Understanding South Asia

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Maharashtra in the 17th Century The Most Deadly Cursed Diamond in the World The Great World Adventure 45

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History Summarized Colonial India The East India Company 400 Years 46 Understanding South Asia

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The Anglo Maratha Wars British Conquest of Maratha How an Indian Servant Became Queen Victoria s Closest Friend The Great World Adventure 47

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Gradually India started to revolt against British rule Several rebellions broke out but it was the revolt of 1857 which became the launchpad for the struggles for independence Indian soldiers who fought for the East India Company knew that the British discriminated against them based on their religion and caste But when they issued them each a new Enfield P 53 rifle the Hindu and Muslim soldiers were outraged The rifle used cartridges made out of fat extracted from beef and pork which soldiers had to bite to load the rifle Since consuming beef and pork is against their religious beliefs the soldiers believed the British were trying to convert them to Christianity sparking a widespread rebellion A revolt broke out when a soldier called Mangal Pandey attacked a British sergeant and wounded an adjutant General Hearsey ordered another Indian soldier to arrest Mangal Pandey but he refused The British arrested both and executed them for treason All other soldiers of that regiment lost their places in the army On May 10 1857 a group of cavalry broke rank during a parade and started moving towards Delhi They approached the Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II and asked him to become the leader of the rebellion He agreed unwillingly but with his support other important Indian leaders of royal families joined the rebellion and started fighting the British The British were initially slow to respond but then took swift and brutal action They redirected thousands of forces from Russia and China to India surrounded Delhi took it and quashed the revolt At least 100 000 civilians and 50 000 soldiers were killed As a result of the rebellion the British parliament withdrew the British East India Company s right to rule India and started ruling India directly through its representative called the GovernorGeneral It made India a part of the British Empire It promised the Princes Chiefs and People of India equal treatment under British law In 1877 Queen Victoria took the title of Empress of India and the Viceroy of India ruled India for her The Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II who supported the revolt was banished and died in Burma in 1862 The Mughal dynasty which had ruled India for about four hundred years ended with his death The British also took many steps to employ members of Indian higher castes and rulers in the government They started employing Indians in the civil services but only at lower levels They stopped taking the lands of the remaining princes and rulers of India They stopped interference in religious matters They increased the number of British soldiers and allowed only British soldiers to handle artillery 48 Understanding South Asia The Indian Rebellion of 1857

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The Great World Adventure 49

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Indian National Movement Indian Freedom Struggle 50 Understanding South Asia In Memoriam Jallianwala Bagh Massacre